how to paste sonar link on jenkins - sonarqube

I have set up jenkins with sonar to analyse my project which is in ANT.
I invoked the "Staandalone sonar analysis" with the path to the properties file and it runs fine, but after the test completes it does not create the sonar folder to see the results so how do i make the sonar link available to my end users on the jenkins page so that they can easily click to see the results

You're facing this limitation:
We have several issues opened on this "link" topic, and we'll work on them all during the next sprint on the Jenkins sprint (you can find and watch them on our JIRA instance).


How to do dynamic reporting in TeamCity

I have a TeamCity project that runs Jmeter via Maven in a build called "PerfRunner" under the project "Audit-Service-Performance". When it runs Jmeter produces a target dir with a report html file, index.html.
I want TeamCity to create a report tab with the latest report from the latest successful.
Folder structure relative to artifact:
The problem is that the time_stamp in meter-deng-audit-standalone_time_stamp is auto generated and therefore changes with each build.
When I try to create a report tab I do a project or build report tab I tried:
target/jmeter/**/index.html. But it doesn't generate the report tab.
The only way I can get it to work is if I address a static file for a particular build which of course wont be the latest once a new build is run.
The MVN command runs clean. How can I make it dynamic?
You need to publish this index.html page as the build artifact. If you want to share the page with the others you can go for one of the following patterns of accessing build artifacts:
You can also consider using JMeter Teamcity Plugin - it adds Performance Statistics tab where you can observe performance trend for last builds
Check out How to Run JMeter Tests with TeamCity for Continuous Integration article for more information on how to configure JMeter to work with Teamcity

Integrated JaCoCo results in SonarQube using Jenkins Maven Multitarget-App

after fighting now with integrating JaCoCo results into my SonarQube to see code coverage for more then one working day, I will try to open another post regarding this topic, because the internet is really messed with postings.
SonarQube: Version 6.7.2
Maven: 3.5.2
Windows Server2012 R2
I successfully integrated Sonar Scan and results are published. I added the configuration for JaCoCo in the pom.xml of my application and the result files are generated after the build and just using the JaCoCo Jenkins plugin they can be displayed on the Jenkins dashboard. But I did not figure out what Analysis properties the Jenkins action "Execute SonarQube Scanner" needs in order to import the results and display them.
Is "scan" the correct operation or do I need something else to trigger the import?
I saw so many variantes of giving JaCoCo and Sonar the correct parameters, that I do not have a clear picture any more. Any hints maybe looking at my parameters?
As described in the docs, since you're building with Maven you should analyze with it too. There's some global setup you want to do (see the docs) but once that's done, you'll add this to your job instead of your current SonarQube Scanner build step:
Note that this needs to come after your build and test execution. The JaCoCo reports should be picked up automatically.
I successfully integrated it now with these Analyses properties and it is working.
sonar.login =
sonar.password =

TFS code analysis for java/maven projects

I have a brand new TFS2018 test installation and try to run a maven build with sonarqube analysis.
The sonarqube extension is installed from the marketplace and configured to use our internal Sonarqube. I added the prepare and publish SonarQube steps to my build like described.
In the prepare step I can successfully select my SonarQube endpoint from the drop down box.
When I now tick the "Use SonarQube" check box in my maven task the SonarQube-Endpoint drop-down box is empty. My SonarQube-Server "Heuboe" does not show up. Even if I type it in the box stays invalid.
Any hint what's going wrong? Does anybody now how to file an issue to SonarQube directly. I can view issues under:
but I didn't find a way to report one.
The Maven task is expecting a Generic Endpoint. The SonarQube extension adds another type of endpoint specifically for SonarQube, which the built-in Maven task has no awareness of.
Version 2.* of the task (which should be selectable from the dropdown menu for the task) has another method of running SonarQube, which will use the endpoint defined in the Prepare Analysis step.

Adding a new project to Sonar v.2.9

I am using sonar to review my code for a java project. the version that I am using is v.2.9, I am using sonar for the first time. I have no idea how to add project in sonar server.
Please help on this
There's no option to "add" a project in Sonar from Sonar UI. Projects are automatically added to Sonar whenever a successful analysis occurs.
I'd suggest you the following :
Upgrade to a more recent Sonar version.
Read the analyzing source code guide where you can find instructions for all available methods to trigger a new analysis
Update : Sonarqube allows (I think after 5.x version) provisioning of projects as described in their documentation
With Administrator role, you can "Provision" a project.
Log in as administrator
Select Settings from the menu
Select System -> Provisioning from the sub-menu
Click Create (at the very far right of the frame)
It's pretty straight forward with the newest version. All you have to do is installing as the guide. And it will prompt a command which you need to execute with your build tool at the project folder.
For an example for maven it would be like
mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.login=4aa32e977ab1513e3fe5c3ac0c7883528d01a5e8.
With a command similar to this reports will be sent to the Sonarqube. And code analysis will be done

User specific sonar reports for same project

I have configured one project in sonar and integrated sonar with maven for build time analysis of the project.
After analysis, report is generated and uploaded to Sonar for browsing. But once another user compiles the same project their report overwrites mine.
Basically I want that one user's report on one project is not overwritten by report from other user. A user must be able to see their current violations independently. Is it possible in Sonar?
Sonar stores it's analysis on a daily basis, which explains why it's kind of pointless to run analysis several times in a day. Each analysis run will overwrite that day's existing results, which in turn spoils ongoing statistical analysis.
I would suggest running Sonar, from a dedicated build server like Jenkins (which has a Sonar plug-in). This daily analysis will populate the Sonar database and keep the project dashboard current. This architecture also enables you to keep the database credentials confidential.
Obviously developers would like to see the results of their bug fixing. For that I'd recommend running the Sonar Eclipse plug-in. The latest version will run the same Sonar analysis locally. Recent versions of Sonar also enable you to assign violations to developers for resolution.
This is not possible, last performed analysis will always be the one you browse in the interface. However, I guess what you need is the Issue Report Plugin which will enable analysis to store results locally, with the dry-run option.
This way your developers will be able to run an analysis on their code and see the violation delta without pushing the results.
You can do it by explicitly setting the below properties in pom.xml
Every user should set different projectKey and projectName, if you want that one user's report on one project is not overwritten by report from other user.
