Integrated JaCoCo results in SonarQube using Jenkins Maven Multitarget-App - maven

after fighting now with integrating JaCoCo results into my SonarQube to see code coverage for more then one working day, I will try to open another post regarding this topic, because the internet is really messed with postings.
SonarQube: Version 6.7.2
Maven: 3.5.2
Windows Server2012 R2
I successfully integrated Sonar Scan and results are published. I added the configuration for JaCoCo in the pom.xml of my application and the result files are generated after the build and just using the JaCoCo Jenkins plugin they can be displayed on the Jenkins dashboard. But I did not figure out what Analysis properties the Jenkins action "Execute SonarQube Scanner" needs in order to import the results and display them.
Is "scan" the correct operation or do I need something else to trigger the import?
I saw so many variantes of giving JaCoCo and Sonar the correct parameters, that I do not have a clear picture any more. Any hints maybe looking at my parameters?

As described in the docs, since you're building with Maven you should analyze with it too. There's some global setup you want to do (see the docs) but once that's done, you'll add this to your job instead of your current SonarQube Scanner build step:
Note that this needs to come after your build and test execution. The JaCoCo reports should be picked up automatically.

I successfully integrated it now with these Analyses properties and it is working.
sonar.login =
sonar.password =


Export explicit Jacoco it report to sonarqube 6.7

I'm not able to see the Integration Tests in new sonarqube 6.7 version, here is what I'm doing,
Run Sonarqube task with Gradle to generate the report along with code coverage.
Here, Sonarqube is by default invoking test task and using the test.exec file from build/jacoco generated by Jacoco plugin.
However, I've a task depends on the test task to place an integrationTest.exec report in the build/jacoco as the integrations tests are run outside build(for some reason)
Though I place the integrationTest.exec file explicitly while Sonarqube execution it is still not considering the report and due to which I do not see any change in the coverage computed also I do not see Integration Tests section under coverage like I see Unit Tests.
Firstly, I would like to understand that whether is it feasible to export the integration tests result like I did above or not?
Second, is the latest Sonarqube having the capability to show integration tests report in the coverage section?
Your comments would help me.
Thanks in advance!

Exporting Jacoco*.exec files to Sonar without Maven or ANT or Jenkins

I don't know if this has been asked before; from a quick search I couldn't find anything relevant, but please do forgive me if I've missed it.
My question is we need to send the jacoco.exec output file to Sonar without using any other tool like Jenkins etc.
Below are the steps we did to configure Jenkins & Sonar
Jacoco agent code is setup and injected into our Application server (with WAS Console)
SonarQube is installed and configured in another server
When we perform manual execution on the application, jacoco is generating a Jacoco*.exec output files (File is in binary format)
Our challenge is how do we send this output file to Sonar, such that it reads and generates reports in a readable format?
PS. When integrated this with Jenkins and Maven, we are able to export this report to Sonar and see the reports properly. But, without using Jenkins and Maven, is there a way to export the Jacoco.exec file to Sonar and generate the reports??
Hope I am clear with my question. Please respond if any part of the question is not clear.
Thanks in advance for ur help!!

How does SonarQube knows which sensors to run for build?

I have following situation - in Teamcity I set up two builds for sonar
First - by use of maven sonar:sonar
Second - with special teamcity step "SonarQube"
In the second case I see in sonar logs that it run Jacoco sensors, but in the first case, when running from maven, Jacoco sensors did not start.
So, I have a general question about this situation - who controls which sensors will be started for a build? Is it some environment variables that I should setup for maven, or is it somehow controled by SonarQube server?
Sensor itself describes when it should be executed - see and

Where does Sonarqube collects data from?

Last day I was configuring a jenkins job to run sonar on my java project. I had sonar and jacoco plugins configured in my job. Sonar was throwing some error for which my sysadmin asked me to remove the jacoco plugin configuration from job. I removed and now sonar is saying it cannot find cobertura.xml.
So I am curious to know if sonar does analysis on already run jacoco or cobertura task or does it runs its own coverage analysis?
Short answer : In general, coverage is imported to SonarQube by reading a coverage report generated prior to any work of sonarQube.
Longer answer : Historically (read, about two years ago), SonarQube used to try to run coverage tool for java. This was a nightmare to maintain for every use cases and as such it is now up to the developers to provide a coverage report to SonarQube which will only act on those data (linking them to source, compute metrics, display them nicely).
In your case, that means you most probably have the cobertura plugin installed on your SQ instance and it is looking for a report to import.

SonarQube not picking up Cobertura code coverage

I am analysing a Java project that has been unit tested and Cobertura coverage.xml reported. I am using SonarQube 4.1.1 and latest Sonar Runner. I have successfully imported Cobertura coverage results to Sonar 3.2 and Ant analyzer, but with this new version I am running into problems. In the new Sonar analysis execution (through Jenkins) I see no reference in logs that it would have started any Cobertura engine or anything. My settings in Runner Jenkins project:
No mentioning of Cobertura in the analysis output (except my own property values) and SonarQube page shows "-" in coverage report. Unit test results are shown fine.
I have also added all source, bin, and test directories. Any ideas? Thanks.
I wonder if the reason why Cobertura coverage is not reported on SonarQube page, is because in Jenkins my SonarQube project clones (Clone plugin) the workspace from a previous Project build? If the coverage.xml file contains static paths, then maybe it goes wrong somehow.
Ok the solution was quite obvious. SonarCube 4.1.1 does not come with Cobertura preinstalled, so I installed it and now it works :) Maybe it was preinstalled in 3.2 version, I can't remember.
For any "reuse reports" feature in SonarQube (may it be for code coverage, test execution or any other third-party tool that generates a intermediate report), the report must be generated based on the same source files (in terms of file system location) than the ones that will be used for the SonarQube analysis. Otherwise the SonarQube plugins won't be able to match paths from the reports with paths of the analyzed sources.
So you guessed it right: cloning the workspace and running the SonarQube analysis on this clone is the reason why the coverage can't be computed.
The root cause of this problem is that SonarQube does not support Cobertura format and you need OpenCover, or dotCover format. Using reportgenerator is one of the solutions but it's unnecessary complicated: you can make "dotnet test" command to return the report in Opencover format by passing special parameter and then pick up the Opencover report.
dotnet test --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" -- DataCollectionRunSettings.DataCollectors.DataCollector.Configuration.Format=cobertura,opencover
to get two reports: one in OpenCover format for SonarQube and default Cobertura for Azure DevOps.
Now you can specify the path to OpenCover report in SonarQubePrepare task.
There is also detailed article on this here
