Aligning NSImageView so that it fills in bottom side of NSWindow - xcode

I'm a total absolute NOOB in Mac Apps so be gentle ;). Read some documentations, and jumped right in. Still continue to read but I can't figure out how to align/resize the NSImageView to the NSWindow it is in (after user resize the window).
For example, this is default run state (the NSImageView is the big rect with a border at the bottom):
Then, if I resize the window, the NSImageView's height kinda stays as before,
but the width kinda follows the window (but I don't know how I accomplished that).
See here:
Thanks for reading. Please help.

I found out the solution - which is a simple AutoResizing mask.


NSTextView doesn’t work when placed near the top of an NSWindow

I have a window with a fullSizeContentView and a transparent titlebar and hidden titlebar.
I don’t even want the titlebar, but I had to enable it to get rounded corners on the NSWindow.
An NSTextView, when placed near the top edge, doesn’t react to any clicks. It doesn‘t let me select any text, and doesn’t let me click links I added via NSAttributedString.
This issue disappears when I disable the titlebar altogether.
Any Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Big Context
I’m trying to implement little “in-app notifications” that show peripheral status updates. I considered using NSAlert but I don’t want to prevent the user from interacting with the rest of the interface while the notifications are showing, so I decided to implement it myself.
The notifications are little, non-movable windows without a titlebar. They are basically just grey rectangles with rounded corners and a shadow that draw inside the main application window and contain one or a few lines of text. The first line of text is almost entirely behind the invisible titlebar which is why I’m having issues.
The only thing I need the notifications to do besides display text is link to webpages that contain more info about a notification’s message.
I feel like I might be approaching this wrong. If you have any suggestions or ideas on how to solve the problem, I’m eager to hear them. Thanks!
I finally figured it out!
I nailed it down to the contentInsets of the NSScrollView. (which your are for some reason forced to have around your NSTextView when creating it in Interface Builder)
The contentInsets were automatically being set to account for the invisible titlebar, even though the docs say that NSScrollView - automaticallyAdjustsContentInsets (which is set to YES by default and which I assume was causing this) doesn't do automatic insets for transparent titlebars.
After programmatically setting the scrollView's contentInsets to 0, everything works great!
In Objective C, you can set your scrollView's contentInsets to 0 like this:
NSScrollView *scrollView = (NSScrollView *)self.textView.superview.superview;
scrollView.automaticallyAdjustsContentInsets = NO; // Doesn't remove insets // Probably calling this too late
scrollView.contentInsets = NSEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0);
Here's a working example.
Hope this helps!

When exactly does an NSWindow get rounded corners?

(I found several similar questions, but nothing quite the same. Some were older than the OS in question. Some were doing crazy things, like completely custom windows. Nobody I found has instructions for how to make a perfectly ordinary window work correctly.)
Starting in OS X Lion, standard windows have had rounded corners. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble replicating this in my application. When an NSView is pushed against the corner of an NSWindow, sometimes it stays clipped to the round NSWindow, and sometimes it escapes and makes a square corner.
I haven't been able to figure out a pattern yet.
Even NSViews that "draw their background" sometimes force square corners, so it's not that.
My custom NSViews make square corners (am I responsible for checking my position in the NSWindow, and clipping to that, if I'm near the edge?), but some standard Cocoa controls do this, too.
For example, make a new Cocoa project, put a (scrolling) NSTableView or NSTextView in the main NSWindow, and add layout constraints so it follows the edges of the window. The bottom corners are square! The Finder, in contrast, has (what looks like) an NSTableView, right up against the bottom corner of the window, and it's rounded.
How do I make an ordinary NSWindow, with the proper round corners on the bottom?
The flag to set, in order to get NSWindow to clip its contents to its actual window border (why the heck isn't this the default?) is NSView's wantsLayer.
In code: contentView!.wantsLayer = true, when the window is loaded.
Or in IB: select the root View of your Window, and then in "View Effects inspector", check the box next to it in "Core Animation Layer" (even if you're not using Core Animation).
Meta: the documentation for wantsLayer talks about a lot of complex things that don't seem at all related to window shape or clipping, and it's not even a property of NSWindow, while NSWindow has some flags that claim to be about window corner rounding but which don't work any more, so I'm not sure how anybody is supposed to discover this, except by spending 2 days on trial-and-error. I hope this answer helps somebody else!

Adding an NSView at top left and filling window

I am programmatically adding an NSView to an NSWindow. I want to have the new view appear at the top left and fill the entire window.
I have been messing around with autolayout and manually setting frames and autoresizing masks (not at the same time, obviously), but I'm getting nowhere. Either the view doesn't resize at all, or it resizes proportionally (using autoresizing masks) but it won't fill the entire space. I must be missing something basic.
I am new to Mac Cocoa, although I'm quite experienced at iOS Cocoa Touch. On iOS, CGPoint 0,0 is top left. I assume on Mac from what I'm seeing that it's bottom left. How do you figure out what top left is?
Using the autoresizing mask like below should do the trick:
view.autoresizingMask = NSViewHeightSizable|NSViewWidthSizable
Absence of other resizing masks makes the margins inflexible. So whatever is the current margin (which is zero on all sides, when you add it to the window - Assuming the view occupies the full window frame when being added) is retained.
And top left would be the window's content view's height.
[[self.window.contentView frame].size.height]
I guess you already knew that. :)

Why does this textured NSWindow suddenly change its background gradient when resizing?

Can someone please tell me, why the background gradient of the textured NSWindow in this app suddenly changes, when you make the window a little bit smaller?
This is the minimal example I could find, that exhibits this behaviour. App & Source are available via Dropbox.
-- Updates:
If you put the slider lower,the gradient does not change when resizing the window:
Also, the change seems to happen when the distance between the slider and the window's right border gets smaller than the HIG says it should be.
It is really interesting question =)
I don't shure, but guess, this problem is connected to layers displaying.
If you still want to use textured window, you can put additional NSView object in the interface builder between NSView and NSSlider (NSWindow -> NSView -> NSView -> NSSlider). It fixes the bug.

CAAnimation on a UIButton

I have been trying to create a simple swipe transition. However buttons seem immune to any CAAnimation that crops.
I am trying to get it so that a bar moves across the screen and as it goes over the button it removes the part it has just gone over.
I have tried bounds.width, size.x and many other key-value paths to achieve the affect but I haven't got what I wanted. It just relocates the text which always remains entirely visible
I have also tried changing the UIButton to a UIImage but the text does not seem to print on a UIImage.
I tried using masks too but I have heard they should be used as infrequently as possible as they consume the phones resources. I didn't really get very far with this either anyway as I hadn't used them much before.
I also tried placing it in a container view and then change the dimensions of that but again all of the text remained entirely visible.
I know I could have a view hide the button but I am trying to reveal the view behind as the bar swipes.
Does anyone have any suggestions of how to achieve a swipe transition on a UIButton?
Help would be much appreciated.
I think what you're looking for really is a mask. See the tutorial here:
What I'd do in your situation is create a custom UIButton class, and add a mask as in the tutorial, then animate the position of the mask. Slide the mask of, nothing shows. Slide it on, part shows until the whole thing is visible.
Edit: I haven't really heard anything about hogging resources, especially since it appears to be simple core graphics.
