What was the last (if any) Xcode shipped with iOS Simulator 3.0 and supporting iOS 4.2.1? - xcode

I currently have an iPod Touch 2G model MC, running iOS 4.2.1 which cannot be downgraded AFAIK, but I need to build an iOS 3.0 app
So, it would help to have an Xcode with both an iOS 4.2.1 compatible SDK and iOS Simulator 3.0 too
Any help is appreciated

iPhone SDK 3.2 Final with Xcode 3.2.2 for Snow Leopard (10.6.0) has iOS Simulator 3.0 built-in
Xcode 3.2.6 and iOS SDK 4.3 GM Seed for Snow Leopard (10.6.6) can be installed, then using the former DMG it could be installed iOS Simulator 3.0 with these packages:
"/Volumes/iPhone SDK/Packages/iPhoneSDK3_0.pkg"
"/Volumes/iPhone SDK/Packages/iPhoneSimulatorSDK3_0.pkg"


Xcode 4.6 and iOS 7.0.2 connecting issue?

When I am connecting my iPAD with iOS 7.0.2 with Xcode 4.6. It is showing iOS device not my device name.Is there an issue between Xcode 4.6 and iOS 7.0.2?
Yes. If you are using devices with iOS 7, you should be using Xcode 5.
The latest iOS version will always be compatible with the recent most SDK available i.e. Xcode 5.0.2 in your case for iOS7.

Xcode 3 and iOS 6

A newbie question. I have Xcode 3.2.6 and my ipad is iOS 6.0. It seems this version of Xcode doesn't support the iOS version. What version do I need to upgrade my Xcode to so that I can test apps on devices running iOS 6.
And, my second question do I have to download the .dmg to upgrade Xcode. Currently I am running snow leopard 10.6.8.
For iOS 6 you will need Xcode 4.5 and at least Lion (10.7)
You need OS X Lion 10.7.4 or later to install the latest version of Xcode from the AppStore. Then you will be able to build apps to your device with iOS 6.0.

What was the last version of Xcode shipped with iPhone Simulator 3.0?

I installed iPhone Simulator 3.0 on Xcode 3.2.6 on Snow Leopard using a misterious package iPhoneSimulatorSDK3_0.pkg I found on a chinese web page, but the simulator keeps saying "iOS Simulator could not find the SDK. The SDK may need to be reistalled"
So, I need the to install the full version of the mentioned Xcode
Any help is apreciated
iPhone SDK 3.2 Final with Xcode 3.2.2 for Snow Leopard (10.6.0) has iOS Simulator 3.0 built-in

xCode 4.2 only show simulators of iPhone 5.0 and iPad 5.0

My Xcode 4.2 only shows show iPhone 5.0 Simulator and iPad 5.0 Simulator as seen in the picture. I already downloaded all versions os iOS in Preference/Download and have set up in the iOS Deployment Target to 3.0. Why doesn't it show all iOS simulators from 3.0 to 5.1 as in previous version of Xcode?
Support for these simulators has been dropped. Currently the only simulators Xcode is supporting is for iOS 5+ SDKs.

where do all iphone simulator disappear to?

I used to have all the simulator from 2.0 to 3.x then when I upgrade the Xcode to get the iphone 4 sdk, all the simulators disappeared except for iphone ipad 4 versions.
so in xcode 4 with snow leopard, I had ipad 3.2 and iphone 4.0 - 4.3, ipad 4.0 - 4.3.
now I got the new macbook air with lion, had to install the xcode 4.2 for lion, loaded up the same project, and only simulator I have is iphone 4.3 and ipad 4.3.
what is going on here? How do I get all my simulator back? ipad 3.2 and iphone 4.0 - 4.3, ipad 4.0 - 4.3.
My project is same as before and set to ios 3.0 target.
thanks for any help in advance
I don't know why but the old simulators are uninstalled, but you can go to xCode > Preferences ... > Downloads (tab) and select the simulators that you want download.
I'd suggest by re-installing XCode 4.2 or running a Software Update.
Xcode 4.2 includes:
iPhone 4.0 Simulator
iPhone 4.1 Simulator
iPhone 4.1 Simulator
iPhone 4.2 Simulator
iPad 4.2 Simulator
iPhone 4.3 Simulator
iPad 4.3 Simulator
iPhone 5.0 Simulator
iPad 5.0 Simulator
