Using Visual Studio 2010 and SQL management Studio, I have created a page by which admin can get detail of student' result.
I have 7 drop downs in it.
Learning Unit.
School and year is mandatory fields.
I have provided a button named Excel at the bottom of the page on clicking on which It dump the grid view made based on the selection into Excel.
right now I have done is on every dropdowns selected index change event I am binding the other dropdowns and also the gridview.
If the admin select any other dropdown in lower order it will reload the table according the changed selection.
So it takes a lot ot loading time for some selection.
Is It possible to make the code in button click event like on clicking on that it will first check which dropdowns are selected by admin and based on the only selected drop downs' value I can make the gridview and dump it into Excel.
Inside the button click event write like,
string s1 = "";
string s2 = "";
if (dropdown1.SelectedIndex > -1)
s2 = dropdown1.Text.Trim();
s2 = "";
if (dropdown2.SelectedIndex > -1)
s1 = dropdown2.Text.Trim();
s1 = "";
based on this strings you can write query to get data from db and can bind this data to your gridview.
I have a form with a grid, the first column is not in the packages table, I added a checkbox. For example, if I select the second row in the checkbox, it stays selected even after closing the form.
The value of the checkbox is not stored in the table, how do I do it so that when the form is reopened the checkbox does not have any rows selected?
SET PATH TO "C:\Users\ives\Documents\Visual FoxPro Projects\delivered\dbfs"
USE IN 0 SHARED packages
Thisform.packages.RecordSource = "packages"
Thisform.packages.column2.ControlSource = "packages.code"
Thisform.packages.column3.ControlSource = ""
Thisform.packages.column4.ControlSource = "packages.address"
Thisform.packages.column5.ControlSource = ""
The value that is configured in the check1.value is 0, after configuring the recordsource and the grid source control, I have this code but the problem continues.
Every column in a grid has to have a ControlSource. If you're not specifying one, then the grid will choose one somewhere.
The typical way to use a checkbox in a grid for selection is to add a column to the table or cursor you're working with to hold that value, or to set up a cursor with a 1-1 relationship to your original table to hold the value.
Is there a good visual tutorial that takes through the various steps on how to create radio buttons in Apex 19.2? This tutorial Creating a Classic Report having radio button on each row helped me and I’m looking for a similar one..
In my case, I would like to add a radio button to each row of my classic report which when selected would add some of the informations selected by the radio button in a text field in the same page.
Any advice is much appreciated.
Thank you
Install Sample Reporting application on your APEX instance (preferably on as Dan suggested).
Navigate to the Classic Report page.
Change the query to the report to the following:
select rowid,
apex_item.radiogroup(1,TASK_NAME) ACTION
where (nvl(:P3_STATUS,'0') = '0' or :P3_STATUS = status)
Note the added column "ACTION" which consists of the apex_item.radiogroup with TASK_NAME value. Let's assume that this is the value that you want to pass to another page item.
Open that column's attribute under Page Designer and disable "Escape special characters" attribute and add a CSS Class (e.g. mycolumn)
Create a Page Item (e.g. P3_NEW).
Now add the following Dynamic Action
Event > Click
Selection Type > jQuery Selector
jQuery Selector > #classic_report .mycolumn input
Your true action will be of the type Set Value and the Set Type is JavaScript Expression with the following code:
Your affected element is P3_NEW and disable Fire on Initialization
I have a question similar to this one:
How do you populate an SSRS TextBox with a DataSet value?
I'm on old release 2012 R1 and designing report in Visual Studio 2010 shell.
I want user to enter a specific order number, and thus the query will return just one row. I want to show the fields down the page (better for viewing/printing), instead of across the page like the normal table does (especially if I have so many fields that they don't fit on the width of one screen).
Don't I just bind the textbox to a database field on the properties using DataElementName. That's what I didn't understand about the post I referenced above.
I think I figured it out. I clicked Action then was able to select the database field from a list. After that, I also noticed I can right click, then click "Expressions", and the following screen appears:
I have a blank page with a static content region (Template = Form Region). I select a project via a select list (there is only one project, so it automatically selects it). I then have a key popup lov (a popup lov that displays the description not the returned number value) from which I select a person to be in this project. I am trying to get the form to display the person I selected and saved previously when the form launches for the first time (since the project is chosen due to there being one). This works when you refresh the page, but it doesn't work if you log out and log back into the form. I tried using the default value with a sql query. I tried using a dynamic action that fires when the project changes; but neither approaches work. I fiddled with all the settings, but couldn't get anything to work. Does anyone know how to accomplish this in Oracle APEX?
I even added a refresh of the cascading popup lov to the dynamic action. I can see the hidden input item showing my defaulted value, but the popup lov does not display it on screen. Is this an Oracle bug?
Also in Javascript from the console
$s("P51_LINE_MANAGER1", "7104");
sets the hidden value, but doesn't display on screen.
does however return 7104.
I am making a project on visual basic 6.0 using database made on ms access.
I have made a button named submit and wanted that when I click on the button the selected row should be copied from the present datagrid to another.
If you have a defined number of columns you can do it one cell at a time.
In the click event of the button:
Private Sub cmdInsertNew_Click()
datagridToCopyTo.Columns(0).Text = datagridToCopyFrom.Columns(0).Text
datagridToCopyTo.Columns(1).Text = datagridToCopyFrom.Columns(1).Text
datagridToCopyTo.Columns(2).Text = datagridToCopyFrom.Columns(2).Text
End Sub