IOS6 web app - Home screen application not refreshing - caching

I'm writing this in regard to the infamous problem with IOS 6 where geolocation in web apps break oftenly. The only solution was to remove the
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
line from the index which solves this issue as it causes the web application to be a regular browser application. The problem i've encountered is that even with this solution, all currently installed Home screen applications still don't work (use the old index) and only when installing the web app again in the home screen the solution works.
What exactly is the problem here? is the previous home screen apps cache the index? is there a way to solve this?


Microphone Permission on Firefox Mobile not permanent

I am facing an issue with our web tool that I am unable to solve. I already tried to google a solution but failed to find one.
We have a website where we use JavaScript to record audio from the users microphone via getUserMedia. The first time the user enters a html page on the https website, there is a notification popping up about permission rights. Thats fine, but on Firefox Mobile it doesn't matter if you gave your permission already, you will be asked on every single page again. Thats not the case for every other browser we tried.
So, is this some kind of our error or is it a limitation of Firefox Mobile?
Hope anyone solved that issue already in the past.
Best regards,
It's a limitation in Firefox for Android (fennec). It intentionally asks users each time.
It's being solved in the next generation version, available in beta as Firefox Preview (fenix). The prompt there adds this checkbox, similar to Firefox for desktop:
☐ Remember decision for this site

What is causing my website converted to APK pages to stick when scrolling?

I converted my website to an APK and it installs fine - the problem is that when trying to scroll up or down - the page sticks and the page refreshes to a page not available - the live site works perfect.
Try to use momentum scrolling. I don't know exactly what can cause your issue, but
Android 3+ and iOS 5+ implemented a new property called overflow-scrolling that enables momentum scrolling. And it works beautifully.
Look here:
Hope that helps.
I was using a service from GoNative that packages mobile web sites into APKS - kind of a wrapper to allow mobile sites to function like apps. One of the configuration options was to use "web pool" services that cached pages to allow for faster processing - I deleted that feature and the site/app works fine.

Show web-application as fullscreen app in Windows 8

I'm building a web-app and I would like to display it as a full-screen app in Windows 8. The result should be something else like in safari on an apple iPad:
I've added these two meta-tags in my index.html:
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
Then I opened my web-app in the safari of my iPad and added the site to my homescreen. After this, I got an icon on my homescreen and when I open it, there is my web-app in full-screen, without the browser-containers around it.
Can I do something else with the same web-app on Windows 8? I thought, I could create a metro app, when I add the site to my apps in Internet Explorer. But I think, I also need some meta tags. I found many tutorials on the web, but nothing worked for me.
I suggest that you create a Windows Hosted Web App
Using the Microsoft App Studio, you can do it in minutes

Blank White Screen for iframes in phonegap App

I have an html5 mobile responsive website. In this website, I am showing iframes (in many pages) of pages that are hosted externally. If I view the html5 website in browser either in PC or mobile, it is displaying all the pages correctly.
I had converted this html5 website to android app using phonegap build (cloud one). It was working fine for last few months. Few days back I had added some new pages to the html5 website using iframes to show new pages. I tried updating the phonegap through Now when I open the android app, what i see is blank white screens in place of all iframes. I don't know what happened but I think phonegap version was updated to cli-5.2.0 (3.9.1/4.1.1/3.8.1).
Could this be the issue? How can I revert back to the old version? I tried specifying in config.xml but no success. I even searched online for solutions but I couldn't find solution to my problem. I have allowed in config.xml. I found in some site that we need to allow access for domains and subdomains. So I tried doing that but no success. What could be the problem?
I am successful in solving my problem by specifying version 3.7.1 in config.xml

On screen rotation iOS webapp changes viewport and crashes

I've created a mobile webbased game and use the "Add to homescreen" feature to allow users to add it as an app to their iOS devices.
However, recently it started malfunctioning. It has always worked without problem but started acting up possibly after the iOS 8.3 update. This is the code in my head, which has not been changed recently so should not be the problem:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=590px, user-scalable=0">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent">
When I get to the login screen it works without problem, however after logging in in landscape there are suddenly margins to the left and right. If I log in in portrait there are no margins. If I rotate the phone from landscape with margins to portrait it displays normally, if I rotate it back the margins suddenly increase by a lot and if I then try to rotate the device again it crashes.
I have taken some screens to show the problem:
After that last screenshot the webapp just crashes. It only shows this behaviour in the webapp, if I access the game through Safari, my Android app (which loads the website in WebView) or the desktop with a simulated user-agent the website functions properly.
I've tried deleting the webapp, rebooting my phone and adding it back to my homescreen to no avail. I first guessed it was a caching issue but that should have been then resolved after viewing the website correctly in Safari.
For those wanting to try themselves, the game is
