How to iterate two arrays in CoffeeScript - for-loop

I'm trying to rewrite example from classic book "JavaScript: The Good Parts" in CoffeeScript via list comprehensions:
var parse_url = /^(?:([A-Za-z]+):)?(\/{0,3})([0-9.\-A-Za-z]+)
var url = “”;
var result = parse_url.exec(url);
var names = ['url', 'scheme', 'slash', 'host', 'port', 'path', 'query', 'hash'];
var blanks = ' ';
var i;
for (i = 0; i < names.length; i += 1) {
document.writeln(names[i] + ':' +
blanks.substring(names[i].length), result[i]);
I can't get how to write loop and stuck with this code:
console.log "#{name}: " for name in names

I imagine you are trying to do something Like this
parse_url = /^(?:([A-Za-z]+):)?(\/{0,3})([0-9.\-A-Za-z]+)(?::(\d+))?(?:\/([^?#]*))?(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?$/
url = ''
result = parse_url.exec(url)
names = ['url', 'scheme', 'slash', 'host', 'port', 'path', 'query', 'hash']
alert "#{names[i]}: #{result[i]}" for i in [0..names.length-1]

In case someone comes here actually needing to iterate two arrays at the same time, this works:
for [course_event, remote_event] in zip(,
course_event.lessons = remote_event.lessons if event.lessons_need_updating
zip() is from here:
zip = () ->
lengthArray = (arr.length for arr in arguments)
length = Math.min(lengthArray...)
for i in [0...length]
arr[i] for arr in arguments


Google appscipt - Exporting multiple PDF with a for loop, using a sheet as a template, unexpected result

I'm trying to automate the pdf export of a sheet ('BL') which is filled depending on a cell value grabbed on a variable list on sheet 'EiBLdata' by 'i' on each loop.
It seems to work... more or less.
Instead of having 1st pdf with 1st value,
2nd pdf with 2nd value,
3rd pdf with 3rd value etc.
I get 1st pdf with 1st value,
2nd pdf with 1st value,
3rd pdf with 2nd value etc.
In the end only the 1st pdf has the right name, there is a shift in all the others and the last value isn't exported.
I'm quite a newbie with JavaScript and I admit there is a lot of copy/paste in my code, adapted to my purpose. I can't find what I'm doing wrong.
function printSelectedRange() {
var nomfeuille = "EiBLData"
var nomBL = "BL"
var cc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var feuille = cc.getSheetByName(nomfeuille);
var BL = cc.getSheetByName(nomBL);
var tr = BL.getRange('B2').getValue();
var plage = feuille.getRange('A1:A15').getValues();
var cell0 = feuille.getRange(1,1).getValue();
for (var i = 1; i <= 16; i++) {
var cell = feuille.getRange(i,1).getValue();
if (cell > 0) {
var sheetName = "BL";
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);
var ssUrl = ss.getUrl();
var sheetId= sheet.getSheetId();
var url = ssUrl.replace(/\/edit.*$/,'')
+ '/export?exportformat=pdf&format=pdf'
+ '&size=A6'
+ '&portrait=false'
+ '&fitw=false'
+ '&scale=4'
+ '&top_margin=0.35'
+ '&bottom_margin=0.00'
+ '&left_margin=0.35'
+ '&right_margin=0.0'
+ '&sheetnames=false'
+ '&printtitle=false'
+ '&pagenum=false'
+ '&gridlines=false'
+ '&fzr=FALSE'
+ '&gid='+sheetId;
var token = ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
var docurl = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, { headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token } });
var pdf = docurl.getAs('application/pdf');
var file = DriveApp.createFile(pdf);
var docId = sheet.getRange('F13').getValue();
var clientName = sheet.getRange('E9').getValue();
var docDate = sheet.getRange('F14').getValue();
var mois = docDate.getMonth()
docDate.setMonth((mois+1) % 12);
var docDateMMYY = docDate.getMonth()+"-"+docDate.getFullYear().toString().substr(-2);
var docName = "BL-"+docId+"-"+clientName+"-"+docDateMMYY ;
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
var finalFile = file.makeCopy(docName,folder);
var cmdes = ss.getSheetByName('cmdes');
var raz = cmdes.getRange('S2:S501').setValue(false);
I think I had a good intuition and finally found the reason of my issue:
It looks like the loop runs faster than the spreadsheet calculation.
Sorry for inconvenience...

InDesign Text Modification Script Skips Content

This InDesign Javascript iterates over textStyleRanges and converts text with a few specific appliedFont's and later assigns a new appliedFont:-
var textStyleRanges = [];
for (var j = app.activeDocument.stories.length-1; j >= 0 ; j--)
for (var k = app.activeDocument.stories.item(j).textStyleRanges.length-1; k >= 0; k--)
for (var i = textStyleRanges.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var myText = textStyleRanges[i];
var converted = C2Unic(myText.contents, myText.appliedFont.fontFamily);
if (myText.contents != converted)
myText.contents = converted;
if (myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'Chanakya'
|| myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'DevLys 010'
|| myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'Walkman-Chanakya-905') {
myText.appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Utsaah");
myText.composer="Adobe World-Ready Paragraph Composer";
But there are always some ranges where this doesn't happen. I tried iterating in the forward direction OR in the backward direction OR putting the elements in an array before conversion OR updating the appliedFont in the same iteration OR updating it a different one. Some ranges are still not converted completely.
I am doing this to convert the Devanagari text encoded in glyph based non-Unicode encoding to Unicode. Some of this involves repositioning vowel signs etc and changing the code to work with find/replace mechanism may be possible but is a lot of rework.
What is happening?
See also:
Sample here:
This is untested since I'm not able to test against your document, but try using getElements() like below:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var stories = doc.stories;
var textStyleRanges = stories.everyItem().textStyleRanges.everyItem().getElements();
for (var i = textStyleRanges.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var myText = textStyleRanges[i];
var converted = C2Unic(myText.contents, myText.appliedFont.fontFamily);
if (myText.contents != converted)
myText.contents = converted;
if (myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'Chanakya'
|| myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'DevLys 010'
|| myText.appliedFont.fontFamily == 'Walkman-Chanakya-905') {
myText.appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Utsaah");
myText.composer="Adobe World-Ready Paragraph Composer";
A valid approach is to use hyperlink text sources as they stick to the genuine text object. Then you can edit those source texts even if they were actually moved elsewhere in the flow.
//Main routine
var main = function() {
var doc =,
fgp =,
cgp =,
fcgo =,
text, str,
found = [], srcs = [], n = 0;
//Exit if no documents
if ( !doc ) return;
app.findChangeGrepOptions = app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
//Settings props = {
} = {
//Finding text instances
found = doc.findGrep();
n = found.length;
//Looping through instances and adding hyperlink text sources
//That's all we do at this stage
while ( n-- ) {
srcs.push ( doc.hyperlinkTextSources.add(found[n] ) );
//Then we edit the stored hyperlinks text sources 's texts objects contents
n = srcs.length;
while ( n-- ) {
text = srcs[n].sourceText;
str = text.contents;
text.contents = str+str+str+str;
//Eventually we remove the added hyperlinks text sources
n = srcs.length;
while ( n-- ) srcs[n].remove();
//And reset initial properties = fgp; = cgp; =fcgo;
//Running script in a easily cancelable mode
var u;
app.doScript ( "main()",u,u,UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "The Script" );

Microsoft Outlook Interop (extract attachments) very slow

I'm using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook to extract e-mail attachments:
var MAPI = new Application().GetNamespace("MAPI");
var ExampleFolder = MAPI.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderSentMail)
foreach (dynamic i in ExampleFolder.Items)
if (i.Attachments.Count > 0)
; // DoSomething();
Unfortunately this is extremely slow.
Is there any faster way to check for attachments?
Is it possible to filter/sort e-mails by date: loop through the last n items only?
sure, you can sort the collection using Items.Sort.
You can also use Items.Find/FindNext or Items.Restrict to look for items with attachments only. The property you need is PR_HASATTACH (DASL name
#Kiquenet (I can't add a comment below yours), here is the code to get items with attachments from Items.Restrict:
//fanti's code
var MAPI = new Application().GetNamespace("MAPI");
var ExampleFolder = MAPI.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderSentMail)
Urn way (tested, ok -> source
var itemsWithAttachment = ExampleFolder.Items.Restrict("#SQL= urn:schemas:httpmail:hasattachment = True");
DASL way (tested, ko -> 'should work' source
const string PR_HAS_ATTACH = "";
var itemsWithAttachment = ExampleFolder.Items.Restrict("#SQL=\"" + PR_HAS_ATTACH + "\" = 1");
To filter by a date, just add "AND"s or "OR"s like this (Urn way):
var itemsWithAttachmentAndDate = ExampleFolder.Items.Restrict("#SQL= urn:schemas:httpmail:hasattachment = True"
+ " AND urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived <= '" + DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3) + "'");
To loop through the last n items only:
int n = 3;
for (int i = itemsWithAttachmentAndDate.Count - 1; i > n; i--)
//current item: itemsWithAttachmentAndDate[i] //Beware: "dynamic" typed!
; //DoSomething();

Script to rename files

I have about 2200 different files in a few different folders, and I need to rename about about 1/3 of them which are in their own subfolder. Those 700 are also in various folders as well.
For example, there might be
The top-most folder is Employees, which has a few files in it, then the folder 2002 has a few, 2003 has more files, 2004 etc.
I just need to attach the word "Agreement" before the existing name of each file. So instead of it just being "Joe Schmoe.doc" It would be "Agreement Joe Schmoe.doc" instead.
I've tried googling such scripts, and I can find stuff similar to what I want but it all looks completely foreign to me so I can't understand how I'd modify it to suit my needs.
Oh, and this is for windows server '03.
I need about 2 minutes to write such script for *NIX systems (may be less), but for Windows it is a long song ... ))
I've write simple VBS script for WSH, try it (save to {script-name}.vbs, change Path value (on the first line of the script) and execute). I recommend to test script on small amount of data for the first time just to be sure if it works correctly.
Path = "C:\Users\rootDirectory"
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Sub visitFolder(folderVar)
For Each fileToRename In folderVar.Files
fileToRename.Name = "Agreement " & fileToRename.Name
For Each folderToVisit In folderVar.SubFolders
End Sub
If FSO.FolderExists(Path) Then
End If
I used to do bulk renaming with batch scripts under Windows. I know it's a snap on *nix (find . -maxdepth N -type f -name "$pattern" | sed -e 'p' -e "s/$str1/$str2/g" | xargs -n2 mv). Buf after some struggle in vain, I found out, to achieve that effect using batch scripts is almost impossible. So I turned to javascript.
With this script, you can add prefix to file names by 'rename.js "s/^/Agreement /" -r *.doc'. A caret(^) means to match the beginning. The '-r' options means 'recursively', i.e. including sub-folders. You can specify a max depth with the '-d N' option. If neither '-r' or '-d N' is given, the script does not recurse.
If you know the *nix 'find' utility, you would notice that 'find' will match the full path (not just the file name part) to specified regular expression. This behavior can be achieved by supplying the '-f' option. By default, this script will match the file name part with the given regular expression.
If you are familiar with regular expressions, complicated renaming is possible. For example, 'rename.js "s/(\d+)/[$1]/" *' which uses grouping to add brackets to number sequences in filenames.
// rename.js --- bulk file renaming utility (like *nix
// (c) Copyright 2012, Ji Han (hanji <at> outlook <dot> com)
// you are free to distribute it under the BSD license.
// oops... jscript doesn't have = function(f, t){
var o = Object(this);
var a = new Array(o.length >>> 0);
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i){ if (i in o) a[i] =, o[i], i, o) }
return a;
/// main
if (WScript.Arguments.Length == 0){
WScript.Echo('rename "<operator>/<pattern>/<string>/[<modifiers>]" [-f] [-r] [-d <maxdepth>] [<files>]');
var fso = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
// folder is a Folder object [e.g. from fso.GetFolder()]
// fn is a function which operates on File/Folder object
var recurseFolder = function(folder, fn, depth, maxdepth){
if (folder.Files){
for (var e = new Enumerator(folder.Files); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()){
if (folder.Subfolders){
for (var e = new Enumerator(folder.SubFolders); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()){
if (depth < maxdepth){ arguments.callee(e.item(), fn, depth + 1, maxdepth) }
// expand wildcards (asterisk [*] and question mark [?]) recursively
// given path may be relative, and may contain environment variables.
// but wildcards only work for the filename part of a path.
// return an array of full paths of matched files.
// {{{
var expandWildcardsRecursively = function(n, md){
var pattern = fso.GetFileName(n);
// escape regex metacharacters (except \, /, * and ?)
// \ and / wouldn't appear in filename
// * and ? are treated as wildcards
pattern = pattern.replace(/([\[\](){}^$.+|-])/g, '\\$1');
pattern = pattern.replace(/\*/g, '.*'); // * matches zero or more characters
pattern = pattern.replace(/\?/g, '.'); // ? matches one character
pattern = pattern.replace(/^(.*)$/, '\^$1\$'); // matches the whole filename
var re = new RegExp(pattern, 'i'); // case insensitive
var folder = fso.GetFolder(fso.GetParentFolderName(fso.GetAbsolutePathName(n)));
var l = [];
recurseFolder(folder, function(i){ if (i.Name.match(re)) l.push(i.Path) }, 0, md);
return l;
// }}}
// parse "<operator>/<pattern>/<string>/[<modifiers>]"
// return an array splitted at unescaped forward slashes
// {{{
var parseExpr = function(s){
// javascript regex doesn't have lookbehind...
// reverse the string and lookahead to parse unescaped forward slashes.
var z = s.split('').reverse().join('');
// match unescaped forward slashes and get their positions.
var re = /\/(\\\\)*(?!\\)/g;
var l = [];
while (m = re.exec(z)){ l.push(m.index) }
// split s at unescaped forward slashes.
var b = [0].concat({ return s.length - x }).reverse());
var e = ({ return s.length - x - 1 }).reverse()).concat([s.length]);
return, i){ return s.substring(b[i], e[i]) });
// }}}
var expr = WScript.Arguments(0);
var args = [];
var options = {};
for (var i = 1; i < WScript.Arguments.Length; ++i){
if (WScript.Arguments(i).substring(0, 1) != '-'){
} else if (WScript.Arguments(i) == '-f'){
options['fullpath'] = true;
} else if (WScript.Arguments(i) == '-r'){
options['recursive'] = true;
} else if (WScript.Arguments(i) == '-d'){
options['maxdepth'] = WScript.Arguments(++i);
} else if (WScript.Arguments(i) == '--'){
} else {
WScript.Echo('invalid option \'' + WScript.Arguments(i) +'\'');
if (options['maxdepth']){
var md = options['maxdepth'];
} else if (options['recursive']){
var md = 1<<31>>>0;
} else {
var md = 0;
var tokens = parseExpr(expr);
if (tokens.length != 4){
WScript.Echo('error parsing expression \'' + expr + '\'.');
if (tokens[0] != 's'){
WScript.Echo('<operator> must be s.');
var pattern = tokens[1];
var substr = tokens[2];
var modifiers = tokens[3];
var re = new RegExp(pattern, modifiers);
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i){
var l = expandWildcardsRecursively(args[i], md);
for (var j = 0; j < l.length; ++j){
var original = l[j];
if (options['fullpath']){
var nouveau = original.replace(re, substr);
} else {
var nouveau = fso.GetParentFolderName(original) + '\\' + fso.GetFileName(original).replace(re, substr);
if (nouveau != original){
(fso.FileExists(original) && fso.GetFile(original) || fso.GetFolder(original)).Move(nouveau)

String: replacing spaces by a number

I would like to replace every blank spaces in a string by a fixnum (which is the number of blank spaces).
Let me give an example:
s = "hello, how are you ?"
omg(s) # => "hello,3how10are2you1?"
Do you see a way (sexy if possible) to update a string like this?
Thank you Rubists :)
gsub can be fed a block for the "replace with" param, the result of the block is inserted into place where the match was found. The argument to the block is the matched string. So to implement this we capture as much whitespace as we can ( /\s+/ ) and feed that into the block each time a section is found, returning that string's length, which gets put back where the whitespace was originally found.
s = "hello, how are you ?"
res = s.gsub(/\s+/) { |m| m.length }
puts res
# => hello,3how10are2you1?
it is possible to do this via an array split : Javascript example
var s = "hello, how are you ?";
function omg( str ) {
var strArr = str.split('');
var count = 0;
var finalStr = '';
for( var i = 0; i < strArr.length; i++ ) {
if( strArr[i] == ' ' ) {
if( count > 0 ) {
finalStr += '' + count;
count = 0;
finalStr += strArr[i];
return finalStr
alert( omg( s ) ); //"hello,3how10are2you1?"
Lol, this seems the best it can be for javascript
