NS-3 Compiling Error - macos

I am trying to use NS-3.15 on MAC Mountain Lion but when I compile I get the following errors:
source not found: 'model/itu-r-1411-nlos-over-rooftop-propagation-loss-model.cc' in bld(features=['cxx', 'cxxshlib', 'ns3module'], ns3_dir_location='src/propagation', pcfilegen=bld(features='ns3pcfile', idx=2, meths=[], prec=defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {}), _name='', source='', module='ns3-propagation', mappings={}, path=/Users/user/Desktop/nsam.org/ns-allinone-3.15/ns-3.15/src/propagation, target='') in /Users/user/Desktop/nsam.org/ns-allinone-3.15/ns-3.15/src/propagation, use=['ns3-network', 'ns3-mobility'], mappings={}, uselib='', meths=['set_macosx_deployment_target', '_add_test_code', 'apply_bundle', 'process_rule', 'process_source', 'apply_link', 'apply_objdeps', 'apply_uselib_local', 'process_use', 'propagate_uselib_vars', 'apply_incpaths', 'apply_implib', 'apply_vnum'], prec=defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {}), source=['model/propagation-delay-model.cc', 'model/propagation-loss-model.cc', 'model/jakes-propagation-loss-model.cc', 'model/jakes-process.cc', 'model/cost231-propagation-loss-model.cc', 'model/okumura-hata-propagation-loss-model.cc', 'model/itu-r-1411-los-propagation-loss-model.cc', 'model/itu-r-1411-nlos-over-rooftop-propagation-loss-model.cc', 'model/kun-2600-mhz-propagation-loss-model.cc'], test=False, is_ns3_module=True, install_path='${LIBDIR}', module_deps=['network', 'mobility'], includes='.', dependencies=['network', 'mobility'], path=/Users/user/Desktop/nsam.org/ns-allinone-3.15/ns-3.15/src/propagation, vnum=None, posted=True, is_static=False, target='../../ns3.15-propagation-debug', idx=1, _name='ns3-propagation') in /Users/user/Desktop/nsam.org/ns-allinone-3.15/ns-3.15/src/propagation
If I understand correctly I think this means it can't find those dependencies but I haven't been able to figure out how to add them or where should they even be, could anyone help me out? I am following this tutorial.
I understand this is not a programming question itself but I haven't figured out where to ask so if you know a better place please let me know.

Your installation are not clean.
Try to follow this installation tutorial http://www.nsnam.org/wiki/index.php/Installation
Fastest response place to asking NS3 problem are on their NS3 User Group Mailing List https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ns-3-users


psqlodbc driver not found on heroku despite being in my app directory

I am trying to get RODBC to work on heroku. I have a rails app that calls an R script from RinRuby, which then queries the production database in order to do some analysis. It all works fine on my local Mac, so I thought the best approach was to use the binary compiled on my Max (psqlodbcw.so) into my repo, and reference it in production as well. Unfortunately, when I try to make the connection in production using this connection string:
> library(RODBC)
> dbhandle <- odbcDriverConnect('driver=./psqlodbcw.so;database=nw_server_production;trusted_connection=true;uid=nw_server')
Warning messages:
1: In odbcDriverConnect("driver=./psqlodbcw.so;database=<db_name>;trusted_connection=true;uid=<user>") :
[RODBC] ERROR: state 01000, code 0, message [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib './psqlodbcw.so' : file not found
2: In odbcDriverConnect("driver=./psqlodbcw.so;database=<db_name>;trusted_connection=true;uid=<user>?") :
ODBC connection failed
I have seen this error in a similar post online here, but using SQL server instead of postgres. But the accepted answer on that post doesn't explain why the file isn't found, despite being in the app directory. I did follow the same approach and made my own custom buildpack (available here: https://github.com/NovaWulf/r-rodbc-buildpack). I replaced the .so file with the one I compiled on my mac, and simply deleted the .rll file and the code that copies it, since I don't have that file (and hopefully don't need it for psqlodbc?). When I run that buildpack it runs without error on heroku, but then when I reference the .so file copied from the buildpack, I get the same "file not found" error.
Is this happening because the .so file was compiled on the wrong system architecture? I tried compiling psqlodbc on linux, but I do not get a psqlodbcq.so file when I do that (let alone an .rll file). The closest thing I get is a file called libodbcpsqlS.so, which is a setup file, not a driver file.
Could someone please help me understand the best approach to this problem? Why is heroku not seeing the file that is not there? And what is the best solution? Is there a simple way to just download the correct driver file somewhere?
Any help is much appreciated!

stack build exiting with 'cannot find package' error when external packages are involved

I just got started learning Haskell. And I chose to work with it on my PC through stack. First day, I worked with Chris Allen's tutorial and got stuck at the stack build part of it. The command exited with an error as shown below:
C:\Users\USER\haskellProjects\bassbull>stack build
primitive- download
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: download
primitive- configure
primitive- build
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: configure
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: build
primitive- copy/register
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: copy/register
Progress: 2/11Running C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\stack\x86_64-windows\
ghc-8.0.2\bin\ghc-pkg.EXE --user --no-user-package-db --package-db C:\sr\snapsho
ts\1602ab97\pkgdb describe --simple-output integer-logarithms --expand-pkgroot e
xited with ExitFailure 1
WARNING: cache is out of date: C:/Users/USER/AppData/Local/Programs/stack/x86_64
ghc will see an old view of this package db. Use 'ghc-pkg recache' to fix.
ghc-pkg.EXE: cannot find package integer-logarithms
Running C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\stack\x86_64-windows\ghc-8.0.2\bin\
ghc-pkg.EXE --user --no-user-package-db --package-db C:\sr\snapshots\1602ab97\pk
gdb describe --simple-output primitive --expand-pkgroot exited with ExitFailure
WARNING: cache is out of date: C:/Users/USER/AppData/Local/Programs/stack/x86_64
ghc will see an old view of this package db. Use 'ghc-pkg recache' to fix.
ghc-pkg.EXE: cannot find package primitive
C:\Users\USER\haskellProjects\bassbull>stack exec ghc-pkg recache
C:\Users\USER\haskellProjects\bassbull>stack build
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: configure
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: build
primitive- configure
primitive- build
integer-logarithms-1.0.2: copy/register
primitive- copy/register
Progress: 2/11Running C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\stack\x86_64-windows\
ghc-8.0.2\bin\ghc-pkg.EXE --user --no-user-package-db --package-db C:\sr\snapsho
ts\1602ab97\pkgdb describe --simple-output primitive --expand-pkgroot exited wit
h ExitFailure 1
ghc-pkg.EXE: cannot find package primitive
Running C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Programs\stack\x86_64-windows\ghc-8.0.2\bin\
ghc-pkg.EXE --user --no-user-package-db --package-db C:\sr\snapshots\1602ab97\pk
gdb describe --simple-output integer-logarithms --expand-pkgroot exited with Exi
tFailure 1
ghc-pkg.EXE: cannot find package integer-logarithms
After trying out other tutorials I concluded that this happened only when trying to install external packages and dependencies.
Please I need help getting past this challenge I am facing, as I am very much enthusiastic about learning to code in (and coding in) Haskell.
The problem has been resolved. Much thanks to Michael Sloan on the Haskell-stack google group and Yuji Yamamoto on on Google+.
I'll just document what I did here:
I had felt my antivirus software was messing things up (in retrospect, the signs started showing up weeks back) so I updated it.
I did a clean uninstall of stack, hunted down its associated files/folders and wiped them off.
Then I reinstalled stack.
And started again with the tutorial mentioned in the question (No, Stack Overflow, I don't have 10 points to spare, thank you!).
I made sure to be connected to a steady network while doing stack setup for the first time, so that everything got downloaded with ease (the other time, connection timed out endlessly while fetching ghc and msys).
When that was done, I restarted the shell.
... and stack build completed successfully.
Now, I don't know exactly what did it for me, but I would love to. If it helps, I was (and I'm still) using stack-1.5.1 on a 64-bit windows7 PC.
Now I don't have to dump haskell for F#.

Error in task sequence failure: "Incorrect function: Error 00000001; Source: Windows"

I am receiving the above error when running the task sequence and it is failing on the step that is in the picture I provided. Does anyone have any ideas on why? I know the error is very generic, and I have tried several things to address it - I checked the box to disable 64-bit, I made sure that the package containing the batch file was referenced in that step, etc. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I am very much a noob when it comes to SCCM. Thank you.
Could you post the SMSTS.log saved in C:\Windows\CCM ?
It should contain the reason why this is failing
While looking at your TS, It could be that using a working folder with UNC paths fail the TS because CMD does not support running UNC paths out of the box.
Try adding cmd /c at the start of the Command Line field. It's quirky, but has often fixed my issues.

Caffe for Windows on VS 2013 failing with leveldbutil error

I am trying to compile and run cafee with the directions found here:
But when I run it, for example on the MNIST example:
"bin\caffe.exe" train --solver=examples\mnist\lenet_solver.prototxt
I get the output:
Usage: leveldbutil command...
dump files... -- dump contents of specified files
What do I do to fix this?
Pulling from https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/tree/windows solved the problem.
Check the users group in case you need help:
Check the issue tracker in case you need help:

grub_script.yy.c:2354:13: error: 'yy_fatal_error' defined but not used

When building the latest grub2 (2.00) I get this error.
I have tried adding -Wno-unused-function to both HOST_CFLAGS, HOST_CPPFLAGS, TARGET_CPPFLAGS and TARGET_CFLAGS in the Makefile. I even tried deleting that function whilst make was running!
Unfortunately the error remains.
Have you seen this?
The latest flex makes the GRUB-2.00 build fail. I can work around the issues with --disable-werror, but grub-core/script/yylex.l causes two warnings that do not work with -Werror.
./grub-core/script/yylex.l: At top level:
grub_script.yy.c:2351:13: error: 'yy_fatal_error' defined but not used
This can be fixed by removing #define YY_FATAL_ERROR(msg) in yylex.l.
However, according to this post this seems to have been fixed.
Judging from the info on the net you either want to switch to grub 2.02 or try an older version of flex.
