Zend getParams not returing url params - ajax

I have a query:
returns: NULL
returns: string(5) "arno"
How to fix this problem? I mean how to get GET values with zend framework?
Lets assume i can't change the query string.
zend version 1.11.11
public function usersearchajaxAction(){
$this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender( true );
$userService = new Application_Services_User();
$userList = $userService->searchByName($this->_request->getParam('query'));
$this->_helper->json($userService->getArrayForAutoComplete($this->_request->getParam('query'), $userList));
I found the problem, there was and override of $_GET variable in my project.
So it is fix now. thank you all for reading and thinking about this

instead of
use this
there is no need to use request action helper in Action to get this params
or try to use this way which uses request action helper
$request = $this->getRequest();
$query = $request->getParam('query');
hope this link will help you

Also you can view all params in a row $this->_request->getParams();
Then find needle param in a row and get using $this->_request->getParam('needle');


Not able to get Route parameter - Laravel 6

I have tried multiple solution but nothing worked yet, i am trying to get route Parameter in controller that was passed from a view.
Here is how i have created the route:
Route::get('addOptions/{questionId}', 'QuestionController#addOptions')->name('addOptions');
Here is how i am passing parameter to route from view:
Add Options
And here is what i am trying to get in controller but it's returning empty array:
public function addOptions(Request $request)
$allParameters = $request->input(); //not working
//$allParameters = $request->all(); //not working
//$allParameters = Input::all(); //not working
return $allParameters;
It returns empty array [] like this.
EDIT: But url at route addOptions look like this in which 4 is questionId which means parameter is being passed but not retrieved.
What am I doing wrong here? Please guide, Thanks.
You should be passing the route like this:
Add Options
as for Laravel docs. the route params are passed an array with the key referencing the param
$url = route('profile', ['id' => 1]);
To retrieve the data in your controller, you should use:
If you want to pass the parameter
Add Options
I think your function parameters are wrong
You are passing question id from Route So your function should be like
public function addOptions($questionId)
$allParameters = $questionId; // you question ID passed throught Route
return $allParameters;

API request with multiple body inputs

I am new to laravel this is how I make an API with one single body item
how to request more than an item in the body for example title , email , password ?
Eloquent allows you to chain as many where as required. So you are able to do
$shops_categories = ShopsCategories::where('title',$request->title)->where('email',$request->email)->where('password',$request->email)->get();
You can do it like so:
$cats = ShopsCategories::query()->where(['title' => $title, 'email'=>$email, 'name'=>$name]);
i guess you are performing query operation in controller itself which is not recommended,please create an instance for the model and make a function call to model and in the model you can return like
return $this::where('id','=',$id)->get()
and also please try to avoid using text/string in where condition instead use id's or unique values
You can also convert request to array using all()
//$request->all() is same as ['title'=> 'my title', ...]

laravel clean up empty query vars

I want to remove empty query vars from a url in my controller. my url is /search?qi=yoga&q= notice that q is empty. Sometimes qi will be empty. How can I remove these? Seems like a simple issue, but I can't seem to find a elegant solution.
function search() {
$qi = Request::get('qi');
$q = Request::get('q'));
$results = getResults($qi, $q);
return View::make('search.results', compact('results'));
You could do that in the next request, but you would have to Redirect::refresh() or Redirect::to($url) with a clean url, like
$items = Redirect::query();
$items = $this->removeEmptyItems($items); /// you'll have to create this method!
return Redirect::route('your.current.route', $items);
As you can see, this will clean up your url, but it requires a new request.
But this looks like something you have in your current request and I'm afraid Laravel cannot change a URL in the browser for you. If this is a form submission query, Javascript can help you prevent from sending those empty queries:
$('form').submit(function(){$('input[value=]',this).remove();return true;})
I suggest this:
function search()
$search = array_filter(Request::all()); // or only(..) / except(..)
$results = getResults($search);

How to automatically append query string to laravel pagination links?

I am working on search filter on checkbox click, with Laravel and Ajax call. So I get results when I click on a checkbox. my query is as follows:
$editors = User::with(['editor.credentials','editor.specialties','editor.ratings']);
$temp=$editors->whereHas('editor', function($q) use ($a_data){
$q->whereHas('specialties',function($sq) use($a_data){
This gives me all the data I need. however how should I get the links for pagination?
$links = $temp->links()->render();
I am currently doing this and with $links which I am sending over as response to ajax call, I set the pagination with $links data. Now, I need to append the query to next page like page=2?query="something". I don't know how should I go about appending the remaining query result links to next page links. i.e. I don;t know what should come in the query="something" part. Can someone guide me. thanks
{{ $users->appends($_GET)->links() }}
It will append all query string parameters into pagination link
As of Laravel 7, you can call the withQueryString() method on your Paginator instance.
Quote from the documentation:
If you wish to append all current query string values to the pagination links you may use the withQueryString method:
{{ $users->withQueryString()->links() }}
See "Appending To Pagination Links": https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/pagination#displaying-pagination-results
Check the answer from #Arda, as it's global solution. Below you can find how to do it manually.
Use appends on Paginator:
$querystringArray = Input::only(['search','filter','order']); // sensible examples
// or:
$querystringArray = ['queryVar' => 'something', 'anotherVar' => 'something_else'];
Append all input except the actual page, form token and what you don't want to pass:
For the latest version of Laravel at the moment (5.2), you can just use the Request facade to retrieve the query string and pass that to your paginator's appends() method
$input = Request::input();
$myModelsPaginator = App\Models\MyModel::paginate();
Add this anywhere in your app (e.g routes.php, filters.php or anything that's autoloaded), no need to edit any pagination codes that is written already. This works flawlessly using view composers, and you don't need to know any query string parameters:
View::composer(Paginator::getViewName(), function($view) {
$queryString = array_except(Input::query(), Paginator::getPageName());
Inspired from previous answers I ended up using the service container for both frontend + api support.
In your AppServiceProvider#boot() method:
$this->app->resolving(LengthAwarePaginator::class, function ($paginator) {
return $paginator->appends(array_except(Input::query(), $paginator->getPageName()));
you can used request helper in view as same
{{ $users->appends(request()->query())->links() }}
in your view where you display pagination...
{{ $results->appends(Request::except('page'))->links() }}
appends keeps the query string value except "page". not sure if it will work with POST request
{{ $users->appends(Request::only(['filter','search']))->links()}}
Updating #rasmus answer for Laravel 8.
In your AppServiceProvider boot method, add the following lines and your existing query string will be be used for all pagination links
$this->app->resolving(Paginator::class, function ($paginator) {
return $paginator->appends(Arr::except(Request::query(), $paginator->getPageName()));
$this->app->resolving(LengthAwarePaginator::class, function ($paginator) {
return $paginator->appends(Arr::except(Request::query(), $paginator->getPageName()));
And for completeness, use these classes:
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
use Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request;

Call a controller in Laravel 4

In Laravel 3, you could call a controller using the Controller::call method, like so:
Controller::call('api.items#index', $params);
I looked through the Controller class in L4 and found this method which seems to replace the older method: callAction(). Though it isn't a static method and I couldn't get it to work. Probably not the right way to do it?
How can I do this in Laravel 4?
You may use IoC.
Try this:
and you may also give params:
If I understand right, you are trying to build an API-centric application and want to access the API internally in your web application to avoid making an additional HTTP request (e.g. with cURL). Is that correct?
You could do the following:
$request = Request::create('api/items', 'GET', $params);
return Route::dispatch($request)->getContent();
Notice that, instead of specifying the controller#method destination, you'll need to use the uri route that you'd normally use to access the API externally.
Even better, you can now specify the HTTP verb the request should respond to.
Like Neto said you can user:
But to send for instance a POST with extra data you could use "merge" method before:
$input = array('extra_field1' => 'value1', 'extra_field2' => 'value2');
return App:make('HomeController')->someMethodInController();
It works for me!
This is not the best way, but you can create a function to do that:
function call($controller, $action, $parameters = array())
$app = app();
$controller = $app->make($controller);
return $controller->callAction($app, $app['router'], $action, $parameters);
Route::get('/test', function($var = null) use ($params)
return call('TestController', 'index', array($params));
Laurent's solution works (though you need a leading / and the $params you pass to Request::create are GET params, and not those handled by Laravel (gotta put them after api/items/ in the example).
I can't believe there isn't an easier way to do this though (not that it's hard, but it looks kinda hackish to me). Basically, Laravel 4 doesn't provide an easy way to map a route to a controller using a callback function? Seriously? This is the most common thing in the world...
I had to do this on one of my projects:
Route::controller('players', 'PlayerController');
Route::get('player/{id}{rest?}', function($id)
$request = Request::create('/players/view/' . $id, 'GET');
return Route::dispatch($request)->getContent();
->where('id', '\d+');
Hope I'm missing something obvious.
$request = Request::create('common_slider', 'GET', $parameters);
return Controller::getRouter()->dispatch($request)->getContent();
For laravel 5.1
It's an Old question. But maybe is usefull. Is there another way.
In your controller: You can declare the function as public static
public static function functioNAME(params)
And then in the Routes file or in the View:
