calculate polynomial function [scheme/racket] - scheme

I am trying to write a tail-recursive function poly that will compute the value of a polynomial given a value and the list of coefficients. As in, if coeff is a list of coefficients (a0, a1, a2, then (poly x coeff) should compute the value a0 + a1x +a2*x^2 + a3*x^3 +*x^n
The functions is also expected to run in linear time (O(n))
My thoughts on this is to create a helper function that has an extra parameter (acc) that keeps track of where you are at in the list so you know what power to raise it to but I can't think of how to do that

There is no need for a helper function to track where you are on the list, since you will only need to move forward one list element at a time till you reach the end. Here's a possible skeleton
(define (poly coeff)
(let loop ((power 0) (total 0) (clist coeff))
((null? clist) ???)
(else (loop (+ 1 power) (??????) (cdr clist))))))
That's most of it done for you. All you really have to do is work out how you should do the calculating of exponents and addition. There are two basic options and I know which one I would choose (fewer cpu cycles).


Can I make this Clojure code (scoring a graph bisection) more efficient?

My code is spending most of its time scoring bisections: determining how many edges of a graph cross from one set of nodes to the other.
Assume bisect is a set of half of a graph's nodes (ints), and edges is a list of (directed) edges [ [n1 n2] ...] where n1,n2 are also nodes.
(defn tstBisectScore
"number of edges crossing bisect"
([bisect edges]
(tstBisectScore bisect 0 edges))
([bisect nx edge2check]
(if (empty? edge2check)
(let [[n1 n2] (first edge2check)
inb1 (contains? bisect n1)
inb2 (contains? bisect n2)]
(if (or (and inb1 inb2)
(and (not inb1) (not inb2)))
(recur bisect nx (rest edge2check))
(recur bisect (inc nx) (rest edge2check))))
The only clues I have via sampling the execution of this code (using VisualVM) shows most of the time spent in clojure.core$empty_QMARK_, and most of the rest in clojure.core$contains_QMARK_. (first and rest take only a small fraction of the time.) (See attached .
Any suggestions as to how I could tighten the code?
First I would say that you haven't expanded that profile deep enough. empty? is not an expensive function in general. The reason it is taking up all your time is almost surely because the input to your function is a lazy sequence, and empty? is the poor sap whose job it is to look at its elements first. So all the time in empty? is probably actually time you should be accounting to whatever generates the input sequence. You could confirm this by profiling (tstBisectScore bisect (doall edges)) and comparing to your existing profile of (tstBisectScore bisect edges).
Assuming that my hypothesis is true, almost 80% of your real workload is probably in generating the bisects, not in scoring them. So anything we do in this function can get us at most a 20% speedup, even if we replaced the whole thing with (map (constantly 0) edges).
Still, there are many local improvements to be made. Let's imagine we've determined that producing the input argument is as efficient as we can get it, and we need more speed.
When iterating eagerly over something, use next instead of rest. The point of rest is that it's a bit lazier, and always returns a non-nil sequence instead of peeking to see if there is a next element. If you know you will need the next element anyway, use next to get both bits of information at once.
In general, empty? is not an efficient way to test a sequence. (defn empty? [x] (not (seq x))) is obviously a wasted not. If you care about efficiency, write (seq x) instead, and invert your if branches. Better still, if you know x is the result of a next call, it can never be an empty sequence: only nil, or a non-empty sequence. So just write (if x ...).
(or (and inb1 inb2)
(and (not inb1) (not inb2)))
is a very expensive way to write (= inb1 inb2).
So for starters, you could instead write
(defn tstBisectScore
([bisect edges] (tstBisectScore bisect 0 (seq edges)))
([bisect nx edges]
(if edges
(recur bisect (let [[n1 n2] (first edges)
inb1 (contains? bisect n1)
inb2 (contains? bisect n2)]
(if (= inb1 inb2) nx (inc nx)))
(next edges))
Note that I've also rearranged things a bit, by putting the if and let inside of the recur instead of duplicating the other arguments to the recur. This isn't a very popular style, and it doesn't matter to efficiency. Here it serves a pedagogical purpose: to draw your attention to the basic structure of this function that you missed. Your whole function has the structure(if xs (recur (f acc x) (next xs))). This is exactly what reduce already does!
I could write out the translation to use reduce, but first I'll also point out that you also have a map step hidden in there, mapping some elements to 1 and some to 0, and then your reduce phase is just summing the list. So, instead of using lazy sequences to do that, we'll use a transducer, and avoid allocating the intermediate sequences:
(defn tstBisectScore [bisect edges]
(transduce (map (fn [[n1 n2]]
(if (= (contains? bisect n1)
(contains? bisect n2)
0, 1)))
+ 0 edges))
This is a lot less code because you let existing abstractions do the work for you, and it should be more efficient because (a) these abstractions don't make the local mistakes you did, and (b) they also handle chunked sequences more efficiently, which is a sizeable boost that comes up surprisingly often when using basic tools like map, range, and filter.
This answer is based this answer from amalloy and shows some additional ways to speed up this code:
Use Java arrays:
Convert edges with (into-array (map into-array edges)). This allows you to use operations like aget, aset and especially areduce.
Use Java functions
In the following code, I replaced = with .equals and contains? with .contains.
Use type hints
Using these tips, I rewrote your function like this:
(defn tst-bisect-score [^HashSet bisect
^"[[Ljava.lang.Long;" edges]
(areduce edges
(long 0)
(+ ret
(let [^"[Ljava.lang.Long;" e (aget edges i)]
(if (.equals ^Boolean
(.contains ^HashSet bisect
^Long (aget e 0))
(.contains ^HashSet bisect
^Long (aget e 1)))
0 1)))))
Convert your arguments in advance with (HashSet. ^Collection bisect) and (into-array (map into-array edges)) and then call:
(tst-bisect-score bisect edges)

How to write functions of functions in Scheme

I am supposed to write a function called (nth-filtered f n), where f is a function of one variable and n is a natural number, which evaluates to the nth natural number such that f applied to that number is #t.
If we called
(nth-filtered even? 1) we would get 2
(nth-filtered prime? 10) we would get 29
How do I make it so that it works for any sequential function? What should I think about when approaching this type of problem?
A variable is a variable and + is also a variable. The main difference between a function and some other data type is that you can wrap a function name in parentheses with arguments and it will become a new value.
(define (double fun)
(lambda (value)
(fun (fun value))))
(define (add1 v)
(+ 1 v))
(define add2 (double add1))
(add2 1) ; ==> 3
Now the contract doesn't say so you deduct by looking that you do (fun ...) that fun needs to be a function. Imagine this:
(define test (double 5)) ; probably works OK
(test 1)
The last one fails since you get application: 5 is not a procedure or something similar. The error message is not standardized.
How to attack your task is by making a helper that has the same arguments as your function but in addition the current number that I guess starts at 1. As I demonstrated you use the function variable as a function and recurse by always increasing the number and reducing n when the f call was #t. The actual function will just use the helper by passing all the parameters in addition to your state variable.
Your problem requires a fold, which is the standard way to iterate other a list while keeping a record of things done so far.
Here a very rackety method using for/fold:
(define (nth-filtered predicate index)
(for/fold ([count 0]
[current #f] #:result current)
([n (in-naturals 1)]) ; we start at 1 but we could start at 0
#:break (= count index)
(values (if (predicate n) (add1 count) count)
for/fold takes a list of initial state. Here we define count as the number of times the given predicate returned #t and current as the currently tested value.
Then it takes a list of iterators, in this case we only iterate infinitely over (in-naturals).
To make it stop, we provide a #:break condition, which is "when the number of truthy predicates (count) is equal to the requested amount (index)".
for/fold requests that it's body finishes with a list of values for each "state" variable, in order to update them for the next iteration. Here we provide two values: one is the new count, the other is just the current n.
You can try it out, it works as you requested:
> (nth-filtered even? 1)
> (require math/number-theory)
> (nth-filtered prime? 10)
> (nth-filtered prime? 5)

Comparing two lists in scheme

I am trying to recursively compare and output the smallest number in 2 equal sized set of lists. Example (testFunc '(3 5 9) '(1 2 11)) will return '(1 2 9). I have tried the following:
(define (testFunc X Z)
(if (< (car X) (car Z)) ((car X) (testFunc((cdr X) (cdr Z))))
((car Z) (testFunc((cdr X) (cdr Z))))))
My thought process and what I am trying to achieve:
compare the first element of X and Z. If x(1) is smaller than z(1) then print x(1) and drop the first element from both lists using cdr and repeat the process by calling testFunc else print z(1) and do the same thing until we went through each position.
Appreciate all the help in advance. Thanks!
To call testFunc, you must use (testFunc arg1 arg2). You must not use (testFunc(arg1 arg2)). Scheme is parenthesis-sensitive; you must not add (or remove) extra parentheses.
Likewise, to bunch up the results, you need to use (cons item rest), and not just (item rest).
Have you considered using just (map min list1 list2)?
What you want is the k-minor numbers from 2 lists where k is the size of both lists. There are many ways to do this.
Here's one idea:
First append both lists.
Then sort them from lower to higher.
Then take the first three.
But that wouldn't be exactly recursive (sort is recursive but the procedure as such is not).
So another idea uses tail recursion using a list that saves the returning result and we'll name it res and a procedure that gets the minor item from a list called min-list.
Check if length of res is k. If so, return res.
Otherwise let minorA= (min-list A), minorB=(min-list B)
if minorA < minor B
recursive call with A=(remove minorA A) B=B, res=(cons minorA res), k=k
else recursive vall with A=A B=(remove minorB B), res=(cons minorB res), k=k
And this idea is in fact recursive.
I got the code written but I want you to try and code it yourself so please tell us of any doubt.
Happy coding!
I've read the comments and it seems you can't use min. Does this mean you cannot use the one that comes in racket/base? If so, you can write your own procedure to check which is the minimal value but if you're not allowed even that, then we'll have to try something else. (I'll post here next idea when I get one).
Oh, and please, clarify the form of the input lists, are they ordered from minor to greater? In your example it seems that way but if it's not always like that then the procedure can change a bit.

Racket - creating a water density function with certain restrictions

I am attempting to solve the following problem:
Lately, Finn has been very curious about buckets of ice water and their properties. He has been reviewing the density of water and ice. It turns out the density of water in both states depends on many factors, including the temperature, atmospheric pressure, and the purity of the water.
As an approximation, Finn has written the following function to determine the density of the water (or ice) in kg/m3 as a function of temperature t in Celsius (−273.15 ≤ t ≤ 100):
water-density(t) = ( 999.97 if t ≥ 0 ;
916.7 if t < 0 )
Write a function water-density that consumes an integer temperature t and produces either 999.97 or 916.7, depending on the value of t. However, you may only use the features of Racket given up to the end of Module 1.
You may use define and mathematical functions, but not cond, if, lists, recursion, Booleans, or other things we’ll get to later in the course. Specifically, you may use any of the functions in section 1.5 of this page: except for the following functions, which are not allowed: sgn, floor, ceiling, round.
This is what I have so far:
(define (water-density t)
(+ (* (/ (min t 0) (min t -0.000001)) -83.27) 999.97))
This code does definitely work as long as the given temperature is not between -0.000001 and 0, but it will not work for temperatures between that range. What can I do to avoid this problem? Dividing by zero is the biggest problem I have here.
This is a somewhat.... interesting way of going about teaching programming, and I have a feeling this class is going to cause more StackOverflow questions to appear in the future, but you can do it by combining max and min to make a function that returns either 1 or 0 depending on whether its input is negative:
(define (negative->boolint n))
(- 0
(min 0
(max (inexact->exact (floor n))
This function takes a number, rounds it down with (inexact->exact (floor n)), then the combination of max and min "bounds" the number to be between -1 and 0, then subtracts that result from 1. Since after conversion to an integer the number can never be between -1 and 0, the bounding just results in 0 for positives and zero and -1 negatives. The subtraction part means the function returns (- 0 0) for all positive numbers and zero and returns (- 1 -1) for all negative numbers. By combining the result of this function with some arithmetic, you can get the behavior you want:
(define (water-density t)
(- 999.97
(* 83.27
(negative->boolint t))))
If t is positive or zero, then the result of (* 83.27 (negative->boolint t)) will just be zero. Otherwise, the difference of the two densities will be subtracted, giving you the correct result.
This works because it's just taking advantage of max and min's built-in conditional functionality to do conditional arithmetic. You could probably achieve the same with some level of hackery for round or abs or other statements that have conditional logic.
My apologies, I missed the part of your question about not being able to use the rounding functions. Want you want is still doable however, by using two base functions for simulating conditionals: abs and expt. Getting conditionals from abs is fairly straightforward, you can divide a number by its absolute value to get it's sign. The reason you need expt is because it lets you get around the division by zero issue with abs, because (expt 0 x) is 0 for all positive numbers, 1 for zero, and undefined for negative numbers. We can use this to make a zero->boolint function:
(define (zero->boolint x)
(expt 0 (abs x)))
With this, we can add its result to the numerator and denominator to get around division by zero in (/ x (abs x)). Since this causes the division by zero case to return 1, we now have a nonnegative->boolint function:
(define (nonnegative->boolint x)
(/ (+ 1
(/ (+ (zero->boolint x) x)
(+ (zero->boolint x) (abs x))))
The inner division takes care of dividing a number by its absolute value to return -1 for negatives and 1 for positives and zero. The outer addition by 1 and then division by 2 turns this into 0 for negatives and 1 for positives and zero. In order to get a negative->boolint function, we just need some sort of not operation - which in the case of 1 for true and 0 for false is just subtracting the value from 1. So we can define negative->boolint based on only the conditional logic of abs and expt as:
(define (negative->boolint x)
(- 1 (nonnegative->boolint x))
This works as expected with the definition of water-density. Also, please don't ever do this in real world code. No matter how "clever" it may seem at the time.

Random Walk in Clojure

I have written the following piece of code for a random walk, which draws random values from {-1,1}.
(defn notahappyfoo [n]
(reverse (butlast (butlast (reverse (interleave (take n (iterate rand (- 0 1)))(take n (iterate rand 1))))))))
However, the code fails to generate a satisfactory walk. The main problem stems from the function rand. It's lower bound is 0, which forced the awkward code I wrote. Namely, the function interleave ends up causing wild shifts in the walk as values are forced to swing from positive to negative. It will be hard to garner any sense of a continuous path with this code.
I believe there should be an elegant form in Clojure to construct this walk. But I am not able to piece the right functions together to generate such a walk. The goals of the function I am looking to construct consist of lower and upper bounds for the random number. In the code above I have forced the interval -1 to 1. It would be nice to generalize this to -a and a. Moreover, how do I form a collection of random reals (floating points) between -a and a that has some notion of continuity?
You need a random function that takes a range
(defn myrand [a b]
(+ a (rand (- b a))))
You can then create a sequence
(def s (repeatedly #(myrand -1 1)))
finally you can use reductions to get a sample walk
(take 10 s)
(reductions + (take 10 s))
