Using python library for GIST feature extraction on Windows - windows

I just started using Python (version 2.7.2) on Windows 7.
I want to use GIST feature in my python project. I have been looking around for the GIST python library. There is a famous library called pyleargist (
However, I have tried so many ways to build and install this library on Windows7. Unfortunately, it didn't success at all. Therefore, I would like to ask 2 questions here.
Is there any other alternative python library (apart from pyleargist or writing it myself) for GIST image descriptor?
Have any of you ever been able to use pyleargist library for any Python 2.7 code on Windows7?


Is py_trees library of python which is used for creating behavior trees only used in ROS or can it be run on some other platform as well?

I have come across a library called py_trees which provides me with the classes and functions to create a behavior tree , but I am using windows 10 and I am wondering if ROS(which operates on Ubuntu) is required to use py_trees.
I have gone through the github pages of py_trees and in most of them it has been integrated with ROS and therefore I am wondering if we can use it in windows or not.
No, ROS is not required for py_trees; but it is useful with ROS. There is actually a separate package that specifically integrates it with ROS. It’ll work fine on Windows and can be installed via pip.

How and which graphing library to install on Python 3

I have Python 3 on OSX Yosemite installed with Brew. I want to make some simple charts (like in Excel). I run Python from bash. Which library should I investigate, and the proper way to have it installed? I am looking for library which is easy to install, and then easy to use. Output probably png files?
matplotlib is a good choice.
How to install it on OS-X is mentioned in the installation FAQ.
Especially in combination with IPython notebooks it gives you a nice interactive environment to play with it.
Another alternative would be gnuplot. Pre-built packages are available.
It is not tied to Python, it is basically a domain specific language for graphing. There are python bindings available, gut it is also not difficult to use it with subprocess.
If you can use commercial libraries, you may also consider ChartDirector.

Why are there no tutorials for Django using Windows?

I'm starting to use Django and I find that every example I see is done in Mac OS. I'm a Windows user. I've used Mac OS X Lion and I have no problem with it other that my personal computer doesn't have it. I would prefer not to go out and spend money on an operating system and set up dual booting just to follow a quick tutorial for Django.
So my question Is, can anyone point me in to a tutorial that uses Windows so I can get a good idea of how it works, and get a good ground, so that I can translate the other tutorials a little more easily.
Any help would be appreciated.
There are no windows specific django tutorials because django as a framework is platform agnostic. All of the python code that goes into writing a project is the same across platforms. The only time you would see something different is when a tutorial references a path on the filesystem.
The actual installation process of django would however be platform specific, but thats more of just a python for windows question. It would be the same situation for installing any python package or framework.
Ultimately you only have a few commands you need to actually run when you are learning django:
python syncb
python runserver
python shell
How you call python is the platform specific part, but the django aspect is the same. The project file structure is also the same. As long as a project doesn't use platform specific file path references, you could run a project written under linux on windows.
This doc might be the only one you need, which explains various installation procedures:
If you need more info, you might need to provide some specific examples of where its confusing you to see non-windows style tutorials.
Here's a slightly old tutorial:
The official Django docs also have a section on installation, which covers Windows:

Are there image processing modules for Python 3?

I am facing an image processing task, and I'm using Python 3.2 (on a 64-bit Windows system). All my searches for image processing libraries have come up with are libraries for older versions of Python (most notably PIL, whose current version - 1.1.7 - supports Python 2.7). Does anyone know of an image processing library for Python 3?
By the way, I do not need fancy transformations and heavy stuff. All I need is to open a JPG file and get the image as an RGB-value matrix/list.
Any help will be most appreciated!
You can get a source version of PIL which will compile on python3.1 here:
also binary installer for 3.2 and 64-bit windows here:
ref: Image library for Python 3
The world is changing and everyone seem to be moving to a brand new library: Pillow. It is a drop-in replacement for PIL but it is alive and does support Python 3.

Building a Windows executable from my Ruby app?

I'd like to be able to send a Ruby app to some colleagues without requiring them to install a Ruby interpreter. A single exe would be preferable.
I googled and found "RubyScript2Exe".
What are your experiences with that? Are there other such tools or are there better approaches altogether than building an exe?
I've used it about 3 times and I haven't had any problems with it and I ran one of the apps on 10 servers and never had any issues. So, I think RubyScript2Exe is about as good as it gets for ruby.
_why's Shoes framework lets you package the program as an executable for Mac or Windows that installs Shoes (contains a Ruby interpreter). Information about using the packager is here. _why also gives hints about how he makes the Windows executable here.
Don't forget OCRA [1] which I used a couple of times and which Just Worked.
I used to create my exes with RubyScript2Exe as mentioned above but had problems when used with Ruby 1.9 [2].
There is another one called Crate. You can find some information about it here. However I haven't tested it on Windows.
Sorry to be late to the party, but I found this question in my search for trying to do this myself (starting to use SO more and more as a primary resource).
Anyway, I have just had success with exerb, although I'd add a couple of notes:
The web page says exerb runs on any platform. That is true; however if you "compile" a program calls out to native code, then exerb will embed your system's native code (e.g. Linux .so files) into the .exe. In practice, that means you have to build any significant app on Windows.
The web page also says ruby -r exerb/mkrbc but the actual command is ruby -r exerb/mkexy.
