How and which graphing library to install on Python 3 - macos

I have Python 3 on OSX Yosemite installed with Brew. I want to make some simple charts (like in Excel). I run Python from bash. Which library should I investigate, and the proper way to have it installed? I am looking for library which is easy to install, and then easy to use. Output probably png files?

matplotlib is a good choice.
How to install it on OS-X is mentioned in the installation FAQ.
Especially in combination with IPython notebooks it gives you a nice interactive environment to play with it.
Another alternative would be gnuplot. Pre-built packages are available.
It is not tied to Python, it is basically a domain specific language for graphing. There are python bindings available, gut it is also not difficult to use it with subprocess.

If you can use commercial libraries, you may also consider ChartDirector.


I need a way to run Haskell code without any install on a Mac

I enjoy developing in Haskell, but am presently confronted with a challenge. At my place of education, I don't have administrative rights on my account. I want to debug/test while there. I need a way to run Haskell code without installing haskell-platform or ghci or anything else requiring of an administrative level of privilege. For instance, a web site which will run haskell code (abeit limited to not include file access of course) or a java utility (or standalone .app, though java is preferred due to the nature of the "parental controls"), or something else I haven't thought of. Source or compiled Java, Flash, and source code in Ruby or Python are preferred to native code. This is on Mac OS X 10.6, for reference.
You can install GHC without admin privileges, but you'll have to build from source. Check out the Building on MacOS X for more details.
Essentially, like any other open-source project, you can compile code and install it, generally, anywhere on your filesystem like into a folder in your home folder (I often use the ~/.local folder for that purpose).
As the linked page mentions, you can also use MacPorts and install it to any place you can write to. Once MacPorts is installed you can install GHC.
As pointed out by Carl in the comments below, you don't need to build from source. Just grab the binary tarball from
In addition to all the other ideas, several companies will rent you virtual (cloud) linux servers for a few cents an hour. You have root on those and can install whatever you want, then freeze the image until you need it again.
Normally this might not be advantageous over a local solution if you can make one work, but a possible extra benefit would be that your work can stay on a single "computer" which you could access while sitting in front of any variety of modern PC that might be available to you on a given day.
An alternative not only for Haskell is
For the website option, TryHaskell will hardly cut it, it's way to limited.
codepad, OTOH, is more liberal, and should be of more use.
But honestly the bindist option is the best one, clearly!
If you truly can't install anything, then there's -- like GHCi, but you can't load modules, which means not only that you can't use many standard functions (say, the functions in Data.List), but also that you can't use certain language features (like user-defined algebraic data types).
I also remember a hpaste-style site which executes its code -- and allows you to have private pastes -- but I can't remember it at the moment. Edit: I was thinking of -- thanks #Mog
Try It is a haskell interpreter written using javascript. GHC.IO is a version of the Haskell interactive interpreter, ghci, that runs online in a web browser.
You just need to install homebrew, which you can do without root rights if you do so in your home directory. You can then brew install cabal-install
which will automatically install cabal and ghc, or brew install stack to install stack.
There is a web-based interpreter for Haskell at However, it may not provide enough functionality for your requirements.

How can I create debian package (*.deb) from ruby application written with qt4?

I found a lot of tutorials how to build application with Ruby and Qt, but i have no idea how anybody else will be able to run it! I am using Ubuntu 11.10, ruby 1.9.2 with rvm and:
rbqtapi -v output "QtRuby 2.0.5 using Qt-4.7.4"
P.S. I have no idea how to build *.deb, it will be my first desktop app, not web.
please have a look on this is the best way I heard off for writing GUI apps.
Shoes has now not it's greatest time, but we put our best time to make it better, give it a try and someone will help you.
In case you are in need of assistance just ask as question on #shoes IRC channel on freenode servers.
If you're sold on QT, then you will need your users to install all the support libraries for QT (and anything else), then you can upload a rubygem to for your users to download.
Once, they've installed the support libraries, you'd only need to update your rubygem, which is fairly quick and easy for updates.
You may also wan to look at visualruby. It uses GTK. Then you'd install the GTK libraries instead of the QT ones.
As far as .deb packages go, I tried to research the same thing with little success. The rubygems packaging system is designed to distribute ruby programs, so it is the best way to go. Also, you'll need to install different support libraries for different platforms. If you look at visualruby's install page, you can see how to install GTK for Linux and Windows.
Good Luck.

Creating terminal based installer/wizard

I would like to create a terminal based installer/wizard.
Ideally, it'd be like the Ubuntu server installer, or the Arch Linux installer - a ncurses (?) heavy GUI with lots of form and arrow key goodness.
Second best would be a simpler question/answer type thing, similar to the "adduser" command prompting for password, username, etc.
I am Ruby biased, and would prefer a scripting language (not C), but I'm open to anything. It will only run on Ubuntu server, if that helps.
What are my options?
I'm not certain what you're asking. If you're looking for an implementation tool, you could look at urwid, which is a Python-based GUI toolkit library. It lets you write programs using GTK-style widgets and event interfaces for a text-based interface. If you're a decent scripter, it shouldn't be too hard to start from there and write the code to drive an installation process.
InstallJammer can do what you want in the second form. No ncurses interface to speak of though. 0-] It's written in Tcl/Tk, so it meets your scripting requirement though obviously not in your language of choice. We all have our language of choice, I suppose. 0-]
It would be easier to answer if you specified what you're trying to do. If you're installing something, it might make sense to just create a debian package and use install time configuration options available via debhelper.
If bash or shell scripting is okay, I'd suggest looking at package "dialog". Just put "dialog" as pre-depends for your package and you can use dialog features for your deb installer.
Another possibility could be the "pdmenu" package (origin:

Brand new Mac, should I use Macports?

got a new mac, need to have it setup ready for development. I heard great things about macports, should i use it? Is it really easier than manually download and compile? anyone has any problems using it?
It is for typical ruby web development stuff.
Try homebrew. It's really good because it's highly optimized, and has no redundant packages.
It's also built in Ruby, which seems particularly relevant to you.
It really is easier than doing it manually. For example:
sudo port install gimp
will download, build, and install Gimp, plus all its dependencies. There are a lot of dependencies.
If you're doing "typical" stuff, the versions of stuff in MacPorts will be sufficient. Only if you need to be on the bleeding edge will you need to bypass MacPorts and download and install manually.
While macports can make installation easier, it's the difference between 4 commands (wget/tar/configure/make) and 1 command. Where macports really shines is in package management. If you're primarily interested in Ruby development, RubyGems might be all you need. If you're doing Ruby on Rails, macports will be quite helpful with all the non-ruby software you'll need. If you want to go completely GUI, you can use Porticus as a macports frontend.
I have had the occasional problem during the build phase, but that's under Tiger, which is behind the times.
I prefer macports, but some people like doing it themselves. Macports tends to be behind releases, but it's still good for me
The strongest problem with macports is that it's not cross platform, and it's hard to specify a well defined development scenario (e.g. you use Foo version 1.2.3, Bar version 0.5.6 etc.). It makes your life easier, but as of today, I still haven't found a decent solution to the definition and building of a development runtime environment which is efficient, easy and cross platform. See also this question.
So my suggestion is: go with macports, unless you want very strict control of your development environment.
You should use a package manager unless you have a well defined, specific reason not to.
'Course, I prefer fink.

Annotate images using tools built into OS X

I want to overlay text on images on OS X, preferably without installing additional software, so that, as a sysadmin, I can know at a glance that machines are up-to-date, in a way that is easily scriptable and easily modifiable, and can run without GUI access. [Being able to overlay images or apply color-changing effects would be a bonus.]
Mac OS X Leopard comes with a ton of stuff built-in: Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl/Tk, Bash; wxWidgets, some Quartz integration, and even Objective-C integration for Python and Ruby. There must be several good ways to do this, if I were only versed in these systems.
I'm continuing to go through the examples in the /Developer folder on my computer, and I have got a partial idea of how this might be done in Cocoa and converted to PyObjC. I decided I would have to deploy ImageMagick, but in my testing, I am running into an infamous bus error, and would prefer not to have to compile ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick with all its dependancies if I can do what I need to out-of-the-box. [That said, I would consider installing additional components, but it would be a big win to have something that would work on a stock install of OS X].
This seems like it'd be relatively simple to do using Python and the Python Imaging Library (PIL). I don't think PIL is installed with OS X by default, but it's relatively easy to install manually and doesn't have a ton of dependencies. The PIL tutorials are also pretty good -- it shouldn't be too hard to whip up a command-line or GUI program to do what you want.
CocoaMagic is a single-file replacement for large parts of RMagick (Ruby integration with ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick). It should be useable as a library in its own right, or by appending things to the bottom of the script.
