Mono Develop and Visual Studio Compatibility - visual-studio

Will code developed with Mono (Develop) be compatible with Visual Studio (2010 for now)? Meaning, is it ok to have some members of a team using mono develop (linux) and some using Visual Studio (windows)? Or should I expect problems?
For this project, it will be using C++ on Visual Studio 2010 (most members). If its compatible, can I expect the same from Visual Studio 2012? Except those specified on the Mono website

If you have been a long time Visual C++ developer, you will know using Windows's stuffs (such as MFC) locks you up on Windows.
MonoDevelop's C++ support (for example GTK+) does not aim to clone Visual C++ or be compatible with it,
So I think the answer is No.


Visual Studio 2019 install MFC library?

I am inheriting a C++ code base on Windows in Visual Studio 2019 and I'm trying to compile the code, but it seems like VS cannot find the header files in the MFC library, e.g. "afxdialogex.h". I couldn't find any sources on the internet on how to install MFC and it seems like it should come with Visual Studio. Any ideas?
Disclaimer: I have zero Windows experience as I have exclusive used *nix systems until now.
As documented:
In Visual Studio 2017 and later, MFC and ATL are optional sub-components under the Desktop development with C++ workload in the Visual Studio Installer program. You can install ATL support without MFC, or combined MFC and ATL support (MFC depends on ATL). For more information about workloads and components, see Install Visual Studio.
You can either select MFC when choosing workloads (on the right-hand side), or choose individual components.

Generate visual studio solution on mac with cmake

Using the CMake GUI, for the same CMakeList, I am able to generate VS solution files on Windows and XCode solution files on Mac. However I am unable to generate VS solution on Mac, as I don't use any VS options under Specify the generator for this project.
I have VS 2017 Community for Mac installed on the Macbook. Is there anything I am missing?
Visual Studio for Mac is very different from Visual Studio.
The former is based on Xamarin Studio, a product of Xamarin Inc., which was acquired by Microsoft in early 2016. Microsoft then basically rebranded Xamarin Studio as Visual Studio for Mac. Note that Xamarin Studio was mainly an IDE for developing mobile apps. Visual Studio for Mac currently has no support for C++.
Because of this, CMake currently does not support Visual Studio for Mac. The Visual Studio generators that ship with CMake only work with the Windows versions of Visual Studio.
And before someone asks: They also don't work with Visual Studio Code, which is yet another product that has little in common with Visual Studio except the name. Unlike Visual Studio for Mac however, Visual Studio Code has extensive support for C++ development with CMake through plugins and might be a viable alternative if you're looking for a Visual Studio-like development experience for C++ on Mac.
In that case, you open the workspace directly with VS Code and let its CMake plugins handle the configuration of CMake. You will not use the Visual Studio generators of CMake for VS Code, as VS Code is unable to work with the generated solution files.

What is the difference between visual studio and visual c++ IDE

What is the difference between visual c++ and visual studio.
Also codes written in visual c++ do affect the portability and functionality of the code??
Visual C++ is one of the languages that is supported in the Visual Studio IDE. I'm not aware of a separate Visual C++ IDE, and relevant searches return information about working in Visual Studio.
These are all part of Microsoft's development platform, and as such they most easily target Windows platforms and .NET. Beyond that I'm not sure I understand your question about portability.
I remember seeing Visual C++ awhile back but Microsoft has moved to making Visual Studio their single IDE.
Check out this wiki link for more information. It says that Visual C++ has migrated into Visual Studio. However, it seems there might be some compatibility issues if you are using an older VS. I see you tagged VS2010 so you may want to read up on it depending on what functions you're using. Looks like VS2015 update 3 is the latest release that captures those functions.

Visual Studio 2010 and WinCE 5.0

Is it possible to use a platform builder 5.0 SDK in visual studio 2010 for a C++ project.
I want to compile code for a specific ARM WinCE 5.0 environment and I have VS2010 at the moment.
The Microsoft website recommends visual studio 2005. I'm currently downloading the VS2005 evaluation but I'm also a bit worried about installing this on a machine that already has vs2010 installed.
Any advise would be greatly received.
Read this question: ETA on Smart Device Projects for Visual Studio 2010
In short, Visual Studio 2010 does not currently support Smart Device projects so you cannot do what you want. You can use either VS2008 or VS2005 for Smart Device application development.
VS2005 and VS2010 on the same machine should not pose a problem as far as I know. You can read this msdn forum and this SO question in that regard.

Making an extension for multiple versions of Visual Studio

I have a feeling that the Visual Studio SDK is targeted heavily towards the version of Visual Studio it is created for, so I'm wondering how to do this in the best way possible. I currently only have Visual Studio 2008, but people using Visual Studio 2010 have begun wanting to use my tool as well, and I want to help them out. There were some using Visual Studio 2005 as well. Is there any way to do this without maintaining two (or three) different versions of the tool in different versions of Visual Studio?
This question is related, maybe it helps: Does Visual Studio 2010 have backward compatibility with visual studio 2008's addins?
