Running commands in background from TCL script and formatting output - shell

I have a tcl script which runs multiple shell commands serially.
Something like this:
command 1
command 2
command 3
command n
This script prints the outputs of these commands into a text file in the following format:
### ### ### ### ### ###
Command name
### ### ### ### ### ###
Command Output
### ### ### ### ### ##
I was trying to get the script to run faster but making the shell commands run in parallel instead of serially. By pushing them to the background (command a &). But I'm at a loss how to retain the formatting of my output text file as was the case before.
When I push the commands in to background I'm forced to append their outputs into a temporary file, but these files just have the output of the commands in a dump together. It's difficult to differentiate between the different outputs.
Is there someway I can redirect the output of each command running in the background to an individual temp file (maybe the name of the temp file can have the process id of the background running process). And once all commands have run, I can cat the outputs together in to the proper format? Any ideas/suggestions on how I can accomplish this.

If the commands don't have state that depends on each other, you can parallelize them. There are many ways to do this, but one of the easier is to use the thread package's thread pooling (which requires a threaded Tcl, the norm on many platform nowadays):
package require Thread
set pool [tpool::create -maxworkers 4]
# The list of *scripts* to evaluate
set tasks {
{command 1}
{command 2}
{command n}
# Post the work items (scripts to run)
foreach task $tasks {
lappend jobs [tpool::post $pool $task]
# Wait for all the jobs to finish
for {set running $jobs} {[llength $running]} {} {
tpool::wait $pool $running running
# Get the results; you might want a different way to print the results...
foreach task $tasks job $jobs {
set jobResult [tpool::get $pool $job]
puts "TASK: $task"
puts "RESULT: $jobResult"
The main tweakable is the size of the thread pool, which defaults to a limit of 4. (Set it via the -maxworkers option to tpool::create which I've listed explicitly above.) The best value to choose depends on how many CPU cores you've got and how much CPU load each task generates on average; you'll need to measure and tune…
You can also use the -initcmd option to pre-load each worker thread in the pool with a script of your choice. That's a good place to put your package require calls. The workers are all completely independent of each other and of the master thread; they do not share state. You'd get the same model if you ran each piece of code in a separate process (but then you'd end up writing more code to do the coordinating).
[EDIT]: Here's a version that will work with Tcl 8.4 and which uses subprocesses instead.
namespace eval background {}
proc background::task {script callback} {
set f [open |[list [info nameofexecutable]] "r+"]
fconfigure $f -buffering line
puts $f [list set script $script]
puts $f {fconfigure stdout -buffering line}
puts $f {puts [list [catch $script msg] $msg]; exit}
fileevent $f readable [list background::handle $f $script $callback]
proc background::handle {f script callback} {
foreach {code msg} [read $f] break
catch {close $f}
uplevel "#0" $callback [list $script $code $msg]
proc accumulate {script code msg} {
puts "#### COMMANDS\n$script"
puts "#### CODE\n$code"
puts "#### RESULT\n$msg"
# Some simple code to collect the results
if {[llength [lappend ::accumulator $msg]] == 3} {
set ::done yes
foreach task {
{after 1000;subst hi1}
{after 2000;subst hi2}
{after 3000;subst hi3}
} {
background::task $task accumulate
vwait done
Notes: the tasks are Tcl commands that produce a result, but they must not print the result out; the fabric code (in background::task) handles that. These are subprocesses; they share nothing with one another, so anything you want them to do or be configured with must be sent as part of the task. A more sophisticated version could keep a hot pool of subprocesses around and in general work very much like a thread pool (subject to the subtle differences due to being in a subprocess and not a thread) but that was more code than I wanted to write here.
Result codes (i.e., exception codes) are 0 for “ok”, 1 for “error”, and other values in less common cases. They're exactly the values documented on the Tcl 8.6 catch manual page; it's up to you to interpret them correctly. (I suppose I should also add code to make the ::errorInfo and ::errorCode variable contents be reported back in the case of an error, but that makes the code rather more complex…)


print an image from command line and await print job completion on Windows

I needed to write a solution to write data on and then print RFID labels en-masse, each generated as .png images from a template python script and data taken from a database or excel file.
To print the program simply calls the relative system utility (CUPS on unix systems) using subprocess.check_call(print_cmd) passing the image file (saved on a ram-mounted file system for minimal disk usage)
Now, it also needs to run on Windows systems, but there is not really a decent system utility for that, and solutions under a similar question command line tool for print picture? don't account for print-job completion or if the job results in an error, the margins are all screwed and the image is always rotated 90 degrees for some reason.
How can I sanely print an image using a command or a script in Windows and wait for it to complete successfully or return an error if the job results in an error?
Possibly with no dependencies
If you can install dependencies, there are many programs that offer a solution out-of-the-box.
The only sane way i could find to solve this issue with no dependencies is by creating a powershell script to account for this
param (
[string] $file = $(throw "parameter is mandatory"),
[string] $printer = "EXACT PRINTER NAME HERE"
$ERR = "UserIntervention|Error|Jammed"
$status = (Get-Printer -Name $printer).PrinterStatus.ToString()
if ($status -match $ERR){ exit 1 }
# only sends the print job to the printer
rundll32 C:\Windows\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_PrintTo $file $printer
# wait until printer is in printing status
do {
$status = (Get-Printer -Name $printer).PrinterStatus.ToString()
if ($status -match $ERR){ exit 1 }
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
} until ( $status -eq "Printing" )
# wait until printing is done
do {
$status = (Get-Printer -Name $printer).PrinterStatus.ToString()
if ($status -match $ERR){ exit 1 }
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
} until ( $status -eq "Normal" )
I would then need to slightly modify the print subprocess call to
powershell -File "path\to\print.ps1" "C:\absolute\path\to\file.png"
Then there are a couple of necessary setup steps:
(discaimer, I don't use windows in english so i don't know how the english thigs are supposed to be called. i will use cursive for those)
create an example image, right click and then select Print
from the print dialog that opens then set up all the default options you want, like orientation, margins, paper type, etc etc for the specific printer you're gonna use.
Go to printer settings, under tools then edit Printer Status Monitoring
edit monitoring frequency to "only during print jobs". it should be disabled by default
in the next tab, modify polling frequency to the minimum available, 100ms during print jobs (you can use a lower one for the while not printing option
Assuming the following:
only your program is running this script
theres always only 1 printing job at a time for a given printer
the printer drivers were not written by a monkey and they actually report the current, correct printer status
This little hack will allow to print an image from a command and await job completion, with error management; and uses only windows preinstalled software
Further optimization could be done by keeping powershell subprocess active and only passing it scripts in the & "path\to\print.ps1" "C:\absolute\path\to\file.png" format, waiting for standard output to report an OK or a KO; but only if mass printing is required.
Having had to work on this again, just wanted to add a simpler solution in "pure" python using the pywin32 package
import time
import subprocess
from typing import List
import win32print as wprint
PRINTERS: List[str] = [p[2] for p in wprint.EnumPrinters(wprint.PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL)]
PRINTER_DEFAULT = wprint.GetDefaultPrinter()
print("[!!] an error occured while retrieving printers")
# you could throw an exception or whatever
# bla bla do other stuff
if "WIN32_SUPPORTED" in globals():
__printImg_win32(file, printer_name)
def __printImg_win32(file: str, printer: str = ""):
if not printer:
# verify prerequisites here
# i still do prefer to print calling rundll32 directly,
# because of the default printer settings shenaningans
# and also because i've reliably used it to spool millions of jobs
def __monitorJob_win32(printer: str, timeout=16.0):
p = wprint.OpenPrinter(printer)
# wait for job to be sheduled
t0 = time.time()
while (time.time()-t0) < timeout:
ptrr = wprint.GetPrinter(p, 2)
# unsure about those flags, but definitively not errors.
# it seems they are "moving paper forward"
if ptrr["Status"] != 0 and ptrr["Status"] not in [1024,1048576]:
raise Error("Printer is in error (status %d)!" % ptrr["Status"])
if ptrr["cJobs"] > 0:
raise Error("Printer timeout sheduling job!")
# await job completion
t0 = time.time()
while (time.time()-t0) < timeout:
ptrr = wprint.GetPrinter(p, 2)
if ptrr["Status"] != 0 and ptrr["Status"] not in [1024,1048576]:
raise Error("Printer is in error (status %d)!" % ptrr["Status"])
if ptrr["cJobs"] == 0 and ptrr["Status"] == 0:
raise Error("Printer timeout waiting for completion!")
useful additional resources
Print image files using python
Catch events from printer in Windows
pywin32's win32print "documentation"

How to interactively run mount command from a (Ruby) script?

I am trying to write a Ruby script that runs the mount command interactively behind the scenes. The problem is, if I redirect input and output of the mount command to pipes, it doesn't work. Somehow, mount seems to realise that it's not talking directly to stdin/stdout and falls over. Either that, or it's a more wide-ranging problem that would affect all interactive commands; I don't know.
I want to be able to parse the output of mount, line by line, and shove answers into its input pipe when it asks questions. This shouldn't be an unreasonable expectation. Can someone help, please?
def read_until(pipe, stop_at, timeoutsec = 10, verbose = false)
lines = []; line = ""
while result =[pipe], nil, nil, timeoutsec)
next if result.empty?
c = rescue c = nil
break if c.nil?
line << c
break if line =~ stop_at
# Start a new line?
if line[-1] == ?\n
puts line if verbose
lines << line.strip
line = ""
return lines, line.match(stop_at)
cmd = "mount.ecryptfs -f /tmp/1 /tmp/2"
status = Open3::popen2e(cmd) { |i,o,t|
o.fcntl(3, 4) # Set non-blocking (this doesn't make any difference)
i.fcntl(3, 4) # Set non-blocking (this doesn't make any difference)
puts read_until(o, /some pattern/, 1, true) # Outputs [[], nil]
I've also tried spawn:
a, b = IO.pipe
c, d = IO.pipe
pid = spawn(cmd, :in=>a, :out=>d)
puts read_until(c, /some pattern/, 1, true) # Outputs [[], nil]
I've tried subprocess, pty and a host of other solutions - basically, if it's on Google, I've tried it. It seems that mount just knows if I'm not passing it a real shell, and deliberately blocks. See:
pid = spawn(cmd, :in=>STDIN, :out=>STDOUT) # Works
pid = spawn(cmd, :in=>somepipe, :out=>STDOUT) # Blocks after first line of output, for no reason whatsoever. It's not expecting any input at this point.
I even tried spawning a real shell (e.g. bash) and sending the mount command to it via an input pipe. Same problem.
Please ignore any obvious errors in the above: I have tried several solutions tonight, so the actual code has been rewritten many times. I wrote the above from memory.
What I want is the following:
Run mount command with arguments, getting pipes for its input and output streams
Wait for first specific question on output pipe
Answer specific question by writing to input pipe
Wait for second specific question on output pipe
And so on.
You may find Kernel#system useful. It opens a subshell, so if you are ok w/ the user just interacting with mount directly this will make everything much easier.

How do I create a file using sudo and write into it?

I created a bash script file:
default_card=`head -1 /proc/asound/modules`
echo $default_card
if [ ! -e /etc/modprobe.d/sound.blacklist.conf ] ; then
echo "Default sound card(snd_hda_intel) is not added in black list"
/usr/bin/expect <<delim
exp_internal 0
set timeout 20
spawn sudo sh -c "echo 'blacklist snd_hda_intel' > /etc/modprobe.d/sound.blacklist.conf"
expect "password for ubuntu:"
send "1234\n"
expect eof
echo "Default sound cardis already added in black list";
I am creating a black list file in "/etc/modprobe.d". Creating or deleting any file from "/etc" requires sudo access.
I want to implement the same functionality in Ruby using a Rake task. I created the task as:
desc "Check/creates soundcard blacklist"
task :create_blacklist do
if !File.exists?("/etc/modprobe.d/sound.blacklist.conf")
# code for creating new file and write into it
puts "Sound-card blacklist file is present at /etc/modprobe.d/sound.blacklist.conf"
rescue Exception => e
puts "problem creating file #{e.message}"
I don't know how to create new file using sudo, and write into it.
I am using Ruby 1.9.3 (without RVM).
Look at,, and "communicating w/ command-line program (OR ruby expect)" for more information.
Ruby's IO class implements expect but it's not too full-featured:
=== Implementation from IO
IO#expect(pattern,timeout=9999999) -> Array
IO#expect(pattern,timeout=9999999) { |result| ... } -> nil
Reads from the IO until the given pattern matches or the timeout is over.
It returns an array with the read buffer, followed by the matches. If a block
is given, the result is yielded to the block and returns nil.
When called without a block, it waits until the input that matches the given
pattern is obtained from the IO or the time specified as the timeout passes.
An array is returned when the pattern is obtained from the IO. The first
element of the array is the entire string obtained from the IO until the
pattern matches, followed by elements indicating which the pattern which
matched to the anchor in the regular expression.
The optional timeout parameter defines, in seconds, the total time to wait for
the pattern. If the timeout expires or eof is found, nil is returned or
yielded. However, the buffer in a timeout session is kept for the next expect
call. The default timeout is 9999999 seconds.

How do I block on reading a named pipe in Ruby?

I'm trying to set up a Ruby script that reads from a named pipe in a loop, blocking until input is available in the pipe.
I have a process that periodically puts debugging events into a named pipe:
# Open the logging pipe
log ="log_pipe", "w+") #'log_pipe' created in shell using mkfifo
# An interesting event happens
log.puts "Interesting event #4291 occurred"
I then want a separate process that will read from this pipe and print events to the console as they happen. I've tried using code like this:
input ="log_pipe", "r+")
while true
puts input.gets #I expect this to block and wait for input
# Kill loop with ctrl+c when done
I want the input.gets to block, waiting patiently until new input arrives in the fifo; but instead it immediately reads nil and loops again, scrolling off the top of the console window.
Two things I've tried:
I've opened the input fifo with both "r" and "r+"--I have the same problem either way;
I've tried to determine if my writing process is sending EOF (which I've heard will cause the read fifo to close)--AFAIK it isn't.
If it helps, here's a 'big picture' view of what I'm trying to do:
I'm working on a game that runs in RGSS, a Ruby based game engine. Since it doesn't have good integrated debugging, I want to set up a real-time log as the game runs--as events happen in the game, I want messages to show up in a console window on the side. I can send events in the Ruby game code to a named pipe using code similar to the writer code above; I'm now trying to set up a separate process that will wait for events to show up in the pipe and show them on the console as they arrive. I'm not even sure I need Ruby to do this, but it was the first solution I could think of.
Note that I'm using mkfifo from cygwin, which I happened to have installed anyway; I wonder if that might be the source of my trouble.
If it helps anyone, here's exactly what I see in irb with my 'reader' process:
irb(main):001:0> input ="mypipe", "r")
=> #<File:mypipe>
irb(main):002:0> x = input.gets
=> nil
irb(main):003:0> x = input.gets
=> nil
I don't expect the input.gets at 002 and 003 to return immediately--I expect them to block.
I found a solution that avoids using Cygwin's unreliable named pipe implementation entirely. Windows has its own named pipe facility, and there is even a Ruby Gem called win32-pipe that uses it.
Unfortunately, there appears to be no way to use Ruby Gems in an RGSS script; but by dissecting the win32-pipe gem, I was able to incorporate the same idea into an RGSS game. This code is the bare minimum needed to log game events in real time to a back channel, but it can be very useful for deep debugging.
I added a new script page right before 'Main' and added this:
module PipeLogger
# -- Change THIS to change the name of the pipe!
# Constant Defines
PIPE_DEFAULT_MODE = 0 # Pipe operation mode
PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX = 0x00000003 # Pipe open mode
PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES = 255 # Number of concurrent instances
PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 # Size of I/O buffer (1K)
PIPE_TIMEOUT = 5000 # Wait time for buffer (5 secs)
INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = 0xFFFFFFFF # Retval for bad pipe handle
# make_APIs
def self.make_APIs
$CreateNamedPipe ='kernel32', 'CreateNamedPipe', 'PLLLLLLL', 'L')
$FlushFileBuffers ='kernel32', 'FlushFileBuffers', 'L', 'B')
$DisconnectNamedPipe ='kernel32', 'DisconnectNamedPipe', 'L', 'B')
$WriteFile ='kernel32', 'WriteFile', 'LPLPP', 'B')
$CloseHandle ='kernel32', 'CloseHandle', 'L', 'B')
# setup_pipe
def self.setup_pipe
##name = "\\\\.\\pipe\\" + PIPE_NAME
##pipe_mode = PIPE_DEFAULT_MODE
##open_mode = PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX
##pipe = nil
##buffer = 0.chr * PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE
##size = 0
##bytes = [0].pack('L')
##pipe = $
# If we could not open the pipe, notify the user
# and proceed quietly
print "WARNING -- Unable to create named pipe: " + PIPE_NAME
##pipe = nil
# Prompt the user to open the pipe
print "Please launch the RGSSMonitor.rb script"
# write_to_pipe ('msg' must be a string)
def self.write_to_pipe(msg)
if ##pipe
# Format data
##buffer = msg
##size = msg.size
$, ##buffer, ##buffer.size, ##bytes, 0)
# close_pipe
def self.close_pipe
if ##pipe
# Send kill message to RGSSMonitor
##buffer = "!!GAMEOVER!!"
##size = ##buffer.size
$, ##buffer, ##buffer.size, ##bytes, 0)
# Close down the pipe
##pipe = nil
To use this, you only need to make sure to call PipeLogger::setup_pipe before writing an event; and call PipeLogger::close_pipe before game exit. (I put the setup call at the start of 'Main', and add an ensure clause to call close_pipe.) After that, you can add a call to PipeLogger::write_to_pipe("msg") at any point in any script with any string for "msg" and write into the pipe.
I have tested this code with RPG Maker XP; it should also work with RPG Maker VX and later.
You will also need something to read FROM the pipe. There are any number of ways to do this, but a simple one is to use a standard Ruby installation, the win32-pipe Ruby Gem, and this script:
require 'rubygems'
require 'win32/pipe'
include Win32
# -- Change THIS to change the name of the pipe!
PIPE_NAME = "RGSSPipe" { loop { sleep 0.01 } } # Allow Ctrl+C
pipe =
continue = true
while continue
msg =
puts msg
continue = false if msg.chomp == "!!GAMEOVER!!"
I use Ruby 1.8.7 for Windows and the win32-pipe gem mentioned above (see here for a good reference on installing gems). Save the above as "RGSSMonitor.rb" and invoke it from the command line as ruby RGSSMonitor.rb.
The RGSS code listed above is fragile; in particular, it does not handle failure to open the named pipe. This is not usually an issue on your own development machine, but I would not recommend shipping this code.
I haven't tested it, but I suspect you'll have problems if you write a lot of things to the log without running a process to read the pipe (e.g. RGSSMonitor.rb). A Windows named pipe has a fixed size (I set it here to 1K), and by default writes will block once the pipe is filled (because no process is 'relieving the pressure' by reading from it). Unfortunately, the RPGXP engine will kill a Ruby script that has stopped running for 10 seconds. (I'm told that RPGVX has eliminated this watchdog function--in which case, the game will hang instead of abruptly terminating.)
What's probably happening is the writing process is exiting, and as there are no other writing processes, EOF is sent to the pipe which causes gets to return nil, and so your code loops continually.
To get around this you can usually just open the pipe read-write at the reader end. This works for me (on a Mac), but isn't working for you (you've tried "r" and "r+"). I'm guessing this is to due with Cygwin (POSIX says opening a FIFO read-write is undefined).
An alternative is to open the pipe twice, once read-only and once write-only. You don't use the write-only IO for anything, it's just so that there's always an active writer attached to the pipe so it doesn't get closed.
input ="log_pipe", "r") # note 'r', not 'r+'
keep_open ="log_pipe", "w") # ensure there's always a writer
while true
puts input.gets

How do I do a non-blocking read from a pipe in Perl?

I have a program which is calling another program and processing the child's output, ie:
my $pid = open($handle, "$commandPath $options |");
Now I've tried a couple different ways to read from the handle without blocking with little or no success.
I found related questions:
But they suffer from the problems:
ioctl consistently crashes perl
sysread blocks on 0 bytes (a common occurrence)
I'm not sure how to go about solving this problem.
Pipes are not as functional on Windows as they are on Unix-y systems. You can't use the 4-argument select on them and the default capacity is miniscule.
You are better off trying a socket or file based workaround.
$pid = fork();
if (defined($pid) && $pid == 0) {
exit system("$commandPath $options > $someTemporaryFile");
open($handle, "<$someTemporaryFile");
Now you have a couple more cans of worms to deal with -- running waitpid periodically to check when the background process has stopped creating output, calling seek $handle,0,1 to clear the eof condition after you read from $handle, cleaning up the temporary file, but it works.
I have written the Forks::Super module to deal with issues like this (and many others). For this problem you would use it like
use Forks::Super;
my $pid = fork { cmd => "$commandPath $options", child_fh => "out" };
my $job = Forks::Super::Job::get($pid);
while (!$job->is_complete) {
#someInputToProcess = $job->read_stdout();
... process input ...
... optional sleep here so you don't consume CPU waiting for input ...
waitpid $pid, 0;
#theLastInputToProcess = $job->read_stdout();
