Test a mobile page Windows Phone 7 Browser - windows-phone-7

I am developing a mobile webpage for windows phone 7.
Please suggest me any emulator/simulator to test the page which occupies less memory, i try to install windows official emulator with the windows phone SDK, since it needs more system space, i dropped that plan.
is there any other alternative way to test the webpage in windows phone-7 browser?
Thanks in Advance.

Test it on IE. If it works on IE it will work on mobile. For the mobile related specs you need to get hold of the emulator in the SDK or get a mobile phone device.

i hope this page will be useful for you


Pen Computing App Development in Windows Phone

I wanted to make an app in windows phone that takes in pen-computing input. Is there existing code infrastructure (templates and such) in the Windows Phone API that is available to the Windows Phone developer?
What I mean by pen-computing input is hand-writing input by users' fingers, giving us input like this:
Unluckily for Windows Phone 8 and Windows phone 8.1 InkManager class is not supported currently, so capturing handwritten input aint possible.
Though it works for windows 8 and 8.1 store apps which you can implement through Tutorial1 and Tutorial2
If you are focusing Windows phone would suggest to make app for Windows 10. They have release a better version of InkCanvas which is better than InkManager and works both store and phone apps being UWP. Check out this link for details on InkCanvas

view page source in windows phone emulator

Can we see page source code in windows phone emulator?
I need to check if any elements has set display:none in Emulator.
So i need to view page source in windows phone emulator. Have you any idea for this?
Your should try weinre to do this thing. http://blogs.windows.com/windows_phone/b/wpdev/archive/2013/06/12/remote-html5-debugging-on-windows-phone-with-weinre.aspx

Is it possible to make a mobile website work as a native app in windows phone?

I saw using IPhone or Android, it is possible to add a website to the desktop or start screen and this will make this website work as a native app which will open without the browser frame.
Is that possible using Windows Phone and how?
You can pin a website to your howe screen but htis will open in Interenet Explorer when launched

launch an app from a URL on Windows Phone 7

I know that on the iPhone you can register a URL prefix such as myapp://blah which, when opened in safari, will open up your application.
Is there anything like this for Windows Phone 7?
Unfortunately not, applications can only be launched by the user from the application list or home screen. I suspect that the hooks are there in the operating system because the YouTube application is launched when attempting to view a video on the YouTube website from the browser and the user is prompted to install the app if they haven't already got it installed. But unfortunately, this approach isn't publicly available.
You may give Receive Push Notifications in an Application for Windows Phone http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff402556%28v=VS.92%29.aspx a try.

Marketplace in Windows Phone 7 Emulator

I'm just wondering if there is a way to download some apps for the emulator. The thing is that we're about to start our own application and we want to make sure we're doing everything 'Windows Phone 7 Compliant'. I want to go through some apps and see what / how they do stuff; like going to the settings, animations, navigations, etc.
Chris is correct, there's no marketplace access in the emulator.
The best thing you could do to check compliance of your app is to review the UI Design Guidelines and App Certification Requirements.
Please note that, you will not able to donwload app there, but this code will help to see MarketPlace on the Emulator.
Create a Sample Console App, Add Reference to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common
Files\microsoft shared\Phone Tools\CoreCon\10.0\Bin\Microsoft.Smartdevice.Connectivity.dll 
In the main method paste following code.
DatastoreManager datastoreManager = new DatastoreManager(1033);
Platform platform = datastoreManager.GetPlatforms().Single(p => p.Name == "Windows Phone 7");
Device device = platform.GetDevices().Single(d => d.Name == "Windows Phone Emulator");
Guid appID = new Guid("{5B04B775-356B-4AA0-AAF8-6491FFEA5630}");
if (device.IsApplicationInstalled(appID))
RemoteApplication app = device.GetApplication(appID);
I got the appid by using ILSPy for Windows Phone Library.
Links which helped me.
No, you can't today. You can check out design guidelines at developer.windowsphone.com.
Windows Phone 7 devices have started appearing in the market. You should plan to get hold of one. I have done most of my Windows Phone 7 app development using the emulator. When I got my hands on a device few weeks ago, I started testing testing the apps and found a number of issues related to performance, network connectivity, etc. Therefore, it is really beneficial to test applications on a real device before submitting to the Marketplace.
Though the question was initially targeting Windows Phone 7, it might be interesting to other visitors to know that the WP8 emulator does have marketplace access.
