I'm programming in Pascal and I'm trying to find if is there any already created function/procedure in the standard library or similar that allows me to know how many elements a set has?
I know how to do it by using a for loop and a counter increasing +1 when it finds an element (similar to what it has to be done when you want to print a set) but I was wondering if is there any other easier way of doing it, like I said, some predefined standard function/procedure?
If your sets are 1,2,4 or 8 byte, one can use the recently introduced popcnt intrinsic.
This intrinsic is in system, but only in trunk (2.7.1)
function PopCnt(Const AValue: Byte): Byte;[internproc:fpc_in_popcnt_x];
function PopCnt(Const AValue: Word): Word;[internproc:fpc_in_popcnt_x];
function PopCnt(Const AValue : DWord): DWord;[internproc:fpc_in_popcnt_x];
function PopCnt(Const AValue : QWord): QWord;[internproc:fpc_in_popcnt_x];
The reason must probably be sought more in speeding up encryption/compression algorithms though, rather than classic sets.
Not in Standard Pascal, no. Many implementations have a nonstandard addition; for instance, GNU Pascal has the function Card (short for "cardinality"): http://www.gnu-pascal.de/gpc/Card.html#Card .
EDIT I see this is tagged Free Pascal, and according to this page, it lacks such an addition. You have to loop over the set incrementing a counter. At least you only have to loop over the elements actually in the set, rather than looping over all the possibilities and checking to see if each one is present...
I have a Halide::Runtime::Buffer and would like to remove elements that match a criteria, ideally such that the operation occurs in-place and that the function can be defined in a Halide::Generator.
I have looked into using reductions, but it seems to me that I cannot output a vector of a different length -- I can only set certain elements to a value of my choice.
So far, the only way I got it to work was by using a extern "C" call and passing the Buffer I wanted to filter, along with a boolean Buffer (1's and 0's as ints). I read the Buffers into vectors of another library (Armadillo), conducted my desired filter, then read the filtered vector back into Halide.
This seems quite messy and also, with this code, I'm passing a Halide::Buffer object, and not a Halide::Runtime::Buffer object, so I don't know how to implement this within a Halide::Generator.
So my question is twofold:
Can this kind of filtering be achieved in pure Halide, preferably in-place?
Is there an example of using extern "C" functions within Generators?
The first part is effectively stream compaction. It can be done in Halide, though the output size will either need to be fixed or a function of the input size (e.g. the same size as the input). One can get the max index produced as output as well to indicate how many results were produced. I wrote up a bit of an answer on how to do a prefix sum based stream compaction here: Halide: Reduction over a domain for the specific values . It is an open question how to do this most efficiently in parallel across a variety of targets and we hope to do some work on exploring that space soon.
Whether this is in-place or not depends on whether one can put everything into a single series of update definitions for a Func. E.g. It cannot be done in-place on an input passed into a Halide filter because reductions always allocate a buffer to work on. It may be possible to do so if the input is produced inside the Generator.
Re: the second question, are you using define_extern? This is not super well integrated with Halide::Runtime::Buffer as the external function must be implemented with halide_buffer_t but it is fairly straight forward to access from within a Generator. We don't have a tutorial on this yet, but there are a number of examples in the tests. E.g.:
and the definition:
(These do not need to be extern "C" as I implemented C++ name mangling a while back. Just set the name mangling parameter to define_extern to NameMangling::CPlusPlus and remove the extern "C" from the external function's declaration. This is very useful as it gets one link time type checking on the external function, which catches a moderately frequent class of errors.)
I'm quite new at Coq and trying to develop a framework based on my research. My work is quite definition-heavy and I'm having trouble encoding it because of how Coq seems to treat sets.
There are Type and Set, which they call 'sorts', and I can use them to define a new set:
Variable X: Type.
And then there's a library encoding (sub)sets as 'Ensembles', which are functions from some Type to a Prop. In other words, they are predicates on a Type:
Variable Y: Ensemble X.
Ensembles feel more like proper mathematical sets. Plus, they are built upon by many other libraries. I've tried focussing on them: defining one universal set U: Set, and then limiting myself to (sub)Ensembles on U. But no. Ensembles cannot be used as types for other variables, nor to define new subsets:
Variable y: Y. (* Error *)
Variable Z: Ensemble Y. (* Error *)
Now, I know there are several ways to get around that. The question "Subset parameter" offers two. Both use coercions. The first sticks to Sets. The second essentially uses Ensembles (though not by name). But both require quite some machinery to accomplish something so simple.
Question: What is the recommended way of consistently (and elegantly) handling sets?
Example: Here's an example of what I want to do: Assume a set DD. Define a pair dm = (D, <) where D is a finite subset of DD and < is a strict partial order on D.
I'm sure that with enough tinkering with coercions or other structures, I could accomplish it; but not in a particularly readable way; and without a good intuition of how to manipulate the structure further. For example, the following type-checks:
Record OrderedSet {DD: Set} : Type := {
D : (Ensemble DD);
order : (relation {d | In _ D d});
is_finite : (Finite _ D);
is_strict_partial : (is_strict_partial_order order)
But I'm not so sure it's what I want; and it certainly doesn't look very pretty. Note that I'm going backwards and forwards between Set and Ensemble in a seemingly arbitrary way.
There are plenty of libraries out there which use Ensembles, so there must be a nice way to treat them, but those libraries don't seem to be documented very well (or... at all).
Update: To complicate matters further, there appear to be a number of other set implementations too, like MSets. This one seems to be completely separate and incompatible with Ensemble. It also uses bool rather than Prop for some reason. There is also FSets, but it appears to be an outdated version of MSets.
It's been (literally) years since I used Coq, but let me try to help.
I think mathematically speaking U: Set is like saying U is an universe of elements and Ensemble U would then mean a set of elements from that universe. So for generic notions and definitions you will almost certainly use Set and Ensemble is one possible way about reasoning about subsets of elements.
I'd suggest that you take a look at great work by Matthieu Sozeau who introduced type classes to Coq, a very useful feature based on Haskell's type classes. In particular in the standard library you will find a class-based definition of a PartialOrder that you mention in your question.
Another reference would be the CoLoR library formalizing notions needed to prove termination of term rewriting. It has a fairly large set of generic purpose definitions on orders and what-not.
Background: I'm writing a toy Lisp (Scheme) interpreter in Haskell. I'm at the point where I would like to be able to compile code using LLVM. I've spent a couple days dreaming up various ways of feeding untyped Lisp values into compiled functions that expect to know the format of the data coming at them. It occurs to me that I am not the first person to need to solve this problem.
Question: What are some historically successful ways of mapping untyped data into an efficient binary format.
Addendum: In point of fact, I do know which of about a dozen different types the data is, I just don't know which one might be sent to the function at compile time. The function itself needs a way to determine what it got.
Do you mean, "I just don't know which [type] might be sent to the function at runtime"? It's not that the data isn't typed; certainly 1 and '() have different types. Rather, the data is not statically typed, i.e., it's not known at compile time what the type of a given variable will be. This is called dynamic typing.
You're right that you're not the first person to need to solve this problem. The canonical solution is to tag each runtime value with its type. For example, if you have a dozen types, number them like so:
0 = integer
1 = cons pair
2 = vector
Once you've done this, reserve the first four bits of each word for the tag. Then, every time two objects get passed in to +, first you perform a simple bit mask to verify that both objects' first four bits are 0b0000, i.e., that they are both integers. If they are not, you jump to an error message; otherwise, you proceed with the addition, and make sure that the result is also tagged accordingly.
This technique essentially makes each runtime value a manually-tagged union, which should be familiar to you if you've used C. In fact, it's also just like a Haskell data type, except that in Haskell the taggedness is much more abstract.
I'm guessing that you're familiar with pointers if you're trying to write a Scheme compiler. To avoid limiting your usable memory space, it may be more sensical to use the bottom (least significant) four bits, rather than the top ones. Better yet, because aligned dword pointers already have three meaningless bits at the bottom, you can simply co-opt those bits for your tag, as long as you dereference the actual address, rather than the tagged one.
Does that help?
Your default solution should be a simple tagged union. If you want to narrow your typing down to more specific types, you can do it - but it won't be that "toy" any more. A thing to look at is called abstract interpretation.
There are few successful implementations of such an optimisation, with V8 being probably the most widespread. In the Scheme world, the most aggressively optimising implementation is Stalin.
I've tried for hours to find the implementation of rand() function used in gcc...
It would be much appreciated if someone could reference me to the file containing it's implementation or website with the implementation.
By the way, which directory (I'm using Ubuntu if that matters) contains the c standard library implementations for the gcc compiler?
rand consists of a call to a function __random, which mostly just calls another function called __random_r in random_r.c.
Note that the function names above are hyperlinks to the glibc source repository, at version 2.28.
The glibc random library supports two kinds of generator: a simple linear congruential one, and a more sophisticated linear feedback shift register one. It is possible to construct instances of either, but the default global generator, used when you call rand, uses the linear feedback shift register generator (see the definition of unsafe_state.rand_type).
You will find C library implementation used by GCC in the GNU GLIBC project.
You can download it sources and you should find rand() implementation. Sources with function definitions are usually not installed on a Linux distribution. Only the header files which I guess you already know are usually stored in /usr/include directory.
If you are familiar with GIT source code management, you can do:
$ git clone git://sourceware.org/git/glibc.git
To get GLIBC source code.
The files are available via FTP. I found that there is more to rand() used in stdlib, which is from [glibc][2]. From the 2.32 version (glibc-2.32.tar.gz) obtained from here, the stdlib folder contains a random.c file which explains that a simple linear congruential algorithm is used. The folder also has rand.c and rand_r.c which can show you more of the source code. stdlib.h contained in the same folder will show you the values used for macros like RAND_MAX.
/* An improved random number generation package. In addition to the
standard rand()/srand() like interface, this package also has a
special state info interface. The initstate() routine is called
with a seed, an array of bytes, and a count of how many bytes are
being passed in; this array is then initialized to contain
information for random number generation with that much state
information. Good sizes for the amount of state information are
32, 64, 128, and 256 bytes. The state can be switched by calling
the setstate() function with the same array as was initialized with
initstate(). By default, the package runs with 128 bytes of state
information and generates far better random numbers than a linear
congruential generator. If the amount of state information is less
than 32 bytes, a simple linear congruential R.N.G. is used.
Internally, the state information is treated as an array of longs;
the zeroth element of the array is the type of R.N.G. being used
(small integer); the remainder of the array is the state
information for the R.N.G. Thus, 32 bytes of state information
will give 7 longs worth of state information, which will allow a
degree seven polynomial. (Note: The zeroth word of state
information also has some other information stored in it; see setstate
for details). The random number generation technique is a linear
feedback shift register approach, employing trinomials (since there
are fewer terms to sum up that way). In this approach, the least
significant bit of all the numbers in the state table will act as a
linear feedback shift register, and will have period 2^deg - 1
(where deg is the degree of the polynomial being used, assuming
that the polynomial is irreducible and primitive). The higher order
bits will have longer periods, since their values are also
influenced by pseudo-random carries out of the lower bits. The
total period of the generator is approximately deg*(2deg - 1); thus
doubling the amount of state information has a vast influence on the
period of the generator. Note: The deg*(2deg - 1) is an
approximation only good for large deg, when the period of the shift
register is the dominant factor. With deg equal to seven, the
period is actually much longer than the 7*(2**7 - 1) predicted by
this formula. */
Is it because Pascal was designed to be so, or are there any tradeoffs?
Or what are the pros and cons to forbid or not forbid modification of the counter inside a for-block? IMHO, there is little use to modify the counter inside a for-block.
Could you provide one example where we need to modify the counter inside the for-block?
It is hard to choose between wallyk's answer and cartoonfox's answer,since both answer are so nice.Cartoonfox analysis the problem from language aspect,while wallyk analysis the problem from the history and the real-world aspect.Anyway,thanks for all of your answers and I'd like to give my special thanks to wallyk.
In programming language theory (and in computability theory) WHILE and FOR loops have different theoretical properties:
a WHILE loop may never terminate (the expression could just be TRUE)
the finite number of times a FOR loop is to execute is supposed to be known before it starts executing. You're supposed to know that FOR loops always terminate.
The FOR loop present in C doesn't technically count as a FOR loop because you don't necessarily know how many times the loop will iterate before executing it. (i.e. you can hack the loop counter to run forever)
The class of problems you can solve with WHILE loops is strictly more powerful than those you could have solved with the strict FOR loop found in Pascal.
Pascal is designed this way so that students have two different loop constructs with different computational properties. (If you implemented FOR the C-way, the FOR loop would just be an alternative syntax for while...)
In strictly theoretical terms, you shouldn't ever need to modify the counter within a for loop. If you could get away with it, you'd just have an alternative syntax for a WHILE loop.
You can find out more about "while loop computability" and "for loop computability" in these CS lecture notes: http://www-compsci.swan.ac.uk/~csjvt/JVTTeaching/TPL.html
Another such property btw is that the loopvariable is undefined after the for loop. This also makes optimization easier
Pascal was first implemented for the CDC Cyber—a 1960s and 1970s mainframe—which like many CPUs today, had excellent sequential instruction execution performance, but also a significant performance penalty for branches. This and other characteristics of the Cyber architecture probably heavily influenced Pascal's design of for loops.
The Short Answer is that allowing assignment of a loop variable would require extra guard code and messed up optimization for loop variables which could ordinarily be handled well in 18-bit index registers. In those days, software performance was highly valued due to the expense of the hardware and inability to speed it up any other way.
Long Answer
The Control Data Corporation 6600 family, which includes the Cyber, is a RISC architecture using 60-bit central memory words referenced by 18-bit addresses. Some models had an (expensive, therefore uncommon) option, the Compare-Move Unit (CMU), for directly addressing 6-bit character fields, but otherwise there was no support for "bytes" of any sort. Since the CMU could not be counted on in general, most Cyber code was generated for its absence. Ten characters per word was the usual data format until support for lowercase characters gave way to a tentative 12-bit character representation.
Instructions are 15 bits or 30 bits long, except for the CMU instructions being effectively 60 bits long. So up to 4 instructions packed into each word, or two 30 bit, or a pair of 15 bit and one 30 bit. 30 bit instructions cannot span words. Since branch destinations may only reference words, jump targets are word-aligned.
The architecture has no stack. In fact, the procedure call instruction RJ is intrinsically non-re-entrant. RJ modifies the first word of the called procedure by writing a jump to the next instruction after where the RJ instruction is. Called procedures return to the caller by jumping to their beginning, which is reserved for return linkage. Procedures begin at the second word. To implement recursion, most compilers made use of a helper function.
The register file has eight instances each of three kinds of register, A0..A7 for address manipulation, B0..B7 for indexing, and X0..X7 for general arithmetic. A and B registers are 18 bits; X registers are 60 bits. Setting A1 through A5 has the side effect of loading the corresponding X1 through X5 register with the contents of the loaded address. Setting A6 or A7 writes the corresponding X6 or X7 contents to the address loaded into the A register. A0 and X0 are not connected. The B registers can be used in virtually every instruction as a value to add or subtract from any other A, B, or X register. Hence they are great for small counters.
For efficient code, a B register is used for loop variables since direct comparison instructions can be used on them (B2 < 100, etc.); comparisons with X registers are limited to relations to zero, so comparing an X register to 100, say, requires subtracting 100 and testing the result for less than zero, etc. If an assignment to the loop variable were allowed, a 60-bit value would have to be range-checked before assignment to the B register. This is a real hassle. Herr Wirth probably figured that both the hassle and the inefficiency wasn't worth the utility--the programmer can always use a while or repeat...until loop in that situation.
Additional weirdness
Several unique-to-Pascal language features relate directly to aspects of the Cyber:
the pack keyword: either a single "character" consumes a 60-bit word, or it is packed ten characters per word.
the (unusual) alfa type: packed array [1..10] of char
intrinsic procedures pack() and unpack() to deal with packed characters. These perform no transformation on modern architectures, only type conversion.
the weirdness of text files vs. file of char
no explicit newline character. Record management was explicitly invoked with writeln
While set of char was very useful on CDCs, it was unsupported on many subsequent 8 bit machines due to its excess memory use (32-byte variables/constants for 8-bit ASCII). In contrast, a single Cyber word could manage the native 62-character set by omitting newline and something else.
full expression evaluation (versus shortcuts). These were implemented not by jumping and setting one or zero (as most code generators do today), but by using CPU instructions implementing Boolean arithmetic.
Pascal was originally designed as a teaching language to encourage block-structured programming. Kernighan (the K of K&R) wrote an (understandably biased) essay on Pascal's limitations, Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language.
The prohibition on modifying what Pascal calls the control variable of a for loop, combined with the lack of a break statement means that it is possible to know how many times the loop body is executed without studying its contents.
Without a break statement, and not being able to use the control variable after the loop terminates is more of a restriction than not being able to modify the control variable inside the loop as it prevents some string and array processing algorithms from being written in the "obvious" way.
These and other difference between Pascal and C reflect the different philosophies with which they were first designed: Pascal to enforce a concept of "correct" design, C to permit more or less anything, no matter how dangerous.
(Note: Delphi does have a Break statement however, as well as Continue, and Exit which is like return in C.)
Clearly we never need to be able to modify the control variable in a for loop, because we can always rewrite using a while loop. An example in C where such behaviour is used can be found in K&R section 7.3, where a simple version of printf() is introduced. The code that handles '%' sequences within a format string fmt is:
for (p = fmt; *p; p++) {
if (*p != '%') {
switch (*++p) {
case 'd':
/* handle integers */
case 'f':
/* handle floats */
case 's':
/* handle strings */
Although this uses a pointer as the loop variable, it could equally have been written with an integer index into the string:
for (i = 0; i < strlen(fmt); i++) {
if (fmt[i] != '%') {
switch (fmt[++i]) {
case 'd':
/* handle integers */
case 'f':
/* handle floats */
case 's':
/* handle strings */
It can make some optimizations (loop unrolling for instance) easier: no need for complicated static analysis to determine if the loop behavior is predictable or not.
From For loop
In some languages (not C or C++) the
loop variable is immutable within the
scope of the loop body, with any
attempt to modify its value being
regarded as a semantic error. Such
modifications are sometimes a
consequence of a programmer error,
which can be very difficult to
identify once made. However only overt
changes are likely to be detected by
the compiler. Situations where the
address of the loop variable is passed
as an argument to a subroutine make it
very difficult to check, because the
routine's behaviour is in general
unknowable to the compiler.
So this seems to be to help you not burn your hand later on.
Disclaimer: It has been decades since I last did PASCAL, so my syntax may not be exactly correct.
You have to remember that PASCAL is Nicklaus Wirth's child, and Wirth cared very strongly about reliability and understandability when he designed PASCAL (and all of its successors).
Consider the following code fragment:
Without looking at procedure FOO, answer these questions: Does this loop ever end? How do you know? How many times is procedure FOO called in the loop? How do you know?
PASCAL forbids modifying the index variable in the loop body so that it is POSSIBLE to know the answers to those questions, and know that the answers won't change when and if procedure FOO changes.
It's probably safe to conclude that Pascal was designed to prevent modification of a for loop index inside the loop. It's worth noting that Pascal is by no means the only language which prevents programmers doing this, Fortran is another example.
There are two compelling reasons for designing a language that way:
Programs, specifically the for loops in them, are easier to understand and therefore easier to write and to modify and to verify.
Loops are easier to optimise if the compiler knows that the trip count through a loop is established before entry to the loop and invariant thereafter.
For many algorithms this behaviour is the required behaviour; updating all the elements in an array for example. If memory serves Pascal also provides do-while loops and repeat-until loops. Most, I guess, algorithms which are implemented in C-style languages with modifications to the loop index variable or breaks out of the loop could just as easily be implemented with these alternative forms of loop.
I've scratched my head and failed to find a compelling reason for allowing the modification of a loop index variable inside the loop, but then I've always regarded doing so as bad design, and the selection of the right loop construct as an element of good design.