how to play audio media directly in my windows phone application - windows-phone-7

I am making a ringtone setter application for windows phone 7. Can i ask a function so that the user can play the chosen ringtone in my application itself without exiting it. Or do i have to launch the media player.

You will have to use BackgroundAudioPlayer to achieve this. There is some explanation HERE
I hope it helps!


Windows 10 mobile BackgroundMediaPlayer don't want work

I have a big issue with BackgroundMediaPlayer on Windows 10 mobile but I think that is very similar as API on Windows Phone 8.1. My app works similar as windows 10 sample. But I decided to add small user interface on mainpage where user can easily stop actual music. Problem is that when I am trying access BackgroundMediaPlayer.Current with events my music player don't play any music but when I delete events from main page It start works again. I manage my music player from other page. Is some way how to find out if my BackgroundMediaPlayer actualy playing some music with name of music ? Because I do not know how to continue with my project... Thanks for help

Recording Audio Stream in Background in Windows phone 7/8

I m developing an app which can record audio stream.
I want to know that is it possible to record that audio in background, i,e when the application is in deactivated mode?
I have already tried to do that in many different ways,but its not helping out.
Please suggest me some way to do such...
Thank you.
As mentioned in the comments, it's not possible to record in the background.
Your app must be running in the foreground for it to be able to record audio using the microphone. For an overview of all the audio recording options, please refer to this tutorial on the Nokia Developer Wiki.
Also, an app will not run when the phone is locked - it is suspended. So if your app was recording, it would stop when the phone is locked. You can change this behaviour with IdleDetectionMode.Disabled which means your app keeps running even though the phone is locked.
Haven't implemented it before, but classifying it as a VOIP app could be the way to go:

get current playing song list windows phone 7

I want to display the list of songs in current playing lists, If users play music in my app, I could know what playlist is playing but if they were playing in zune app then switch to my app, my song list will be empty, even though the playlists is still running.
For example: if users's playing a playlists in windows phone 7 by Zune app, then they navigate to my App, how do I get that current play lists?
The current Windows Phone 7 APIs only integrate with phone media via the MediaPlayerLauncher, which allows you to launch media from your application.
The Mango (7.1) APIs allow you to integrate with the media + video hub, however, the APIs are still pretty simple. You can determine the currently playing media via MediaHistory.NowPlaying.
MediaHistory.NowPlaying is of Type MediaHistoryItem which has the Properties Title and ImageStream. You could add the Title and Image to your collection.
You can use MediaPlayer.Queue property of static class MediaPlayer from Microsoft.Xna.Framework library

Mute other applications' sound when my application is playing a sound

I would like to mute other applications sounds when my application is playing a sound. I know that this is possible in Windows 7 because it allows sound control on a per-application basis.
The specific scenario is my app needs to have its sound play exclusively; if other applications (eg Winamp, Media Player Classic etc) are playing a sound, they should be muted for the duration of the sound played by my application.
I would like to know how it can be done using Delphi? Which library/system call?
I doubt this is easily achieved.
What if the other apps took the same view? Suppose another app decided that it wanted its sound to play and mute all other apps. Which app would win?
On Vista & above you can do this by using CoreAudio/WASAPI & an exclusive mode stream.
Mumble is doing this, you can look at source code.

How to know if a music is currently playing on Windows Phone 7?

I am currently building an application for Windows Phone 7 which has to play music with the MediaPlayer.
However, I would like to know whether the phone is already playing some music, to ask the user if he want to play also my app's.
How could I get this information?
MediaPlayer.Queue.ActiveSong should do the trick.
MediaPlayer doco here for your reference.
