Have Cucumber Step Verify Variable Set By A Page Object In Another Step - ruby

I am using Cheezy's PageObject to setup some cucumber tests. I have everything pretty much setup like Jeff Morgan's book "Cucumber & Cheese".
Right now I have a page object "PublishPage" setup that has a method that sets a variable #tag. For example I have in the file publish_page.rb
Class PublishPage
def tag
#some steps left out
#tag = "123"
def verify_tag
#some steps left out
#tag.should include "2"
In the Cucumber steps, for one of the steps i have on_page(PublishPage).tag, and then in another step i have on_page(PublishPage).verify_tag. In my env.rb file I have require 'rspec-expectations'.
The problem is that when I run this code I get an error that says undefined method 'include' for #<PublishPage:xxxxxx>. But if I move the code inside the verify_tag method into the steps everything works except it does not have access to #tag...

This should be as simple as adding
include RSpec::Matchers
to your page object.
The other alternative would be to expose #tag through some method and then in your Cucumber step say something like
on_page(PublishPage).the_displayed_tag.should include("2")

Every time you invoke on_page(PublishPage), it will instantiate a new page object. You are most likely getting the "cannot convert nil to string" error because you are referencing an instance variable from a new object, hence it's value being nil. You should no longer get that error if you instantiate your page object only once, between calling page.tag and page.verify_tag.
Doing things this way will use one instance of your page object, allowing you to persist between step definitions.
When /I publish a tag/ do
#publish_page = PublishPage.new #browser
Then /I should have my tag/ do
Hope this helps!


My function works in practice but does not pass tests rspec

Perhaps it is my lack of familiarity with rspec but i do not understand what is going on with my test.
I have 2 classes one called Scrape, the other Result (creative) Scrape is a web scraping class that searches a site and scrapes the results from the page, creating a new Result instance from each.
Result instances are stored in a class variable array accessible via Result.all
this works in practice in the actual program, however when I tried to write a test for this behavior it fails.
describe "#scrape_results" do
it "accepts a url scrapes the page and creates a Result for each" do
s = Scrape.new
expect(Result.all.count).not_to eq(0)
every time i run the test Result.all.count is 0
if i use pry and manually run #scrape_results the test passes.
I appreciate your time, patience, and help
I notice that you are passing #url to #scrape_results in your test. Unless you are defining that variable inside of the describe block or the test block it will be nil in your test. It is possible that since #url might be something other than nil from wherever you are pry-ing which is causing the Result to be created and the test to pass.

how to reset expectations on a mocked class method?

Sorry if this is plain simple. i am new to ruby as well as rspec and it seems rspec is a very 'obscure' world (esp when coming from a .net background).
In my 'spec', i have:
before(:each) do
expect(File).to receive(:exist?).with("dummy.yaml").and_return (true)
This works fine for all my 'examples', except one where i want it to return false.
expect(File).to receive(:exist?).with("non_existent.yaml").and_return (false)
This obviously fails my test because although "non_existent.yaml" expectation was met, the "dummy.yaml" was not:
(<File (class)>).exist?("dummy.yaml")
expected: 1 time with arguments: ("dummy.yaml")
received: 0 times
So how can i do a 'Reset' on 'File.exist?' (a class method mock) before i setup the new expectation for it? (... "non_existent.yaml"..)
i googled and it yielded:
but this gives me:
undefined method `proxy_for' for RSpec::Mocks:Module
I could not find anywhere in the documentation that this is how you should do it, and past behaviors goes to show that this solution might also change in the future, but apparently this is how you can currently do it:
I would follow #BroiSatse's remark, though, and think about re-designing the tests, aiming to move the expectation from the before block. The before block is meant for setup, as you say, and the setup is a very weird place to put expectations.
I'm not sure how you came to this design, but I can suggest two possible alternatives:
If the test is trivial, and will work anyway, you should create one test with this explicit expectation, while stubbing it for the other tests:
before(:each) do
allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with("dummy.yaml").and_return (true)
it "asks if file exists" do
expect(File).to receive(:exist?).with("dummy.yaml").and_return (true)
# do the test...
If the expectation should run for every test, since what changes in each scenario is the context, you should consider using shared examples:
shared_examples "looking for dummy.yaml" do
it "asks if file exists" do
expect(File).to receive(:exist?).with("dummy.yaml").and_return (true)
# do the test...
it_behaves_like "looking for dummy.yaml" do
let(:scenario) { "something which sets the context"}
You might also want to ask myron if there is a more recommended/documented solution to reset mocked objects...
This worked for me to unmock a specific method from a class:
mock = RSpec::Mocks.space.proxy_for(MyClass)
Note: Same logic of
RSpec::Mocks.space.proxy_for(MyClass).reset which resets all methods
Expanding on #Uri Agassi's answer and as I answered on another similar question, I found that I could use RSpec::Mocks.space.registered? to check if a method was a mock, and RSpec::Mocks.space.proxy_for(my_mocked_var).reset to reset it's value.
Here is the example I included in my other answer:
Example: Resetting a mocked value
For example, if we wanted to reset this mock back to it's unmocked
default value, we can use the RSpec::Mocks.space.proxy_for helper to
find our mock, then reset it:
# when
# Rails.configuration.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection == false
# and
# allow(Rails.configuration.action_controller).to receive(:allow_forgery_protection).and_return(true)
# => true
# => true
# => false
Notice however that the even though the mock value has been reset, the
mock remains registered?:
# => true
When using "expect_any_instance" I had success using the following method to change the mock (e.g. our example: Putting out a Twitter post and returning a different tweet id)
expect_any_instance_of(Twitter::REST::Client).to receive(:update).and_return(Hashie::Mash.new(id: "12"))
# post tweet
expect_any_instance_of(Twitter::REST::Client).to receive(:update).and_return(Hashie::Mash.new(id: "12346"))
# post another tweet

Testing a block with RSpec

I have some code (which I've stripped back for the purposes of the this example) and I'm looking for some advice on the best way to test it with RSpec.
ActionController::Renderers.add :liquid do |obj, options|
# Set the mime type as HTML.
self.content_type ||= Mime::HTML
# Do some clever stuff....
# Render the liquid layout.
self.response_body = layout.render(obj)
This block is added to a set through the add() call and executed at a later time.
I'm looking to test the functionality of the block, to ensure it does everything I want it too, such as setting the correct variables (self.content_type) and calling the correct libraries (layout.render).
I've never tested the content of a block like this, so looking some friendly advice on how best to go about it, can I test the block as-is, or does it need refactoring into an external method which can be tested?
You can stub out the addition of the Renderer, and test the call of the block from your code. In the code below I assume that the snippet you gave is inside a method named register_liquid:
let(:obj) { double(:obj) }
let(:options) { double(:options) }
before do
allow(ActionController::Renderers).to receive(:add).with(:liquid).and_yield(obj, options)
it 'sets content type' do
expect(subject).to receive(:content_type=).with(Mime::HTML)

Data driven testing with ruby testunit

I have a very basic problem for which I am not able to find any solution.
So I am using Watir Webdriver with testunit to test my web application.
I have a test method which I would want to run against multiple set of test-data.
While I can surely use old loop tricks to run it but that would show as only 1 test ran which is not what I want.
I know in testng we have #dataprovider, I am looking for something similar in testunit.
Any help!!
Here is what I have so far:
[1,2].each do |p|
define_method :"test_that_#{p}_is_logged_in" do
# code to log in
This works fine. But my problem is how and where would I create data against which I can loop in. I am reading my data from excel say I have a list of hash which I get from excel something like
[{:name =>abc,:password => test},{:name =>def,:password => test}]
Current Code status:
class RubyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
#excel_array = util.get_excel_map //This gives me an array of hash from excel
#excel_array.each do |p|
define_method :"test_that_#{p}_is_logged_in" do
//Code to check login
I am struggling to run the loop. I get an error saying "undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)" on class declaration line
You are wanting to do something like this:
require 'minitest/autorun'
describe 'Login' do
5.times do |number|
it "must allow user#{number} to login" do
assert true # replace this assert with your real code and validation
Of course, I am mixing spec and test/unit assert wording here, but in any case, where the assert is, you would place the assertion/expectation.
As this code stands, it will pass 5 times, and if you were to report in story form, it would be change by the user number for the appropriate test.
Where to get the data from, that is the part of the code that is missing, where you have yet to try and get errors.

Why the object references are not correctly passed in this RSpec script?

I have to say I am new both to Ruby and to RSpec. Anyway I completed one RSpec script but after refactoring it failed. Here is the original working version:
describe Site do
browser = Watir::Browser.new :ie
site = Site.new(browser, "http://localhost:8080/site")
it "can navigate to any page at the site" do
site.pages_names.each do |page_name|
site.actual_page.name.should eq page_name
and here is the modified version - I wanted to have reported all the pages which were visited during the test:
describe Site do
browser = Watir::Browser.new :ie
site = Site.new(browser, "http://localhost:8080/site")
site.pages_names.each do |page_name|
it "can navigate to #{page_name}" do
site.actual_page.name.should eq page_name
The problem in the latter case is that site gets evaluated to nil within the code block associated with 'it' method.
But when I did this:
s = site
it "can navigate to #{page_name}" do
s.actual_page.name.should eq page_name
the nil problem was gone but tests failed with the reason "browser was closed"
Apparently I am missing something very basic Ruby knowledge - because the browser reference is not working correctly in modified script. Where did I go wrong? What refactoring shall be applied to make this work?
Thanks for your help!
It's important to understand that RSpec, like many ruby programs, has two runtime stages:
During the first stage, RSpec loads each of your spec files, and executes each of the describe and context blocks. During this stage, the execution of your code defines your examples, the hooks, etc. But your examples and hooks are NOT executed during this stage.
Once RSpec has finished loading the spec files (and all examples have been defined), it executes them.
So...trimming down your example to a simpler form, here's what you've got:
describe Site do
browser = Watir::Browser.new :ie
it 'does something with the browser' do
# do something with the browser
While visually it looks like the browser instance is instantiated, then used in the example, then closed, here's what's really happening:
The browser instance is instantiated
The example is defined (but not run)
The browser is closed
(Later, after all examples have been defined...) The example is run
As O.Powell's answer shows, you can close the browser in an after(:all) hook to delay the closing until after all examples in this example group have run. That said, I'd question if you really need the browser instance at example definition time. Generally you're best off lazily creating resources (such as the browser instance) when examples need them as they are running, rather than during the example definition phase.
I replicated your code above using fake classes for Site and Watir. It worked perfectly. My only conclusion then is that the issue must lie with either one of the above classes. I noticed the Site instance only had to visit one page in your first working version, but has to visit multiple pages in the non working version. There may be an issue there involving the mutation happening inside the instance.
See if this makes a difference:
describe Site do
uri = "http://localhost:8080/site"
browser = Watir::Browser.new :ie
page_names = Site.new(browser, uri).page_names
before(:each) { #site = Site.new(browser, uri) }
after(:all) { browser.close }
pages_names.each do |page_name|
it "can navigate to #{page_name}" do
#site.actual_page.name.should eq page_name
