What's CRC with 64b in and 32b out? - boost

I'm developing a software utility to transfer some data to a pci-e board. To avoid the data transfer fault, I've add a CRC field in every packet, so that the pci-e board can verify the received data with the CRC value.
Then we found out that the CRC value failed to pass the verification.
I'm using the boost::crc_32_type to generate the CRC value while the hardware guy told me that the CRC implementation in the board is from http://www.easics.com/webtools/crctool and they're using the 64 data bus width version of CRC32 - ETHERNET / AAL5.
So, is it possible to use boost::crc_32_type to work with the one they're using?
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
[edit 2013.02.20]
the working crc template shall have the following definition:
boost::crc_optimal<32, 0x04C11DB7, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, false, false>
the order of every 8 bytes shall be reversed before being processed
std::for_each is used instead of process_bytes to get the result, I still don't quite understand the difference between them though.

You can use crc_32_type - first you have to make sure your bytes are going in the same order as the bytes the hardware guys are. The convention used by the EASICS code is that the first byte in the stream goes into Data[63:56].


Reveng to find out CRC algorithm in closed protocol

I have one machine with closed protocol and another device "gateway Modbus" from the same manufacter. This gateway convert this protocol to RS-485 Modbus.
When I send a command packet (modbus function 16) to gateway, gateway send (converted) specific packet to the machine and when I inject this packet over simple UART communication, machine can understand and change values too. I create a list with some cloned commands, but I need to know how CRC/checksum/etc is calculed (I think) to create custom packets.
I already used RevEng tool (https://reveng.sourceforge.io/) and CRCcalculator (https://crccalc.com/) trying to find some common crc algorithm with cloned packets, but none worked.
Some cloned packets, where 2 last bytes is CRC/etc. In this packets I changed the temperature value from 0x11 to 0x15 and last 2 bytes changed too (maybe crc/checksum/etc):
RevEng output:
./reveng -w 16 -l -s 9A56F1FE0EB9001100000100641C 9A56F1FE0EB90012000001006720 9A56F1FE0EB90013000001006620 9A56F1FE0EB9001400000100611C 9A56F1FE0EB9001500000100601C
./reveng: no models found
Someone can help me?
It's not a CRC. The second-to-last byte is the exclusive-or sum of the preceding bytes. I'm not sure what the last byte is, but since it is only taking on two different values in your example, it does not appear to be part of a check value. Or if it is, it's a rather ineffective check value algorithm.

Some SD cards fail to write (CMD24 returns CRC error)

I'm using a PIC18 to write to SD cards via SPI. For many cards, this is working file BUT for some cards I pass the init process but when trying to write to the card, CMD24 returns 0x05 (which I believe is a CRC error)
// send CMD24 - preparing for a 512 byte block
SD_command(CMD24, 0x0001, CMD24_CRC);
// read response
res1 = SD_readRes1(); //This returns 0x05 for some cards!
I have used CMD59 - CRC_ON_OFF with parameter 0x00 to turn of CRC, and the command seems to complete. Is there something I am missing?
I read a comment of someone on a forum, who spent one week looking for an error in this code. In his case, he found that with some sd cards, he has to put a valid crc in the sd command, whatever the state of crc check option (cmd59).
Maybe it is simpler to put a valid crc in all cases.

sensor reading using crc 32 bit

I am trying to commucate with a sensor usimg 32 bit crc. I am using pre-built 32bit crc table. How can I implement error detection code? Sensor sends 38bytes of data with a header 0x93.
hank you for your answer here is the code part of my project.
for aye=bytePullIdx:(crcIdx-1)
a = bitand(bitxor(byteBufferPtr(aye),bitshift(crc,-24)),hex2dec('FF'));
crc = bitxor(bitshift(crc,8),crcLookupTable2(a));
Above byteBufferPtr is coming message (38bytes) crcLookupTable is pre-built table for crc polynom '04C11DB7'. after calculating crc I check if (crc==byteBufferPtr(crcIdx) condition to get the data.
Is there anything wrong here? because I could not get the right if condition here. I could not find the right crc value among the crc table values.
Thank you.

9 bit protocol on UART in embedded Linux

I am trying to force a 9-bit protocol on a UART in embedded Linux. Currently I am testing this out on the am335x_evm board. I am planning on doing this using stick parity. Ideally I was hoping I would not need to actually modify any of the code for the omap-serial.c driver.
The reason for the 9-bit protocol is to support some legacy hardware that uses it. The parity bit needs to be 1 for the address portion of the message, 0 for the data portion, then 1 again for the termination byte.
I was planning on having a process running in user space that would interface with the UART through standard system calls (open, write, read, ioctl, tcsetattr, etc). I would configure the UART to enable parity and set the stick parity. I would then set the parity to even and call write() to send out my address data. I would then set the parity to 0 and send out the data. My concern is if I change the parity from 1 to 0, when does that take affect? If the UART is not done sending all the address data, will the change in parity apply to any unsent data?
Ended up writing my own 9-bit uart driver. Was the easiest and most efficient solution.
Proper way is to set cs9 on your serial port (and possibly no parity), provided that hardware and driver support this.
I'll search for a link for you...

atmel at91sam9g20 ethernet register addresses

I have no real experience with hardware programming. I would like to know how to find out which registers, i.e their addresses, are used for an ethernet connection to send and receive information in a processer. In particular, for ATMEL's at91sam9g20 processor. I have searched the documentation and I'm not sure of the following of what I've found:
-Transmit data: signal name ETX0-ETX3. Receive data: signal name ERX0-ERX3.
Also, Offset: 0x18 Receive Buffer Queue Pointer Register and offset: 0x1C Transmit Buffer Queue Pointer Register.
I would appreciate any help as I'm very stuck on this issue.
Thank you
In the procesor documentation you find the following:
chapter 8 - general memory mapping - this gives the offset of the EMAC memory block as 0xFFFC:4000
chapter 36 - description of the Ethernet MAC subsystem
item 36.3.2 - memory interface - tells how the memory buffers for RX and TX is set up
item 36.5 - user interface - table 36-6 gives the names and offsets to all registers used by the subsystem
The signals (=pins) and register offsets you describe are correct.
