sensor reading using crc 32 bit - crc32

I am trying to commucate with a sensor usimg 32 bit crc. I am using pre-built 32bit crc table. How can I implement error detection code? Sensor sends 38bytes of data with a header 0x93.
hank you for your answer here is the code part of my project.
for aye=bytePullIdx:(crcIdx-1)
a = bitand(bitxor(byteBufferPtr(aye),bitshift(crc,-24)),hex2dec('FF'));
crc = bitxor(bitshift(crc,8),crcLookupTable2(a));
Above byteBufferPtr is coming message (38bytes) crcLookupTable is pre-built table for crc polynom '04C11DB7'. after calculating crc I check if (crc==byteBufferPtr(crcIdx) condition to get the data.
Is there anything wrong here? because I could not get the right if condition here. I could not find the right crc value among the crc table values.
Thank you.


Some SD cards fail to write (CMD24 returns CRC error)

I'm using a PIC18 to write to SD cards via SPI. For many cards, this is working file BUT for some cards I pass the init process but when trying to write to the card, CMD24 returns 0x05 (which I believe is a CRC error)
// send CMD24 - preparing for a 512 byte block
SD_command(CMD24, 0x0001, CMD24_CRC);
// read response
res1 = SD_readRes1(); //This returns 0x05 for some cards!
I have used CMD59 - CRC_ON_OFF with parameter 0x00 to turn of CRC, and the command seems to complete. Is there something I am missing?
I read a comment of someone on a forum, who spent one week looking for an error in this code. In his case, he found that with some sd cards, he has to put a valid crc in the sd command, whatever the state of crc check option (cmd59).
Maybe it is simpler to put a valid crc in all cases.

How do I interpret a python byte string coming from F1 2020 game UDP packet?

Title may be wildly incorrect for what I'm trying to work out.
I'm trying to interpret packets I am recieving from a racing game in a way that I understand, but I honestly don't really know what I'm looking at, or what to search to understand it.
Information on the packets I am recieving here:
I'm using python to print the packets, here's a snippet of the output, which I don't understand how to interpret.
received message: b'\xe4\x07\x01\x03\x01\x07O\x90.\xea\xc2!7\x16\xa5\xbb\x02C\xda\n\x00\x00\x00\xff\x01\x00\x03:\x00\x00\x00 A\x00\x00\xdcB\xb5+\xc1#\xc82\xcc\x10\t\x00\xd9\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00$tJ\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01
I'm very new to coding, and not sure what my next step is, so a nudge in the right direction will help loads, thanks.
This is the python code:
import socket
UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 20777
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet
socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))
while True:
data, addr = sock.recvfrom(4096)
print ("received message:", data)
The website you link to is describing the data format. All data represented as a series of 1's and 0's. A byte is a series of 8 1's and 0's. However, just because you have a series of bytes doesn't mean you know how to interpret them. Do they represent a character? An integer? Can that integer be negative? All of that is defined by whoever crafted the data in the first place.
The type descriptions you see at the top are telling you how to actually interpret that series of 1's and 0's. When you see "unit8", that is an "unsigned integer that is 8 bits (1 byte) long". In other words, a positive number between 0 and 255. An "int8" on the other hand is an "8-bit integer", or a number that can be positive or negative (so the range is -128 to 127). The same basic idea applies to the *16 and *64 variants, just with 16 bits or 64 bits. A float represent a floating point number (a number with a fractional part, such as 1.2345), generally 4 bytes long. Additionally, you need to know the order to interpret the bytes within a word (left-to-right or right-to-left). This is referred to as the endianness, and every computer architecture has a native endianness (big-endian or little-endian).
Given all of that, you can interpret the PacketHeader. The easiest way is probably to use the struct package in Python. Details can be found here:
As a proof of concept, the following will interpret the first 24 bytes:
import struct
data = b'\xe4\x07\x01\x03\x01\x07O\x90.\xea\xc2!7\x16\xa5\xbb\x02C\xda\n\x00\x00\x00\xff\x01\x00\x03:\x00\x00\x00 A\x00\x00\xdcB\xb5+\xc1#\xc82\xcc\x10\t\x00\xd9\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00$tJ\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01'
#Note that I am only taking the first 24 bytes. You must pass data that is
#the appropriate length to the unpack function. We don't know what everything
#else is until after we parse out the header
header = struct.unpack('<HBBBBQfIBB', data[:24])
You basically want to read the first 24 bytes to get the header of the message. From there, you need to use the m_packetId field to determine what the rest of the message is. As an example, this particular packet has a packetId of 7, which is a "Car Status" packet. So you would look at the packing format for the struct CarStatus further down on that page to figure out how to interpret the rest of the message. Rinse and repeat as data arrives.
Update: In the format string, the < tells you to interpret the bytes as little-endian with no alignment (based on the fact that the documentation says it is little-endian and packed). I would recommend reading through the entire section on Format Characters in the documentation above to fully understand what all is happening regarding alignment, but in a nutshell it will try to align those bytes with their representation in memory, which may not match exactly the format you specify. In this case, HBBBBQ takes up 2 bytes more than you'd expect. This is because your computer will try to pack structs in memory so that they are word-aligned. Your computer architecture determines the word alignment (on a 64-bit computer, words are 64-bits, or 8 bytes, long). A Q takes a full word, so the packer will try to align everything before the Q to a word. However, HBBBB only requires 6 bytes; so, Python will, by default, pad an extra 2 bytes to make sure everything lines up. Using < at the front both ensures that the bytes will be interpreted in the correct order, and that it won't try to align the bytes.
Just for information if someone else is looking for this. In python there is the library f1-2019-telemetry existing. On the documentation, there is a missing part about the "how to use" so here is a snippet:
from f1_2020_telemetry.packets import *
udp_socket = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
udp_socket.bind((host, port))
while True:
udp_packet = udp_socket.recv(2048)
packet = unpack_udp_packet(udp_packet)
if isinstance(packet, PacketSessionData_V1): # refer to doc for classes / attribute
print(packet.trackTemperature) # for example
if isinstance(packet, PacketParticipantsData_V1):
for i, participant in enumerate(packet.participants):
print(DriverIDs[participant.driverId]) # the library has some mapping for pilot name / track name / ...

Extract custom data format in TCP payload using golang

I have an industrial sensor which is connected to a Interface Module that provides information to the end user via telnet.
Telnet Configuration
Port: 10001
Data Format: Little-Endian
Data payload
Preamble - 32 bit
Article number - 32 bit
Serial number - 32 bit
Channels - 64 bit
Status - 32 bit
Frame number M / - 16 bit/ 16 bit
bytes per frame
Measuring value counter - 32 bit
Measuring value frame 1 - N * 32 bit
This should be available after the TCP headers (if I understand correctly) i.e. Payload.
I am trying to learn golang with more practical examples and I am thinking in the following direction:
Create a TCP server for listening to the sensor's Interface module IP and port number
Extract the payload and just print it out as seperate parameters like preamble, article number etc. as a beginners task
I have gone through some blog-posts about TCP server/client creations but they only address string in their payload. How can I extract such a byte orientated custom payload as mentioned above?
I can understand that this can be achieved in python probably via struct.pack and struct.unpack hence some correlation as understanding would be appreciated
In section 6.2 of your linked pdf document above there is a table listing the data you seem to list in the question
I would convert that table into a struct and then read into it with the encoding/binary module. See for a relevant example
"All measuring values are transmitted as Int32, Uint32 or Float depending on the connected sensor" probably easiest to get them as uint32 and then convert them later

ASCII control of VFD

I am a new user here, and thought I would see if the experts could help me with something I am new to.
I have been given the following statement to try and solve:
The Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is connected to the PLC by RS485 communication. The speed of the motor (M2) can be adjusted by sending the following command:
STX N DATA ETX , with each separate value having the <> symbols around them.
Data : Length of data is 1 byte, in which the value of S (Slow), M (Medium) or F (Fast) can be sent.
N : Node number of the VFD, with a data length of two byte ASCII.
My question is, how would I type to send this data? It doesn't say whether to use a specific data type to represent, so surely I could just type the data as it is, e.g. STX 1 S ETX?
Othwerside, I'm not sure how to combine the byte representations of the data, representing them in hex, binary or decimal. I'm not sure what is meant by two byte ASCII, is this not UNICODE-16? Also, I'm not sure if I need to send the values of STX or ETX with the data string or not
I hope someone can shed some light on this.
Thanks in advance.
Since the frequency goes from 0-50 Hz, I think we should send data in this range.
So if we want the frequency to be half maximal, we will send 25.
To send this to VFD, we first need to split that number into 2 and 5
The message should read STX 2 5 ETX?
Now we look at the ASCII code table and find 2 and 5.
0x50 = 2
0x53 = 5
We convey everything in a message that reads
STX 0x50 0x53 ETX
The aforementioned S7-300 is recommended for operation. You can also solve this through his TIA portal.
I managed to figure this out with a bit of digging. I simulated it using Siemens S7-300 on TIA portal, and set up communications on a module. I sent the values I wanted using a "move" block, to a value set in the Data Block.
I repeated this for the Node value, making sure the correct data type was chosen, and sent the data through a Send_ptp command block.
Must have got a bit flustered and tired the other night when I was trying it. Hopefully it might help someone in the future.

What's CRC with 64b in and 32b out?

I'm developing a software utility to transfer some data to a pci-e board. To avoid the data transfer fault, I've add a CRC field in every packet, so that the pci-e board can verify the received data with the CRC value.
Then we found out that the CRC value failed to pass the verification.
I'm using the boost::crc_32_type to generate the CRC value while the hardware guy told me that the CRC implementation in the board is from and they're using the 64 data bus width version of CRC32 - ETHERNET / AAL5.
So, is it possible to use boost::crc_32_type to work with the one they're using?
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
[edit 2013.02.20]
the working crc template shall have the following definition:
boost::crc_optimal<32, 0x04C11DB7, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, false, false>
the order of every 8 bytes shall be reversed before being processed
std::for_each is used instead of process_bytes to get the result, I still don't quite understand the difference between them though.
You can use crc_32_type - first you have to make sure your bytes are going in the same order as the bytes the hardware guys are. The convention used by the EASICS code is that the first byte in the stream goes into Data[63:56].
