MPICH2 Unable to Connect in Windows 7 - windows-7

whenever i try command mpiexec -n 4 testmpi.exe
Unable to connect to 'RIJDZUAN-PC:8676', sock error: generic socket
failure, error stack: MPIDU_Sock_post_connect(1200): unable to connect
to RIJDZUAN-PC on port 8676, ex hausted all endpoints (errno -1)
MPIDU_Sock_post_connect(1247): unable to connect to RIJDZUAN-PC on
port 8676, No connection could be made because the target machine
actively refused it. (errno 10061)
and when i try to smpd -install or smpd -start giving me
OpenSCManager failed: Access is denied. (error 5)
i believe i'd already registering mpiexec over mpiexec -register
how to resolve this?

I got this message as well. Turns out when the installer says "successful" but smpd is not running, then the install is silently incorrect.
Copied (and slightly altered) from here
Uninstall previous version of MPICH2
Open an admin command prompt by right-clicking on the command prompt icon and selecting "run as administrator"
Run "msiexec /i mpich2-1.3.2p1-win-ia32.msi" from the admin command prompt to install MPICH2
During installation select that MPICH2 be installed for "Everyone" for all users.
Run wmpiconfig and store username/password. EDIT: Use your REAL windows login name and password.
Add "C:\Program Files\MPICH2\bin" to system Path and EDIT: no need to reboot
Check smpd using 'smpd -status'. it should return 'smpd running on $hostname$'
To test execution environment, go to the directory $MPICHROOT\examples and run cpi.exe using: 'mpiexec -n 4 cpi'
You can follow the above steps even if you are not logged in as an admin user. Just make sure to follow step 2 closely. If you see
OpenSCManager failed: Access is denied
It probably means you are not on an admin command prompt. If step 7 checks out, you should be good to go.

run CMD as an admin, and after words run the smdp -install comand.


How to fix VS Code error with Remote-SSH: "the terminal process failed to launch: A native exception occurred during launch (forkpty(3) failed.)."?

I've installed and used the Remote-SSH extension in VS Code to access a Linux staging environment and work remotely.
The setup and connection works for one user, however is not allowing me to connect as a different user (on the same server).
Immediately after connecting, an error pops up saying the terminal process failed to launch: A native exception occurred during launch (forkpty(3) failed.). and the terminal would fail to open. If I attempt to manually open the terminal, it will fail with the same error.
Here is an example of how my Remote-SSH config file looks:
Host configfile1
User username1
IdentifyFile "[key file path]"
Host configfile2
User username2
IdentifyFile "[key file path]"
I could connect just fine and open remote terminal with configfile1, however would run into the aforementioned error when attempting to connect with configfile2.
I have tried various solutions mentioned in this GitHub issues thread, but to no avail:
Does anybody have a solution for this?
I don't know the underlying causes for this, but this error pops up when using jailed shell settings.
Try changing the user's SSH shell settings to normal shell, and you may be able to connect without an issue.
This may not be ideal for all scenarios or security considerations, however, but it will allow Remote-SSH to connect and spawn the terminal.

problems when install postgresql on windows server 2008

I'm trying to install PostgreSQL 9.0.1 on Windows Server 2008, but every time, there will be such error message
"Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete
correctly. Failed to start the database server"
in the installation log, it is due to a failure in initdb.exe, error is
"The program postgres is needed by initdb, but was not found in the
same directory as D:\PostgreSQL\9.0\bin\initdb.exe, Check your
I searched such error in internet and tried the solution in this page "Installing PostgreSQL on Windows Server 2008", but no help.
After reading code of initdb, I know it is caused by the window api CreateProcess in the function pipe_read_line. the calling of CreateProcess returned -5 (access denied). it is because initdb was executed in a subprocess invoked in the functiion CreateRestrictedProcess.
I know it is due to privilege setting, I ran gpedit.msc to add users group (even everyone) into almost all privilege policy, but the error was still there.
I also assigned full control rights of the install target folder to everyone, no help!
I also tried postgresql 9.6.2, the error was still there :-)
from the code, I know if there is the environment variable PG_RESTRICT_EXEC with value 1, initdb will not executed in a restricted process. so before run initdb.exe, I set an environment PG_RESTRICT_EXEC=1 in command prompt, then run initdb.exe. this time such error was gone!!
So I wonder how to change the os settings to allow the installation running without error!

MPICH2 error - Credentials for <user> rejected connecting to <host> Aborting: Unable to connect to <host>

I need to get MPICH2 working for my college project. But it appears I won't implement anything until I manage how to start MPICH2. For now I only try to run anything on my computer, nothing more. What I do:
I install the MPICH2 (from, from the bottom of the site - the x86_64 Windows version) on my 64bit Windows 7 (I also tried the same with my 64bit Windows 8). I start the installer from a command line (run as an administrator), install MPICH2 for everybody (although my acc is the only one). After successful installation I run the wmpiregister.exe, where I type Danioss (it's the name of my account) and the password for this account. I click register, everything seems to be fine so far. Then I run wmpiconfig.exe, I don't change nor click anything and there is this error:
'g-pc: MPICH2 not installed or unable to query the host'
I can see on the left the table with my host name (g-pc) and the version of MPICH - 1.4.1p1. So it sees it is installed here but cannot query the host. I have no idea what that means.
Of course I tried to execute any compiled program but after running wmpiexec.exe, choosing the file and clicking Execute - I get
'Credentials for Danioss rejected connecting to g-PC
Aborting: Unable to connect to g-PC'
I tried running every .exe as an administrator, didn't help. I also installed and reinstalled the whole MPICH2 tens of times (literally - tens) trying different configurations. I also tried to install the 32bit version but that made no progress. I really have no idea what the problem is.
Please, help me!
Try not specifying username after running wmpiexec -register. Just password for your current user. That worked well for me. Source:
First: crate a windows user password of your windows user acount
Second: go to installdir deform (C:\Program Files\SFTC\DEFORM\v10.2\3D)
Third: execute "wmpiregister.exe" and register user name and password that your windows user name and password
start deform on multiprocessor
good work
You need to run wmpiregister.exe which is in bin folder, to register your Windows user.
Register using mpiexec -register with ".\" before the username, in your case: .\Danioss.

Unable to start cygwin sshd service

I entered ssh-host-config into the cygwin prompt (started with admin privileges), said yes to privilege separation, new local account sshd, install sshd as a service; I entered no value for CYGWIN for daemon; I entered no for using a different name; yes for creating new privilege user account.
In my services.msc I am unable to start the service:
The CYGWIN sshd service on Local Computer started and then stopped.
Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services
or programs.
In the cygwin prompt, net start sshd produces:
The CYGWIN sshd service could not be started.
The service did not report an error.
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3534
In the cygwin prompt, cygrunsrv -S sshd produces:
cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: QueryServiceStatus: Win32 error 1062:
The service has not been started.
My /var/log/sshd.log says the following:
Unable to initialize device PRN
I've searched the questions on SO related to this issue, as well as the general Internet, and I guess what makes my question unique has to do with the sshd.log. I can't find anyone else who has received this.
I'm doing this to install Hadoop on my Windows. I cannot run a virtual machine on this slow computer as everything just bogs down.
I followed the steps in this topic and the problem was still happening, then I checked the sshd log file and it was complaining that the privilegies of the ssh private key were to open.
I executed the follow command:
chmod 400 /etc/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
Then I run the service:
net start sshd
It finally worked (BTW: I am using Windows 8)
I had the same problem and here is the solution that worked for me.
Solution 1
Restart the machine after you set the path environment variables to point to Cygwin bin directories and then start the service.
Solution 2
First add the account that runs the Cygwin sshd demon service to administrators group (this is by default)
Go to your cygwin installation folder (mine is at c:\cygwin64 and yours may differ)
add administrators group as full control. remove the property
Remove Readonly for your cygwin installation folder so anyone can write into it
Run the cygwin terminal as administrator and remove the service by typing
cygrunsrv -R sshd
Reboot your system
Run the cygwin terminal as administrator and reinstall the service again by typing
ssh-host-config -y
Run the cygwin terminal as administrator and start the service by typing
net start sshd
Your service now be running!
I tried above solutions but nothing worked for me.
I am using Windows 8 and was able to solve it.
My sshd.log file says : "Privilege separation user sshd does not exist FAILED"
So to remove this error while starting sshd as service just following below steps:
Edit the file /etc/passwd --
add " sshd:x:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:/var/empty/sshd:/sbin/nologin ".
Edit the file /etc/group --
add " sshd:x:74: ".
Now start service as
net start sshd
It worked for me!
Followed the steps provide by Andrea Solution 1 and solution 2 , it did not work. Event viewer did not provide any info.
So took a look at the log var/log/sshd.log first it complained that it was unable to load the dll:
/usr/sbin/sshd.exe: error while loading shared libraries: cygcrypto-1.0.0.dll
Reinstalled the package and ensured that the dll were in lib.
Started the service again still it failed but this time it complained about missing host key.
Could not load host key: /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key
Could not load host key: /etc/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
Disabling protocol version 2. Could not load host key
sshd: no hostkeys available -- exiting.
go to the Cygwin Command prompt (with run as admin ) and
enter ssh-keygen -A
the missing host key were generated .
Finally I was able to start it.
I would recommend looking at the log file further if the above solution does not work.
In my case (using a Polish version of Windows 8) I had to manually modify the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files.
Some lines for Administrator, Administrators, Guest, Guests, etc. had been missing, so I merely inserted them, and copied all other fields from their non-English versions. Eg.
nano /etc/passwd
LocalService:*:19:544:U-NT AUTHORITY\LocalService,S-1-5-19::
NetworkService:*:20:544:U-NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService,S-1-5-20::
TrustedInstaller:*:4294967294:4294967294:U-NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller,S-1-5-80-956008885-3418522649-1831038044-1853292631-2271478464::
sshd:unused:1006:513:sshd privsep,U-gordito\sshd,S-1-5-21-580982140-4090956935-1935414389-1006:/var/empty:/bin/false
cyg_server:unused:1007:513:Privileged server,U-gordito\cyg_server,S-1-5-21-580982140-4090956935-1935414389-1007:/var/empty:/bin/false
nano /etc/group
Czytelnicy dzienników zdarzeń:S-1-5-32-573:573:
Users DCOM:S-1-5-32-562:562:
Użytkownicy DCOM:S-1-5-32-562:562:
Użytkownicy dzienników wydajności:S-1-5-32-559:559:
Użytkownicy monitora wydajności:S-1-5-32-558:558:
Użytkownicy zarządzania zdalnego:S-1-5-32-580:580:
Only after this, I was finally able to chmod g-rwx all the files that offended sshd, in a way that 'ls -la' indeed confirmed the dropped permissions for group and other.
Then finally, privileged CYGWIN services installed and started (sshd, cron)

Silent Install of DataStax Cassandra Community Edition from Windows Server fails

I am using the datastax-community-64bit_1.2.5.msi for installing on Windows VM. I am using the silent install command
msiexec /i
C:\ddapplications\cassandra\datastax-community-64bit_1.2.5.msi /quiet
/qn /le C:\ddapplications\cassandra\installlog.txt
If I run the installation command from the command line it installs as expected. No issues.
If I run the command from a Windows Service that runs as LocalSystem, I get the following error.
Is this a known issue? Is there a workaround? I also manually tried creating a group named WORKGROUP and adding the SYSTEM user to that group.
The SYSTEM user exists in the VM.
=== Logging started: 6/7/2013 23:52:23 === Error 1609. An error occurred while applying security settings. WORKGROUP\SYSTEM is not a
valid user or group. This could be a problem with the package, or a
problem connecting to a domain controller on the network. Check your
network connection and click Retry, or Cancel to end the install.
Unable to locate the user's SID, system error 1332
=== Logging stopped: 6/7/2013 23:52:25 ===
Is your VM in a domain? What is the service that you are using to trigger the installer running as?
A possible workaround may be to make that service run as Administrator.
