Error in Cygwin for Moai Android Build - shell

I'm following this tutorial set to set up Moai for Android porting. When I run
./ –p com.gamefromscratch.moai
in Cygwin to build the Android host it returns an error of line 17: ndk-build: command not found
I'm 98% certain everything has installed correctly and I've been following the instructions exactly as written. When I look in the shell script line 17 is
I've never had to use shell scripts or set up anything like this before and my scouring of the internet has failed to yield a result.
As a side note, Moai runs perfectly and I haven't had any problems with getting that to work.

I've solved the issue! When I went to look for the environment variable in Windows (Computer -> right click -> properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables), I found that the variable path was there but was listed as ‘%PATH;c:\android-ndk’. As an experiment I changed it to just c:\android-ndk and rebooted the computer. I then ran the line to have the host run and it ran through the process without a hitch. The only difference is that instead of untitled-host my file is called host-source and instead of my file is called Outside of those minor file name changes everything else is the same.


Powershell Closes Instantly

I've looked all of the the internet and I cannot find any information that applies to this situation.
Powershell closes immediately upon starting. When I run it in Command Prompt I get the following:
Windows PowerShell terminated with the following error:
Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.String[]'.
I have checked the following folders and no profiles exist:
I have tried to run with the following commands and have no luck:
powershell -noexit
powershell -noprofile
I have run the following commands and have no luck:
sfc.exe /scannow
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
I also have gone to Control Panel -> Uninstall a Program -> Turn Windows features on or off then,
Removed Powershell, rebooted, then re-installed it.
After doing all of these steps I still am not able to run Powershell. ISE does not work either.
This may be related to Powershell logging settings. I had the exact same issue after implementing Powershell Module logging using the wrong path for ModuleNames.
Check the values set in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ModuleLogging
In my case, I made the mistake of adding a value of ModuleNames set to * - not realizing it should be a KEY named ModuleNames - which resulted in an error
Windows PowerShell terminated with the following error:
Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.String[]'.
By adding the right path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ModuleLogging\ModuleNames\ with a REG_SZ value named * and with a value of * I got Powershell working again.
Note that if this setting comes from a GPO (Group Policy Object) in the domain, it will need to be fixed there, rather than in the registry. Otherwise, the GPO will just overwrite the local settings the next time it applies.
Whenever you run powershell, it loads the default modules present in the Modules directory. One of these modules (most likely a custom one you wrote) is causing errors and not allowing you to start.
Without knowing anything about the modules you have present in the directory located at: C:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\Modules, it would be hard for anyone to tell you the solution.
Remove any custom modules you have in there and add each module you need one at a time to see which one breaks your powershell.exe. You will need to check each path you have defined for custom modules to be loaded as well.
Other way would be to clear out the PSModulePath from Environment variables and add one location at a time until you see which Modules directory is causing error.
NOTE: Write down the paths on a notepad somewhere before you clear it.
From the error it seems like a .net library class (dll) that is not correctly written.

"Error 7: Hardlock not found" when starting CANape from command line via Jenkins

Trying to launch Vector CANape via the command line canape32 command, and it works perfectly in the windows command prompt. When attempting to run a windows batch command in our Jenkins multibranch pipeline to do the same thing, it successfully loads the remote client DLL file and then gets stops on "Error 7: Hardlock not found." This error persists in a freestyle project as well, any clues as to what the difference in the environments is? I would expect since it runs the canape32 command just like in the regular command prompt it would work just fine, but I must be missing something.
This is a due to Jenkins redirecting the consule output. When using Vector's ASAP2 Toolset instead of CANape to generate A2L files you can disable the output via the INI files so this doesn't occur.

Beginner GWAS topic: virtual box command line can't find .ped file?

I am new to GWAS analysis and I've been trying to run the PLINK tutorial sample datasets (hapmap 80K loci) on gPLINK to do some exclusions. I am currently working on a Mac OSX 10.10. I've applied the threshold settings (high missing rate, low MAF etc.) to my file "hapmap1.ped" and prepared to execute the command through gPLINK, however it keeps giving me the error prompt "can not execute command locally".
Is there something wrong with my library or directory settings?
gPlink runs in two modes a remote mode and a local one. It seems you are running the local one. Please check if you are specifying the correct path where PLINK is installed when cofiguring gPlink. For more details refer to gPlink configuration

Environment variables issue - commands stop working in cmd prompt

After installing one of our application, none of the commands work in command prompt. It says 'command is not recognized as an internal or external command'. After opening the environment variables -> Path -> Do nothing Just say Ok, then the commands start working. This seems to be an interesting issue and came across a blog on the same . But just wondering what could be the root cause for this issue? And can someone explain on caching of environment variables?

LINQPad script fails using lprun, works otherwise, need steps to diagnose the issue

Some environment details:
LINQPad v4.47.02(AnyCPU)
OS Name Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard
Version 6.2.9200 Build 9200
System Type x64-based PC
I am trying to figure out how I might diagnose an issue I am encountering when launching a script via the lprun.exe command line utility. When I run the script from the IDE interactively it runs and completes without any exceptions.
When the same script is run under the same user from the command line using: lprun.exe
I get this output.
c:\SQLTasks\Linqpad\Demographics\Demo_GenerateDemographicsSubset.linq(880,20) :
error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'char?'
Due to how LINQPad compiles the script I cant easily locate the area in my script that might be causing this and I'd really like to know if possible what mechanisms might allow it to work interactively and fail from the command line.
Please refer to the discussion on the LINQPad forum:
Edit: this was due to a bug in how LINQPad reads configuration settings in command-line mode. The bug was fixed as of v4.48.
