Beginner GWAS topic: virtual box command line can't find .ped file? - bioinformatics

I am new to GWAS analysis and I've been trying to run the PLINK tutorial sample datasets (hapmap 80K loci) on gPLINK to do some exclusions. I am currently working on a Mac OSX 10.10. I've applied the threshold settings (high missing rate, low MAF etc.) to my file "hapmap1.ped" and prepared to execute the command through gPLINK, however it keeps giving me the error prompt "can not execute command locally".
Is there something wrong with my library or directory settings?

gPlink runs in two modes a remote mode and a local one. It seems you are running the local one. Please check if you are specifying the correct path where PLINK is installed when cofiguring gPlink. For more details refer to gPlink configuration


JMeter 5.3 doesn't respond after a click File->Open File on MacOS Monterey 12.5.1

For a few days I cannot open any JMX file in JMeter script. Even after click File->Recently Opened, JMeter opens this file but non of click action on this file doesn't work. I am using JMeter version 5.3.
What I've done:
tried to used another JMeter version (5.5)
unistalled and installed newest JDK version (
upgraded all MacOS upgraded
scanned my MACOS in order to find a viruses
opened another applications based on Java and try to open the file (f.e. Intelij)
Increased Heap from 256M to 512M
Killed all denudant processes
Opened the java logs
All these actions were unsuccessful. Slowly my ideas are ran-down. Any idea from you what else can I check?
Best regards.
I cannot reproduce your issue:
so most probably something is wrong with your Java/JMeter/OS/user/whatever.
You can try following troubleshooting steps:
Increase JMeter's logging verbosity to maximum and see whether there are any suspicious entries in jmeter.log file
Check your OS logs using Console application
Try switching to another Look and Feel via Options -> Look and Feel. If this doesn't work as well you can do it using command line i.e.
./ -Jjmeter.laf=CrossPlatform
Try running JMeter and providing the path to the .jmx script via -t command-line argument like:
./jmeter -t /path/to/test.jmx

install weblogic on console mode without xming

I'm trying to install weblogic server on Centos 7 with following instruction of oracle about console mode. Everything will be fine till weblogic file 's extracting on my computer. I get this message about
display enviroment variable failed
I google it and found xming as solution. But is there any solution to install weblogic without xming.
You need to do a silent install as mentioned. You can find the documentation here.
Basically, you need two files:
A response file
Here, you will set some parameters like ORACLE_HOME, proxy information if needed and installation type, etc.
An oraInst.loc file
In this file, you need to do the following(from documentation):
Replace oui_inventory_directory with the full path to the directory where you want the installer to create the inventory directory. Then, replace oui_install_group with the name of the group whose members have write permissions to this directory.
After doing all of this, you can run the command as follows;
java -jar distribution_name.jar -silent -responseFile file [-options] [()*]
I uploaded my own oraInst.loc and response files here for demonstration. I strongly suggest you to read the documentation though. Good luck.

Neo4j enterprise backup Windows 7

I'm trying to run an Neo4j-database online-backup. I am using a Windows 7-machine and Neo4j enterprise 2.0.1.
I'm pretty new to all that database stuff, so I need pretty precise advice.
So far I have tried various steps to run the backup:
I created a clear directory for the backup (C:\Users\Tobi\Desktop\neo_backup)
I typed the following statement into the Neo4j command box: ./neo4j-backup -from single://localhost:7474 -to C:\Users\Tobi\Desktop\neo_backup.
But, despite the red help box dropping down, nothing happens. I also tried some slightly different statements (i.e. using the IP-address etc.)
What am I doing wrong? Could someone give me some advice?
You have to run this from your Windows command line, execute cmd from the start menu, navigate (cd c:\your\path\to\neo) to the Neo4j installation directory and run it from there.
Also I think at least on Windows it's called Neo4jBackup.bat (but I'm not sure, having no Windows)

LINQPad script fails using lprun, works otherwise, need steps to diagnose the issue

Some environment details:
LINQPad v4.47.02(AnyCPU)
OS Name Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard
Version 6.2.9200 Build 9200
System Type x64-based PC
I am trying to figure out how I might diagnose an issue I am encountering when launching a script via the lprun.exe command line utility. When I run the script from the IDE interactively it runs and completes without any exceptions.
When the same script is run under the same user from the command line using: lprun.exe
I get this output.
c:\SQLTasks\Linqpad\Demographics\Demo_GenerateDemographicsSubset.linq(880,20) :
error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'char?'
Due to how LINQPad compiles the script I cant easily locate the area in my script that might be causing this and I'd really like to know if possible what mechanisms might allow it to work interactively and fail from the command line.
Please refer to the discussion on the LINQPad forum:
Edit: this was due to a bug in how LINQPad reads configuration settings in command-line mode. The bug was fixed as of v4.48.

Error in Cygwin for Moai Android Build

I'm following this tutorial set to set up Moai for Android porting. When I run
./ –p com.gamefromscratch.moai
in Cygwin to build the Android host it returns an error of line 17: ndk-build: command not found
I'm 98% certain everything has installed correctly and I've been following the instructions exactly as written. When I look in the shell script line 17 is
I've never had to use shell scripts or set up anything like this before and my scouring of the internet has failed to yield a result.
As a side note, Moai runs perfectly and I haven't had any problems with getting that to work.
I've solved the issue! When I went to look for the environment variable in Windows (Computer -> right click -> properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables), I found that the variable path was there but was listed as ‘%PATH;c:\android-ndk’. As an experiment I changed it to just c:\android-ndk and rebooted the computer. I then ran the line to have the host run and it ran through the process without a hitch. The only difference is that instead of untitled-host my file is called host-source and instead of my file is called Outside of those minor file name changes everything else is the same.
