Better configurable products - also load the related products - magento

We are using the Magento module DerModPro_BCP (Betterconfigurable Products).
We have configurable products based on simple products. Some of these simple products have related products.
When selecting a configuration option, the related products of the assigned simple product should be loaded.
What is the right approach to add blocks to reload when changing options?

The extension renders the full simple product during the AJAX request and extracts the necessary data via Xpath queries from the generated HTML. Then it sends this data to the browser where CSS queries are used to replace the content in the page
Create a new module with a following config.xml
In the node global/bcp/update_selector_list add a new node <related />
In default/dermodpro_bcp add <update_related_.... entries to defined the Xpaths and CSS paths
In addition, catalog/product/list/related.phtml has to be modified in your theme to contain an empty <div> as a placeholder, if no related products are defined.


Not All Attributes Displaying in Magento Frontend Attribute Table

I have products with 20+ attributes (mostly technical specifications) populated in the backend of a Magento EE 1.12 store.
Problem is, on the frontend, only the first handful of specs are displayed.
If I move attributes up and down in the "Manage Attribute Sets," I can get ones further down the list to display on the frontend, at the expense of other attributes that get moved down the list.
(Setting up different attributes in different groups did not solve the problem.)
All of the attributes are Yes for "Visible on Product View Page on Front-end."
Here's an example:
Under the last spec in the table is another populated attribute. It's not showing in the code, but it should be.
How can I get Magento to display all of the specs?
Fixed this one this way.
Original code in template/catalog/product/view.phtml
<?php foreach ($_helperCategorylist->getProductAttributes($_product,22) as $_attributeName => $_attributeValue): ?>
I upped the $_product,22 to $_product,42 and the rest of the attributes showed up on the frontend.

Layered Navigation not affecting result on page

I have created a module to show all products with special price.
I have added layered navigation to left block. It shows proper product count. But When I click any of filter (like category, price range), it doesn't affect number of products on page.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I got the solution of above problem.
Previously I was using my own custom layer where I was creating collection of products with special price.
Now I changed the code, I am using default catalog layer and in my block file (i.e. list.php) I added code to fetch products with special price.
I didn't added any code to filter result. Magento do it by itself.

Magento Go - Adding attribute above product description in Grid view

Im wanting to add the Brand name (or designer name in this case which i have made a new attribute for) just above the product description in the Category view (grid) but cant figure it out.
As its Magento Go i have no access to the code, other than XML updates for the category itself.
Ive looked everywhere and would value any help.
If you are cant get to the template phtml codes, you can put it on by admin.
Open catalog / attributes / manage attributes, find your attribute and in the properties set to
Visible on Product View Page on Front-end
Used in Product Listing
But it will not be on position you want.
You can edit CSS for the template and set an absolute position for your attribute.
Next way is to add in the admin in category XML layout, but this you need to do for each category. (Custom Layout Update)

Getting configurable product options pre selected from the layered navigation

I have several configurable products (with many simple products associated to them).
When browsing the super attributes through the layered navigation, you can filter down to all products that have (for instance) size= medium, Colour = Red.
I have set my simple products to not be visible and showing my configurable products, however, when you select the configurable product, the product options do not default to what has been filtered in the layered navigation.
Is there a way to get the relevant product options pre-selected on the product page?
suppose the user selected the filters from the listing page as size ="medium" colour ="red"
Now when user selects the configurable product from listing page after applying filter corresponding values must be pre selected on product detail page.
There is no ready-made way to do this. When the request is made for the product that product knows nothing of the layered navigation state. In theory you could add in some server side code to do that however this might have a performance penalty as you might not be able to use cache effectively.
You could do something on the front end in javascript. Add an event listener to the links in the filtered navigation and store an object in local storage, e.g. with size and colour.
On the product page you could then set the configurable product according to those values by waiting for the configurable product options to be built, then load the options object from local storage and then update the configurable product accordingly. You will need to then fire off events so the product page knows that options have been selected and can do things like update the price accordingly.
Internally Magento uses attribute option values that have numerical ids. These can be a bit complicated to work with, so you may want to put some logic in to read the labels instead, e.g. 'Red' instead of e.g. '461'.
There is no prototype specific way of working with local storage and you don't need some layer of jquery, normal javascript should suffice when it comes to storing/retrieving your size/colour object.
I found the following article to be the head start needed for doing things with the configurable product drop-downs:

Add search module in category page

I would add the search form in the category pages. The module will make researches in the same category. It's possible?
Add category to Advanced Search. Some pointers here:
You will probably want to do it in a module rather than in a core hack...
Now put some simple form together inside a phtml file, put the layout xml together to load it on category pages. Set the search to add the current category to the search string that gets sent off to your modified 'Advanced Search'.
As for getting that category, try $this->getCurrentCategory();
