How to specify library paths for sonar-runner with C code - sonarqube

I am trying to set up sonar-runner on a legacy code base. It seems to be working. However, I get several warnings like this:
WARN #include the file filename1.h could not be found at file:filename2.h. Please check your additional library configuration.
I found a property I can possibly set in the file to point to all the library directories:
My problem is, there are seriously about 50 directories I will need to include to capture them all, and as far as I can tell, I need to type them all on a single line, comma-separated.
So, my question is,
is it worth it?
Does sonar-runner need to find these dependencies to do an appropriate analysis? Would I gain anything at all, or should I just let it be?


GPRbuild: `runtime` attribute ignored in aggregated project

I am working on a few libraries for coding Arduinos in Ada. Each library is its own project, and I have an aggregate project that aggregates the libraries. I need to specify the runtime for each project since they are running on different chips. So for example I have something like this:
aggregate project Agg is
for Project_Files use ("due/arduino_due.gpr",
-- ...
end Agg;
library project Arduino_Due is
-- Library_Dir, _Name, and _Kind attributes ...
-- Target attribute ...
for Runtime ("Ada") use "../runtimes/arduino_due_runtime";
package Compiler is
-- Driver and Switches attributes ...
end Compiler;
And similar projects for the Uno and Nano. Building arduino_due.gpr directly works fine. It finds my runtime in the specified folder as it should. However, when I build agg.gpr, I get
fatal error, run-time library not installed correctly
cannot locate file
This occurs whether I use an absolute path or a relative path, and also occurs when the relative path is concatenated with Project'Project_Dir. However, if rather than using the Runtime attribute I use the compiler switch --RTS=..., then it works, but only if I use a relative path that is prefixed with Project'Project_Dir. An absolute path or a plain relative path will result in the error gprbuild: invalid runtime directory runtimes/arduino_due_runtime.
So what's going on here? This behavior seems inconsistent and I couldn't find anything in the docs about it so I suspect a bug. But I thought I'd ask here first in case I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I should just be using child projects, or project extension?
This isn’t a bug, it’s a feature :-).
See this rejected issue.
There are two things:
Several options are only recognised in the main project, and if you use an aggregate project that is the main project.
Package Builder is ignored in aggregated projects.
My conclusion: aggregate projects don’t suit your use case, or mine. As I said in the issue noted above, back to Makefiles (or scripts).
Part of the design intent is that aggregate projects should share code and compilations: as 2.8.4 of the manual says,
The loading of aggregate projects is optimized in GPRbuild, so that all files are searched for only once on the disk (thus reducing the number of system calls and yielding faster compilation times, especially on systems with sources on remote servers). As part of the loading, GPRbuild computes how and where a source file should be compiled, and even if it is located several times in the aggregated projects it will be compiled only once.
Since there is no ambiguity as to which switches should be used, files can be compiled in parallel (through the usual -j switch) and this can be done while maximizing the use of CPUs (compared to launching multiple GPRbuild commands in parallel).

CMake not finding SDL - Windows

I am trying to build a program that requires SDL. I have downloaded SDL for Windows so that I have a folder containing the include and lib suborders.
When I run CMake I get the following error:
This is despite the fact that I have created two environment variables called SDL_LIBRARY and SDL_INCLUDE_DIR, pointing to the lib and include folders respectively.
I have no idea what to do.
In my experience, the best method when find scripts don't work as expected is to check their source code. Often you will identify the problem by just reading through the documentation at the top, but if that still doesn't work out, digging into the source is often the only thing that helps.
From the documentation alone you can see for instance, that CMake does only consider one environment variable SDLDIR for searching. SDL_INCLUDE_DIR and SDL_LIBRARY are the names of the CMake variables to hold the results of the find script. You can set them via the command line (or the cmake-gui), but I would advise against that, as it kind of undermines the purpose of using a find script in the first place.
Instead, verify that your directory structure corresponds to what the find script expects and simply set SDLDIR accordingly.
Please note that the script that currently ships with CMake does not work with the newer SDL2. If you are using SDL2, you will have to write your own script.

sonarqube 4.5 has misidentified a cpp module as c - how can I fix it

I created a multi-module project with a single Most of the project is in c but one module is c++. I left the sonar.language property blank and ran sonar-runner with analysis.
The project and modules were created in the database and everything looked OK but when I did a preview on the same code I had a large number of new issues on the c++ project.
On closer inspection I found that the module in sonarqube was all wrong - it consisted of only the header files (.h) and most of the issues were the use of C style comments. It seems that the module was identified as a C module so all the .cpp files were ignored. However, in the preview the language was identified correctly and issues were found in the .cpp files that were clearly not know to sonarqube.
I cannot find any place in the UI to change the language of a module nor can I figure out a way to force it after the fact in my sonar-project.profiles.
First, sonar.language is apparently deprecated, and second, using module.sonar.language=cpp caused an error:
Caused by: sonar.profile was set to 'DEFAULT_C' but didn't match any profile for any language. Please check your configuration.
DEFAULT_C is something that we use for projects generally but not the one I'm working on. I have different profiles set up for different languages via the UI, but if I cannot get the analysis to see the correct language it doesn't help me much.
Any one have any idea how I can force the language of a module after the fact?
Hmm. I considered just deleting this but if I had found an answer on stackoverflow it would have eased my pain a little.
Brute force works.
Just set the language and the profile you want for the moudle and ignore complaints about such things being deprecated. Chosing a language won't force the right profile even if you have set up an explicit profile for the language in the UI - so just state it in the file.
In my case:
Throw sonar-runner at that and it will beat the backend into shape.

C++ Additional Includes VS 2013

So I have a structure like below. (Similar to bigger project I'm really working on)
I have this open source library I want to use.
Additional Include Directories:
I am expecting this to work:
#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
I believe the issue may have been that I was updating Additional include Directories for the wrong configuration. (I've changed a million things so I'm not sure this is really the fix).

How can I control the way gcc/g++ automatically includes headers?

I've run into trouble in the past when I've tried porting some C++ code written on Mac OS X to a Linux system, or trying to compile code written against an older version of gcc/g++ with a newer one:
It seems that some (older?) versions of gcc/g++ would automatically include some header files for you.
For example, code that uses printf should require #include <stdio.h>. And code that uses memcpy should require #include <string.h>. But depending on the version of gcc I'm using, it will occasionally include these for me.
It wreaks havoc when I forget to include something and then never get errors until I go to compile the code on another system. At that point it's a game of running all over the project and fixing the includes.
Has anyone else run into this? Is there a way to force gcc to autoinclude or to not autoinclude? Or, is there a way to know what it's autoincluding?
-include file
Process file as if #include "file" appeared as the first line of the primary source file. However, the first directory searched for file is the preprocessor's working directory instead of the directory containing the main source file. If not found there, it is searched for in the remainder of the #include "..." search chain as normal.
If multiple -include options are given, the files are included in the order they appear on the command line.
Are you sure it's not other headers pulling those one's in, and on the other platforms not doing so?
When compiling on different systems, you might meet different problems and not only includes.
I would suggest investing in a continuous build system that will compile on all OS you need after each update of the code, so you are rapidly aware of any portability issue.
You can also put all common system header files inside a specific header file you will write and systematically include it in all your files.
