CMake not finding SDL - Windows - compilation

I am trying to build a program that requires SDL. I have downloaded SDL for Windows so that I have a folder containing the include and lib suborders.
When I run CMake I get the following error:
This is despite the fact that I have created two environment variables called SDL_LIBRARY and SDL_INCLUDE_DIR, pointing to the lib and include folders respectively.
I have no idea what to do.

In my experience, the best method when find scripts don't work as expected is to check their source code. Often you will identify the problem by just reading through the documentation at the top, but if that still doesn't work out, digging into the source is often the only thing that helps.
From the documentation alone you can see for instance, that CMake does only consider one environment variable SDLDIR for searching. SDL_INCLUDE_DIR and SDL_LIBRARY are the names of the CMake variables to hold the results of the find script. You can set them via the command line (or the cmake-gui), but I would advise against that, as it kind of undermines the purpose of using a find script in the first place.
Instead, verify that your directory structure corresponds to what the find script expects and simply set SDLDIR accordingly.
Please note that the script that currently ships with CMake does not work with the newer SDL2. If you are using SDL2, you will have to write your own script.


How to compile srlua (or a link to the binaries)

How to compile srlua?
How do I Make an executable Lua script using srlua?
The first link is the exact question I am asking here. However, the sole answer is unsatisfactory as it assumes multiple things, namely that the OP is already using Cmake (a fact disproved by the OP's comment on the answer). The second link seems to already be most of the way through a tutorial, and while a link to precompiled binaries for both srlua.exe and srglue.exe are provided, the link no longer contains binaries but instead the source.
I have found several other threads on various websites all asking the same thing, but all of them either assume that you essentially already know how, or explain nothing (many have potentially helpful links, but they are old and no longer work).
I have already tried to compile srlua, and got a srglue.exe, but when I tried srlua.c I ended up with a list of undefined references (such as "lua_type" or "lua_getfield").
lua_getfield, lua_type, lua_settop, lua_getfield, lua_type, lua_settop, lua_pushstring, lua_pushinteger, lua_call, lua_pushfstring, lua_load, lua_tolstring, lua_tointeger, lua_touserdata, luaL_openlibs, lua_createtable, lua_pushstring, lua_rawseti, lua_setfield, luaL_checkstack, lua_pushstring, lua_call, lua_tolstring, luaL_callmeta, lua_type, lua_type, lua_typename, lua_pushfstring, luaL_newstate, lua_pushcclosure, lua_pushcclosure, lua_pushinteger, lua_pushlightuserdata, lua_pcall, lua_tolstring, lua_close
My question is this:
How does one use a C compiler (I know the basics of gcc) to compile srlua specifically? Or, if anyone has a functioning link to either precompiled binaries or a tool to compile the binaries, could they share it?
Important: I am on Windows. Thus, I cannot just use make. I must actually compile the .c files to .exe files. I am asking how. If you simply provide links to threads with the aforementioned problems, you are not helping. If you give an answer that assumes in-depth prior knowledge of a particular tool that does not have good documentation, you are not being helpful. If you tell me tools to use, but not the specific procedure for compiling srlua, you are not being helpful. If there is a better place for this, tell me and I can move it there.
I don't know any Windows pre-compiled binaries for srLua.
To compile srLua, you should first install the Mingw compiler to use GCC as a C compiler : you can install TDM-GCC ( or
You can then open a Console prompt. Enter the "gcc" command to be sure that the compiler is working (and that the PATH is correctly set).
Then go to the directory you extracted the srLua source files and type the command :
Cross your fingers and it should compile everything :)
When linking, you should include the Lua libraries with the -l Switch : -llua54 for Lua 5.4 library for examples.
I found this already compiled release on webarchive, it's kinda old but works:

How to set "BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP" in buildroot

I want to various projects for various platforms, and as such I've concluded that the easiest way to to this is probably going to just have buildroot create the toolchain and then alter the environment to use said toolchain.
From section 8.14.1 of the buildroot manual:
For your convenience, by selecting the option
BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP, you can get setup-environment
script installed in output/host/and therefore in your SDK. This script
can be sourced with . your/sdk/path/environment-setup to export a
number of environment variables that will help cross-compile your
projects using the Buildroot SDK: the PATH will contain the SDK
binaries, standard autotools variables will be defined with the
appropriate values, and CONFIGURE_FLAGS will contain basic ./configure
options to cross-compile autotools projects. It also provides some
useful commands. Note however that once this script is sourced, the
environment is setup only for cross-compilation, and no longer for
native compilation.
Alright, that sounds pretty much like exactly what I want. However, I have not figured out how to set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP. I found no mention of anything similar when looking through make menuconfig, I tried to grep the entire buildroot source tree for that string with no luck, and simply exporting it as an environment variabl did not produce a different result either. So, how do I set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP, exactly?
I just stumbled across the same problem. The option was submitted in April 2020, so buildroot-2020.02.8 (the long term support version as of writing) doesn't support it, whereas the PDF available online is newer -- I suspect you are using the same version; the buildroot download page presents the longer term support version first.
In menu-config, you do a search ("/") of HOST_ENVIRONMENT and then you find your answer:

wxwidgets platform.h error: no such file or directory wx/setup.h

I am using Code::Blocks with wxwidgets and I have include and lib folders under Document\wxwidgets. I am very new to c++ libraries. In Code::Blocks project initialization, I entered the location for wxwidgets. Then in setting/global enviornment variables I entered in base the Document\wxwidgets again. Still, I am not able to run the app. It shows the error in the include/wx/platform.h file where it says
C:\Users\Programming coder\Documents\wxwidgets\include\wx\platform.h|148|fatal error: wx/setup.h: No such file or directory|
I am not able to solve this and would appreciate some help. Also I checked and the wx folder does not seem to be there in the location. I don't know if that is normal.
Also, I downloaded the headers(include) from the wxwidgets github repo download page, wxWidgets-3.1.1-headers.7z. Any help appreciated.
Also, I am aware some questions exist already, but their problems are in different because most are using linux. Also I am using Code::Blocks IDE.
You need to build wxWidgets itself before building the applications using it. Its build process will create the setup.h file which is currently missing.
Note that, in principle, you could also use precompiled binaries, but in this case you must use exactly the same compiler as was used for compiling them, i.e. TDM gcc.

CMake Imported Library Target giving undefined giving undefined symbols on Windows

I'm trying to import libuv into my CMake project so I can link it. I have libuv 1.12.0 installed from here and I placed it in C:\Program Files\libuv\.
project(tls-server LANGUAGES C)
set(LIBUV_ROOT_DIR "C:\\Program Files\\libuv")
add_library(libuv SHARED IMPORTED)
set_property(TARGET libuv PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION "${LIBUV_ROOT_DIR}\\libuv.dll")
set_property(TARGET libuv PROPERTY IMPORTED_IMPLIB "${LIBUV_ROOT_DIR}\\libuv.lib")
add_executable(tls-server "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/main.c")
target_link_libraries(tls-server libuv)
However, given the above code I am still getting undefined symbol errors in Visual Studio:
How can I fix this? I believe the paths are all correct. I'm also using Windows 10.
Never hardcode library paths or names like this in CMake.
Instead use the find_library command, which does a decent job of notifying you early if something is wrong with the provided library.
On Windows in particular, since there are no default locations where libraries are located on the system (something like the /usr/local/lib on *nix systems), you may want to provide an additional customization point for the library's location. I personally like to use environment variables for this, but a normal CMake option will also do:
project(tls-server LANGUAGES C)
find_library(LIBUV_LIBRARIES NAMES uv libuv
add_executable(tls-server ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/main.c)
target_link_libraries(tls-server ${LIBUV_LIBRARIES})
Note that CMake in general never takes care of copying runtime dependencies to the correct place! That is, if libuv was built as a .dll, you must ensure that that .dll is in the correct path when running the program.
You can of course manually insert a copy command in CMake for getting all the dlls into place, but that can be quite cumbersome. Unfortunately there is no more comfortable solution for this problem right now.
Using imported targets here is possible, but really only pays off if you need to pass on more complex properties to the depending target. In my experience, imported targets work best if the dependency provides a fully-fledged package config file. Writing imported targets manually is often not worth the trouble in terms of additional complexity.
I finally managed to solve the issue.
Firstly I reinstalled the binaries from the target library (libuv). Then, I made sure that my cmake was generating x64 project files by using cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64". That was sufficient to get rid of the undefined symbols error. Then all I needed to do was copy the libuv.dll file to the same directory as the executable file, and everything ran fine.
If anyone knows why this error occured, please comment so you can help out other people in the future target the cause of the error better.

Add runtime library search paths to pre built binary

I'm trying to package a pre built binary into a Mac OS application bundle and I need to change the dylib and framework search paths for the executable. Unfortunately I can't rebuild the binaries at this point which makes means I have to find a work arround rather than using the correct search paths from the outset. Does anybody know how I can do this?
I assume that you want a permanent change to the executable. You can get temporary changes using the environment variables described in dyld(1). But for a permanent change, you can modify the executable using install_name_tool(1). See Creating Working dylibs for a good short writeup on how to do it. See the dyld(1) page for the replaceable variables you can use, such as #executable_path and #loader_path.
