English words dictionary database for Windows Phone 7 - windows

I want to integrate an English dictionary function into my Windows Phone 7 application. Is there such a file or database available somewhere that contains all valid English words?
By the way, I only need something containing the list of words in order to validate inputs made by users. Other things such as definitions, phonetics, thesauruses, etc... are not needed.

Try this link (text file). It obviously doesn't have all valid words, but it should be reasonably effective.
The spell check API that's integrated isn't exposed to developers, so you'll have to make do with a text file like this.
Also, if you only need to check the validity of the word that the user enters in a text input of some kind, then all you need to do is set InputScope="Text" in the XAML declaration.
Hope this helps.


Google maps API avoid translation of name

I'm using the places api to search for places and quickly copy the some customer information into the front-end of my application.
But sometimes, the name gets translated to English, which is not desirable for the user. How can I avoid the translation of certain places?
For instance: Krankenhaus Göttlicher Heiland will be translated to: Hospital of the Divine Savior. It kinda sounds cool, but it's not what the user wants... :)
I know it takes default my browser settings and that you can add language on in the parameters, but I want to turn that off completely. So get the original native names.
Any idea?

Efficient Searching in Outlook mail box

I have outlook 2011 in my mac. I have more than 30,000 emails in my mail box and would like to search from all the mails based on inputs.
Now using Advanced find I can do that , But for each and every value I have to add a new search criteria
eg . Subject contains xxx
Subject contains yyy
Subject contains zzz
it would be very difficult for me to add the search value manually if I have 1000 values to search for.
Is there any effective way to do this or do we some plugin which would read from input file and populate these vales ?
Any help would be really appreciated
I think, you can get little bit help from this -- http://derflounder.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/finding-the-hidden-search-options-in-outlook-2011/ , also this one too - https://www.gvsu.edu/cms3/assets/428A2C9A-0FB7-5B0C-BBFCF723C12E59E3/outlook_mac_search_email.pdf
In Windows version of Outlook there is a hidden tab that can be enabled by creating a new registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software \Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\QueryBuilder. See here (sroll to Building DASL Queries).
This adds SQL tab to Filter dialog of Customize Current View. Here you can write a text with DASL query. The query for your example would look like this:
("urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" LIKE '%xxx%' AND
"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" LIKE '%yyy%' AND
"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" LIKE '%zzz%')
You can create script that takes all keywords from a text file and formats them like
"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" LIKE '%MyKeyword%'
and construct the DASL query prorgamatically from a text file. You can store your generated queries as text files and copy them in the SQL tab as necessary.
This solution is surely far from perfect but it is relatively easy to implement. The problem is that I do not know how to enable that tab in Outlook 2011 on Mac nor whether it is possible at all. I do not have a Mac so take this rather as a hint.

How do I take each line of a text file and insert them into a web form? Specifically, for testing domain name availability

I wrote a Ruby script that appended "data" to the beginning of every word of the English dictionary, and then filtered out various strings using different parameters, and now I want to use a site like namecheap or gandi.net in order to take each of these strings and insert them into the domain name availability checker in order to determine which ones are available.
It is my understanding that this will involve making a POST HTTP request of some kind, as well as grabbing the element in question, but I don't really understand the dynamics of what to read about in order to do this kind of thing.
I imagine that after a few requests I will be limited, but as a learning exercise I am still curious as to how I would go about doing this.
I inspected the element (on namecheap) to see what the tag looked like, to find any uniquely identifiable class/id names that I could use to grab that specific part of the source, and found that inside a fieldset tag, there was a line of HTML that I can't seem to paste here, so here is a picture:
Thanks in advance for any guidance in helping me learn about web scripting!

Is it acceptable to normalize text box content when it loses focus?

I have received requirements that ask to normalize text box content when the user changes the focus to another control on the same data input form. Example normalizations:
whitespace at the start and end of the input is trimmed
If the text box was made empty and this is not valid, replace the content of the text box with the default value
I have a feeling that this is not in line with good GUI design. I have read the Windows UX Guidelines for text boxes but I did not immediately find any relevant rules.
Is normalizing text box content in this way acceptable?
I have definitely seen this before (examples elude me right now) but I personally don't like it when the UI changes my input.
If the UI is smart enough to change my input on me then it should accept it as is and change the value when it needs to process it.
When the input changes auto-magically you are now forcing the user to stop and ask themselves why it changed and if they did something wrong or if the application has an error. Don't make the user think!
Generally, you should accept user input exactly has they entered it. Chances are users did it that way for a good reason. For example, imagine a user entering a foreign address, and then your app screws it up trying to format like a domestic address. At the very least, users entered the input the way they’re used to it being, so changing it can make it hard for them to cross-check it.
However, there are several exceptions:
Add defaults to incomplete input. Adding input the user left off (e.g., years to dates, units to dimensions) provides good feedback on how the app is interpreting the input that would otherwise be ambiguous. This also encourages the user to use defaults, making their input more efficient.
Resolve other ambiguities. Change to an unambiguous format if the user’s format is open to interpretation. For example, if you have international users, you may want to change “9-8-09” to “Sep 8 2009” (or “9 Aug 2009”) to provide feedback on what your app considers the month and day to be.
Add delimiters when none provided. Automagically adding standard or even arbitrary delimiters to long alphanumeric strings (e.g., phone numbers, credit card numbers, serial numbers) provides an input display that the users can crosscheck more easily. Sometimes users may enter a string without delimiters in order to go faster or because they are the victim of web abuse by sites that refuse to accept even standard delimiters.
Spelling, grammar, and capitalization correction. Users often appreciate this, but only if there’s also a means to override it. Some users like to use "i" as the first person pronoun.
If the field is used by more than one user, then you probably should automatically format the value in some standard way that accommodates the majority of your users, but that should be done when the value is stored on the backend, not when focus leaves the field. For example, if a user enters a time of 15:30 it should remain as 15:30 as long as the user views the page. However, the next time a user (any user) retrieves the data, it should appear as 3:30pm (if that’s how most of your users are used to seeing time).
Such backend formatting applies to trimming whitespace so that all users can search, find, and sort on the field consistently. It’s probably not a good idea to replace a blank value (or any invalid value) with the default because users are unlikely to anticipate getting that value. An exception would perhaps be changing blank to 0 for numeric fields in situations where obviously blank == none == zero, but again this probably should be done when storing in the backend, not in the field itself. If blank is ambiguous, (e.g., may mean 0 or may mean "I don't know") then the second bullet above applies, and you may want to autocorrect in the field when focus is lost.
Of course, if your users vary in how they need to have a data type formatted, then you can have different variants of the app that display the data type in different ways for different user groups, or you can make the format of the data type a user preference, but that’s really another issue.
If the user wants it, and the Stakeholder ask for it, then is perfectly safe.
Trimming is very common. and the replace is common when you are talking about filling textbox with numbers. (a 0 instead of a blank).
It's a fairly standard feature, especially the whitespace trimming. The default value replacement raises a larger flag just because it is less common.
I'm pretty sure that I've seen versions of Microsoft Office that do this - putting "pt." after a value in points, for instance. Microsoft's endorsement should be a good sign.
We have quite a few of these kind of requirement. The reason given for forcing a default value rather than a blank space is that it looks better in reports or if the client wants to see the live system. A blank looks a bit like "couldn't be bothered to enter anything". For a similar reason, we often upper-case the text for consistency as the users never use consistent formatting.

What are the best practices for building multi-lingual applications on win32?

I have to build a GUI application on Windows Mobile, and would like it to be able user to choose the language she wants, or application to choose the language automatically. I consider using multiple dlls containing just required resources.
1) What is the preferred (default?) way to get the application choose the proper resource language automatically, without user intervention? Any samples?
2) What are my options to allow user / application control what language should it display?
3) If possible, how do I create a dll that would contain multiple language resources and then dynamically choose the language?
For #1, you can use the GetSystemDefaultLangID function to get the language identifier for the machine.
For #2, you could list languages you support and when the user selects one, write the selection into a text file or registry (is there a registry on Windows Mobile?). On startup, use the function in #1 only if there is no selection in the file or registry.
For #3, the way we do it is to have one resource DLL per language, each of which contains the same resource IDs. Once you figure out the language, load the DLL for that language and the rest just works.
Re 1: The previous GetSystemDefuaultLangID suggestion is a good one.
Re 2: You can ask as a first step in your installation. Or you can package different installers for each language.
Re 3:
In theory the DLL method mentioned above sounds great, however in practice it didn't work very well at all for me personally.
A better method is to surround all of the strings in your program with either: Localize or NoLocalize.
MessageBox(Localize("Hello"), Localize("Title"), MB_OK);
RegOpenKey(NoLocalize("\\SOFTWARE\\RegKey"), ...);
Localize is just a function that converts your english text to a the selected language. NoLocalize does nothing.
You want to surround your strings with these values though because you can build a couple of useful scripts in your scripting language of choice.
1) A script that searches for all the Localize(" prefixes and outputs a .ini file with english=otherlangauge name value pairs. If the output .ini file already contains a mapping you don't add it again. You never re-create the ini file completely, your script just adds the missing ones each time you run your script.
2) A script that searches all the strings and makes sure they are surrounded by either Localize(" or NoLocalize(". If not it tells you which strings you still need to localize.
The reason #2 is important is because you need to make sure all of your strings are actually consciously marked as needing localization or not. Otherwise it is absolutely impossible to make sure you have proper localization.
The reason for #1 instead of loading from a DLL is because it takes no work to maintain this solution and you can add new strings that need to be translated on the fly.
You ship the ini files that are output with your program. You also give these ini files to your translators so they can convert the english=otherlanguage pairs. When they send it back to you, you simply replace your checked in .ini file with the one given by your translator. Running your script as mentioned in #1 will re-add any missing translations if any were done while the translator was translating.
