Quering Oracle materialized view - column ambiguously defined - oracle

I have a trouble querying view in Oracle.
Here is the view (my_cool_view) definition:
FROM mview1 JOIN
mview2 USING(col_id)
where mview1 and mview2 is materialized views. I can't access to definition of this materialized views. I've tried this query:
select r.title from my_cool_view r;
and got ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined error. I got this error for subset of columns in my_cool_view.
If I run this query:
select * from my_cool_view;
all works fine.
You are asking about desc my_cool_view in comments, sorry I can't provide schema information because it's confidential. The only I can say it contains about 80 columns, and only one (col_id) don't cause above error.
Do you have any ideas what is the case and how to fix it?
Thanks in advance.
Sorry for misled you, the first version of question was too bad.

You probably have 2 columns called title from different tables/views that you've joined. If you select * then this will work as the duplicate title columns will get a different alias (like TITLE1). When you explicitly ask for one of the title columns the database needs to know which one you want and thus throws the error.
Just make sure that the title columns have a different alias:
FROM ...


How to Create a VIEW in oracle

So I'm supposed to create a view product_view that presents the information about how many products of a particular type are in each warehouse: product ID, product name, category_id, warehouse id, total quantity on hand for this warehouse.
So I used this query and tried to change it so many times but I keep getting errors
SELECT p.product_id, p.product_name,
COUNT(p.product_id), SUM(i.quantity_on_hand)
FROM oe.product_information p JOIN oe.inventories i
ON p.product_id=i.product_id
ORDER BY i.warehouse_id;
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword
Please help... Thanks
Image showing the Tables in the OE schema
Image showing the error that occurs
When I get errors creating a view, I firstly drop the CREATE ... AS line and fix the query until it works. Then you need to name all the columns, for instance COUNT(p.product_id) won't work, you'll need to write something like COUNT(p.product_id) AS product_count or specify a list of aliases, like so
I'm not sure what the output of your query should look like. You'll get better answers quicker on stackexchange if you type a minimal example including the CREATE statments, some input data and your desired output, leaving out columns that are not essential.


im getting an column ambiguously defined im trying to write a query to get data from three different tables my query is
select flight_no,
from flight,
where country_code='MCT'
and destination='IND'
order by flight_no;
and im getting error can anybody tell me what is wrong!!!
The error is telling you that you're asking for a column that shares a name from more than one of those tables. You want 'flight_no' - but, there may be a column named 'flight_no' in both the flight and country tables.
To avoid this, use aliases in your FROM clause.
select a.col1, b.col1
from table1 a, table2 b
where a.id = b.id;
This isn't ambiguous, because you're explicitly telling Oracle which columns named 'col1' you want - you're not making it guess.
This isn't part of your question, but your query as you write it will cause the database to join every record in each table to every other record in the other two tables. This is known as a Cartesian Join or Product.
Is it necessarily wrong? Maybe not. But 99% of the time, it's not what you want. You only want the rows that 'match' - so use a WHERE clause and filter out the rows.
Or go the ANSI JOIN way and do it in the FROM clause.
The error occurred because same column name having in the 2 tables , so when we run the query using only column name , this error is occurring
Try the below to avoid those issue :
select a.flight_no,b.country_code,a.destination,c.depature_time,c.arrival_time
flight a ,
country b

Run 2 SETs in an Update Statement Oracle

Is it possible to update 2 columns in an Update statement that are in different tables? - The reason for the"scripted":
Where "Scripted" will be the "flag" so the formula does not run again on the same records if this field is filled in.
MERGE INTO arinvt_lot_docs ALD
(SELECT arinvt.id,arinvt.class,fgmulti.in_date fgmulti.cuser3 FROM arinvt,fgmulti
WHERE arinvt.class LIKE 'CP%'
OR arinvt.class LIKE 'FG%'
OR arinvt.class LIKE 'IN%'
OR arinvt.class LIKE 'LA%'
OR arinvt.class LIKE 'PK%') Classes
ON (ALD.arinvt_id = classes.id
AND to_date(in_date) = '31-Dec-2015') --just picked a date to validate
UPDATE SET non_conform_id = '21', fgmulti.cuser3 = 'SCRIPTED' --this text "Scripted" will fill in a field that will tell us in our reports if this was set by the script
I would like to join the tables using the arinvt.id field that is present in all 3 tables ARINVT_LOT_DOCS, FGMULTI & obviously ARINVT. ARINVT_LOT_DOCS & FGMULTI contain the NON_CONFROM_ID field that needs to be changed to '21'. The FGMULTI table also contains the CUSER3 field that would have "SCRIPTED" entered in it. The ARINVT table contains the Class of the inventory item which reflects in the conditions mentioned.
You cannot update two tables in one query in Oracle and other DBMS such as SQL Server but you can use transaction to achieve similar result.
This oracle community answers exactly that, if you try to join two tables, you will get this error
ORA-01776: cannot modify more than one base table through a join view
You can use transactions to update two tables in batch-like statement.
This https://stackoverflow.com/a/2044520 shows how to do it but for SQL Sever though. You need similar statement in Oracle.

ORA-00942: table or view does not exist using iBatis

I am using MyBatis 3 to create a request (seen below) however, I am getting:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
where SYNONYM_A is a public Synonym for a table in another database...
I know the example doesn't really help, but the real question is, "Is there a special syntax for synonyms in Batis?" Has anyone done this, or failed, and can tell me, so I don't spend a great deal of effort, if it is not valid in Batis?
Provide the select grant FROM the PARENT schema to the current schema once again for the table of which SYNONYM_A is a synonym of.
And is SYNONYM_A a synonym for a Table or a synonym of another SYNONYM in the PARENT schema?
In case it is, u need to provide grant from the ultimate base schema where the actual table is located once again 'WITH GRANT OPTION'
A public synonym does not mean that grants are not required from the schema in which the parent table lies(if the synonym and the table lies in two different schemas, that is). You need to clarify your concept of public synonyms :) .
But thats not the point here.
just do:
If this gives you ORA-XXXX: Table or view doesnot exist, then this is the cause.
There are two possibilities:
1.CONNECTION_TO_ANOTHER_DATABASE has got corrupted/doesnot exist.
You can check this by doing queries like :
Select sysdate from duals#CONNECTION_TO_ANOTHER_DATABASE;
Select * from user_objects#CONNECTION_TO_ANOTHER_DATABASE;
If this too gives you the same error then that's it, your CONNECTION_TO_ANOTHER_DATABASE is gone.
If this does not give any error and gives some valid o/p then:
2.Probably the "SOME_TABLE" at the remote database does not exist!
The answer is....
I was connected to the wrong database instance!! I had built extended AbstractRoutingDataSource, and was pulling the server name for the datasource from a primary database. I discovered that another individual had populated this table incorrectly, and pointed me to a database where the synonym did not exist.
Thank you for your responses, and your time.

Getting "ORA-01482: unsupported character set" when using WHERE IN pattern

I have a table with the following structure in Oracle database:
I want to get the IDs of the passengers who have been registered more than once. For that I run the following query.
But I get "unsuported character set" error. What's the point I'm missing?
Since all queries related with PASSPORTNO are running fine you have at least two more things to do:
Run SELECT ID FROM PASSENGERS and check for errors, if the error cames up, then it may be releated with content stored in your table
Try another SQL tool to execute your queries, your client OS may be using a system enconding which the database can't understand both when processing your query of to display the returning rows.
Since both ID and PASSPORTNO are varchar fields, there's a big change to one of then have data in a enconding which oracle can't decode properly.
Mostly seems like a data issue. Try checking the exact data row which is causing the issue.
Use : DML Error Logging - http://www.oracle-base.com/articles/10g/dml-error-logging-10gr2.php
Btw, you are doing GROUP BY passportno .Is that correct? (This implies multiple passports can have same passport number). I guess it should be GROUP BY id
