Go's Disadvantage [closed] - go

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Closed 10 years ago.
I've been learning Go for a while and found that it has a lot of good features (simple and clean syntax, fast compilation/execution, good support for concurrency, first class functions, etc). But very few popular projects are developed in Go.
I'm just wondering what are the main disadvantages that restricts Go from becoming a mainstream language? Can someone come up with a kind of program/project for which Go is obviously not suitable to be used?

Go is only 3 years old. C is more than 40 years old. C++ more than 30. Perl 25. Ruby almost 20. Java is a relatively young language at 17, and C# quite young at 10 (or 12, depending on how you count it). And Java and C# had a lot of resources thrown at making them dominant, with Sun and Microsoft investing in all kinds of tools and libraries and getting people trained in them. Compared to that, 3 years is almost nothing. Google spends some money on developers for Go, but at nowhere near the scale of C# and Java. And 3 years isn't a lot of time for really prominent products to be written and released in Go.
Give it a few years. Write some code in Go. Maybe yours will become the next prominent project.
As far as what it's not suited for, it's not suited for anything that requires a really mature language and toolset. If you want fancy refactoring IDEs, tons of off the shelf libraries, and lots of tutorials and information online, you probably won't find that yet. The last I checked, its garbage collector was a little weak; it's possible to get leaks due to mistaking integers for pointers, since it's a conservative collector. This could be fixed by now, but its indicative of the relative immaturity of the Go implementation; there are certain things that may be solved problems in other languages (or have well-known workaround patterns), which are still a bit up in the air for Go.


I've been programing for six year and my homework in University gets marked down for coding style [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I've been programming for the last 6 years. I just recently started my first degree in computer science. My work seems to be constantly marked down for different reasons, amongst many of them:
Uncommented code
Writing too long identifier names and methods
Writing too many methods
After working as a programmer for six years for numerous startup companies, and absorbing best practices which include the requirement to write "self explanatory code" I find it very difficult to go back to bad practices.
What can I do?
Self documented code is not synonymous with comments.
I've argued with many senior devs around this point. Code can go a long way in communicating intent but there are some things which simply cannot (and should not) be documented through code.
For example if you have a highly optimised function/method or chunk of code which is heavily coupled to the underlying problem domain and requires very specific knowledge of the business or solution. Comments are needed in these scenarios.
Yes, yes, comments come with there fair share of problems but this doesn't mean they aren't helpful (or mandatory in certain cases).
I can't tell you how many times I've read a colleagues line of code and thought "what the hell?!?" only for them to explain that they needed to do that due to some quirk of some library or browser we were targeting etc.
Comments are a mechanism for a developer to justify a design decision.
As for your other problems, they are subjective. How long is too long? How many is too many?
Point them at Microsoft's guidelines if you are on the MS stack or there will be countless articles for whichever language you're using...
Hope that helps.

How to compare performance between different languages? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Assuming I wrote a program in two different languages and I need to compare the performance,
what aspects should I focus on other than comparing their running time?
You're focusing on the wrong thing. Really the question is do you want to use a low level language (faster) or high level language (slower). A high level language is going to do many things for you and it will also make certain assumptions which will make it slower. With a high level language you are going through multiple layers of abstraction and therefore it is going to be naturally slower. If you want top performance, use c++. If you want something even faster use assembly language. A high level language like c# or java is going to be more convenient as a lot of the underlining plumbing is handled for you, but with that comes a performance decrease. Again this comes with certain assumptions that are made and extra code that is executed that might not pertain specifically to what you are trying to accomplish.
If you want to test the performance of different language pick functions that might require the language or platform to handle many of the underlining functions for you. Also lower level language tend to give you direct access to hardware, allowing you to tweak how you interact with it. Gaming engines and other items that require top performance are typically written in c++ vs a language like Visual Basic because of the amount of control and the increased performance of using unmanaged code. I would focus first on categories like (graphics, etc.) that you would need increase performance for and then pick some tests from there. I'm also sure you can find existing tests already posted on the internet that compare language performance.

Are there any "fun" ways to learn about Languages, Grammars, Parsing and Compilers? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm preparing for an exam concerning languages, grammars, parsing and compilers. It's not really my cup of tea and most resources I find use the language of mathematics to define the different terms of the trade and explain the different concepts I need to know rather than stick with English or French, which I would very much prefer. Therefore, I'm having some trouble both with finding the motivation to continue studying and with simply understanding the theory.
So here is my question: Do any of you know where I could find a "fun" way of learning all this? Or at the very least, maybe a more "concrete" and less "mathematical" way of handling this subject.
I need to cover the following so anything on these subjects is welcome!
Parsing (LR, LL, ...)
Grammars (Context-free, deterministic, ...)
Syntax analysis Static flow analysis
Impact analysis concerning software maintenance and dependency to user interfaces
Dynamic analysis
Here are some resources which could be considered "fun" (with an emphasis on the quotation marks) ways to learn about a technical subject, just to get a sense of what I'm looking for.
Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby
Try MongoDB (type Help +
If you want to learn a lot in a short time, go learn about meta compilers from Val Schorre's 1964 (yes, you read it right) Meta II paper on how to build self-compiling metacompilers. As a freebie, they can compile conventional lanuages, too! The paper is 10 pages, describes meta compilers (as a virtual machine beleive it or not), and contains two complete compilers.
There's a mind-blowing moment you eventually arrive at when you grok how the compiler can compile itself... I learned compilers this way back in the early 70s and it is the most memorable compiler lesson I ever had. This is fun.
There is an online tutorial here which implements all the ideas in JavaScript..
The author of the tutorial is Dr. James Neighbors, the guy who invented the term "domain analysis". He used the MetaII ideas for a spectacular domain-specific code generator named Draco. Draco was a key inspiration to compiler-like tools I've been building for the last 30 years.
How long do you have to prepare? The "best" way to learn compilers is to dig into them and the best way to do that is to use the best book on compilers EVER WRITTEN: The Dragon Book It's old, but awesome. It's not cheap but it is, quite possibly, the most concrete and least mathematical way to learn about the magical compiler.
It doesn't have any flashing lights and it won't be in an awesome font like the Ruby guide, but it's in the top 10 Books Every Programmer Should Read

Cool, visually-transmissible uses of Prolog [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I will be teaching only one lecture on basic Prolog to students with little to no experience in programming. I'd like them to see that programming and Prolog can be used in the real world, perhaps even to do cool things.
I have looked at this and this threads, but I cannot find anything that is visually appealing that I can show them when we wrap up the lecture.
Do you have any suggestions for cool applications that use Prolog? I'm especially looking for something that can be shown as a video or slideshow.
If what you want is to highlight the uses of prolog and use audio-visual media merely for presentation purposes, combining the following 2 links might do it:
Natural language processing with prolog in the IBM Watson system
IBM's Watson supercomputer destroys all humans in Jeopardy
Dynalearn is implemented in Prolog and has animations.
under "La librairie clpfd", there are links to 3 finite domain constraint animations (N-Queens, Sudoku, Knight Tour) that are used in this class.
InFlow is written in Prolog. You may browse through the examples and / or contact the author for details. VisiRule might also help.
Disclaimer: I have not used either InFlow or VisiRule, but I do use WIN-Prolog which is the environment used for both programs.
+1 for Visirule. It is, as far as I can tell (and I've researched this topic quite a lot) a unique visual programming tool (I don't know of any other visual tool that is easily reduced to a turing-complete language). I have implemented a trouble-shooting website with it along with various other solutions. Highly recommended- version 5 coming out soon too.

Managing code transitions between developers [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
What are your best practices for making sure newly hired developers quickly get up to speed with the code? And ensuring developers moving on don't set back ongoing releases.
Some ideas to get started:
Use well established frameworks
Training / encourage mentoring
Notice period in contract
From a management perspective, the best (but seemingly seldom-follow) practice is to allow time in the schedule for training, both for the new employee and for the current developer who'll need to train them. There's no free lunch there.
From a people perspective, the best way I've seen for on-boarding new employees is to have them pair program with current developers. This is a good way to introduce them to the team's coding standards and practices while giving them a tour of the code.
If your team is pairing averse, it really helps to have a few current diagrams for how key parts of the system are structured, or how key bits interact. It's been my experience that for programs of moderate complexity (.5m lines of code), the key points can be gotten across with a few documents (which could be a few entity-relation document fragments, and perhaps a few sequence diagrams that capture high-level interactions).
From the code perspective, here's where letting cruft accumulate in the code base comes back to bite you. The best practice is to refactor aggressively as you develop, and follow enough of a coding guideline that the code looks consistent. As a new developer on a team, walking into a code base that resembles a swamp can be rather demoralizing.
Use of a common framework can help if there's a critical mass of developers who'll have had prior experience. If you're in the Java camp, Hibernate and Spring seem to be safe choices from that perspective.
If I had to pick one, I'd go with diagrams that give enough of a rough map of the territory that a new developer can find out where they are, and how the big of code they're looking at fits into the bigger picture.
