Download source via maven with maven-dependency-plugin - maven

I want to download a specific sources jar (guice-sources.jar) and I don't want it to download android sources. This would work on the terminal:
mvn dependency:sources -DincludeArtifactIds=android
and this works well too:
mvn dependency:sources -DincludeArtifactIds=guice
I config a plugin segment in the pom.xml as below,
and run this,it still downloads the android jar for me
mvn dependency:sources
I have tried to move the plugin part in a pluginManagement, didn't work either.
What's wrong with it?


is it possible to version and deploy a configuration file to nexus via maven commands

I am working on a java project and I would like to version and store a configuration file on nexus. Lets assume the file structure of java project is as below.
Is it possible to deploy application.config file to nexus when I run mvn clean install. After each build I expect an application artifact and a configuration artifact to be deployed to nexus. Is there any maven plugin for this purpose.
I manged to deploy file with maven-deploy-plugin.
You can find an example below.
<!-- change to deploy-->

Executing cmd command using Maven

I want to execute this command:
zipalign [-f] [-v] <alignment> infile.apk outfile.apk
Using Maven. I have to execute this command in the Android SDK/ tools directory. Can anyone help me on how to do this? I think this can be done using batch file but I am not sure how to create a batch file. I need this command to be executed when I type "mvn clean install". Thanks
Executing commands using Maven
You can use the Maven Exec Plugin bound to the install phase.
In the snippet below, the commant ping with the argument will be executed every time you do a mvn install:
<id>My Command Runner</id>
And that's it.
I see now what you really having trouble with is executing zipalign, not an arbitrary command. For that, there are two ways.
Using the built-in zipalign of the maven-android-plugin
As of release 2.5.0 of the Android Maven Plugin the zipalign goal is part of the plugin. To activate simply add the goal zipalign as an execution (e.g. to the package phase) and set the skip parameter in the plugin configuration to false:
Full <plugin> tag example:
Here you'll find an example using the an older version (still called android-maven-plugin);
ZipalignAPKBuiltByMAven: Describes how to automatically zipalign an APK that has been built by Maven.
Simpligility: Maven Android Plugin with zipalign and improved verification
Another example: A full pom.xml that uses the zipalign.
Zipalign using Exec-Maven Plugin
The code below will bind the functionality of zip aligning to the package phase, overwriting previous zip aligned file without asking.
Please note that this profile has to be added to the pom for the actual APK. You can't add it to a parent pom. The reason for this is that it uses the Maven property that defines the artefact name (
If you're building an Android project with Maven, you should be using the maven-android-plugn, which supports the zipalign tool directly.

Which maven plugin I can use to download files from any online repository?

I want to download tar.gz files from svn repository. This files are packaged by other maven projects and I want to package them as part of my project.
I know using wget we can do that but I don't know the way.
I would suggest to use the maven-wagon-plugin which supports such things.
To download only a single file you can use the download-single goal.

maven-site-plugin not generating apidocs folder with javadocs

I inherited a project that is supposed to build javadoc files and place them in the site directory. This is not being done. I have looked at all the examples I can find and I can't figure out where the configuration is broken.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
You have bound maven site plugin's site goal to prepare-package phase. You have configured javadoc generation in this plugin configuration.
As such, if you run maven's default lifecycle goals like mvn package or mvn install you should get site report with javadocs.
If you ran mvn site, it would skip prepare-package phase to which your plugin configuration is bound and hence would not generate javadoc.

is is possible to install the source and javadoc jar to maven repository along with a single command `mvn clean all`

As we all know that using mvn clean install will install the built package,eg jar, zip, pom, to local repo , but source and javadoc jar . Can I make some changes on pom.xml so that source and jardoc jar would be installed to local repo with mvn clean install
Yes, what you want to do is to add the maven-source-plugin and maven-javadoc-plugin to your pom. This will cause the jar goal to execute automatically during the package phase without needing to specify it on the command line.
