Is there an #Html.ActionLink equivilent for HttpPost? -

I have a table that I need to add links to. The links need to go to an HTTPPost actionResult on my controller. I have a huge list that the user needs to be allowed to click on the status, hit the controller and route to the appropriate page afterward. #Html.ActionLink is an HttpGet action. Is there an equivalent for a post?
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
<th>File Uploaded Date</th>
<th>Claim Status</th>
#foreach (var currentClaim in Model.CurrentClaims)
<tr >
<td><span name="Ssn">#currentClaim.SSN</span></td>
<td>#Html.ActionLink(#currentClaim.ClaimStatus, "SubmitClaim", "Claim", FormMethod.Post, new ClaimInputModel { SSN = currentClaim.SSN, StateId = currentClaim.StateId })</td>
I tried using
#using("SubmitClaim", "Claim", FormMethod.Post, new ClaimInputModel { SSN = currentClaim.SSN, StateId = currentClaim.StateId })
<button type="submit" >xxx</button>
I get an HttpCompiler error with this.

You need to use the BeginForm() HtmlHelper that returns a MvcForm which implements IDisposable...
#using(Html.BeginForm("SubmitClaim", "Claim", FormMethod.Post, new { SSN = currentClaim.SSN, StateId = currentClaim.StateId }))
<button type="submit" >xxx</button>


DropdownlistFor in a loop, null model on submit

I am having an issue with the values selected in multiple dropdownlistfor(s) being available in the controller when the form is submitted. The model is always blank. I know there are issues with mvc having dropdowns in loops but I thought I have solved for this. Let me know what you think.
#model DataDictionaryConversion.Models.FinalResults
#{ using (Html.BeginForm("SaveMapping", "Home", FormMethod.Post, null))
<table class="table table-striped">
<th>Converted to Name</th>
<th>Your Project Name</th>
<th><input type="button"
#{for (int x = 0; x < Model.DDObjects.Count(); x++)
var isSelection = false;
<td class="filterable-cell">#Model.DDObjects[x].ObjectName</td>
<td class="filterable-cell">
#Html.DropDownList(Model.DDObjects[x].ObjectName, new
SelectList(Model.ProjectObjects, "ObjectName", "ObjectName"),
htmlAttributes: new { #id = "ddlObject", #class = "js-example-basic-single" })</td>
<input type="checkbox" id="NoValue-
#Model.DDObjects[x].ObjectName" name="NoValue-
#Model.DDObjects[x].ObjectName" onclick="byPassObject(this)" /> Object
<td style="text-align:right; height:20px"><input
type="submit" class="btn btn-warning" value="Generate Conversion Mapping"
public ActionResult SaveMapping([FromServices]ApplicationDbContext context, FinalResults model)
return View("Mapping");
public class FinalResults
public IList<FinalObjectModel> ProjectObjects { get; set; }
public IList<Conversion_CSD_ObjectNameLearningModel> DDObjects {
get; set; }
FinalResults model is null
You're using Html.DropDownList. The first param there is a string, which should correspond with the name you're binding to. However, you're passing the value of Model.DDObjects[x].ObjectName, not literally something like "DDOjbects[0].ObjectName".
Instead, you should be using Html.DropDownListFor like so:
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.DDObjects[x].ObjectName, ...)
Then, the select list will be bound correctly.

IEnumerable Model from view to Controller is NULL [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Post an HTML Table to ADO.NET DataTable
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am trying to return table values of my view back to the controller to save on db but I keep getting null. I can post the values without problem and bind them to the view.
I cannot understand why, I am using a server side view model.
Is there any way to perform this?
#model IEnumerable<MultiEdit.Models.TableViewModel>
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("Save", "UUTs", new AjaxOptions
HttpMethod = "Post",
}, new { id = "tableForm" }))
<div class="row" style="padding-top:10px;">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped ">
#Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.IsChassis)
#Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Justification)
<tbody id="tblMultiEdit">
#foreach(var item in Model)
#Html.CheckBoxFor(modelItem => item.CheckIsChassis)
#Html.EditorFor(modelItem => item.Justification)
public void Save(IEnumerable<TableViewModel> vm)
You need to iterate through your collection with a for loop and index qualifier. Something like the below. The syntax is not exact but you should be able to see what I mean.
#for(var index = 0; index <= Model.Count - 1; index++)
#Html.CheckBoxFor(modelItem => Model[index].CheckIsChassis)
#Html.EditorFor(modelItem => Model[index].Justification)
This is required so the index can be used to create the unique id's of the Enumerable items and aids model binding
Hope that helps
I resolved it by using IList insead of IEnumerable.
#model IList<MultiEdit.Models.TableViewModel>
#Html.CheckBoxFor(modelItem => modelItem[index].CheckIsChassis, new { #class = "form-control" })
public void Save(IList<TableViewModel> vm)
var x = vm;

ASP.NET MVC 3 - Partial View displayling as new page

I have had look at a few post already here but I am none the wiser. I tried my first example of Ajax but to no avail. The Partial View is loaded into a separate page as opposed to changing the dom element in the current page.
The pupose is by clicking on the Refresh link in updates the "Last Activity Date" value of the current row only.
Please if there is an easy well of doing this can you also let me know?
#model IEnumerable<RegistrationManager.User>
ViewBag.Title = "Users";
#section scripts {
#Content.Script(Url, "jquery-unobtrusive-ajax.min.js")
<th>Email Address</th>
<th>Given Names</th>
<th>Last Activity Date</th>
#foreach (var item in Model)
string selectedRow = "";
if (ViewBag.UserId != null && item.UserId == ViewBag.UserId)
selectedRow = "selectedrow";
<tr class="#selectedRow" valign="top">
<div id="#String.Format("LastActivityDate{0}", item.UserId)">#Html.Partial("_DateOnlyPartialView", item.LastActivityDate)</div>
#Ajax.ActionLink("Refresh", "Refresh",
new { UserId = item.UserId },
new AjaxOptions {
UpdateTargetId = "LastActivityDate" + item.UserId,
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
HttpMethod = "GET"
public PartialViewResult Refresh(Guid? UserId)
User user = _db.Users.Find(UserId);
return PartialView("_DateOnlyPartialView", user.LastActivityDate);
Have you included/referenced all the necessary javascript files?
If you have UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled then you'll need:
if you also use client side validation, you'll need;
These files can all be found when you create a new MVC3 project.

MVC3. Ajax Confirmation comes twice

I have a list of Products. Each line has 'Delete' action. When I try to delete any row everything is true, but after second deleting ajax confirmation comes twice. Please help.
There are product list view.
#model IEnumerable<Domain.Entities.Product>
ViewBag.Title = "Products";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_AdminLayout.cshtml";
<table class="Grid">
#foreach (var item in Model) {
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("DeleteProduct", "Admin",
new AjaxOptions {
Confirm="Product was deleted!",
#Html.Hidden("Id", item.Id)
<input type="image" src="../Images/Icons/DeleteIcon.jpg" />
There are AdminController
public class AdminController : Controller
private IProductRepository productRepository;
public AdminController(IProductRepository productRepository)
this.productRepository= productRepository;
public ViewResult Products()
return View(productRepository.Products);
public ActionResult DeleteProduct(int id)
Product prod = productRepository.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);
if (prod != null)
TempData["message"] = string.Format("{0} was deleted", prod.Name);
return RedirectToAction("Products");
And finally _AdminLayout.cshtml
<link href="#Url.Content("~/Content/Admin.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.4.4.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="DeleteProduct">
#if (TempData["message"] != null) {
<div class="Message">#TempData["message"]</div>
The problem here is that you are calling the DeleteProduct action with AJAX and this action is performing a Redirect to the Products action. Except that the Products action is returning a full HTML instead of a partial. So you get the jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js injected twice into your DOM. So you get 2 confirmations on the second delete, 3 on the third and so on.
So start by defining a partial containing the table records (~/Views/Admin/_Products.cshtml):
#model IEnumerable<Domain.Entities.Product>
<table class="Grid">
#foreach (var item in Model)
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("DeleteProduct", "Admin",
new AjaxOptions {
Confirm = "Are you sure you wanna delete this product?",
UpdateTargetId = "products"
#Html.Hidden("Id", item.Id)
<input type="image" src="#Url.Content("~/Images/Icons/DeleteIcon.jpg")" alt="Delete" />
and then modify your main view so that it uses this partial:
#model IEnumerable<Product>
ViewBag.Title = "Products";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_AdminLayout.cshtml";
<div id="products">
and finally modify your DeleteProduct controller action so that it no longer does any redirects but returns the partial instead after deleting the record:
public ActionResult DeleteProduct(int id)
Product prod = productRepository.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);
if (prod != null)
ViewData["message"] = string.Format("{0} was deleted", prod.Name);
return PartialView("_Products", productRepository.Products);
You have everything funneled through a single AJAX operation, so the click of delete is finding two items to delete on the second click. The way to handle this is work some magic on resetting the bound items so either a) the deleted item is set up to show it is already deleted once confirmed or b) rebinding the entire set of items after a delete to get rid of the item that has been deleted.
As long as you continue to have an item that the client believes has not been deleted, you will continue to "delete both" each time you click.

Parameters from view not getting to controller action method

I'm implementing Troy Goode's PagedList in one of my views (ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor). The challenge I'm having is when I click on a page number link, the request is routed to my HttpGet method, which just returns the empty page (ready for input).
My View Model:
public class SearchViewModel
public SelectList IndustrySelectList { get; set; }
public IPagedList<KeyValuePair<string, SearchResult>> SearchResults { get; set; }
public PagingInfo PagingInfo { get; set; }
public ViewResult Search(string searchTerm = "")
SearchViewModel vm = new SearchViewModel
IndustrySelectList = new SelectList(_Industries.AsEnumerable(), "IndustryId", "IndustryName"),
PagingInfo = new PagingInfo
CurrentPage = 1,
ItemsPerPage = 25,
TotalItems = 0
return View(vm);
public ActionResult Search(string[] industries, string searchTerm = "", int page = 1)
SearchViewModel vm = null;
_url = "http://localhost/MasterNode/masternode.cgi?zoom_query={" + searchTerm + "}&zoom_xml=1&zoom_page={startPage?}&zoom_per_page=1000";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int pageSize = 5;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm))
vm = new SearchViewModel
IndustrySelectList = new SelectList(_Industries.AsEnumerable(), "IndustryId", "IndustryName")
_request = new SearchRequest(SearchRequest.EnvironmentTypes.Development, "", _url, searchTerm, SearchRequest.SearchType.AllWords, 1000);
_results = new Dictionary<string, SearchResult>();
vm = new SearchViewModel
IndustrySelectList = new SelectList(_Industries.AsEnumerable(), "IndustryId", "IndustryName"),
SearchResults = _results.ToList<KeyValuePair<string, SearchResult>>().ToPagedList(1, 25),
PagingInfo = new PagingInfo
CurrentPage = page,
ItemsPerPage = pageSize,
TotalItems = _results.Count()
return View(vm);
#model MultiView.OmniGuide.ViewModels.SearchViewModel
#using MultiView.OmniGuide.HtmlHelpers
#using PagedList
#using PagedList.Mvc
ViewBag.Title = "Search";
<link href="/Content/PagedList.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
#using (Html.BeginForm("Search", "Home"))
#Html.HiddenFor(c => c.IndustrySelectList)
#Html.HiddenFor(c => c.PagingInfo)
#Html.HiddenFor(c => c.SearchResults)
<table width="70%">
<td colspan="2" style="background: #fff">
<input id="searchTerm" name="searchTerm" type="text" class="SearchBox" style="width: 450px" />
<input type="submit" class="SearchButton" value=" " />
<tr align="left">
<td align="left" style="background: #fff">
#Html.ActionLink("MultiView corporate site", "Search")
<td colspan="1" align="center" style="width: 450px">
.Items(title =>
.Text("Filter by Industry")
.Content(() =>
#Html.RenderPartial("_Industry", #Model);
<tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>
<br />
if (Model.SearchResults != null)
<table width="70%">
Company Image
<th class="tableHeader">
Company Name Here
<th class="tableHeader">
#foreach (KeyValuePair<string, MultiView.OmniGuide.Models.SearchResult> itm in Model.SearchResults)
<td align="left" style="width: 15%">
<td align="left" style="width: 60%">
<p style="text-align: left">
<br />
#Html.AnchorLink(itm.Value.FoundURL, itm.Value.FoundURL)
<td style="width: 25%">
#Html.PagedListPager((IPagedList)Model.SearchResults, page => Url.Action("Search", "Home", new { page }))
When text is supplied in the input box and the button is clicked, the requested is routed to the HttpPost method. In looking at the request.form values, all expected data but paging information is present.
[0]: "IndustrySelectList"
[1]: "PagingInfo"
[2]: "SearchResults"
[3]: "searchTerm"
[4]: "industries"
Any help with this would be very much appreciated!
By clicking the button you are submitting the form which is why it is doing the httppost. The next page link is hitting the httpget correctly but you are not passing it any information to so that it knows what to get. The get needs other information, like what page you are wanting.
The page number links fire a GET request, so you'll need to make sure that your GET action can handle the full search as well, so will need to get the page number and industries array - using defaults for when those parameters aren't available.
public ViewResult Search(string searchTerm = "", int page = 1,
string industries = "")
You'll need to modify the pager link like this to pass industries to the get action.
#Html.PagedListPager((IPagedList)Model.SearchResults, page => Url.Action("Search", "Home", new { page, industries = string.Join(",", Model.IndustrySelectList.Where( x => x.Selected).Select( x => x.Text)) }))
It's not clear to me from your code where the post action is getting string[] industries from, or what it is doing with it, but you will need some way of passing this same this to your get action, probably as a single string that is comma separated. The example I've provided assumed you are taken it from the select list on the viewmodel
