Empty AJAX Response when debugging with Eclipse - ajax

I am using Eclipse 3.7.2 for PHP web app development.
When using the debugger (which I have setup to launch the application in Firefox), AJAX calls that are fired quickly contain a blank response when inspected with Firebug. This is not a cross-domain problem as the AJAX calls are all to the same server.
If I use Firebug to set a breakpoint just before the AJAX call in the JavaScript code, and then resume the execution, then the AJAX response will be loaded correctly.
It seems this problem may be due to Eclipse not being able to handle simultaneous requests. Is there any way to change Eclipse's settings to allow more requests?

Issue was due to using Zend Debugger. Switching to XDebug solved the issue. Also posted here - Using Eclipse PDT for debugging Ajax pages with concurrent requests


Symfony: Debug Ajax Requests

i have a symfony project (3.1.10) and use ajax requests (jquery.ajax) to load data. If the request fails, the debugger toolbar shows the error but creates no profiler entry, there is only a n/a in the profile column. So i have no chance to get the reason for the failing. I remember in symfony 2.7 there was a profiler entry for failed ajax requests. Can someone help me?
Make sure that the URL of your AJAX request actually uses the app_dev.php front controller. Otherwise no debug data is recorded for the profiler to display.
Seeing the same. But you know you always can open /_profiler/ page on your instance, find your ajax call and find out what happened.

Windows Store App WebView Ajax request from local html file

I have a question similar to this WebView Windows Store App C# Ajax Not Working
I am loading a local html file onto WebView using :
webView.NavigateToLocalStreamUri(pageUri, localUriResolver_);
I am trying to make a ajax call to remote server. I am getting an error with status=0.
I tried with both jquery and plain XmlHttpRequest, results are same. I am not able to get remote file content.
At the same time, I am able to load local file. As all local files are redirected to my "localUriResolver", i am able to resolve the url and provide the content to ajax call.
Coming to remote content, I know this is cross domain request issue.
Is there a way to get around it on Windows 8.1 WebView. Is there some flag to override the cross-domain origin policy.
I believe I am running into the same issue right now. It would appear as though my ajax request is not completing.
I see that our API is hit on our server but the complete callback of my jQuery ajax request is never triggered.
Currently investigating why, please update this if you've found a work around or solution.

Internet Explorer7 sending 2 requests but Firefox and other only one?

I'm using Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox/15.0.1. I developed a web application in J2EE.
In application,if i click any hyperlink it is sending only one request in Firefox,chrome.
I checked it using Firebug and the logs also.
The same way i tested in IE7,It is showing 2 times logs for a single request.
Is it a bug in IE7? How to fix it?
Every time IE7 sending two requests.. Any tool to track the HTTP request?
You can install IE Developer Toolbar to debug JavaScript in IE
Mainly the problem with two forms i'm using...
that is a form with in other form. which caused IE to show exotic behaviour.
HTML is not well formatted. I changed it. it is working as expected.

How to solve Firebug’s “Aborted” messages upon Ajax requests?

I am using Firebug 1.10.2 with Firefox 14.0.1. When showing a web page, the Firebug add-on has this "behavior": Firebug’s “Aborted” message upon Ajax request.
What should I make? Is it so dangerous that I must improve my web application because the presence of some error, or it is a Firebug bug or something else?
Please see the documentation of XHR open() for example here:
Note: Calling this method an already active request (one for which
open()or openRequest()has already been called) is the equivalent of
calling abort().
Just create a new XHR instance whenever you need one. Better yet, use jQuery or other JS library to do AJAX. It should shield you from these intricacies.
I saw this problem when trying to load a JavaScript file using HTTPS, but was serving the site on my local development environment using HTTP. The request to fetch the JavaScript file would fail with the Aborted message in FireBug. Making the requests use the same protocol worked for me.

How can I watch (i.e. debug) xmlHttpRequest() actions in IE8 ? (using Firebug Lite)

I normally do my web dev using Firefox - I periodically test for cross browser compatability of my pages by using FF and IE.
I have just found that one of my AJAX pages stopped working in IE - although it works fine in FF. With FF, I always use FireBug to debug my Ajax interactions. I am looking for a similar tool to use with IE - to see what it is causing it to fail, even though it is a straightforward AJAX process on the page.
I downloaded Firebug Lite and that was very helpful, as it brought a familiar dev environment into IE. Unfortunately, I have not been able to debug my AJAX interactions following the ForebugLite's documentation:
firebug.watchXHR: Use this function to watch the status of XmlHttpRequest objects.
var req = new XmlHttpRequest;
I inserted that in my page - so the top of my page looks like this:
<script type='text/javascript'
var req = new XmlHttpRequest;
However, I still could not debug the AJAX interactions (i.e. nothing shows in the console window when I click on a link that triggers an AJAX call).
Has anyone managed to do this before (IE7 and Firebug Lite)?
Or, you could install Fiddler and watch all of your web traffic.
Try DebugBar - I think it will capture this.
To use Firebug lite, you have to attach Firebug to each XHR request. So you'll wanna call firebug.watchXHR(req); for each ajax request you make, before you fire the request.
If you are using a library such as Jquery or Prototypejs to make your Ajax requests, you can wire Firebug lite into the process for easy debugging.
charles is another option for studying your network traffic but debugBar would probably be my choice.
