Joomla article showing an unwanted 1 one every page - joomla

It's been over a month now of me trying to find help for my site, not a single person has been able to help me. I believe if someone were to simply go on the backend of my site, then perhaps it could be fixed quickly.
My issue is I have an article that's showing a 1 on every page. I believe that '1' was replaced by a former developer where perhaps the article title went. When I hover over it with Firebug, it's showing:
<div class="item-page">
I've personally spent about 9 hours now trying to find it. I've been suggested to look in the template area many times. The 1 still shows up in the articles when I switch templates. Not that it seems to matter, I'm using Rockettheme.
Please don't recommend I simply go to the article manager and fix it; that's the first place I looked. Remember, it's showing up for every Single Article.
I would deeply appreciate any help; I'm in a bit of a desperate situation here.
Thank you for your time!!
I'm not sure why my question was voted down?

That's a bug that existed many many years ago. You need to update to the current version of Joomla. (Not migrate--update to the current release of your version)

Try disabling all content plugins and see if it goes away. One of the content plugins may be adding content to the articles.


How to install hotjar tracking to Yootheme Warp?

How to add the HotJar tracking code to YooTemplates?
Although it's no longer a question for me, i thought maybe this could be of some help to others.
So, the recommended by hotjar documentation ''index.php file'' is not the appropriate file for adding the hotjar tracking code. Instead, i installed the code at
screenshot just before the '''' tag at the end of the file
I am not a programmer so maybe someone else has a better solution to suggest to help the community. So far it has worked fine for me for years.
I guess you can even load it in a custom html module in the 'footer' position. Please try and let me know if it works. Then the community will have a second method to do it ;)

How to add new field in checkout that is displayed in order view in backend

I am totally new to Magento. Still learning, so I am confused about where to start off when I have to do something new.
I have to add just another input field in the checkout that gets saved in the order and displayed in the back-end.
So can someone give me directions? It can probably be implemented in an existing extension, but I don’t really have a clue. Any help and explanation will be greatly appreciated.
It would seem a popular solution is to utilize the order "agreements" for comments.
My answer here has lots of tips
And this blog specifically talks about installing a free extension and his explanation of the process is simple and thorough.

How to add a second language (ex Portuguese) on SilverStripe

Is there a definitive guide to adding a second language (ex Portuguese) to a SilverStripe website?
If not, I have made a start on it - see here:
however I cannot see what to do once I have successfully installed the extension!
Any suggestions welcome - and I shall append them to my installation instructions.
I'm not quite sure where you're stuck.
If you add Object::add_extension('SiteTree', 'Translatable') in your _config.php, then DONT also add the $extensions line to your Page class.
Page inherits from SiteTree.
If you look at the demo site ( you should see that each page when you edit it should have a Translations tab.
I assume you're not getting this?
Please provide some more information about the problem and lets see if we can sort it out.
Also, try this guide?
Sometimes the SilverStripe forum is more responsive than StackOverflow, as the core SStr team may see your question more quickly.

How see number of comments on joomla

helo all!
i want to see the numbers of comments of any article on frontpage in joomla.
how can I add this plugin or module for the readers know the numbers of commments per article...
sorry for my english :D
Which component are you using for commenting? There are a bunch out there - in terms of displaying comments on the front page, I think you would probably have to contact that developer to see if they have a plugin to help with that, or write some code of your own to assist with that (it shouldn't be too hard - some templates have that functionality out of the box even).
Ultimately it will depend on which component and if the developer has already created something to go along with that plugin.

Magento sites in IE9, prototype bugs

Internet Explorer 9 was released today, and I decided to check a few Magento sites we build in the last couple of months to see if everything continues to work with the new version.
But unfortunately it doesn't. I came across one particular problem that is caused by the version of the prototype library which is shipped with Magento, version
It looks like the cancelling events in eventhandlers isn't working.
For example, if you try to log in to a Magento shop, and just leave the login and password fields empty, IE9 submits the form even if there were errors, and the errors disappear after the refresh.
So that's quite a big problem I think.
So my question is: how can we deal with this problem? I see a couple of ways to deal with this:
Wait for Magento to release a new version with fixes
Upgrade the prototype library to the latest version which probably already has fixed the issue
Mess around in the existing library and try to fix the bug in there
Waiting for a new Magento release isn't a good idea because it probably will take a few weeks before there is one, and because it will cause a whole lot of other problems if you are running a very old version of Magento.
Upgrading to the latest prototype library is probably the best idea, but will everything in Magento continue to work with the latest version of prototype, does anybody has any experience with this?
So what's everybody's opinion about this problem?
Any ideas other than mine?
As upgrading Prototype has the potential to break a lot of things in Magento (and, honestly, doing anything in Magento has the potential to break a lot of things in Magento), I created a theme override for my
file and slapped the following as the first element under the head tag:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
This tells IE to pretend as if it is IE 8, where possible. This solved an issue where, for example, you could not check out and complete the payment process if you only have one payment method enabled, as in IE 9 the fields will all be grayed out.
Note that it really must be the first tag underneath the <head>.
Since upgrading Magento in any way has the potential to cause problems, I feel this is the least intrusive way to solve the issue in the near term.
I spent a couple days on this, and discovered the only thing that truly works is disabling things at the form level. This should solve all your problems.
As a quick fix, I think I would take the same approach you are advocating, and upgrade Prototype to a version that does not contain this issue. However, Magento will be coming along with a patch (this is too big to ignore), and at that point, it would be wise to undo your changes and apply the patch they provide to keep in line with normal upgrades.
It is rarely worth it to manually dig in the internals of Magento's JS, so that option seems a bit off to me. There are probably several places where this semantic is used and you may miss some of them.
Hope that helps!
Joseph Mastey
I've updated the prototype.js file to 1.7 and so far it's correct. I dont see any errors. If you apdate and find errors please notify!
The proper fix is in the Magento forums.
In template/catalog/product/view/tabs.phtml, change the line that reads:'li', 'ol').each(function(el){
