URL Scheme: what kind of string results - xcode

I'm using Marmalade to develop iOS applications via VisualStudio and a PC. The integration of a social feature like HeyZap needs its initialization by the use of:
loadHeyzap("YOUR_APP_ID_HERE","YOUR_APP_URL_HERE", true);
App_ID is the ID as defined in the itunes app page (I got it).
App_URL "should also similarly be replaced with your URL scheme for the iPhone" [from the HeyZap integration doc].
Well, the HeyZap help desk weren't useful to obtain this string via the use of VisualStudio+PC (in fact, they told me "use XCode+Mac instead...").
Since this is a simple string, I suppose I could obtain it starting from known parameters of my app. I suppose to find inside it something like [app_name]&=other-chars-....
Is there a way to build this string without the use of XCode, just starting from info I already have and putting here and there some special chars?
In other words, is there a standard way to automate the build of this string without the neeed to do it via XCode? I wonder to prepare a function in which I would pass my app parameters and I got the URL Scheme string as a result.

The answer by Creator is incorrect. A URL schema is how apps can communicate with each other in iOS.
Here is what Apple has to say
An example would be:
Here's how you would define one in XCode
When you define a URL schema in XCode, you can call that URL from Safari or any app installed on the device and it will switch to your game.
The way you define it in XCode is by going to your project settings, clicking the Info tab at the top, going to the bottom where it says "URL Types", expand that, and click the + button at the bottom. Then define both the identifier and the URL schemes with something reasonably unique like "yourgamename". Done!

URL scheme is most probably the url of your app in App Store. You can obtain it from iTunesConnect. Go to your application and copy the url of View in App Store link. That's the string you wanted ;-)
Let me know if it doesn't work.
Well App url worked for me, dunno why its not working for you. If you want to edit the URL scheme, you can do it without using XCode too. You need to include Info.plist file in the mkb settings. You can edit or check the current URL scheme being used by marmalade there. The default plist file is in the s3e folder. Don't know the exact location.


can i send a tiny database from app inventor via whatsapp

I am trying to send a voice note from app inventor via whatsapp can I do that ,the activity starter isn't helping me at all. I tried creating a file text but still cant get through.It says unsupported file format.
Yes you can share via WhatsApp. You need to add element "sharing" for that.
Here's the example of sharing the image file to the whats app through the app created with app inventor.
But first you need to understand that there are two paths for any files while creating apps with app inventor.
Path where files are stored while development (live previews)
Path where files are stored after producing the app
path while development is:
path after production is:
So while using "SHARE" component of app inventor you have to specify both paths to avoid any errors in future.
So here is the app:
Front End Arrangements:
Block Arrangements:
Pay attention to the if then else block.
It says if the image is not in the development path then the app is installed in the phone(produced). It saves our time to change path very often(and saves us from error if we forget to change paths)
Snapshot from the app:
After pressing share button:
After sharing through whats app:

Visual Studio 2015 won't display local web page (ms-appx ?)

I'm converting an app to run as a Universal Windows App using VS 2015 Community. If I create a webview using the toolbox, I can enter "http://www.google.com" into the Source property, and it will display google.
If I use the drop down on the Source property to reference (say) Help.htm as a local resource, the source windows displays "ms-appx:///Help.htm". Similarly if it is in Assets, it displays "ms-appx:///Assets/Help.htm". When I run the program, where the webview should appear it displays "You will need a new app to display this ms-appx" and invites me to search the store.
I can display a local image in an image box with very similar syntax, with Source being "ms-appx:///Assets/StoreLogo.png". The Source property in this case is in the "common" group, not "miscellaneous", but apart from that appears virtually identical.
Nor can I specify a local path in a URI (although again I can display Google). Behaviour is identical on two different machines. I have spent several days trying to work out what is going on; any suggestions?
Can you please try to load file through code and share results?
public MainPage()
mywebview.Source = newUri("ms-appx-web:///Help.htm");
also try this
If both above options doesn't work. Please change to below and share results
If you are using it from a Library project, you must also add the name of the library, like that:

API KIT Console in Mule not showing any Output

I tried to look through all the tutorials for RAML and I was pretty excited.
I found most of the online resources available but I could not understand why, when i set up everything and the flows are generated, then i run it locally as a mule application, when i point to localhost:8081/api/console/ i get a huuuuuuuge json response, but not the UI described for example here.
Yes i also faced the same issue with Any Point Studio. It is not at all displaying in the API KIT Console present in Any Point Studio. But to feel good and to see the output i have just tried it with Google Chrome Browser and i got the expected User Interface as i was expecting from API KIT Console. Hope this issue will be fixed from next release onwards.
Here is the URL i used to see it on Browser : http://localhost:8081/remote-vending/api/console/
Here is my output from Google Chrome browser for the API KIT Tutorial
My GUI didn't show in the Anytime studio tab: APIkit Consoles, one way to fix this:
make sure you have started your application
right click for the context menu
select encoding
click auto-select
I have had the same problem and resolved it by removing invalid whitespace. One of the example files I was including had an invalid trailing space.
The way I found out;
Open the Network panel in the Developer Toolbar in your browser
Go to http://localhost:8081/api/console/
Find the response for a request to '/api' with the request header 'Accept:application/raml+yaml'.
This response should contain the fully compiled RAML, where all include files have been included.
Copy this entire content into a new RAML-file in Anypoint Platform API Designer or some other YAML editor with error reporting.
It highlighted the invalid whitespace immediately for me.
It should work Out of the box.
It could be a bug of an earlier version.
Could you check the behaviour in more recent releases?
Changing my default browser from Firefox to Chrome resolved the issue for me.

Xcode 5 Link Document Type

Am following tutorial at
To link a document type to my application so that my application is responsible for opening up of that document.
XCode 5 works very different... Under your Target, Info tab is a "Document Types" line... am not sure how to use this, is there a sample for me?
I'm sure you've either figured this out or moved on, but a little tip for most of these tutorials: you can often download the completed code from the website. I did so, and loaded it up in Xcode 5.0, and it works fine. Here's a screenshot of the plist entries (that's under Resources/ScaryBugs-Info.plist) for Document and Export:
Another way to change the Document types in Xcode is via the Project Info (select the project in the Navigator, then the target in the projects and targets list, then the info tab). Here's a screenshot of what that stuff looked like for me:
Here's another very helpful link straight from apple support. Watch the screenshot they have under Example and literally replicate everything from this screenshot and just change their custom extension from catinfo to pdf, ttf, xml or whatever you like
NOTE: Make sure you test this on actual iphone / ipad and not on simulator.

Browser add-on to find a download's origin

Back in the earlier days of the internet I remember that in certain browsers, every time you downloaded an image or a file, the URL of where that file was downloaded from would be written into that file's properties (I guess the summary tab?). I think Netscape v2 did this if I remember correctly.
I really miss that kind of functionality as every once in a while I'll run into a neat little program stored somewhere in the depths of my hard drive and wonder where I got it from originally.
I googled around but I'm not quite sure what terms to use to describe what I'm looking for. So I'm wondering if anyone knows of a Firefox plug-in or something similar that would do this?
If you use the DownThemAll! extension for Firefox, you can tell it to prepend the URL of the site to the downloaded file name...
thus you end up with files like:
It also works really well when you want to download/queue a bunch of files.
You download http://example.com/foo to ~/Desktop/foo, and you want to see the originating URL in the properties of the local file foo?
Back when I used OS X, I remember Safari used to record the original URL in the resource fork of the downloaded file. Can't remember what the named fork is, well, named, but it'll show up in the properties panel from Finder. Since it's there, Spotlight will probably index it, too, but I haven't used OS X since 10.3.
If you use Opera, and haven't cleared the file out from your download manager, select the download and it'll show the original URL that the file is from in the properties pane.
Is this what you want? If so... well, I don't know of a similar Firefox extension, but it'll clarify the question.
For the IE Browser I use the hell out of Fidler to look at all traffic going across the wire.
For FireFox, you can use the FireBug plugin. There is a "Net" tab that will show you request information that is going across the wire.
Most of the time you can use one of these tools to see what URL was requested in order to start a download. You can also view all the get and post information that might need to be sent in order to have your request succeed.
Fidler is here: http://www.fiddlertool.com/fiddler/
FireBug is here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1843
Best of Luck!
