Data is not loaded in BI Publisher flash template - Error #2032 - oracle

I have created a simple reprot with one level of XML data, and followed all the guide lines from oracle tutorial
When I run the application from Flash Builder, it works fine, a simple data grid as in the tutorial
But when I upload the swf file to the flash template in publisher, it fails to run with error#2032, I've searched and searched for any clue of what is wrong! no tutorial or help was useful.
Here is my flex application source code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
public var dataXML:XML =
<mx:Panel left="10" top="10" width="477" height="267" layout="absolute">
<mx:DataGrid left="0" right="1" top="0" bottom="10" dataProvider="{dataXML.ROW}"
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="ACCOUNT_NUMBER" headerText="Account Number"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="CURR_CODE" headerText="Currency Code"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="INSTALLMENT_AMOUNT_LC" headerText="Instalment Amount"/>
I don't know whats wrong with the code! or what is causing the error, BI or the swf file.
Can anyone help me ?
I use Oracle 10g, and Flash builder 4.6

After a lot of search, I came to the result that there is no solution for linking reports built using Flex Builder 4.6 with Oracle 10g BI Publisher that I'm aware of.
But when I downgraded to Flex Builder 2.0, it worked for me, and I'm now able to see the data in the flash template that is built using this version of Flex when the report runs in Oracle BI Publisher and without changing any code from the above question.
I believe this is backward compatibility issue between Oracle 10g and its BI Publisher, and the new versions of the Flex Builder from Adobe.


Firefox could not install the search engine from…

I'm trying to make APLcart work with OpenSearch, but keep getting Firefox could not install the search engine from: with:
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="APLcart"
Where /opensearch.xml is:
Search APLcart: A novel approach to finding your way in APL
<Image width="16" height="16" type="image/x-icon"></Image>
<Url type="text/html" template="{searchTerms}"/>
Note that this is not the same issue, since I do have Url type="text/html".
I've tried with method="get"
What do I need to change for my OpenSearch specification to be compliant?
You have to use the correct namespace
<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="">
If you open the browser console (CTRL+Shift+J) you can see the error message
Invalid search plugin due to namespace not matching.

App/Widget Height is zero on SAP Hana Cloud Portal

So I am building (a) webpage(s) using the SAP Hana Cloud Portal.
I have defined a template that looks roughly like this:
<Page showFooter="false" showHeader="false" enableScrolling="true">
<u:SplitContainer id="mySplitContainer" showSecondaryContent="false">
<core:Fragment fragmentName="cpv2.templates.custom.SideNavigationPanel"
type="XML" id="idSideNav"/>
<cpControls:Section alias="custom.shellHeader"></cpControls:Section>
<cpControls:Section alias="custom.header"></cpControls:Section>
<cpControls:Section alias="custom.content"></cpControls:Section>
<cpControls:Section alias="custom.footerbanner"></cpControls:Section>
<cpControls:Section alias="custom.footer"></cpControls:Section>
I then develop multiple SAPUI5 applications which I convert to SAP Portal Components. My app-widgets' views all have this basic format:
<mvc:View [namespaces, controller, etc.]>
<!-- most of them have VBox or HBox in their view -->
<!-- some content here -->
I deploy these applications to the Cloud Portal.
finally I create a webpage, use the above template and fill the defined sections with these app-widgets.
Now for some reason the height of these app-widgets are all 0. Inspecting the page shows me they are there, but their height is rendered zero.
Is there a fix for this?

Start workflow popup menu is empty in OpenKM web interface

I've created a simple workflow in jBoss studio and deployed it on OpenKM, every things is OK and my workflow will be shown in administration panel but in desktop panel there is no files in /okm:root/ and when I want to start my workflow the workflow lists in 'workflow start' dialog is empty, Did not have any entry.
Can any one please help me with how can I start my workflow?
As a note, I uses Firefox 30 and Java plug-in is disable on it
You must enable available workflow list from profiles ( administration -> profiles -> first tab). Also to start any workflow you need to doing it selecting a document.
In addition if your problem is that you're not showing th form just when you start workflow then take in consideration, there's an special task name in forms.xml if you want to be shown the form at the moment you're registering. You can see example in this form with task called task="run_config":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE workflow-forms PUBLIC "-//OpenKM//DTD Workflow Forms 2.1//EN"
<workflow-form task="run_config">
<input label="number" name="number" />
<button name="submit" label="Submit" />
<workflow-form task="task">
<input label="number" name="number" data="modified" />
<button name="submit" label="Submit" />
Here you can find some examples, also I suggest take a look on it. Hope this could be useful for you

Dynamic data in Google Earth mobile

Is there any way to build a mobile Google Earth-based application that can show dynamic (periodically changing) data?
Here is what I have found
There is no GE plugin for mobile (iOS, Andriod) so the Javascript API is out
There is no supported native API
The NetworkLink RefreshInterval KML does not work on mobile versions (I can't get any part of the NetworkLink KML element to work)
NetworkLinkControl Updates DO work with the Google Earth Application for mobile devices.
Load a KML from the internet - inside this KML, have a NetworkLink such as:
<href>URL of Updating KML</href>
So, every 20 seconds GE tries to load the 'URL of Updating KML'
Create the 'Updating KML' - which will have <Update> commands such as:
<targetHref>URL of initial KML (one to make changes to)</targetHref>
<Placemark targetId="placemarkID">
That example would look for a Placemark with the id of 'placemarkID' and change its visibility to 0 (invisible)
My example is using the Change feature of updating, there are also Create and Delete
Here is a Google Example of using Updates

NPAPI plugin not working in Firefox5.0 on Mac

I have a NPAPI plugin (built using firebreath) which works fine Safari and Google Chrome (both on Mac); But it fails to work on Firefox.
When I looked at the Firefox plugins (about:plugin) it correctly shows my plugin name and version and shows it as Enabled.
Following is the code I use to load the plugin in javascript -
<object name="fp" type="application/x-myplugin" width="0" height="0">
<embed name="jsPlugin" id="jsPlugin" width="0" height="0" type="application/x-myplugin">
And I use this plugin as follows -
function PluginVwersion(){
var jsPlugin = document.getElementById('jsPlugin');
But whenever I test this code in firefox, it doesn't work, and I see following error in the Error Console -
Error: jsPlugin.GetScannerDetails is not a function
Source file: file:///Users/u162794/Desktop/test.html
Any help is appreciated.
Yogesh Joshi
Why exactly are you trying to use an embed tag inside an object tag? Remove the embed tag, set your object tag id to jsPlugin, and then try it.
<object id="jsPlugin" type="application/x-myplugin" width="0" height="0"></object>
Also try using the example FBControl.htm file that is created in the build/projects//gen folder in your project like is suggested on the FireBreath website.
