Start workflow popup menu is empty in OpenKM web interface - firefox

I've created a simple workflow in jBoss studio and deployed it on OpenKM, every things is OK and my workflow will be shown in administration panel but in desktop panel there is no files in /okm:root/ and when I want to start my workflow the workflow lists in 'workflow start' dialog is empty, Did not have any entry.
Can any one please help me with how can I start my workflow?
As a note, I uses Firefox 30 and Java plug-in is disable on it

You must enable available workflow list from profiles ( administration -> profiles -> first tab). Also to start any workflow you need to doing it selecting a document.
In addition if your problem is that you're not showing th form just when you start workflow then take in consideration, there's an special task name in forms.xml if you want to be shown the form at the moment you're registering. You can see example in this form with task called task="run_config":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE workflow-forms PUBLIC "-//OpenKM//DTD Workflow Forms 2.1//EN"
<workflow-form task="run_config">
<input label="number" name="number" />
<button name="submit" label="Submit" />
<workflow-form task="task">
<input label="number" name="number" data="modified" />
<button name="submit" label="Submit" />
Here you can find some examples, also I suggest take a look on it. Hope this could be useful for you


NativeScript Angular routing error after changing context of application

I apologize at the start for the lengthy explanation that follows. I believe it is necessary to fully explain what is going on.
I setup my NS app to used tabbed navigation with a login screen by following the writeup here.
The overall structure of the app is identical to the structure of the app in the git repo here.
Instead of the players and teams in the git repo I have 3 tabs: Dashboard, Advisor, and Tasks. The tasks component uses a tasks service to get the tasks for the user via an API call and then displays a list of tasks. The user can tap on the task to view the task details. I use a class called Global that is imported by all of the components to store context info such as the username and the API token that was acquired after authenticating.
I replaced the welcome component with a profile component, the idea being that a profile button is displayed in the ActionBar, and from anywhere in the tab view the user can tap the profile button to view the profile page. I achieved this by including the following code in each of the tab components:
toProfile() {"/profile");
I am sure that is not the most efficient way to do it but it was what I came up with and it works. The profile page shows a bit of info and allows the user to log out. If the user is designated as an admin it provides a form to allow the admin user to impersonate any other user and see the app exactly as that user would.
The following code displays the impersonate form:
<GridLayout *ngIf="isAdmin" columns="auto, auto" rows="auto, auto">
<TextField hint="username" [(ngModel)]="impersonateUser" row="1" col="0"></TextField>
<button text="Impersonate" (tap)="impersonate()" row="1" col="1"></button>
The profile component imports the user service, task service, and the Global class. When an admin user enters a username (for example we will use "user2") and taps "impersonate" the following function in the profile component is called:
impersonate() {
Global.username = this.impersonateUser;
Global.isAdmin = "0";
(resp) => {
this.userService.saveSession(Global.username, Global.token, Global.expires);"/tabs/default", {clearHistory: true});
(exception) => {
alert("Something went wrong.");
The task service reset function just clears any data the task service had in memory. I am navigating to /tabs/default at the end to trigger the onInit functions of the components so that new tasks will get pulled for the user being impersonated. The tasks page loads and displays the correct tasks that correspond to user2 via the following code:
<ng-template ngFor let-task [ngForOf]="tasks">
<GridLayout class="data-container" columns="*, auto" rows="auto, auto" [nsRouterLink]="['../task', task.ID]">
<Label [text]="task.TITLE" class="task-title" row="0" col="0"></Label>
<FlexboxLayout class="task-date" row="1" col="0">
<Label [text]="task.START_DATE | slice:0:10 | date:'MMM d, yyyy'"></Label>
<Label text=" - "></Label>
<Label [text]="task.END_DATE | slice:0:10 | date:'MMM d, yyyy'"></Label>
<Label text="" class="fas task-status" [ngClass]="{'completed' : task.COMPLETED}" rowSpan="2" col="1"></Label>
Everythign works up to this point. When the admin user taps on one of the tasks to view the task details I get the following error:
Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.currentOutlet.peekState')
When I inspect the elements with Chrome dev tools I can see that the GridLayout element has the proper ID that matches the task it should link to
<GridLayout ng-reflect-params="../task,5e46c219add54" iosOverflowSafeArea="true" classNAme="data-container">
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated. I am relatively new to both Angular and NativeScript.
Here is a link to a NS playground where you can see the issue in action. I have removed just about everything that is not needed to replicate the issues.
To replicate:
Sign in with the username "u1".
Go to the tasks tab and tap one of the tasks. You will be taken to the task details.
Tap the Profile button on the Activity bar.
On the profile page enter u2 in the username field under Admin and tap the impersonate button. You will be returned to the dashboard as user2.
Go to the tasks tab and tap one of the tasks.
Tapping on the task should take you to the task details but instead, it produces the error described above.
NOTE: Tapping on any of the tasks on the dashboard at any time will not work. That is another issue I am trying to figure out. If you can help me figure out what I am doing wrong there as well it would be much appreciated.

Unable to click OK button in pop-up in webdriver using ruby

Unable to click on OK button
I tried like this but it is not clicking.
b.find_element(name: "OK").click #----> it is not clicking
How to interact with this type of pop-us in ruby.
<input class="copybutton" type="button" title="Copy" onclick="copyErrText()" name="copy" value=""/>
<!-- *** Added: copy button *** -->
<button class="button" onclick="disp()" name="OK" value="OK" type="button">OK</button>
You can try one of the following it may help you.
ele = find_element(name: "OK")
You've tagged this Watir, but your syntax is Selenium. If you are using Watir, it would look like this:
browser.button(name: 'OK').click
If there are funky javascript things going on, you can fire an event to interact with it. Use this power sparingly.
browser.button(name: 'OK').fire_event :click
Hope this helps.

How can I inspect the values of tags during the submit of a form using Chrome Dev Tools?

During a page's "dormant" state, I can inspect the values of any tag by entering its id in Chrome Dev Tools' console tab, like so, e.g. for a tag with the name "BeginDate":
0) Enter "BeginDate" in the console tab
1) Mash the key
...and I see the whole shebang:
<input alt="date-us" data-val="true" data-val-regex="End Date must be in the format &quot;m/d/yyyy&quot;" data-val-regex-pattern="[0-9]*[0-9]/[0-9]*[0-9]/[0-9]{4}" data-val-required="End Date must be in the format &quot;m/d/yyyy&quot;" id="EndDate" name="EndDate" style="width: 164px;" type="text" value="5/14/2013" class="hasDatepicker">
So it shows the value, which is the part I'm interested in, is today's date.
What I want to inspect, though, is just what is being passed/posted when the form's Submit button is pressed; I believe this would be, in, the contents of the Request object, but how can I see these vals using Chrome Dev Tools?
I right-clicked in the console and selected "Log XMLHTTPRequests" and "Preserve log upon navigation" but...are they logged? If so, where are they? I see nothing in the Console tab...
Thanks to David Ziemann, here's what I see:
The Network tab will show you any network communication. Within that you can select the request and view the headers which should include the form data.

How does it happen Azure web role entry point and .aspx page handler are run in different processes?

I'm playing with this Azure web role sample. It contains a class derived from RoleEntryPoint and a .aspx page that contains a button click handler.
I test it in Azure Emulator. I put the following code (taken from here)
string userName = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
in both role OnStart() and the button click handler. When role OnStart() is invoked it happens to run in WaIISHost.exe under MachineName\\MyLogin account and when button handler code is invoked it happens to run in w3wp.exe under MachineName\\NETWORK SERVICE account. That's surprising.
Why are these pieces of code from the same role project run inside different processes and under different accounts? Can I change that?
David is correct. In addition to that, you can turn off this behavior and run everything in the hostable web core (as it worked before SDK 1.4). You just need to comment out the "Sites" section in the services definition like in the example below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ServiceDefinition name="aExpense.Azure" xmlns="">
<WebRole name="aExpense" vmsize="Medium">
<Site name="Web">
<Binding name="HttpsIn" endpointName="HttpsIn" />
<Setting name="DiagnosticsConnectionString" />
<Setting name="DataConnectionString" />
<Setting name="allowInsecureRemoteEndpoints" />
With Windows Azure v1.3 and beyond, a Web Role takes advantage of the full IIS, rather than Hosted Web Core. IIS runs in a separate appdomain.
See this blog post from the Windows Azure team for the gory details.

Testing a method that implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest

So I have a method that implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest. It accepts an HttpContext parameter. This parameter is just a form that is filled out with some XML. Here is the HTML that I am using to generate the post context:
<form name="form1" method="post" action="http://localhost:7703/api.ashx">
<textarea name="XML" id="XML" rows="25" cols="100"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="submit"/>
As you can see, very simple. This is just used for testing purposes. What I am doing is posting XML in that textbox, and hitting submit. However, I am not sure what to attach my visual studio project to in order to debug. I try attaching it to w3wp.exe like I do when I test the app in a browser and stuff, but that doesn't seem to be working. It still says "This breakpoint will never be hit, no symbols loaded..." blah blah blah, when I put a breakpoint next to the ProcessRequest method and attach.
How do I test this properly?
Thanks guys.
If you run this locally you should be able to "run" it from within Visual Studio and VS will automatically attach it self to the correct process.
If I attach to the development server at the same port as the post, it works! :)
