I need to create a Expression to make it like:
Expression<Func<MyDataSet, bool>> searchfilter = null;
string[] strsearchvalues = Searchvalues.Split(',');
searchfilter = p => p.searchcolumn.contains(strsearchvalues[0]) && p.searchcolumn.contains(strsearchvalues[1]) && ....
I tried this one but it doesn't work:
Expression<Func<MyDataSet, bool>> columnfilter = null;
foreach(var s in strsearchvalues)
columnfilter = p => p.searchcolumn.contains(s);
searchfilter = columnfilter.And(columnfilter);
If the search value is "bob Smith", I want to the result returns the column contains both bob and smith, like "boby smither' or 'smither boby'. With the above code, it returns 'boby something' or 'smith something'.
How can I create an Expression with a loop to get it done?
Try do it like this:
Expression<Func<MyDataSet, bool>> columnfilter = null;
foreach(var s in strsearchvalues)
columnfilter = columnfilter == null ? p => p.searchcolumn.contains(s) : columnfilter.And(p => p.searchcolumn.contains(s)) ;
searchfilter = columnfilter;
Hope this could be helpful to you...
Below is a logic to extract value from string.
I am wondering is it possible to run with Linq statement.
Any hint?
string r = "#1:234.1;#2:2344.2:#3:38.0";
List<double> v = new List<double>();
foreach (var x in r.Split(';'))
foreach (var y in x.Split(':'))
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(y) == false && y.StartsWith("#") == false)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", v.ToArray()));
This is the equivalent code in Linq form
var v = r.Split(';')
.SelectMany(x => x.Split(':'))
.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x) && !x.StartsWith("#"))
eachItem => eachItem.Include(
item => item,
item => item["Column1"],
item => item["Column2"]
i have list of fields in a array of string instead of column1 and column2, how can i pass it through in include linq, not able to create proper lambda on runtime. i tried following ways but couldn't get success. Static befor loops works but thw fields added in loop fails as it doesn't evaluate string value in loop
***Expression<Func<ListItem, object>>[] paramss = new
Expression<Func<ListItem, object>>[length];
paramss[0] = x => x.ContentType;
paramss[1] = x => x["Title"];
count = 2;
foreach (string item in solConnDefModel.Columns)
{ paramss[count] = x => x[item];
Please take a reference of below code:
List dlist = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("listname");
string[] fieldNames = { "Id", "Title", "num", "mStartDate" };
// Create the expression used to define the fields to be included
List<Expression<Func<ListItemCollection, object>>> fieldsToBeIncluded = new List<Expression<Func<ListItemCollection, object>>>();
foreach (string s in fieldNames)
fieldsToBeIncluded.Add(items => items.Include(item => item[s]));
// Initialize the collection of list items
var listItems = dlist.GetItems(new CamlQuery());
context.Load(listItems, fieldsToBeIncluded.ToArray());
You can hover on load method to see what type parameter it requires, then generate a corresponding one and pass it.
i have to create lambda expression at runtime. following code i was able to get expected value
Expression<Func<ListItem, object>>[] paramss = new Expression<Func<ListItem, object>>[length];
foreach (string item in Columns)
if (item.ToLower() != "contenttype")
ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ListItem), "x");
var propertyInfo = typeof(ListItem).GetMethod("get_Item");
var arguments = new List<Expression> { Expression.Constant(item) };
var expression = Expression.Call(parameter, propertyInfo, arguments);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<ListItem, object>>(expression, parameter);
paramss[count] = lambda;
paramss[count] = x => x.ContentType;
Is there anyway around this error? I'd like to reuse the same lamba expression in other queries instead of having duplication. Can LinqKit or other linq expression do this?
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean GetEvent(Tournaments.Data.Entities.Event, System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
public MobileEventDetailModel GetDetails(string applicationId)
var #event = (from e in _eventsRepository.DataContext.Events.Include(q => q.Assets.Select(a => a.Asset))
where GetEvent(e, applicationId)
select new
LogoId = (from a in e.Assets
where a.Type == EventAssetType.Logo
select a.AssetId).FirstOrDefault()
return new MobileEventDetailModel
Id = #event.Id,
Name = #event.Name,
Logo = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", Config.BaseUrl, Config.ImagesPath, #event.LogoId)
public bool GetEvent(Event #event, string applicationId)
return #event.Active && #event.Visible && #event.MobileEventApplications.Any(m =>
m.MobileApplication.ApplicationId == applicationId &&
(!m.MobileApplication.ActivationLength.HasValue || EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, 1) < EntityFunctions.AddMonths(m.MobileApplication.DateActivated, m.MobileApplication.ActivationLength.Value)));
You need to use an Expression:
public MobileEventDetailModel GetDetails(string applicationId)
var event = _eventsRepository.DataContext.Events.Include(q => q.Assets.Select(a => a.Asset))
.Select(a => new
LogoId = (from b in a.Assets
where b.Type == EventAssetType.Logo
select b.AssetId).FirstOrDefault()
return new MobileEventDetailModel
Id = event.Id,
Name = event.Name,
Logo = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", Config.BaseUrl, Config.ImagesPath, event.LogoId)
public Expression<Func<Event, bool>> GetEvent(int applicationId)
return = a => a.Active
&& a.Visible
&& a.MobileEventApplications
.Any(m => m.MobileApplication.ApplicationId == applicationId
&& (!m.MobileApplication.ActivationLength.HasValue
|| EntityFunctions.AddDays(DateTime.Now, 1)
< EntityFunctions
.AddMonths(m.MobileApplication.DateActivated, m.MobileApplication.ActivationLength.Value)
Update: Sorry it was late the other night, the changed version is hopefully more what you were looking for.
I have a scenario where i have to use .Select with where in LINQ.
Below is my query.
List<DTFlight> testList = _ctrFlightList.Select(i => new DTFlight() { AirLineName = i.AirLineName,ArrivalDate = i.ArrivalDate }).ToList();
I want ti use where(add condition) to this query.
Please Help...
I suggest you this use of Where :
List<DTFlight> testList = _ctrFlightList.
Where(ctrFlight => ctrFlight.Property > 0).
Select(i => new DTFlight() { AirLineName = i.AirLineName, ArrivalDate = i.ArrivalDate }).ToList();
Where returns a IEnumerable, so you can apply your Select on it.
Simply add the Where before the Select:
List<DTFlight> testList =
_ctrFlightList.Where(<your condition>)
.Select(i => new DTFlight() { AirLineName = i.AirLineName,
ArrivalDate = i.ArrivalDate })
What is the problem?
List<DTFlight> testList = _ctrFlightList.Where(p => p.ArrivalDate > DateTime.Now).Select(i => new DTFlight() { AirLineName = i.AirLineName,ArrivalDate = i.ArrivalDate }).ToList();
for example... What condition do you need?
Very primitive question but I am stuck (I guess being newbie). I have a function which is supposed to send me the list of companies : ALSO, I want the caller to be able to specify a top element for the drop-down list as well.. (say for "None"). I have following piece of code, how I will append the Top Element with the returning SelectList?
public static SelectList GetCompanies( bool onlyApproved, FCCIEntityDataContext entityDataContext, SelectListItem TopElement )
var cs = from c in entityDataContext.Corporates
where ( c.Approved == onlyApproved || onlyApproved == false )
select new
return new SelectList( cs.AsEnumerable(), "Id", "Comapny" );
This should work for you:
List<Corporate> corporates =
(from c in entityDataContext.Corporates
where (c.Approved == onlyApproved || onlyApproved == false)
select c).ToList();
corporates.Add(new Corporate { Id = -1, Company = "None" });
return new SelectList(corporates.AsEnumerable(), "Id", "Comapny");
This method has always worked for me.
public static SelectList GetCompanies( bool onlyApproved, FCCIEntityDataContext entityDataContext, SelectListItem TopElement )
var cs = from c in entityDataContext.Corporates
where ( c.Approved == onlyApproved || onlyApproved == false )
select new SelectListItem {
Value = c.Id,
Text = c.Company
var list = cs.ToList();
list.Insert(0, TopElement);
var selectList = new SelectList( list, "Value", "Text" );
selectList.SelectedValue = TopElement.Value;
return selectList;
Update forgot the lesson I learned when I did this. You have to output the LINQ as SelectListItem.
cs.ToList().Insert(0, new { TopElement.ID, TopElement.Company });
You could convert it to a list as indicated or you could union the IQueryable result with a constant array of one element (and even sort it):
static void Main(string[] args)
var sampleData = new[] {
new { Id = 1, Company = "Acme", Approved = true },
new { Id = 2, Company = "Blah", Approved = true }
bool onlyApproved = true;
var cs = from c in sampleData
where (c.Approved == onlyApproved || onlyApproved == false)
select new
cs = cs.Union(new [] {new { Id = -1, Company = "None" }}).OrderBy(c => c.Id);
foreach (var c in cs)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Id = {0}; Company = {1}", c.Id, c.Company));