LINQ Union with Constant Values - linq

Very primitive question but I am stuck (I guess being newbie). I have a function which is supposed to send me the list of companies : ALSO, I want the caller to be able to specify a top element for the drop-down list as well.. (say for "None"). I have following piece of code, how I will append the Top Element with the returning SelectList?
public static SelectList GetCompanies( bool onlyApproved, FCCIEntityDataContext entityDataContext, SelectListItem TopElement )
var cs = from c in entityDataContext.Corporates
where ( c.Approved == onlyApproved || onlyApproved == false )
select new
return new SelectList( cs.AsEnumerable(), "Id", "Comapny" );

This should work for you:
List<Corporate> corporates =
(from c in entityDataContext.Corporates
where (c.Approved == onlyApproved || onlyApproved == false)
select c).ToList();
corporates.Add(new Corporate { Id = -1, Company = "None" });
return new SelectList(corporates.AsEnumerable(), "Id", "Comapny");

This method has always worked for me.
public static SelectList GetCompanies( bool onlyApproved, FCCIEntityDataContext entityDataContext, SelectListItem TopElement )
var cs = from c in entityDataContext.Corporates
where ( c.Approved == onlyApproved || onlyApproved == false )
select new SelectListItem {
Value = c.Id,
Text = c.Company
var list = cs.ToList();
list.Insert(0, TopElement);
var selectList = new SelectList( list, "Value", "Text" );
selectList.SelectedValue = TopElement.Value;
return selectList;
Update forgot the lesson I learned when I did this. You have to output the LINQ as SelectListItem.

cs.ToList().Insert(0, new { TopElement.ID, TopElement.Company });

You could convert it to a list as indicated or you could union the IQueryable result with a constant array of one element (and even sort it):
static void Main(string[] args)
var sampleData = new[] {
new { Id = 1, Company = "Acme", Approved = true },
new { Id = 2, Company = "Blah", Approved = true }
bool onlyApproved = true;
var cs = from c in sampleData
where (c.Approved == onlyApproved || onlyApproved == false)
select new
cs = cs.Union(new [] {new { Id = -1, Company = "None" }}).OrderBy(c => c.Id);
foreach (var c in cs)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Id = {0}; Company = {1}", c.Id, c.Company));


Linq left outer join doesn't work while matching sql does [duplicate]

How to perform left outer join in C# LINQ to objects without using join-on-equals-into clauses? Is there any way to do that with where clause?
Correct problem:
For inner join is easy and I have a solution like this
List<JoinPair> innerFinal = (from l in lefts from r in rights where l.Key == r.Key
select new JoinPair { LeftId = l.Id, RightId = r.Id})
but for left outer join I need a solution. Mine is something like this but it's not working
List< JoinPair> leftFinal = (from l in lefts from r in rights
select new JoinPair {
LeftId = l.Id,
RightId = ((l.Key==r.Key) ? r.Id : 0
where JoinPair is a class:
public class JoinPair { long leftId; long rightId; }
As stated in "Perform left outer joins":
var q =
from c in categories
join pt in products on c.Category equals pt.Category into ps_jointable
from p in ps_jointable.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { Category = c, ProductName = p == null ? "(No products)" : p.ProductName };
If a database driven LINQ provider is used, a significantly more readable left outer join can be written as such:
from c in categories
from p in products.Where(c == p.Category).DefaultIfEmpty()
If you omit the DefaultIfEmpty() you will have an inner join.
Take the accepted answer:
from c in categories
join p in products on c equals p.Category into ps
from p in ps.DefaultIfEmpty()
This syntax is very confusing, and it's not clear how it works when you want to left join MULTIPLE tables.
It should be noted that from alias in Repo.whatever.Where(condition).DefaultIfEmpty() is the same as an outer-apply/left-join-lateral, which any (decent) database-optimizer is perfectly capable of translating into a left join, as long as you don't introduce per-row-values (aka an actual outer apply). Don't do this in Linq-2-Objects (because there's no DB-optimizer when you use Linq-to-Objects).
Detailed Example
var query2 = (
from users in Repo.T_User
from mappings in Repo.T_User_Group
.Where(mapping => mapping.USRGRP_USR == users.USR_ID)
.DefaultIfEmpty() // <== makes join left join
from groups in Repo.T_Group
.Where(gruppe => gruppe.GRP_ID == mappings.USRGRP_GRP)
.DefaultIfEmpty() // <== makes join left join
// where users.USR_Name.Contains(keyword)
// || mappings.USRGRP_USR.Equals(666)
// || mappings.USRGRP_USR == 666
// || groups.Name.Contains(keyword)
select new
UserId = users.USR_ID
,UserName = users.USR_User
,UserGroupId = groups.ID
,GroupName = groups.Name
var xy = (query2).ToList();
When used with LINQ 2 SQL it will translate nicely to the following very legible SQL query:
users.USR_ID AS UserId
,users.USR_User AS UserName
,groups.ID AS UserGroupId
,groups.Name AS GroupName
FROM T_User AS users
LEFT JOIN T_User_Group AS mappings
ON mappings.USRGRP_USR = users.USR_ID
LEFT JOIN T_Group AS groups
ON groups.GRP_ID == mappings.USRGRP_GRP
See also "
Convert SQL Server query to Linq query "
for a more complex example.
Also, If you're doing it in Linq-2-Objects (instead of Linq-2-SQL), you should do it the old-fashioned way (because LINQ to SQL translates this correctly to join operations, but over objects this method forces a full scan, and doesn't take advantage of index searches, whyever...):
var query2 = (
from users in Repo.T_Benutzer
join mappings in Repo.T_Benutzer_Benutzergruppen on mappings.BEBG_BE equals users.BE_ID into tmpMapp
join groups in Repo.T_Benutzergruppen on groups.ID equals mappings.BEBG_BG into tmpGroups
from mappings in tmpMapp.DefaultIfEmpty()
from groups in tmpGroups.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
UserId = users.BE_ID
,UserName = users.BE_User
,UserGroupId = mappings.BEBG_BG
,GroupName = groups.Name
Using lambda expression
Category => Category.CategoryId,
Product => Product.CategoryId,
(x, y) => new { Category = x, Products = y })
xy => xy.Products.DefaultIfEmpty(),
(x, y) => new { Category = x.Category, Product = y })
.Select(s => new
CategoryName = s.Category.Name,
ProductName = s.Product.Name
Now as an extension method:
public static class LinqExt
public static IEnumerable<TResult> LeftOuterJoin<TLeft, TRight, TKey, TResult>(this IEnumerable<TLeft> left, IEnumerable<TRight> right, Func<TLeft, TKey> leftKey, Func<TRight, TKey> rightKey,
Func<TLeft, TRight, TResult> result)
return left.GroupJoin(right, leftKey, rightKey, (l, r) => new { l, r })
o => o.r.DefaultIfEmpty(),
(l, r) => new { lft= l.l, rght = r })
.Select(o => result.Invoke(o.lft, o.rght));
Use like you would normally use join:
var contents = list.LeftOuterJoin(list2,
l =>,
r =>,
(l, r) => new { count = l.Count(),, l.reason, r.people })
Hope this saves you some time.
Take a look at this example.
This query should work:
var leftFinal = from left in lefts
join right in rights on left equals right.Left into leftRights
from leftRight in leftRights.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { LeftId = left.Id, RightId = left.Key==leftRight.Key ? leftRight.Id : 0 };
An implementation of left outer join by extension methods could look like
public static IEnumerable<Result> LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TKey, Result>(
this IEnumerable<TOuter> outer, IEnumerable<TInner> inner
, Func<TOuter, TKey> outerKeySelector, Func<TInner, TKey> innerKeySelector
, Func<TOuter, TInner, Result> resultSelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer)
if (outer == null)
throw new ArgumentException("outer");
if (inner == null)
throw new ArgumentException("inner");
if (outerKeySelector == null)
throw new ArgumentException("outerKeySelector");
if (innerKeySelector == null)
throw new ArgumentException("innerKeySelector");
if (resultSelector == null)
throw new ArgumentException("resultSelector");
return LeftJoinImpl(outer, inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparer ?? EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default);
static IEnumerable<Result> LeftJoinImpl<TOuter, TInner, TKey, Result>(
IEnumerable<TOuter> outer, IEnumerable<TInner> inner
, Func<TOuter, TKey> outerKeySelector, Func<TInner, TKey> innerKeySelector
, Func<TOuter, TInner, Result> resultSelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer)
var innerLookup = inner.ToLookup(innerKeySelector, comparer);
foreach (var outerElment in outer)
var outerKey = outerKeySelector(outerElment);
var innerElements = innerLookup[outerKey];
if (innerElements.Any())
foreach (var innerElement in innerElements)
yield return resultSelector(outerElment, innerElement);
yield return resultSelector(outerElment, default(TInner));
The resultselector then has to take care of the null elements. Fx.
static void Main(string[] args)
var inner = new[] { Tuple.Create(1, "1"), Tuple.Create(2, "2"), Tuple.Create(3, "3") };
var outer = new[] { Tuple.Create(1, "11"), Tuple.Create(2, "22") };
var res = outer.LeftJoin(inner, item => item.Item1, item => item.Item1, (it1, it2) =>
new { Key = it1.Item1, V1 = it1.Item2, V2 = it2 != null ? it2.Item2 : default(string) });
foreach (var item in res)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", item.Key, item.V1, item.V2));
take look at this example
class Person
public int ID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
class Pet
public string Name { get; set; }
public Person Owner { get; set; }
public static void LeftOuterJoinExample()
Person magnus = new Person {ID = 1, FirstName = "Magnus", LastName = "Hedlund"};
Person terry = new Person {ID = 2, FirstName = "Terry", LastName = "Adams"};
Person charlotte = new Person {ID = 3, FirstName = "Charlotte", LastName = "Weiss"};
Person arlene = new Person {ID = 4, FirstName = "Arlene", LastName = "Huff"};
Pet barley = new Pet {Name = "Barley", Owner = terry};
Pet boots = new Pet {Name = "Boots", Owner = terry};
Pet whiskers = new Pet {Name = "Whiskers", Owner = charlotte};
Pet bluemoon = new Pet {Name = "Blue Moon", Owner = terry};
Pet daisy = new Pet {Name = "Daisy", Owner = magnus};
// Create two lists.
List<Person> people = new List<Person> {magnus, terry, charlotte, arlene};
List<Pet> pets = new List<Pet> {barley, boots, whiskers, bluemoon, daisy};
var query = from person in people
where person.ID == 4
join pet in pets on person equals pet.Owner into personpets
from petOrNull in personpets.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { Person=person, Pet = petOrNull};
foreach (var v in query )
Console.WriteLine("{0,-15}{1}", v.Person.FirstName + ":", (v.Pet == null ? "Does not Exist" : v.Pet.Name));
// This code produces the following output:
// Magnus: Daisy
// Terry: Barley
// Terry: Boots
// Terry: Blue Moon
// Charlotte: Whiskers
// Arlene:
now you are able to include elements from the left even if that element has no matches in the right, in our case we retrived Arlene even he has no matching in the right
here is the reference
How to: Perform Left Outer Joins (C# Programming Guide)
This is the general form (as already provided in other answers)
var c =
from a in alpha
join b in beta on b.field1 equals a.field1 into b_temp
from b_value in b_temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { Alpha = a, Beta = b_value };
However here's an explanation that I hope will clarify what this actually means!
join b in beta on b.field1 equals a.field1 into b_temp
essentially creates a separate result set b_temp that effectively includes null 'rows' for entries on the right hand side (entries in 'b').
Then the next line:
from b_value in b_temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
..iterates over that result set, setting the default null value for the 'row' on the right hand side, and setting the result of the right hand side row join to the value of 'b_value' (i.e. the value that's on the right hand side,if there's a matching record, or 'null' if there isn't).
Now, if the right hand side is the result of a separate LINQ query, it will consist of anonymous types, which can only either be 'something' or 'null'. If it's an enumerable however (e.g. a List - where MyObjectB is a class with 2 fields), then it's possible to be specific about what default 'null' values are used for its properties:
var c =
from a in alpha
join b in beta on b.field1 equals a.field1 into b_temp
from b_value in b_temp.DefaultIfEmpty( new MyObjectB { Field1 = String.Empty, Field2 = (DateTime?) null })
select new { Alpha = a, Beta_field1 = b_value.Field1, Beta_field2 = b_value.Field2 };
This ensures that 'b' itself isn't null (but its properties can be null, using the default null values that you've specified), and this allows you to check properties of b_value without getting a null reference exception for b_value. Note that for a nullable DateTime, a type of (DateTime?) i.e. 'nullable DateTime' must be specified as the 'Type' of the null in the specification for the 'DefaultIfEmpty' (this will also apply to types that are not 'natively' nullable e.g double, float).
You can perform multiple left outer joins by simply chaining the above syntax.
Here's an example if you need to join more than 2 tables:
from d in context.dc_tpatient_bookingd
join bookingm in context.dc_tpatient_bookingm
on d.bookingid equals bookingm.bookingid into bookingmGroup
from m in bookingmGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join patient in dc_tpatient
on m.prid equals patient.prid into patientGroup
from p in patientGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
Here is a fairly easy to understand version using method syntax:
IEnumerable<JoinPair> outerLeft =
lefts.SelectMany(l =>
rights.Where(r => l.Key == r.Key)
.DefaultIfEmpty(new Item())
.Select(r => new JoinPair { LeftId = l.Id, RightId = r.Id }));
Extension method that works like left join with Join syntax
public static class LinQExtensions
public static IEnumerable<TResult> LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TKey, TResult>(
this IEnumerable<TOuter> outer, IEnumerable<TInner> inner,
Func<TOuter, TKey> outerKeySelector,
Func<TInner, TKey> innerKeySelector,
Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult> resultSelector)
return outer.GroupJoin(
(outerElement, innerElements) => resultSelector(outerElement, innerElements.FirstOrDefault()));
just wrote it in .NET core and it seems to be working as expected.
Small test:
var Ids = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4};
var items = new List<Tuple<int, string>>
new Tuple<int, string>(1,"a"),
new Tuple<int, string>(2,"b"),
new Tuple<int, string>(4,"d"),
new Tuple<int, string>(5,"e"),
var result = Ids.LeftJoin(
id => id,
item => item.Item1,
(id, item) => item ?? new Tuple<int, string>(id, "not found"));
Count = 4
[0]: {(1, a)}
[1]: {(2, b)}
[2]: {(3, not found)}
[3]: {(4, d)}
I would like to add that if you get the MoreLinq extension there is now support for both homogenous and heterogeneous left joins now
//Pretend a ClientCompany object and an Employee object both have a ClientCompanyID key on them
return DataContext.ClientCompany
.LeftJoin(DataContext.Employees, //Table being joined
company => company.ClientCompanyID, //First key
employee => employee.ClientCompanyID, //Second Key
company => new {company, employee = (Employee)null}, //Result selector when there isn't a match
(company, employee) => new { company, employee }); //Result selector when there is a match
In retrospect this may work, but it converts the IQueryable to an IEnumerable as morelinq does not convert the query to SQL.
You can instead use a GroupJoin as described here:
This will ensure that it stays as an IQueryable in case you need to do further logical operations on it later.
There are three tables: persons, schools and persons_schools, which connects persons to the schools they study in. A reference to the person with id=6 is absent in the table persons_schools. However the person with id=6 is presented in the result lef-joined grid.
List<Person> persons = new List<Person>
new Person { id = 1, name = "Alex", phone = "4235234" },
new Person { id = 2, name = "Bob", phone = "0014352" },
new Person { id = 3, name = "Sam", phone = "1345" },
new Person { id = 4, name = "Den", phone = "3453452" },
new Person { id = 5, name = "Alen", phone = "0353012" },
new Person { id = 6, name = "Simon", phone = "0353012" }
List<School> schools = new List<School>
new School { id = 1, name = "Saint. John's school"},
new School { id = 2, name = "Public School 200"},
new School { id = 3, name = "Public School 203"}
List<PersonSchool> persons_schools = new List<PersonSchool>
new PersonSchool{id_person = 1, id_school = 1},
new PersonSchool{id_person = 2, id_school = 2},
new PersonSchool{id_person = 3, id_school = 3},
new PersonSchool{id_person = 4, id_school = 1},
new PersonSchool{id_person = 5, id_school = 2}
//a relation to the person with id=6 is absent
var query = from person in persons
join person_school in persons_schools on equals person_school.id_person
into persons_schools_joined
from person_school_joined in persons_schools_joined.DefaultIfEmpty()
from school in schools.Where(var_school => person_school_joined == null ? false : == person_school_joined.id_school).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { Person =, School = school == null ? String.Empty : };
foreach (var elem in query)
System.Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", elem.Person, elem.School);
Easy way is to use Let keyword. This works for me.
from AItem in Db.A
Let BItem = Db.B.Where(x => == ).FirstOrDefault()
Where SomeCondition
Select new YourViewModel
X1 = AItem.a,
X2 = AItem.b,
X3 = BItem.c
This is a simulation of Left Join. If each item in B table not match to A item , BItem return null
This is a SQL syntax compare to LINQ syntax for inner and left outer joins.
Left Outer Join:
"The following example does a group join between product and category. This is essentially the left join. The into expression returns data even if the category table is empty. To access the properties of the category table, we must now select from the enumerable result by adding the from cl in catList.DefaultIfEmpty() statement.
As per my answer to a similar question, here:
Linq to SQL left outer join using Lambda syntax and joining on 2 columns (composite join key)
Get the code here, or clone my github repo, and play!
var petOwners =
from person in People
join pet in Pets
on new
equals new
Age = pet.Age * 2, // owner is twice age of pet
into pets
from pet in pets.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new PetOwner
Person = person,
Pet = pet,
var petOwners = People.GroupJoin(
person => new { person.Id, person.Age },
pet => new { pet.Id, Age = pet.Age * 2 },
(person, pet) => new
Person = person,
Pets = pet,
pet => pet.Pets.DefaultIfEmpty(),
(people, pet) => new
Pet = pet,
This is the LeftJoin implementation I use. Notice that the the resultSelector expression accepts 2 parameters: one instance from both sides of the join. In most other implementations that I've seen the result selector only accepts one parameter, which is a "join model" with a left/right or outer/inner property. I like this implementation better because it has the same method signature as the built-in Join method. It also works with IQueryables and EF.
var results = DbContext.Categories
DbContext.Products, c => c.Id, p => p.CategoryId,
(c, p) => new { Category = c, ProductName = p == null ? "(No Products)" : p.ProductName })
public static class QueryableExtensions
public static IQueryable<TResult> LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TKey, TResult>(
this IQueryable<TOuter> outer,
IEnumerable<TInner> inner, Expression<Func<TOuter, TKey>> outerKeySelector,
Expression<Func<TInner, TKey>> innerKeySelector,
Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> resultSelector)
var query = outer
.GroupJoin(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, (o, i) => new { o, i })
.SelectMany(o => o.i.DefaultIfEmpty(), (x, i) => new { x.o, i });
return ApplySelector(query, x => x.o, x => x.i, resultSelector);
private static IQueryable<TResult> ApplySelector<TSource, TOuter, TInner, TResult>(
IQueryable<TSource> source,
Expression<Func<TSource, TOuter>> outerProperty,
Expression<Func<TSource, TInner>> innerProperty,
Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> resultSelector)
var p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TSource), $"param_{Guid.NewGuid()}".Replace("-", string.Empty));
Expression body = resultSelector?.Body
.ReplaceParameter(resultSelector.Parameters[0], outerProperty.Body.ReplaceParameter(outerProperty.Parameters[0], p))
.ReplaceParameter(resultSelector.Parameters[1], innerProperty.Body.ReplaceParameter(innerProperty.Parameters[0], p));
var selector = Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource, TResult>>(body, p);
return source.Select(selector);
public static class ExpressionExtensions
public static Expression ReplaceParameter(this Expression source, ParameterExpression toReplace, Expression newExpression)
=> new ReplaceParameterExpressionVisitor(toReplace, newExpression).Visit(source);
public class ReplaceParameterExpressionVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
public ReplaceParameterExpressionVisitor(ParameterExpression toReplace, Expression replacement)
this.ToReplace = toReplace;
this.Replacement = replacement;
public ParameterExpression ToReplace { get; }
public Expression Replacement { get; }
protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
=> (node == ToReplace) ? Replacement : base.VisitParameter(node);
Perform left outer joins in linq C#
// Perform left outer joins
class Person
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
class Child
public string Name { get; set; }
public Person Owner { get; set; }
public class JoinTest
public static void LeftOuterJoinExample()
Person magnus = new Person { FirstName = "Magnus", LastName = "Hedlund" };
Person terry = new Person { FirstName = "Terry", LastName = "Adams" };
Person charlotte = new Person { FirstName = "Charlotte", LastName = "Weiss" };
Person arlene = new Person { FirstName = "Arlene", LastName = "Huff" };
Child barley = new Child { Name = "Barley", Owner = terry };
Child boots = new Child { Name = "Boots", Owner = terry };
Child whiskers = new Child { Name = "Whiskers", Owner = charlotte };
Child bluemoon = new Child { Name = "Blue Moon", Owner = terry };
Child daisy = new Child { Name = "Daisy", Owner = magnus };
// Create two lists.
List<Person> people = new List<Person> { magnus, terry, charlotte, arlene };
List<Child> childs = new List<Child> { barley, boots, whiskers, bluemoon, daisy };
var query = from person in people
join child in childs
on person equals child.Owner into gj
from subpet in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
ChildName = subpet!=null? subpet.Name:"No Child"
// PetName = subpet?.Name ?? String.Empty };
foreach (var v in query)
Console.WriteLine($"{v.FirstName + ":",-25}{v.ChildName}");
// This code produces the following output:
// Magnus: Daisy
// Terry: Barley
// Terry: Boots
// Terry: Blue Moon
// Charlotte: Whiskers
// Arlene: No Child
Here's a version of the extension method solution using IQueryable instead of IEnumerable
public class OuterJoinResult<TLeft, TRight>
public TLeft LeftValue { get; set; }
public TRight RightValue { get; set; }
public static IQueryable<TResult> LeftOuterJoin<TLeft, TRight, TKey, TResult>(this IQueryable<TLeft> left, IQueryable<TRight> right, Expression<Func<TLeft, TKey>> leftKey, Expression<Func<TRight, TKey>> rightKey, Expression<Func<OuterJoinResult<TLeft, TRight>, TResult>> result)
return left.GroupJoin(right, leftKey, rightKey, (l, r) => new { l, r })
.SelectMany(o => o.r.DefaultIfEmpty(), (l, r) => new OuterJoinResult<TLeft, TRight> { LeftValue = l.l, RightValue = r })
If you need to join and filter on something, that can be done outside of the join. Filter can be done after creating the collection.
In this case if I do this in the join condition I reduce the rows that are returned.
Ternary condition is used (= n == null ? "__" : n.MonDayNote,)
If the object is null (so no match), then return what is after the ?. __, in this case.
Else, return what is after the :, n.MonDayNote.
Thanks to the other contributors that is where I started with my own issue.
var schedLocations = (from f in db.RAMS_REVENUE_LOCATIONS
join n in db.RAMS_LOCATION_PLANNED_MANNING on f.revenueCenterID equals
n.revenueCenterID into lm
from n in lm.DefaultIfEmpty()
join r in db.RAMS_LOCATION_SCHED_NOTE on f.revenueCenterID equals r.revenueCenterID
into locnotes
from r in locnotes.DefaultIfEmpty()
where f.LocID == nLocID && f.In_Use == true && f.revenueCenterID > 1000
orderby f.Areano ascending, f.Locname ascending
select new
Facname = f.Locname,
// MonNote = n == null ? "__" : n.MonDayNote,
MonNote = n == null ? "__" : n.MonDayNote,
TueNote = n == null ? "__" : n.TueDayNote,
WedNote = n == null ? "__" : n.WedDayNote,
ThuNote = n == null ? "__" : n.ThuDayNote,
FriNote = n == null ? "__" : n.FriDayNote,
SatNote = n == null ? "__" : n.SatDayNote,
SunNote = n == null ? "__" : n.SunDayNote,
MonEmpNbr = n == null ? 0 : n.MonEmpNbr,
TueEmpNbr = n == null ? 0 : n.TueEmpNbr,
WedEmpNbr = n == null ? 0 : n.WedEmpNbr,
ThuEmpNbr = n == null ? 0 : n.ThuEmpNbr,
FriEmpNbr = n == null ? 0 : n.FriEmpNbr,
SatEmpNbr = n == null ? 0 : n.SatEmpNbr,
SunEmpNbr = n == null ? 0 : n.SunEmpNbr,
SchedMondayDate = n == null ? dMon : n.MondaySchedDate,
LocNotes = r == null ? "Notes: N/A" : r.LocationNote
Func<int, string> LambdaManning = (x) => { return x == 0 ? "" : "Manning:" + x.ToString(); };
DataTable dt_ScheduleMaster = PsuedoSchedule.Tables["ScheduleMasterWithNotes"];
var schedLocations2 = schedLocations.Where(x => x.SchedMondayDate == dMon);
class Program
List<Employee> listOfEmp = new List<Employee>();
List<Department> listOfDepart = new List<Department>();
public Program()
listOfDepart = new List<Department>(){
new Department { Id = 1, DeptName = "DEV" },
new Department { Id = 2, DeptName = "QA" },
new Department { Id = 3, DeptName = "BUILD" },
new Department { Id = 4, DeptName = "SIT" }
listOfEmp = new List<Employee>(){
new Employee { Empid = 1, Name = "Manikandan",DepartmentId=1 },
new Employee { Empid = 2, Name = "Manoj" ,DepartmentId=1},
new Employee { Empid = 3, Name = "Yokesh" ,DepartmentId=0},
new Employee { Empid = 3, Name = "Purusotham",DepartmentId=0}
static void Main(string[] args)
Program ob = new Program();
private void LeftJoin()
listOfEmp.GroupJoin(listOfDepart.DefaultIfEmpty(), x => x.DepartmentId, y => y.Id, (x, y) => new { EmpId = x.Empid, EmpName = x.Name, Dpt = y.FirstOrDefault() != null ? y.FirstOrDefault().DeptName : null }).ToList().ForEach
(z =>
Console.WriteLine("Empid:{0} EmpName:{1} Dept:{2}", z.EmpId, z.EmpName, z.Dpt);
class Employee
public int Empid { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int DepartmentId { get; set; }
class Department
public int Id { get; set; }
public string DeptName { get; set; }
Overview: In this code snippet, I demonstrate how to group by ID where Table1 and Table2 have a one to many relationship. I group on
Id, Field1, and Field2. The subquery is helpful, if a third Table lookup is required and it would have required a left join relationship.
I show a left join grouping and a subquery linq. The results are equivalent.
class MyView
public integer Id {get,set};
public String Field1 {get;set;}
public String Field2 {get;set;}
public String SubQueryName {get;set;}
IList<MyView> list = await (from ci in _dbContext.Table1
join cii in _dbContext.Table2
on ci.Id equals cii.Id
where ci.Field1 == criterion
group new
} by new { ci.Id, cii.Field1, ci.Field2}
into pg
select new MyView
Id = pg.Key.Id,
Field1 = pg.Key.Field1,
Field2 = pg.Key.Field2,
(from chv in _dbContext.Table3 where chv.Id==pg.Key.Id select chv.Field1).FirstOrDefault()
Compared to using a Left Join and Group new
IList<MyView> list = await (from ci in _dbContext.Table1
join cii in _dbContext.Table2
on ci.Id equals cii.Id
join chv in _dbContext.Table3
on cii.Id equals chv.Id into lf_chv
from chv in lf_chv.DefaultIfEmpty()
where ci.Field1 == criterion
group new
} by new { ci.Id, cii.Field1, ci.Field2, chv.FieldValue}
into pg
select new MyView
Id = pg.Key.Id,
Field1 = pg.Key.Field1,
Field2 = pg.Key.Field2,
This is the prettiest solution I use, give it a try! 😉
(from c in categories
let product = products.Where(d=> d.Category == c.Category).FirstOrDefault()
select new { Category = c, ProductName = p == null ? "(No products)" : product.ProductName };
(from a in db.Assignments
join b in db.Deliveryboys on a.AssignTo equals b.EmployeeId
//from d in eGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join c in db.Deliveryboys on a.DeliverTo equals c.EmployeeId into eGroup2
from e in eGroup2.DefaultIfEmpty()
where (a.Collected == false)
select new
OrderId = a.OrderId,
DeliveryBoyID = a.AssignTo,
AssignedBoyName = b.Name,
Assigndate = a.Assigndate,
Collected = a.Collected,
CollectedDate = a.CollectedDate,
CollectionBagNo = a.CollectionBagNo,
DeliverTo = e == null ? "Null" : e.Name,
DeliverDate = a.DeliverDate,
DeliverBagNo = a.DeliverBagNo,
Delivered = a.Delivered

PIVOT with LINQ from Datatable [duplicate]

I have a collection of items that contain an Enum (TypeCode) and a User object, and I need to flatten it out to show in a grid. It's hard to explain, so let me show a quick example.
Collection has items like so:
TypeCode | User
1 | Don Smith
1 | Mike Jones
1 | James Ray
2 | Tom Rizzo
2 | Alex Homes
3 | Andy Bates
I need the output to be:
1 | 2 | 3
Don Smith | Tom Rizzo | Andy Bates
Mike Jones | Alex Homes |
James Ray | |
I've tried doing this using foreach, but I can't do it that way because I'd be inserting new items to the collection in the foreach, causing an error.
Can this be done in Linq in a cleaner fashion?
I'm not saying it is a great way to pivot - but it is a pivot...
// sample data
var data = new[] {
new { Foo = 1, Bar = "Don Smith"},
new { Foo = 1, Bar = "Mike Jones"},
new { Foo = 1, Bar = "James Ray"},
new { Foo = 2, Bar = "Tom Rizzo"},
new { Foo = 2, Bar = "Alex Homes"},
new { Foo = 3, Bar = "Andy Bates"},
// group into columns, and select the rows per column
var grps = from d in data
group d by d.Foo
into grp
select new {
Foo = grp.Key,
Bars = grp.Select(d2 => d2.Bar).ToArray()
// find the total number of (data) rows
int rows = grps.Max(grp => grp.Bars.Length);
// output columns
foreach (var grp in grps) {
Console.Write(grp.Foo + "\t");
// output data
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
foreach (var grp in grps) {
Console.Write((i < grp.Bars.Length ? grp.Bars[i] : null) + "\t");
Marc's answer gives sparse matrix that can't be pumped into Grid directly.
I tried to expand the code from the link provided by Vasu as below:
public static Dictionary<TKey1, Dictionary<TKey2, TValue>> Pivot3<TSource, TKey1, TKey2, TValue>(
this IEnumerable<TSource> source
, Func<TSource, TKey1> key1Selector
, Func<TSource, TKey2> key2Selector
, Func<IEnumerable<TSource>, TValue> aggregate)
return source.GroupBy(key1Selector).Select(
x => new
X = x.Key,
Y = source.GroupBy(key2Selector).Select(
z => new
Z = z.Key,
V = aggregate(from item in source
where key1Selector(item).Equals(x.Key)
&& key2Selector(item).Equals(z.Key)
select item
).ToDictionary(e => e.Z, o => o.V)
).ToDictionary(e => e.X, o => o.Y);
internal class Employee
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Department { get; set; }
public string Function { get; set; }
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
public void TestLinqExtenions()
var l = new List<Employee>() {
new Employee() { Name = "Fons", Department = "R&D", Function = "Trainer", Salary = 2000 },
new Employee() { Name = "Jim", Department = "R&D", Function = "Trainer", Salary = 3000 },
new Employee() { Name = "Ellen", Department = "Dev", Function = "Developer", Salary = 4000 },
new Employee() { Name = "Mike", Department = "Dev", Function = "Consultant", Salary = 5000 },
new Employee() { Name = "Jack", Department = "R&D", Function = "Developer", Salary = 6000 },
new Employee() { Name = "Demy", Department = "Dev", Function = "Consultant", Salary = 2000 }};
var result5 = l.Pivot3(emp => emp.Department, emp2 => emp2.Function, lst => lst.Sum(emp => emp.Salary));
var result6 = l.Pivot3(emp => emp.Function, emp2 => emp2.Department, lst => lst.Count());
* can't say anything about the performance though.
You can use Linq's .ToLookup to group in the manner you are looking for.
var lookup = data.ToLookup(d => d.TypeCode, d => d.User);
Then it's a matter of putting it into a form that your consumer can make sense of. For instance:
//Warning: untested code
var enumerators = lookup.Select(g => g.GetEnumerator()).ToList();
int columns = enumerators.Count;
while(columns > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < enumerators.Count; ++i)
var enumerator = enumerators[i];
if(enumator == null) continue;
enumerators[i] = null;
yield return enumerators.Select(e => (e != null) ? e.Current : null);
Put that in an IEnumerable<> method and it will (probably) return a collection (rows) of collections (column) of User where a null is put in a column that has no data.
I guess this is similar to Marc's answer, but I'll post it since I spent some time working on it. The results are separated by " | " as in your example. It also uses the IGrouping<int, string> type returned from the LINQ query when using a group by instead of constructing a new anonymous type. This is tested, working code.
var Items = new[] {
new { TypeCode = 1, UserName = "Don Smith"},
new { TypeCode = 1, UserName = "Mike Jones"},
new { TypeCode = 1, UserName = "James Ray"},
new { TypeCode = 2, UserName = "Tom Rizzo"},
new { TypeCode = 2, UserName = "Alex Homes"},
new { TypeCode = 3, UserName = "Andy Bates"}
var Columns = from i in Items
group i.UserName by i.TypeCode;
Dictionary<int, List<string>> Rows = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>();
int RowCount = Columns.Max(g => g.Count());
for (int i = 0; i <= RowCount; i++) // Row 0 is the header row.
Rows.Add(i, new List<string>());
int RowIndex;
foreach (IGrouping<int, string> c in Columns)
RowIndex = 1;
foreach (string user in c)
for (int r = RowIndex; r <= Columns.Count(); r++)
foreach (List<string> row in Rows.Values)
Console.WriteLine(row.Aggregate((current, next) => current + " | " + next));
I also tested it with this input:
var Items = new[] {
new { TypeCode = 1, UserName = "Don Smith"},
new { TypeCode = 3, UserName = "Mike Jones"},
new { TypeCode = 3, UserName = "James Ray"},
new { TypeCode = 2, UserName = "Tom Rizzo"},
new { TypeCode = 2, UserName = "Alex Homes"},
new { TypeCode = 3, UserName = "Andy Bates"}
Which produced the following results showing that the first column doesn't need to contain the longest list. You could use OrderBy to get the columns ordered by TypeCode if needed.
1 | 3 | 2
Don Smith | Mike Jones | Tom Rizzo
| James Ray | Alex Homes
| Andy Bates |
#Sanjaya.Tio I was intrigued by your answer and created this adaptation which minimizes keySelector execution. (untested)
public static Dictionary<TKey1, Dictionary<TKey2, TValue>> Pivot3<TSource, TKey1, TKey2, TValue>(
this IEnumerable<TSource> source
, Func<TSource, TKey1> key1Selector
, Func<TSource, TKey2> key2Selector
, Func<IEnumerable<TSource>, TValue> aggregate)
var lookup = source.ToLookup(x => new {Key1 = key1Selector(x), Key2 = key2Selector(x)});
List<TKey1> key1s = lookup.Select(g => g.Key.Key1).Distinct().ToList();
List<TKey2> key2s = lookup.Select(g => g.Key.Key2).Distinct().ToList();
var resultQuery =
from key1 in key1s
from key2 in key2s
let lookupKey = new {Key1 = key1, Key2 = key2}
let g = lookup[lookupKey]
let resultValue = g.Any() ? aggregate(g) : default(TValue)
select new {Key1 = key1, Key2 = key2, ResultValue = resultValue};
Dictionary<TKey1, Dictionary<TKey2, TValue>> result = new Dictionary<TKey1, Dictionary<TKey2, TValue>>();
foreach(var resultItem in resultQuery)
TKey1 key1 = resultItem.Key1;
TKey2 key2 = resultItem.Key2;
TValue resultValue = resultItem.ResultValue;
if (!result.ContainsKey(key1))
result[key1] = new Dictionary<TKey2, TValue>();
var subDictionary = result[key1];
subDictionary[key2] = resultValue;
return result;

Optimize queries for Union, Except, Join with LINQ and C#

I have 2 objects (lists loaded from XML) report and database (showed bellow in code) and i should analyse them and mark items with 0, 1, 2, 3 according to some conditions
TransactionResultCode = 0; // SUCCESS (all fields are equivalents: [Id, AccountNumber, Date, Amount])
TransactionResultCode = 1; // Exists in report but Not in database
TransactionResultCode = 2; // Exists in database but Not in report
TransactionResultCode = 3; // Field [Id] are equals but other fields [AccountNumber, Date, Amount] are different.
I'll be happy if somebody could found time to suggest how to optimize some queries.
Bellow is the code:
//TransactionResultCode = 0 - SUCCESS
//JOIN on all fields
var result0 = from d in database
from r in report
where (d.TransactionId == r.MovementID) &&
(d.TransactionAccountNumber == long.Parse(r.AccountNumber)) &&
(d.TransactionDate == r.MovementDate) &&
(d.TransactionAmount == r.Amount)
orderby d.TransactionId
select new TransactionList()
TransactionId = d.TransactionId,
TransactionAccountNumber = d.TransactionAccountNumber,
TransactionDate = d.TransactionDate,
TransactionAmount = d.TransactionAmount,
TransactionResultCode = 0
//JOIN on [Id] field
var joinedList = from d in database
from r in report
where d.TransactionId == r.MovementID
select new TransactionList()
TransactionId = d.TransactionId,
TransactionAccountNumber = d.TransactionAccountNumber,
TransactionDate = d.TransactionDate,
TransactionAmount = d.TransactionAmount
//Difference report - database
var onlyReportID = report.Select(r => r.MovementID).Except(joinedList.Select(d => d.TransactionId));
//TransactionResultCode = 1 - Not Found in database
var result1 = from o in onlyReportID
from r in report
where (o == r.MovementID)
orderby r.MovementID
select new TransactionList()
TransactionId = r.MovementID,
TransactionAccountNumber = long.Parse(r.AccountNumber),
TransactionDate = r.MovementDate,
TransactionAmount = r.Amount,
TransactionResultCode = 1
//Difference database - report
var onlyDatabaseID = database.Select(d => d.TransactionId).Except(joinedList.Select(d => d.TransactionId));
//TransactionResultCode = 2 - Not Found in report
var result2 = from o in onlyDatabaseID
from d in database
where (o == d.TransactionId)
orderby d.TransactionId
select new TransactionList()
TransactionId = d.TransactionId,
TransactionAccountNumber = d.TransactionAccountNumber,
TransactionDate = d.TransactionDate,
TransactionAmount = d.TransactionAmount,
TransactionResultCode = 2
var qwe = joinedList.Select(j => j.TransactionId).Except(result0.Select(r => r.TransactionId));
//TransactionResultCode = 3 - Transaction Results are different (Amount, AccountNumber, Date, )
var result3 = from j in joinedList
from q in qwe
where j.TransactionId == q
select new TransactionList()
TransactionId = j.TransactionId,
TransactionAccountNumber = j.TransactionAccountNumber,
TransactionDate = j.TransactionDate,
TransactionAmount = j.TransactionAmount,
TransactionResultCode = 3
you may try something like below:
public void Test()
var report = new[] {new Item(1, "foo", "boo"), new Item(2, "foo2", "boo2"), new Item(3, "foo3", "boo3")};
var dataBase = new[] {new Item(1, "foo", "boo"), new Item(2, "foo22", "boo2"), new Item(4, "txt", "rt")};
Func<Item, bool> inBothLists = (i) => report.Contains(i) && dataBase.Contains(i);
Func<IEnumerable<Item>, Item, bool> containsWithID = (e, i) => e.Select(_ => _.ID).Contains(i.ID);
Func<Item, int> getCode = i =>
if (inBothLists(i))
return 0;
if(containsWithID(report, i) && containsWithID(dataBase, i))
return 3;
if (report.Contains(i))
return 2;
else return 1;
var result = (from item in dataBase.Union(report) select new {Code = getCode(item), Item = item}).Distinct();
public class Item
// You need also to override Equals() and GetHashCode().. I omitted them to save space
public Item(int id, string text1, string text2)
ID = id;
Text1 = text1;
Text2 = text2;
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Text1 { get; set; }
public string Text2 { get; set; }
Note that you need to either implement Equals() for you items, or implement an IEqualityComparer<> and feed it to Contains() methods.

Error in View when i try use inherit Linq magic

I try make table where i keep children-parent data. Ofc root of parents is "0" and here in table can by many roots. When i try make this work i got error.
Unable to create a constant value of type 'Projekty03.ViewsModels.ParagrafViewModel'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context.
public ViewResult Index()
List<ParagrafViewModel> _paragrafparent = new List<ParagrafViewModel>();
_paragrafparent.Add(new ParagrafViewModel { ParagrafID = 0, ParagrafNazwa = "Root" });
var _paragrafparent2 = from pr in paragrafRepository.All
orderby pr.ParagrafID
select new ParagrafViewModel
ParagrafID = pr.ParagrafID,
ParagrafNazwa = pr.ParagrafNazwa
var _paragrafparent3 = _paragrafparent.Concat(_paragrafparent2).AsEnumerable();
var paragraf = from par in paragrafRepository.All
join rodzic_p in _paragrafparent3
on par.ParagrafParent equals rodzic_p.ParagrafID
orderby par.ParagrafParent, par.ParagrafID
select new ParagrafViewModel
ParagrafID = par.ParagrafID,
ParagrafNazwa = par.ParagrafNazwa,
ParagrafParent = par.ParagrafParent,
ParagrafCzynny = par.ParagrafCzynny,
ParagrafWplyw = par.ParagrafWplyw,
ParagrafParentNazwa = rodzic_p.ParagrafNazwa
return View(paragraf);
I believe is sht wrong with my poor magic LINQ think. How resolve this ?
Ok here is a answer for my own question. Im sure is not a pretty solution but ...
public ViewResult Index()
List<ParagrafViewModel> _paragrafparent = new List<ParagrafViewModel>();
_paragrafparent.Add(new ParagrafViewModel { ParagrafID = 0, ParagrafNazwa = "Root", ParagrafCzynny=false, });
var _paragrafparent2 = from pr in paragrafRepository.AllIncluding(paragraf => paragraf.WniosekPodzial)
orderby pr.ParagrafID
select new ParagrafViewModel
ParagrafID = pr.ParagrafID,
ParagrafNazwa = pr.ParagrafNazwa,
ParagrafParent = pr.ParagrafParent,
ParagrafCzynny = pr.ParagrafCzynny,
ParagrafWplyw = pr.ParagrafWplyw,
WniosekPodzialNazwa = pr.WniosekPodzial.WniosekPodzialNazwa
var _paragrafparent3 = _paragrafparent.Concat(_paragrafparent2).AsEnumerable();
var paragrafModel = from par in _paragrafparent3
join rodzic_p in _paragrafparent3
on par.ParagrafParent equals rodzic_p.ParagrafID
orderby par.ParagrafParent, par.ParagrafID
select new ParagrafViewModel
ParagrafID = par.ParagrafID,
ParagrafNazwa = par.ParagrafNazwa,
ParagrafParent = par.ParagrafParent,
ParagrafCzynny = par.ParagrafCzynny,
ParagrafWplyw = par.ParagrafWplyw,
ParagrafParentNazwa = rodzic_p.ParagrafNazwa,
WniosekPodzialNazwa = par.WniosekPodzialNazwa
return View(paragrafModel);

Problem returning an IEnumerable<T>/IList<T>

I am having trouble to return an IEnumerable and IList, I cant do it!
I am using EF 4 with POCOs
Here's the whole method:
//public IList<Genre> GetGenresByGame(int gameId)
public IEnumerable<Genre> GetGenresByGame(int gameId)
using(var ctx = new XContext())
var results =
from t0 in ctx.GameGenres
join t1 in ctx.GenreCultureDetails on t0.GenreId equals t1.GenreId
where t0.GameId == gameId && t1.CultureId == _cultureId
select new Genre
GenreId = t0.GenreId,
GenreName = t1.GenreName
return results.ToList();
I have tried different ways that I have found on the net.. but can't make it work!
Question 2:
I saw a screencast with Julie something, saying that "You should always return an ICollection" when using EF4.
Any thoughts about that ?
When I load the page in Debug-mode i get these errors: The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection. OR The entity or complex type 'XModel.Genre' cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query.
Genre must not be a L2EF type. Try this:
public IEnumerable<Genre> GetGenresByGame(int gameId)
using(var ctx = new XContext())
var resultList =
from t0 in ctx.GameGenres
join t1 in ctx.GenreCultureDetails on t0.GenreId equals t1.GenreId
where t0.GameId == gameId && t1.CultureId == _cultureId
select new { t0.GenreId, t1.GenreName };
var genres = resultList.AsEnumerable().Select(o => new Genre
GenreId = o.GenreId,
GenreName = o.GenreName
return genres.ToList();
First an foremost if Genre is in the database you should select it? If you have FKs from Genre->GenreCultureDetails let me know and I can update the below, but from the looks of it you could do it like this:
using(var ctx = new XContext())
var results =
from g in ctx.Genre
join gcd in ctx.GenreCultureDetails on g.GenreId equals gcd.GenreId
where g.GameId == gameId && gcd.CultureId == _cultureId
select g;
return result.ToList();
Alternatively continue down your path select them into an annoynmous type, and then copy them. You can use select instead of convertall if you please.
IList<Genre> returnMe = Null;
using(var ctx = new XContext())
var results =
from t0 in ctx.GameGenres
join t1 in ctx.GenreCultureDetails on t0.GenreId equals t1.GenreId
where t0.GameId == gameId && t1.CultureId == _cultureId
select new
GenreId = t0.GenreId,
GenreName = t1.GenreName
returnMe = results.ToList().ConvertAll(x=>new Genre(){
GenreId = x.GenreId,
GenreName = x.GenreName
return returnMe;
