Replace excessive carriage returns with ReSharper - visual-studio-2010

Is is possible to write a custom pattern in ReSharper to highlight any triple carriage returns? I am working with a team who all seem to have sticky Enter keys on their keyboards.


How to delete whitespace backward in Xcode

I would like to use Xcode editor instead of others for swift typing but I am missing basic functionality of deleting whitespace backward.
Normally in the world of code editors, you just press option + backspace or something similar and thats it, it deletes whitespace just until next character starts, eating new line in the way as everyone needs.
But xCode is doing some wired unusable staff and is deleting not just whitespace and new line, but also part of text on previous line, until it considers some character start of word, basically making it unusable.
I don't need to know how to use "Delete subword backward" !
All key bindings can be edited in Xcode -> Preferences -> Key Bindings.
By default the combination you're interested in is assigned to something like Delete Subword Forward. Just remove the combination from the action that you don't need and add it to the action called Delete Forward (or whatever action you're looking for, it's not very clear).
To add a key binding you double click on existing Key value, click +, press Option+Backspace, click somewhere outside the field to save new value.

Convert virtual spaces into real tabs in visual studio

In Visual studio when I create a newline it sets a caret to the indent that I want. However it's not a real tab indentation until I will type any character at line. So all my empty lines are still fully empty (without '\t') and i want to make VS to convert this virtual indentation into real tabs.
I saw this question is pretty close to what I want but in differense from that I don't write an extension but search an existing solution. Though if there's no other way i will have to do it.

Notepad++ convert leading spaces to tabs upon entry

Very close to reverse of this question. I prefer coding with 2-whitespace indentation, but need to have files indented with tabs to align with project convention. What I would like to do is preferably automatically convert 2 spaces upon entry to tab symbol in Notepad++ and have the editor configured to tab length of 2.
A possible manual way for doing this could be Edit->Blank Operations->Space to TAB but this converts all of my spaces to tabs, even those of length 1 - which are, for example, spaces between function arguments, not just leading spaces.
In a perfect case scenario I'm trying to achieve formatting style as described in this question, but with typing just spaces and the editor taking care of the rest.
I'm on Notepad++ 6.0, but willing to upgrade if this helps
Let me complete the answer of Ari Okkonen to add a workaround to the problem commented by Sergii Zaskaleta of mixed tabs and spaces at the beginning of the line.
Settings->Preferences->Tab Settings->Tab size: 2 (if not already)
Edit->Blank Operations->Space to TAB (Leading)
Select a block of lines of text with the problem of mixed spaces and tabs. Press [Tab] and [Shift]+[Tab] to add and remove a tab from each line. In the process, the leading spaces had been converted to tabs.
A manual way that seems to work: After having edited the file before saving you may try (Works in Notepad++ v6.8.3):
Settings->Preferences->Tab Settings->Tab size: 2 (if not already)
Edit->Blank Operations->Space to TAB (Leading)

Smart indent effect on completion (intelliSense) sessions

I am writing a Visual Studio extension which provides intelliSense for a certain content type.
The problem that I am facing now is the effect of "Auto Indent" that Visual Studio provides on empty lines when user types a character.
Here a completion session started on an empty line (over virtual spaces):
Notice the tab symbols on the other lines and no tab on the line with caret on it.
Now when use starts typing, VS automatically and correctly adds necessary tab characters to the line:
Now the problem is those Added tabs apparently become part of the user input and as a result CurrentSession.SelectedCompletionSet.SelectBestMatch() or Filter() method cannot find the current item which starts with "C" here (thinking user has typed \t\tC instead).
If I start the session on anywhere else which does not require auto indent everything works fine.
Any idea?
Edit (more information): I used a code flow very similar to:
Ook here
vsLua here
vsClojure here
In Lua and Clojure you wouldn't face this problem because they never provide intelliSense on virtual spaces (meaning they always start after a certain set of characters) and if you start after a character virtual spaces are already turned into real spaces.
Ook on the other had has the same problem.
Revised Answer:
Ah, I see. I interpreted your question thinking that you were referring to completion triggering via typing, not from the explicit command. If you enable "show whitespace" for the C# editor, you can see what we do here: when you trigger the "show completion" command, we explicitly realize the whitespace so you're no longer floating around in virtual space. You should probably do this as well. (Alternatively, you could detect the scenario and fix it up on the first typing by adjusting your ApplicableTo span, but that's probably not worth the trouble.)
You can get the whitespace that should be inserted from IEditorOperations. So MEF import an IEditorOperationsFactoryService, and then do:
var editorOperations = editorOperationsFactoryService.GetEditorOperations(textView);
var whitespace = editorOperations.GetWhitespaceForVirtualSpace(textView.Caret.Position.VirtualBufferPosition);
if (whitespace.Length != 0)
textView.TextBuffer.Insert(textView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition, whitespace);
(Funny aside: as I answered this, I was curious to see how we handled this in the Roslyn C# and VB editors. The answer was "not", but filtering still worked by pure luck later in the code.)
Original Answer:
I suspect by your description of the problem that you are implementing your completion like this: you know a character is about to be typed (either via a keyboard filter or IOleCommandTarget) and you trigger an ICompletionSession, where the tracking span is an empty span on the current caret position.
The best approach to fixing this is to not trigger the session before the key is pressed and goes into the editor, but rather after it. This is what we do in the Roslyn implementation for C# and VB completion. Then, when you are in your AugmentCompletionSession call and creating your CompletionSet, compute the "applicable to" span which consists of the non-whitespace characters around your caret. The easiest way to compute this might just be to call GetWordExtent from the text structure navigator.
This allows for other scenarios to work right. Consider scenarios where the user types C, presses escape, and then continues to type your identifier. If you want to trigger completion again, you'd have to do the math to ensure that the "C" is counted as part of your span anyways.

Customizing Xcode [fonts, code sense, and more]

How can I make code completion case-sensitive?
How can I make Ctrl-k kill the content of the line and the new line character?
How can I make backspace always delete only one character, no matter what it is? Right now, it deletes spaces in chunks equal to my indent level.
How to change the indentation style in file templates? I like to have the opening brace on its own line.
How can I make the font aliased?
I'm using Xcode 3.2.2.
EDIT: Issues 2, 4, and 5 are solved. 1 and 3 are still open.
EDIT2: ad.3. Yes, I set Xcode to use spaces, not tabs.
Look in Preferences : Key Bindings : Text Key Bindings : Indent Friendly Delete Backwards
If the delete key is mapped to this entry change it to plain Delete Backwards.
In that same preference area, you can see that there is no delete line option to map ^k to.
How can I make code completion case-sensitive?
I don't think that's possible.
How can I make Ctrl-k kill the content of the line and the new line character?
I can't answer that one, you might need to write a script to do it.
How can I make backspace always delete only one character, no matter what it is? Right now, it deletes spaces in chunks equal to my indent level.
Backspace always deletes one character. It sounds like your file has tab characters in it, each one of which takes up the space of 4 spaces by default. You can tell Xcode to use spaces instead by de-selecting Tab key inserts tab, not spaces in the Indentation preference panel.
How to change the indentation style in file templates? I like to have the opening brace on its own line.
You need to create custom file templates. You can find the Xcode templates here:
/Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/File Templates
You need to copy the appropriate templates to this location:
~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/File Templates
You can then edit the template files to use whatever indents you like.
How can I make the font aliased?
You need to use a font that has aliased characters. Try Monaco at 9 or 10 points.
