Convert virtual spaces into real tabs in visual studio - visual-studio

In Visual studio when I create a newline it sets a caret to the indent that I want. However it's not a real tab indentation until I will type any character at line. So all my empty lines are still fully empty (without '\t') and i want to make VS to convert this virtual indentation into real tabs.
I saw this question is pretty close to what I want but in differense from that I don't write an extension but search an existing solution. Though if there's no other way i will have to do it.


How to make the Visual Studio editor treat a piece of text as an atomic piece when deleting?

I am writing a Visual Studio extension. Is there a built-in way to make the visual studio editor treat a certain piece of text (or code) as a single unit? That is, you can only delete this piece of code at once, you cannot delete part of it. Also, can Visual Studio treat a piece of text as a single unit as far as moving the caret is considered? That is, if you are at the beginning of the text and you use the right arrow on the keyword, the caret will go to the end of the piece. This behavior exists with adornments that have non-zero span, however, I don't want to replace the text with an adornment in one case.

Change variable name in multiple lines in visual studio

So, I have some code for a Rect variable mageSection:
And I'd like to copy the same code for a different variable warriorSection. To achieve this:
So I'd like to know if there is a visual studio shortcut for allow you to change variable name in multiple line in visual studio without refactoring the whole variable name.i.e. I don't have to manually change those names from mageSection to warriorSectionfor these 4 lines.
It is a question about shortcut in visual studio rather than writing functions, as I'd like to know the shortcut for this. Many thanks!
Copy and paste the section of code.
Now select the pasted code and hit Ctrl-H to bring up the Quick Replace dialog.
In the top box, type "mageSection".
In the bottom box, type "warriorSection".
Hit Enter and it will find the first occurrence and replace it.
Hit Enter three more times...done.
If I'm understanding your question correctly you should be able to hold down alt while clicking into multiple lines and change them all at once. Then hit ESC to exit multiline editing.

Smart indent effect on completion (intelliSense) sessions

I am writing a Visual Studio extension which provides intelliSense for a certain content type.
The problem that I am facing now is the effect of "Auto Indent" that Visual Studio provides on empty lines when user types a character.
Here a completion session started on an empty line (over virtual spaces):
Notice the tab symbols on the other lines and no tab on the line with caret on it.
Now when use starts typing, VS automatically and correctly adds necessary tab characters to the line:
Now the problem is those Added tabs apparently become part of the user input and as a result CurrentSession.SelectedCompletionSet.SelectBestMatch() or Filter() method cannot find the current item which starts with "C" here (thinking user has typed \t\tC instead).
If I start the session on anywhere else which does not require auto indent everything works fine.
Any idea?
Edit (more information): I used a code flow very similar to:
Ook here
vsLua here
vsClojure here
In Lua and Clojure you wouldn't face this problem because they never provide intelliSense on virtual spaces (meaning they always start after a certain set of characters) and if you start after a character virtual spaces are already turned into real spaces.
Ook on the other had has the same problem.
Revised Answer:
Ah, I see. I interpreted your question thinking that you were referring to completion triggering via typing, not from the explicit command. If you enable "show whitespace" for the C# editor, you can see what we do here: when you trigger the "show completion" command, we explicitly realize the whitespace so you're no longer floating around in virtual space. You should probably do this as well. (Alternatively, you could detect the scenario and fix it up on the first typing by adjusting your ApplicableTo span, but that's probably not worth the trouble.)
You can get the whitespace that should be inserted from IEditorOperations. So MEF import an IEditorOperationsFactoryService, and then do:
var editorOperations = editorOperationsFactoryService.GetEditorOperations(textView);
var whitespace = editorOperations.GetWhitespaceForVirtualSpace(textView.Caret.Position.VirtualBufferPosition);
if (whitespace.Length != 0)
textView.TextBuffer.Insert(textView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition, whitespace);
(Funny aside: as I answered this, I was curious to see how we handled this in the Roslyn C# and VB editors. The answer was "not", but filtering still worked by pure luck later in the code.)
Original Answer:
I suspect by your description of the problem that you are implementing your completion like this: you know a character is about to be typed (either via a keyboard filter or IOleCommandTarget) and you trigger an ICompletionSession, where the tracking span is an empty span on the current caret position.
The best approach to fixing this is to not trigger the session before the key is pressed and goes into the editor, but rather after it. This is what we do in the Roslyn implementation for C# and VB completion. Then, when you are in your AugmentCompletionSession call and creating your CompletionSet, compute the "applicable to" span which consists of the non-whitespace characters around your caret. The easiest way to compute this might just be to call GetWordExtent from the text structure navigator.
This allows for other scenarios to work right. Consider scenarios where the user types C, presses escape, and then continues to type your identifier. If you want to trigger completion again, you'd have to do the math to ensure that the "C" is counted as part of your span anyways.

How can I make VS2010 behave like VS2008 w/r/t indentation?

I have a plain text file where indentation is important.
line 1
line 1.1 (indented two spaces)
line 1.2 (indented two spaces)
line 1.2.3 (indented four spaces)
In Visual Studio 2008, when I pressed enter, the next line would also be indented four spaces.
However, in Visual Studio 2010, when I press enter, the next line is indented one tab.
Does anybody know where, in the mountain of preferences under Tools > Options, I can return to the way that Visual Studio 2008 worked?
Under Options > Text Editor > Plain Text > Tabs, I see the following:
If I select "None", then I get no indentation when I move to the next line. If I select "Block", then I get TAB indentation (even though the previous line is spaces).
In Visual Studio 2008, my indentation is set to "Block", and I get spaces.
I have no idea what "Smart" indenting is, or why it is disabled.
"Smart" indenting is essentially asking the language service to do indentation, which covers cases like adding an extra indent level after an { in C# files. Since plain text files don't have a language service, it isn't available here. If it was, the behavior (matching indentation from the line above) would be whatever the language decides to do, though I'm pretty certain it respects the "Insert spaces"/"Keeps tabs" option.
"Block" indenting is asking the editor to take care of it, which it takes to mean "maintain the same indent level as the previous line". It appears that, in VS2008, it copied the indentation from the previous line, whereas VS2010 respects the "Insert spaces"/"Keep tabs" setting.
Can you file a bug on Connect about it? I'm not sure if it was changed on purpose or not, so it will help for this to go to our (the editor team's) triage people to make sure.

Can you set Visual Studio's "smart indent" to not remove tabs in blank lines?

When Visual Studio (2005) has Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Tabs -> Indenting set to Smart it will automatically indent code blocks and line up squiggly brackets, {}, as expected. However, if you hit enter inside a code block, move the cursor to another line, and then move it back, the inserted tabs are gone and the cursor is positioned all the way to the left. Is there a way to set Visual Studio to keep these tabs?
As far as I know, the only way to do that is to enter something (anything) on that line, then delete it. Or hit space and you'll never see it there until you return to that line.
Once VS determines that you've edited a line of text, it won't automatically modify it for you (at least, not in that way that you've described).
This is an annoyance to myself as well. Anytime the code is reformatted the blank lines are de-tabbed.
You might look at this: it's not exactly a solution but a step in the right direction
