Xcode, is it possible to type in co-ordinates and then get location? - xcode

I was wondering if this type of task is possible and if so how can it could be done or is there a tutorial on this? I believe a task like this involve collocation ,but I am not for sure.

Reverse Geocoding made simple
thats a great tutorial for reverse Geocoding. Adapt what they show you to switch input of a place to input of the coordinate and you will have what you want.


Best approach for tracking clicks and selection based task in wix

I am looking for a low code solution for a Wix website I am creating. I have the website done except for the gamified task. I am looking to present the user with 3 or 4 pictures on the page, and they must make a selection of the available pictures. The selection is either correct or incorrect based on a pre-determined decision, and the click and selection need to be stored and saved in a database. Following correctly choosing the correct or incorrect answer, the user is presented with the next question. I was wondering if anyone had any key terms to look up that are no code/low code solutions to a task like this, or examples that anyone has seen of tasks that have been made in wix/corvid like this. Any help is greatly appreciated.
You will need some code to do this. It shouldn't be too difficult to do, but there's some work involved.
Some of the APIs you'll need to use are
wix-data.insert() (or wix-dataset.save())

achartengine - timechart or linechart?

I would like to visualize with aChartEngine a series of measurements. For this I have double values ​​in which to compare the results and are currently still a string with time. Currently I use a line graph with the results and the number. I would now replace by the time the number. Unfortunately, I do not know how and find no suitable examples.
Okay, have found a good example and its work. But how i can make it flexible like the normal label?
There are plenty examples of using the AChartEngine APIs in the official demo application. See these instructions in order to figure out how to download the demo source code.

How to make a power point presentation like this

maybe this is not the correct forum where to post this question, but i've serched for two weeks in the web, without results.
I need to make a kind of power point presentation, something like this - do know which program can i use?
Thank you
I think, that tool used for this prezentation can be find on
This is called infographics and you can use website like visual.ly/
Then, you have to do your own effects

How to find out what an Image is about

Is there a way to understand what an image is about? I mean, if I scann a picture, how can I tell that the picture is about a spesific object? I am thinking that if I have some shape in mind, say the shape - pattern of a spesific object that meets its requirements against the object I am searhcing for, then it must be what I am looking for. Anyway I am thinking of an algorithm to scann a picture database and figure out the pictures I am actually looking for,Is there a known way to accomplish such operation?.
If I am reading your question correctly...
This is a very daunting task even for full-fledged corporations like Google, though they are attempting to create something along these lines.
Take a look at Google Goggles for Android if you'd like to see how this sort of system behaves. You'll also notice that it requires very specific circumstances to be even slightly reliable, but the base technology is there.

How to store and find records based on location?

I'm thinking of building an application that helps you find local businesses (just an example). You might enter your zip code (or GPS if this is on a phone) and find the closest business within 10 miles, etc. My question is how can I achieve this type of logic? Is there a library or service that I will need to use? Or can this be done with math? I'm not familiar with how this sort of thing usually works, so let me know how I need to store the records so I can query them later. Note: I will be using Ruby and MongoDB.
It should be easy to find the math to solve that, providing lat/long coordinates.
Or you could use some full featured gem to do that for you like Geocoder, that supports Mongoid or MongoMapper.
Next time you need some feature that might be a commun world problem, first check if there is a gem for that at ruby-toolbox, for this case here are some other gems for geocoding
One more solution here...
I think, this topic is already discussed here..
