achartengine - timechart or linechart? - time

I would like to visualize with aChartEngine a series of measurements. For this I have double values ​​in which to compare the results and are currently still a string with time. Currently I use a line graph with the results and the number. I would now replace by the time the number. Unfortunately, I do not know how and find no suitable examples.
Okay, have found a good example and its work. But how i can make it flexible like the normal label?

There are plenty examples of using the AChartEngine APIs in the official demo application. See these instructions in order to figure out how to download the demo source code.


Simple arithmetic functions in Elasticsearch

I am starting to get acquainted with the use of ELK for work purposes, but struggle to find a solution to use simple mathematic requests in my database.
As shown on the picture, my DB contains 16 available fields, but I would like to create others, without doing it on Excel before converting my file in CVS again.
For example, I would like to create a variable #Bugs/Release. I've heard that this is quite easy to make with no need of scripting, but I can't find the way to do it... Has anybody the solution of this problem?
Huge thanksenter image description here

How to simplify with topojson API?

So I have no problem simplifying using topojson from the command line using the -s flag, however, I can't figure out how to do it from the node module.
I see a topojson.simplify() method, but I can't figure out how it works as there is no documentation.
Does anyone have any insight?
By looking at the simplification tests for topojson, I was able to figure out how to use toposjson.simplify(), but I can't fully claim to know whats going on. You can see the tests on the topojson github.
Basically topojson.simplify takes a topology input and has 2 possible options for simplification, "retain-proportion" and "minimum-area", you can also pass the coordinate system, aka "cartesian" or "spherical", although it can be inferred under most circumstances.
output = topojson.simplify(topology,{"minimum-area": 2,"coordinate-system": "spherical"});
output =topojson.simplify(topology,{"retain-proportion: 2,"coordinate-system": "spherical"});
I am not really sure exactly what the values you pass into these options mean, however higher values tends to produce more simplification. As a note, retain proportion often returns invalid topologies when passed LineStrings, that may be as intended.
Additionally using the quantization option in topojson.topology can be used to create a smaller, simpler output and may be the best solution to some similar use cases and also doesn't have any clearly documented server API examples anywhere so:
//very simplified, small output
topojson.topology({routes: routesCollection},{"quantization":100});
//very unfiltered, large output
topojson.topology({routes: routesCollection},{"quantization":1e8});
note: the default quantization is 10000 (1e4), so anything less than 10000 will create a smaller output and vice versa.

Xcode, is it possible to type in co-ordinates and then get location?

I was wondering if this type of task is possible and if so how can it could be done or is there a tutorial on this? I believe a task like this involve collocation ,but I am not for sure.
Reverse Geocoding made simple
thats a great tutorial for reverse Geocoding. Adapt what they show you to switch input of a place to input of the coordinate and you will have what you want.

Bash Stacked Column

this is the first time I have posted here.
I am trying to make a stacked column in BASH but I cannot seem to get anywhere. I just have three different columns of data I would like to stack over time. I was able to do it in excel, but not sure how to get it to work in BASH.
I did find a similar question in this site but for a different program.
plot stacked bar plot in R
But I would only need one of the charts and not two. So if anyone knows how to do a similar graph in BASH, please let me know. I'm new to programming, so sorry if it is a dumb question.
There is a very simple to use java package called livegraph ( You feed to it an input file, with a few metadata lines on top of the input file, and it graphs it for you, in real time too. I used it in Ubuntu and it worked like a charm.

Inline data representation

I would like to represent data that gives an overview but allows them to drill down in an inline fashion - so if you had a grouping of say 6 objects the user could expand the data and it would show the 6 objects immeadiately below it before any more high level data.
It would appear that MSHFlexgrid gives this ability but I can't find any information about actually using it, or what it's limitations are (can you have differing number of fields and/or can they have different spacing, what about column headers, indentation at for the start, etc).
I found this site, but the images are broken (in ie8 and ff3.5). Google searches show people just using the flat data representation but nothing using the hierarchical properties). Does anyone know any good tutorials or forums with a good discussion about pitfalls?
Due to lack of information about using it, I am thinking of coding my own version but if anyone has done work in this area I haven't found it - I would of thought it would be a natural wish for data representation. If someone has coded a version of this (any language) then I wouldn't mind reading about it - maybe my idea of how to do it wouldn't be the best way.
You might want to check out vbAccelerator. He has a Multi-Column Treeview control that sounds like what you may be looking for. He gives you the source and has some pretty decent samples.
The MSHFlexGrid reference pages and the "using the MSHFlexGrid" topic in the Visual Basic manual?
Sorry if you've already looked at these!
