I've seen lots of questions about high precision timers in windows, but what I really need is something that gives me the clock time in windows that's more accurate than the 10-15ms granularity GetLocalTime() offers.
I couldn't find any existing and simple solution so I came up with one of my own, not completely flushed out, but the basic idea works until midnight. Sharing it here so it can be helpful to others.
Store an anchor time when the program starts and use timeGetTime() to get the system uptime in ms (which is granular to less than 1 ms) and adjust the anchortime accordingly.
Code is in the answer.
First time you run it, it gets the time and the tickcount so they're in sync and we have something to measure by. The init section isn't threadsafe and it doesn't wrap over midnight, but that's easily added by following the carry form below....
// this solution is limited to 49+ days of uptime
int timeinitted = 0;
SYSTEMTIME anchortime;
DWORD anchorticks;
void GetAccurateTime(SYSTEMTIME *lt)
if (timeinitted == 0)
{ // obviously this init section isn't threadsafe.
// get an anchor time to sync up with system ticks.
anchorticks = timeGetTime();
timeinitted = 1;
DWORD now = timeGetTime();
DWORD flyby = now - anchorticks;
// now add flyby to anchortime
memcpy (lt, &anchortime, sizeof(anchortime));
// you can't do the math IN the SYSTEMTIME because everything in it is a WORD (16 bits)
DWORD ms = lt->wMilliseconds + flyby;
DWORD carry = ms / 1000;
lt->wMilliseconds = ms % 1000;
if (carry > 0)
DWORD s = lt->wSecond + carry;
carry = s / 60;
lt->wSecond = s % 60;
if (carry > 0)
DWORD m = lt->wMinute + carry;
carry = m / 60;
lt->wMinute = m % 60;
if (carry > 0) // won't wrap day correctly.
lt->wHour = (((DWORD)lt->wHour + carry)) % 24;
// add day and month and year here if you're so inspired, but remember the 49 day limit
I want to convert entered time date to seconds.
case 1:
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Nastavte zacatek");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Hodina: ");
while (U == true && ch < 24) {
ch++; //ch stands for hour variable, it is integer
U = false;
lcd.setCursor(9, 1);
and I am counting with this:
zacatek = ((ch * 3600) + (cm * 60) + cs);
zacatek is unsigned long, cm and cs are entered same way as ch(but in other case).
Then I print it on Serial using Serial.println(zacatek);
But for example, for time 20:0:0(ch = 20, cm = 0, cs = 0) it returns me 6464.
Or, for time 19:16:0 it returns me 3824.
Can someone say me where is the problem?
The int value is 16bits wide on most Arduino Boards, so if you multiply 3600*20 you'll get number much bigger than 65535 which is maximal value for the uint16_t. However, if you substract 72000 - 65536 you'll get value 6464. Btw: signed integer overflow behavior is undefined by C++ specification (it's platform dependent), but it usually overflows as 32767 to -1 and -32768 to 0
If you need bigger values, use int32_t or uint32_t instead. For constants INT32_C(3600) * ch or UINT32_C(3600) * ch can be used - if you don't want to change datatype for ch.
I am trying to understand some aspects of the MPI.
During the creation of the program, which is to measure latency between send/recv of two processes, I was faced with strange effects.
I tried to measure the result of many iterations, and received a response that matches the other benchmarks. Then I decided to display values after each iteration and was surprised: they ranged between four values that have not changed. I also drew attention to some very high values.
The code that calculates the value of latency and sample values is below:
int main()
Proc_Rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
latency_test(Proc_Rank, 1, 0);
return 0;
void latency_test(int Proc_Rank, int Iterations_Num, int Size)
double Total_Time, Latency;
double t1, t2;
char *Send_Buffer = new char[Size];
char *Recv_Buffer = new char[Size];
for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
Send_Buffer[i] = 'a';
for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
Recv_Buffer[i] = 'b';
t1 = MPI::Wtime();
for(int i = 0; i < Iterations_Num; i++){
if (Proc_Rank == 0){
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Send(Send_Buffer, Size, MPI::CHAR, 1, 0);
else if (Proc_Rank==1) { MPI::COMM_WORLD.Recv(Recv_Buffer,Size,MPI::CHAR,0,MPI::ANY_TAG);
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Send(Send_Buffer, Size, MPI::CHAR, 0, 0);
t2 = MPI::Wtime();
delete []Send_Buffer;
delete []Recv_Buffer;
Total_Time = t2-t1;
if(Proc_Rank == 0){
Latency = (Total_Time / (Iterations_Num * 2.0)) * 1000000.0;
printf("%10.10f\n", Latency);
Part of the result:
Why are 4 fixed values randomly repeat? And why there are rare very large values?
As pointed out by Zulan, the resolution of the timer used by MPI_Wtime is not infinite. You can query the timer resolution by calling MPI_Wtick (MPI::Wtick in the C++ bindings). Measuring a single ping-pong round that lasts less than a microsecond is prone to very high statistical uncertainty, especially since the OS jitter, which is the random delay of the process execution due to other OS activities or processes being scheduled on the same CPU, could be several microseconds. No respectable MPI benchmark would do a single ping-pong round with empty messages.
As a side note, you are using a wildcard receive (MPI_ANY_TAG) in one of the processes. Those tend to be slower than fully-specified receives, especially when it comes to network equipment.
On Darwin, the POSIX standard clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) timer is not available. Instead, the highest resolution monotonic timer is obtained through the mach_absolute_time function from mach/mach_time.h.
The result returned may be an unadjusted tick count from the processor, in which case the time units could be a strange multiple. For example, on a CPU with a 33MHz tick count, Darwin returns 1000000000/33333335 as the exact units of the returned result (ie, multiply the mach_absolute_time by that fraction to obtain a nanosecond value).
We usually wish to convert from exact ticks to "standard" (decimal) units, but unfortunately, naively multiplying the absolute time by the fraction will overflow even in 64-bit arithmetic. This is an error that Apple's sole piece of documentation on mach_absolute_time falls into (Technical Q&A QA1398).1
How should I write a function that correctly uses mach_absolute_time?
Note that this is not a theoretical problem: the sample code in QA1398 completely fails to work on PowerPC-based Macs. On Intel Macs, mach_timebase_info always returns 1/1 as the scaling factor because the CPU's raw tick count is unreliable (dynamic speed-stepping), so the API does the scaling for you. On PowerPC Macs, mach_timebase_info returns either 1000000000/33333335 or 1000000000/25000000, so Apple's provided code definitely overflows every few minutes. Oops.
Most-precise (best) answer
Perform the arithmetic at 128-bit precision to avoid the overflow!
// Returns monotonic time in nanos, measured from the first time the function
// is called in the process.
uint64_t monotonicTimeNanos() {
uint64_t now = mach_absolute_time();
static struct Data {
Data(uint64_t bias_) : bias(bias_) {
kern_return_t mtiStatus = mach_timebase_info(&tb);
assert(mtiStatus == KERN_SUCCESS);
uint64_t scale(uint64_t i) {
return scaleHighPrecision(i - bias, tb.numer, tb.denom);
static uint64_t scaleHighPrecision(uint64_t i, uint32_t numer,
uint32_t denom) {
U64 high = (i >> 32) * numer;
U64 low = (i & 0xffffffffull) * numer / denom;
U64 highRem = ((high % denom) << 32) / denom;
high /= denom;
return (high << 32) + highRem + low;
mach_timebase_info_data_t tb;
uint64_t bias;
} data(now);
return data.scale(now);
A simple low-resolution answer
// Returns monotonic time in nanos, measured from the first time the function
// is called in the process. The clock may run up to 0.1% faster or slower
// than the "exact" tick count.
uint64_t monotonicTimeNanos() {
uint64_t now = mach_absolute_time();
static struct Data {
Data(uint64_t bias_) : bias(bias_) {
kern_return_t mtiStatus = mach_timebase_info(&tb);
assert(mtiStatus == KERN_SUCCESS);
if (tb.denom > 1024) {
double frac = (double)tb.numer/tb.denom;
tb.denom = 1024;
tb.numer = tb.denom * frac + 0.5;
assert(tb.numer > 0);
mach_timebase_info_data_t tb;
uint64_t bias;
} data(now);
return (now - data.bias) * data.tb.numer / data.tb.denom;
A fiddly solution using low-precision arithmetic but using continued fractions to avoid loss of accuracy
// This function returns the rational number inside the given interval with
// the smallest denominator (and smallest numerator breaks ties; correctness
// proof neglects floating-point errors).
static mach_timebase_info_data_t bestFrac(double a, double b) {
if (floor(a) < floor(b))
{ mach_timebase_info_data_t rv = {(int)ceil(a), 1}; return rv; }
double m = floor(a);
mach_timebase_info_data_t next = bestFrac(1/(b-m), 1/(a-m));
mach_timebase_info_data_t rv = {(int)m*next.numer + next.denum, next.numer};
return rv;
// Returns monotonic time in nanos, measured from the first time the function
// is called in the process. The clock may run up to 0.1% faster or slower
// than the "exact" tick count. However, although the bound on the error is
// the same as for the pragmatic answer, the error is actually minimized over
// the given accuracy bound.
uint64_t monotonicTimeNanos() {
uint64_t now = mach_absolute_time();
static struct Data {
Data(uint64_t bias_) : bias(bias_) {
kern_return_t mtiStatus = mach_timebase_info(&tb);
assert(mtiStatus == KERN_SUCCESS);
double frac = (double)tb.numer/tb.denom;
uint64_t spanTarget = 315360000000000000llu; // 10 years
if (getExpressibleSpan(tb.numer, tb.denom) >= spanTarget)
for (double errorTarget = 1/1024.0; errorTarget > 0.000001;) {
mach_timebase_info_data_t newFrac =
bestFrac((1-errorTarget)*frac, (1+errorTarget)*frac);
if (getExpressibleSpan(newFrac.numer, newFrac.denom) < spanTarget)
tb = newFrac;
errorTarget = fabs((double)tb.numer/tb.denom - frac) / frac / 8;
assert(getExpressibleSpan(tb.numer, tb.denom) >= spanTarget);
mach_timebase_info_data_t tb;
uint64_t bias;
} data(now);
return (now - data.bias) * data.tb.numer / data.tb.denom;
The derivation
We aim to reduce the fraction returned by mach_timebase_info to one that is essentially the same, but with a small denominator. The size of the timespan that we can handle is limited only by the size of the denominator, not the numerator of the fraction we shall multiply by:
uint64_t getExpressibleSpan(uint32_t numer, uint32_t denom) {
// This is just less than the smallest thing we can multiply numer by without
// overflowing. ceilLog2(numer) = 64 - number of leading zeros of numer
uint64_t maxDiffWithoutOverflow = ((uint64_t)1 << (64 - ceilLog2(numer))) - 1;
return maxDiffWithoutOverflow * numer / denom;
If denom=33333335 as returned by mach_timebase_info, we can handle differences of up to 18 seconds only before the multiplication by numer overflows. As getExpressibleSpan shows, by calculating a rough lower bound for this, the size of numer doesn't matter: halving numer doubles maxDiffWithoutOverflow. The only goal therefore is to produce a fraction close to numer/denom that has a smaller denominator. The simplest method to do this is using continued fractions.
The continued fractions method is rather handy. bestFrac clearly works correctly if the provided interval contains an integer: it returns the least integer in the interval over 1. Otherwise, it calls itself recursively with a strictly larger interval and returns m+1/next. The final result is a continued fraction that can be shown by induction to have the correct property: it's optimal, the fraction inside the given interval with the least denominator.
Finally, we reduce the fraction Darwin passes us to a smaller one to use when rescaling the mach_absolute_time to nanoseconds. We may introduce an error here because we can't reduce the fraction in general without losing accuracy. We set ourselves the target of 0.1% error, and check that we've reduced the fraction enough for common timespans (up to ten years) to be handled correctly.
Arguably the method is over-complicated for what it does, but it handles correctly anything the API can throw at it, and the resulting code is still short and extremely fast (bestFrac typically recurses only three or four iterations deep before returning a denominator less than 1000 for random intervals [a,a*1.002]).
You're worrying about overflow when multiplying/dividing with values from the mach_timebase_info struct, which is used for conversion to nanoseconds. So, while it may not fit your exact needs, there are easier ways to get a count in nanoseconds or seconds.
All solutions below are using mach_absolute_time internally (and NOT the wall clock).
Use double instead of uint64_t
(supported in Objective-C and Swift)
double tbInSeconds = 0;
mach_timebase_info_data_t tb;
kern_return_t kError = mach_timebase_info(&tb);
if (kError == 0) {
tbInSeconds = 1e-9 * (double)tb.numer / (double)tb.denom;
(remove the 1e-9 if you want nanoseconds)
uint64_t start = mach_absolute_time();
// do something
uint64_t stop = mach_absolute_time();
double durationInSeconds = tbInSeconds * (stop - start);
Use ProcessInfo.processInfo.systemUptime
(supported in Objective-C and Swift)
It does the job in double seconds directly:
CFTimeInterval start = NSProcessInfo.processInfo.systemUptime;
// do something
CFTimeInterval stop = NSProcessInfo.processInfo.systemUptime;
NSTimeInterval durationInSeconds = stop - start;
For reference, source code of systemUptime
just does something similar as previous solution:
struct mach_timebase_info info;
__CFTSRRate = (1.0E9 / (double)info.numer) * (double)info.denom;
__CF1_TSRRate = 1.0 / __CFTSRRate;
uint64_t tsr = mach_absolute_time();
return (CFTimeInterval)((double)tsr * __CF1_TSRRate);
Use QuartzCore.CACurrentMediaTime()
(supported in Objective-C and Swift)
Same as systemUptime, but without being open source.
Use Dispatch.DispatchTime.now()
(supported in Swift only)
Another wrapper around mach_absolute_time(). Base precision is nanoseconds, backed with UInt64.
DispatchTime start = DispatchTime.now()
// do something
DispatchTime stop = DispatchTime.now()
TimeInterval durationInSeconds = Double(end.uptimeNanoseconds - start.uptimeNanoseconds) / 1_000_000_000
For reference, source code of DispatchTime.now() says it basically simply returns a struct DispatchTime(rawValue: mach_absolute_time()). And the calculation for uptimeNanoseconds is:
(result, overflow) = result.multipliedReportingOverflow(by: UInt64(DispatchTime.timebaseInfo.numer))
result = overflow ? UInt64.max : result / UInt64(DispatchTime.timebaseInfo.denom)
So it just discards results if the multiplication can't be stored in an UInt64.
If mach_absolute_time() sets the uint64 back to 0 then reset the time calculations if less than the last check.
That's the problem, they don't document what happens when the uint64 reaches all ones (binary).
read it. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/kernel/1462446-mach_absolute_time
I'm teaching myself OpenCL by trying to optimize the mpeg4dst reference audio encoder. I achieved a 3x speedup by using vector instructions on CPU but I figured the GPU could probably do better.
I'm focusing on computing auto-correlation vectors in OpenCL as my first area of improvement. The CPU code is:
for (int i = 0; i < NrOfChannels; i++) {
for (int shift = 0; shift <= PredOrder[ChannelFilter[i]]; shift++)
vDSP_dotpr(Signal[i] + shift, 1, Signal[i], 1, &out, NrOfChannelBits - shift);
NrOfChannels = 6
PredOrder = 129
NrOfChannelBits = 150528.
On my test file, this function take approximately 188ms to complete.
Here's my OpenCL method:
kernel void calculateAutocorrelation(size_t offset,
global const float *input,
global float *output,
size_t size) {
size_t index = get_global_id(0);
size_t end = size - index;
float sum = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < end; i++)
sum += input[i + offset] * input[i + offset + index];
output[index] = sum;
This is how it is called:
gcl_memcpy(gpu_signal_in, Signal, sizeof(float) * NrOfChannels * MAXCHBITS);
for (int i = 0; i < NrOfChannels; i++) {
size_t sz = PredOrder[ChannelFilter[i]] + 1;
cl_ndrange range = { 1, { 0, 0, 0 }, { sz, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 0 } };
calculateAutocorrelation_kernel(&range, i * MAXCHBITS, (cl_float *)gpu_signal_in, (cl_float *)gpu_out, NrOfChannelBits);
gcl_memcpy(out, gpu_out, sizeof(float) * sz);
According to Instruments, my OpenCL implementation seems to take about 13ms, with about 54ms of memory copy overhead (gcl_memcpy).
When I use a much larger test file, 1 minute of 2-channel music vs, 1 second of 6-channel, while the measured performance of the OpenCL code seems to be the same, the CPU usage falls to about 50% and the whole program takes about 2x longer to run.
I can't find a cause for this in Instruments and I haven't read anything yet that suggests that I should expect very heavy overhead switching in and out of OpenCL.
If I'm reading your kernel code correctly, each work item is iterating over all of the data from it's location to the end. This isn't going to be efficient. For one (and the primary performance concern), the memory accesses won't be coalesced and so won't be at full memory bandwidth. Secondly, because each work item has a different amount of work, there will be branch divergence within a work group, which will leave some threads idle waiting for others.
This seems like it has a lot in common with a reduction problem and I'd suggest reading up on "parallel reduction" to get some hints about doing an operation like this in parallel.
To see how memory is being read, work out how 16 work items (say, global_id 0 to 15) will be reading data for each step.
Note that if every work item in a work group access the same memory, there is a "broadcast" optimization the hardware can make. So just reversing the order of your loop could improve things.
This is a file transfer (Server-Client tcp sockets)
The code below shows the transfer rate per second (kb/s) every one second.
I want to show the the speed (rate/s) every time I send the data to the client. How do I calculate the speed every time (without usings thread.sleep(1000))?
private void timeElasped()
int rate = 0;
int prevSent = 0;
while (fileTransfer.busy)
rate = fileTransfer.Sent - prevSent ;
prevSum = fileTransfer.Sent;
RateLabel(string.Format("{0}/Sec", CnvrtUnit(rate)));
Timeleft = (fileTransfer.fileSize - fileTransfer.sum) / rate;
TimeSpan t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Timeleft);
timeLeftLabel(FormatRemainingText(rate, t));
You have two decisions to make:
Over how much time do you want to take the average transfer speed?
How often do you want to update/report the result?
Recall that there is no such thing as the current instantaneous transfer speed. Or, more correctly, the current instantaneous transfer speed is always either the full physical speed of your network interface (e.g. 100 Mbps) or zero, corresponding to the situations "there is a packet being sent/received right this microsecond" and "the line is idle". So you have to average.
In the code above, you have chosen one second as the value for both (1) and (2). (1) and (2) being equal is the simplest case to code.
I recommend that you choose a longer period for (1). Averaging over only one second is going to make for a pretty jittery transfer speed on all but the smoothest file transfers. Consider, for example, that Cisco IOS averages over 5 minutes by default and doesn't let you configure less than 30 seconds.
For (2), you can continue to use 1 second, or, if you like, even less than one second.
Choose a value for (1) that is a multiple of the value you choose for (2). Let n be (1) divides by (2). For example, (1) is 10 seconds, (2) is 500ms, and n=20.
Create a ring buffer with n entries. Every time (2) elapses, replace the oldest entry in the ring buffer with the number of bytes transferred since the previous time (2) elapsed, then recalculate the transfer speed as the sum of all the entries in the buffer divided by (1).
in form constructor
Timer timer1 = new Time();
public Form1()
this.timer1.Enabled = true;
this.timer1.Interval = 1000;
this.timer1.Tick += new System.EventHandler(this.timer1_Tick);
or add it from toolbox and set the previous values
the sum of sent bytes should be public so our method can get its value every second
long sentBytes = 0; //the sent bytes that updated from sending method
long prevSentBytes = 0; //which references to the previous sentByte
double totalSeconds = 0; //seconds counter to show total time .. it increases everytime the timer1 ticks.
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
long speed = sentBytes - prevSentBytes ; //here's the Transfer-Rate or Speed
prevSentBytes = sentBytes ;
labelSpeed.Text = CnvrtUnit(speed) + "/S"; //display the speed like (100 kb/s) to a label
if (speed > 0) //considering that the speed would be 0 sometimes.. we avoid dividing on 0 exception
totalSeconds++; //increasing total-time
labelTime.Text = TimeToText(TimeSpan.FromSeconds((sizeAll - sumAll) / speed));
//displaying time-left in label
labelTotalTime.Text = TimeToText(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(totalSeconds));
//displaying total-time in label
private string TimeToText(TimeSpan t)
return string.Format("{2:D2}:{1:D2}:{0:D2}", t.Seconds, t.Minutes, t.Hours);
private string CnvrtUnit(long source)
const int byteConversion = 1024;
double bytes = Convert.ToDouble(source);
if (bytes >= Math.Pow(byteConversion, 3)) //GB Range
return string.Concat(Math.Round(bytes / Math.Pow(byteConversion, 3), 2), " GB");
else if (bytes >= Math.Pow(byteConversion, 2)) //MB Range
return string.Concat(Math.Round(bytes / Math.Pow(byteConversion, 2), 2), " MB");
else if (bytes >= byteConversion) //KB Range
return string.Concat(Math.Round(bytes / byteConversion, 2), " KB");
else //Bytes
return string.Concat(bytes, " Bytes");