How can I use mach_absolute_time without overflowing? - macos

On Darwin, the POSIX standard clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) timer is not available. Instead, the highest resolution monotonic timer is obtained through the mach_absolute_time function from mach/mach_time.h.
The result returned may be an unadjusted tick count from the processor, in which case the time units could be a strange multiple. For example, on a CPU with a 33MHz tick count, Darwin returns 1000000000/33333335 as the exact units of the returned result (ie, multiply the mach_absolute_time by that fraction to obtain a nanosecond value).
We usually wish to convert from exact ticks to "standard" (decimal) units, but unfortunately, naively multiplying the absolute time by the fraction will overflow even in 64-bit arithmetic. This is an error that Apple's sole piece of documentation on mach_absolute_time falls into (Technical Q&A QA1398).1
How should I write a function that correctly uses mach_absolute_time?
Note that this is not a theoretical problem: the sample code in QA1398 completely fails to work on PowerPC-based Macs. On Intel Macs, mach_timebase_info always returns 1/1 as the scaling factor because the CPU's raw tick count is unreliable (dynamic speed-stepping), so the API does the scaling for you. On PowerPC Macs, mach_timebase_info returns either 1000000000/33333335 or 1000000000/25000000, so Apple's provided code definitely overflows every few minutes. Oops.

Most-precise (best) answer
Perform the arithmetic at 128-bit precision to avoid the overflow!
// Returns monotonic time in nanos, measured from the first time the function
// is called in the process.
uint64_t monotonicTimeNanos() {
uint64_t now = mach_absolute_time();
static struct Data {
Data(uint64_t bias_) : bias(bias_) {
kern_return_t mtiStatus = mach_timebase_info(&tb);
assert(mtiStatus == KERN_SUCCESS);
uint64_t scale(uint64_t i) {
return scaleHighPrecision(i - bias, tb.numer, tb.denom);
static uint64_t scaleHighPrecision(uint64_t i, uint32_t numer,
uint32_t denom) {
U64 high = (i >> 32) * numer;
U64 low = (i & 0xffffffffull) * numer / denom;
U64 highRem = ((high % denom) << 32) / denom;
high /= denom;
return (high << 32) + highRem + low;
mach_timebase_info_data_t tb;
uint64_t bias;
} data(now);
return data.scale(now);
A simple low-resolution answer
// Returns monotonic time in nanos, measured from the first time the function
// is called in the process. The clock may run up to 0.1% faster or slower
// than the "exact" tick count.
uint64_t monotonicTimeNanos() {
uint64_t now = mach_absolute_time();
static struct Data {
Data(uint64_t bias_) : bias(bias_) {
kern_return_t mtiStatus = mach_timebase_info(&tb);
assert(mtiStatus == KERN_SUCCESS);
if (tb.denom > 1024) {
double frac = (double)tb.numer/tb.denom;
tb.denom = 1024;
tb.numer = tb.denom * frac + 0.5;
assert(tb.numer > 0);
mach_timebase_info_data_t tb;
uint64_t bias;
} data(now);
return (now - data.bias) * data.tb.numer / data.tb.denom;
A fiddly solution using low-precision arithmetic but using continued fractions to avoid loss of accuracy
// This function returns the rational number inside the given interval with
// the smallest denominator (and smallest numerator breaks ties; correctness
// proof neglects floating-point errors).
static mach_timebase_info_data_t bestFrac(double a, double b) {
if (floor(a) < floor(b))
{ mach_timebase_info_data_t rv = {(int)ceil(a), 1}; return rv; }
double m = floor(a);
mach_timebase_info_data_t next = bestFrac(1/(b-m), 1/(a-m));
mach_timebase_info_data_t rv = {(int)m*next.numer + next.denum, next.numer};
return rv;
// Returns monotonic time in nanos, measured from the first time the function
// is called in the process. The clock may run up to 0.1% faster or slower
// than the "exact" tick count. However, although the bound on the error is
// the same as for the pragmatic answer, the error is actually minimized over
// the given accuracy bound.
uint64_t monotonicTimeNanos() {
uint64_t now = mach_absolute_time();
static struct Data {
Data(uint64_t bias_) : bias(bias_) {
kern_return_t mtiStatus = mach_timebase_info(&tb);
assert(mtiStatus == KERN_SUCCESS);
double frac = (double)tb.numer/tb.denom;
uint64_t spanTarget = 315360000000000000llu; // 10 years
if (getExpressibleSpan(tb.numer, tb.denom) >= spanTarget)
for (double errorTarget = 1/1024.0; errorTarget > 0.000001;) {
mach_timebase_info_data_t newFrac =
bestFrac((1-errorTarget)*frac, (1+errorTarget)*frac);
if (getExpressibleSpan(newFrac.numer, newFrac.denom) < spanTarget)
tb = newFrac;
errorTarget = fabs((double)tb.numer/tb.denom - frac) / frac / 8;
assert(getExpressibleSpan(tb.numer, tb.denom) >= spanTarget);
mach_timebase_info_data_t tb;
uint64_t bias;
} data(now);
return (now - data.bias) * data.tb.numer / data.tb.denom;
The derivation
We aim to reduce the fraction returned by mach_timebase_info to one that is essentially the same, but with a small denominator. The size of the timespan that we can handle is limited only by the size of the denominator, not the numerator of the fraction we shall multiply by:
uint64_t getExpressibleSpan(uint32_t numer, uint32_t denom) {
// This is just less than the smallest thing we can multiply numer by without
// overflowing. ceilLog2(numer) = 64 - number of leading zeros of numer
uint64_t maxDiffWithoutOverflow = ((uint64_t)1 << (64 - ceilLog2(numer))) - 1;
return maxDiffWithoutOverflow * numer / denom;
If denom=33333335 as returned by mach_timebase_info, we can handle differences of up to 18 seconds only before the multiplication by numer overflows. As getExpressibleSpan shows, by calculating a rough lower bound for this, the size of numer doesn't matter: halving numer doubles maxDiffWithoutOverflow. The only goal therefore is to produce a fraction close to numer/denom that has a smaller denominator. The simplest method to do this is using continued fractions.
The continued fractions method is rather handy. bestFrac clearly works correctly if the provided interval contains an integer: it returns the least integer in the interval over 1. Otherwise, it calls itself recursively with a strictly larger interval and returns m+1/next. The final result is a continued fraction that can be shown by induction to have the correct property: it's optimal, the fraction inside the given interval with the least denominator.
Finally, we reduce the fraction Darwin passes us to a smaller one to use when rescaling the mach_absolute_time to nanoseconds. We may introduce an error here because we can't reduce the fraction in general without losing accuracy. We set ourselves the target of 0.1% error, and check that we've reduced the fraction enough for common timespans (up to ten years) to be handled correctly.
Arguably the method is over-complicated for what it does, but it handles correctly anything the API can throw at it, and the resulting code is still short and extremely fast (bestFrac typically recurses only three or four iterations deep before returning a denominator less than 1000 for random intervals [a,a*1.002]).

You're worrying about overflow when multiplying/dividing with values from the mach_timebase_info struct, which is used for conversion to nanoseconds. So, while it may not fit your exact needs, there are easier ways to get a count in nanoseconds or seconds.
All solutions below are using mach_absolute_time internally (and NOT the wall clock).
Use double instead of uint64_t
(supported in Objective-C and Swift)
double tbInSeconds = 0;
mach_timebase_info_data_t tb;
kern_return_t kError = mach_timebase_info(&tb);
if (kError == 0) {
tbInSeconds = 1e-9 * (double)tb.numer / (double)tb.denom;
(remove the 1e-9 if you want nanoseconds)
uint64_t start = mach_absolute_time();
// do something
uint64_t stop = mach_absolute_time();
double durationInSeconds = tbInSeconds * (stop - start);
Use ProcessInfo.processInfo.systemUptime
(supported in Objective-C and Swift)
It does the job in double seconds directly:
CFTimeInterval start = NSProcessInfo.processInfo.systemUptime;
// do something
CFTimeInterval stop = NSProcessInfo.processInfo.systemUptime;
NSTimeInterval durationInSeconds = stop - start;
For reference, source code of systemUptime
just does something similar as previous solution:
struct mach_timebase_info info;
__CFTSRRate = (1.0E9 / (double)info.numer) * (double)info.denom;
__CF1_TSRRate = 1.0 / __CFTSRRate;
uint64_t tsr = mach_absolute_time();
return (CFTimeInterval)((double)tsr * __CF1_TSRRate);
Use QuartzCore.CACurrentMediaTime()
(supported in Objective-C and Swift)
Same as systemUptime, but without being open source.
(supported in Swift only)
Another wrapper around mach_absolute_time(). Base precision is nanoseconds, backed with UInt64.
DispatchTime start =
// do something
DispatchTime stop =
TimeInterval durationInSeconds = Double(end.uptimeNanoseconds - start.uptimeNanoseconds) / 1_000_000_000
For reference, source code of says it basically simply returns a struct DispatchTime(rawValue: mach_absolute_time()). And the calculation for uptimeNanoseconds is:
(result, overflow) = result.multipliedReportingOverflow(by: UInt64(DispatchTime.timebaseInfo.numer))
result = overflow ? UInt64.max : result / UInt64(DispatchTime.timebaseInfo.denom)
So it just discards results if the multiplication can't be stored in an UInt64.

If mach_absolute_time() sets the uint64 back to 0 then reset the time calculations if less than the last check.
That's the problem, they don't document what happens when the uint64 reaches all ones (binary).
read it.


Metal Compute function causes GPU timeout error

I am trying to compute the Collatz conjecture for a range of numbers to see how much I can benefit from using the GPU. For some reason, the function seems to fail for integers above one hundred million. I use 64-bit unsigned long for the calculations, so it can't be integer overflow; the largest number reached in the calculations for any integer is well below the maximum representable value for this datatype.
The application is basically Apple's Performing Calculations on a GPU, where the array buffers and fragment function are the only things changed. The basic idea for the function is to pass an array of integers (say from 1 to 1000), where each integer serves as a starting point for a while-loop performing the Collatz calculations for every number until the thread reaches a top set limit, for example, a billion.
kernel void compute_collatz(device const unsigned int *array [[buffer(0)]],
device unsigned int *result [[buffer(1)]],
uint index [[thread_position_in_grid]])
const unsigned long arrayLength = (unsigned long)1000;
unsigned long arrayNumber = (unsigned long)array[index];
unsigned long maxNumber = (unsigned long)1000000000 - arrayLength;
while (arrayNumber <= maxNumber) {
unsigned long curentStep = arrayNumber;
while (curentStep != 1) {
if (curentStep % 2 == 0) {curentStep = curentStep / 2;}
else {curentStep = (curentStep * 3) + 1;}
arrayNumber += arrayLength;
result[index] = (int)arrayNumber;
When the function reaches the maximum limit, it stores that value in a different array. This works well when the maximum value is sett to one hundred million or less, but only about one third of the array is changed when I try higher values. The program fails with the following error: Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Caused GPU Timeout Error (IOAF code 2). I had a similar problem when I tried multithreading on the CPU for the first time, but then the problem was related to pointers. Can't see that this is a problem here.
I am using Xcode 12.5.1 on macOS 11.5.2 on a MacBook Pro 16 (2016). Any help is much appreciated!

Fast random/mutation algorithms (vector to vector) [duplicate]

I've been trying to create a generalized Gradient Noise generator (which doesn't use the hash method to get gradients). The code is below:
class GradientNoise {
std::uint64_t m_seed;
std::uniform_int_distribution<std::uint8_t> distribution;
const std::array<glm::vec2, 4> vector_choice = {glm::vec2(1.0, 1.0), glm::vec2(-1.0, 1.0), glm::vec2(1.0, -1.0),
glm::vec2(-1.0, -1.0)};
GradientNoise(uint64_t seed) {
m_seed = seed;
distribution = std::uniform_int_distribution<std::uint8_t>(0, 3);
// 0 -> 1
// just passes the value through, origionally was perlin noise activation
double nonLinearActivationFunction(double value) {
//return value * value * value * (value * (value * 6.0 - 15.0) + 10.0);
return value;
// 0 -> 1
//cosine interpolation
double interpolate(double a, double b, double t) {
double mu2 = (1 - cos(t * M_PI)) / 2;
return (a * (1 - mu2) + b * mu2);
double noise(double x, double y) {
std::mt19937_64 rng;
//first get the bottom left corner associated
// with these coordinates
int corner_x = std::floor(x);
int corner_y = std::floor(y);
// then get the respective distance from that corner
double dist_x = x - corner_x;
double dist_y = y - corner_y;
double corner_0_contrib; // bottom left
double corner_1_contrib; // top left
double corner_2_contrib; // top right
double corner_3_contrib; // bottom right
std::uint64_t s1 = ((std::uint64_t(corner_x) << 32) + std::uint64_t(corner_y) + m_seed);
std::uint64_t s2 = ((std::uint64_t(corner_x) << 32) + std::uint64_t(corner_y + 1) + m_seed);
std::uint64_t s3 = ((std::uint64_t(corner_x + 1) << 32) + std::uint64_t(corner_y + 1) + m_seed);
std::uint64_t s4 = ((std::uint64_t(corner_x + 1) << 32) + std::uint64_t(corner_y) + m_seed);
// each xy pair turns into distance vector from respective corner, corner zero is our starting corner (bottom
// left)
corner_0_contrib = glm::dot(vector_choice[distribution(rng)], {dist_x, dist_y});
corner_1_contrib = glm::dot(vector_choice[distribution(rng)], {dist_x, dist_y - 1});
corner_2_contrib = glm::dot(vector_choice[distribution(rng)], {dist_x - 1, dist_y - 1});
corner_3_contrib = glm::dot(vector_choice[distribution(rng)], {dist_x - 1, dist_y});
double u = nonLinearActivationFunction(dist_x);
double v = nonLinearActivationFunction(dist_y);
double x_bottom = interpolate(corner_0_contrib, corner_3_contrib, u);
double x_top = interpolate(corner_1_contrib, corner_2_contrib, u);
double total_xy = interpolate(x_bottom, x_top, v);
return total_xy;
I then generate an OpenGL texture to display with like this:
int width = 1024;
int height = 1024;
unsigned char *temp_texture = new unsigned char[width*height * 4];
double octaves[5] = {2,4,8,16,32};
for( int i = 0; i < height; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < width; j++){
double d_noise = 0;
d_noise += temp_1.noise(j/octaves[0], i/octaves[0]);
d_noise += temp_1.noise(j/octaves[1], i/octaves[1]);
d_noise += temp_1.noise(j/octaves[2], i/octaves[2]);
d_noise += temp_1.noise(j/octaves[3], i/octaves[3]);
d_noise += temp_1.noise(j/octaves[4], i/octaves[4]);
uint8_t noise = static_cast<uint8_t>(((d_noise * 128.0) + 128.0));
temp_texture[j*4 + (i * width * 4) + 0] = (noise);
temp_texture[j*4 + (i * width * 4) + 1] = (noise);
temp_texture[j*4 + (i * width * 4) + 2] = (noise);
temp_texture[j*4 + (i * width * 4) + 3] = (255);
Which give good results:
But gprof is telling me that the Mersenne twister is taking up 62.4% of my time and growing with larger textures. Nothing else individual takes any where near as much time. While the Mersenne twister is fast after initialization, the fact that I initialize it every time I use it seems to make it pretty slow.
This initialization is 100% required for this to make sure that the same x and y generates the same gradient at each integer point (so you need either a hash function or seed the RNG each time).
I attempted to change the PRNG to both the linear congruential generator and Xorshiftplus, and while both ran orders of magnitude faster, they gave odd results:
LCG (one time, then running 5 times before using)
After one iteration
After 10,000 iterations.
I've tried:
Running the generator several times before utilizing output, this results in slow execution or simply different artifacts.
Using the output of two consecutive runs after initial seed to seed the PRNG again and use the value after wards. No difference in result.
What is happening? What can i do to get faster results that are of the same quality as the mersenne twister?
I don't know why this works, I know it has something to do with the prime number utilized, but after messing around a bit, it appears that the following works:
Step 1, incorporate the x and y values as seeds separately (and incorporate some other offset value or additional seed value with them, this number should be a prime/non trivial factor)
Step 2, Use those two seed results into seeding the generator again back into the function (so like geza said, the seeds made were bad)
Step 3, when getting the result, instead of using modulo number of items (4) trying to get, or & 3, modulo the result by a prime number first then apply & 3. I'm not sure if the prime being a mersenne prime matters or not.
Here is the result with prime = 257 and xorshiftplus being used! (note I used 2048 by 2048 for this one, the others were 256 by 256)
LCG is known to be inadequate for your purpose.
Xorshift128+'s results are bad, because it needs good seeding. And providing good seeding defeats the whole purpose of using it. I don't recommend this.
However, I recommend using an integer hash. For example, one from Bob's page.
Here's a result of the first hash of that page, it looks OK to me, and it is fast (I think it is much faster than Mersenne Twister):
Here's the code I've written to generate this:
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned int hash(unsigned int a) {
a = (a ^ 61) ^ (a >> 16);
a = a + (a << 3);
a = a ^ (a >> 4);
a = a * 0x27d4eb2d;
a = a ^ (a >> 15);
return a;
unsigned int ivalue(int x, int y) {
return hash(y<<16|x)&0xff;
float smooth(float x) {
return 6*x*x*x*x*x - 15*x*x*x*x + 10*x*x*x;
float value(float x, float y) {
int ix = floor(x);
int iy = floor(y);
float fx = smooth(x-ix);
float fy = smooth(y-iy);
int v00 = ivalue(iy+0, ix+0);
int v01 = ivalue(iy+0, ix+1);
int v10 = ivalue(iy+1, ix+0);
int v11 = ivalue(iy+1, ix+1);
float v0 = v00*(1-fx) + v01*fx;
float v1 = v10*(1-fx) + v11*fx;
return v0*(1-fy) + v1*fy;
unsigned char pic[1024*1024];
int main() {
for (int y=0; y<1024; y++) {
for (int x=0; x<1024; x++) {
float v = 0;
for (int o=0; o<=9; o++) {
v += value(x/64.0f*(1<<o), y/64.0f*(1<<o))/(1<<o);
int r = rint(v*0.5f);
pic[y*1024+x] = r;
FILE *f = fopen("x.pnm", "wb");
fprintf(f, "P5\n1024 1024\n255\n");
fwrite(pic, 1, 1024*1024, f);
If you want to understand, how a hash function work (or better yet, which properties a good hash have), check out Bob's page, for example this.
You (unknowingly?) implemented a visualization of PRNG non-random patterns. That looks very cool!
Except Mersenne Twister, all your tested PRNGs do not seem fit for your purpose. As I have not done further tests myself, I can only suggest to try out and measure further PRNGs.
The randomness of LCGs are known to be sensitive to the choice of their parameters. In particular, the period of a LCG is relative to the m parameter - at most it will be m (your prime factor) & for many values it can be less.
Similarly, the careful parameters selection is required to get a long period from Xorshift PRNGs.
You've noted that some PRNGs give good procedural generation results while other do not. In order to isolate the cause, I would factor out the proc gen stuff & examine the PRNG output directly. An easy way to visualize the data is to build a grey scale image where each pixel value is a (possibly scaled) random value. For image based stuff, I find this to be an easy way to find stuff that may lead to visual artifacts. Any artifacts you see with this are likely to cause issues with your proc gen output.
Another option is to try something like the Diehard tests. If the aforementioned image test failed to reveal any problems, I might use this just to be sure my PRNG techniques were trustworthy.
Note that your code seeds the PRNG, then generates one pseudorandom number from the PRNG. The reason for the nonrandomness in xorshift128+ that you discovered is that xorshift128+ simply adds the two halves of the seed (and uses the result mod 264 as the generated number) before changing its state (review its source code). This makes that PRNG considerably different from a hash function.
What you see is the practical demonstration of quality of PRNG. Mersenne Twister is one of the best PRNGs with good performance, it passes DIEHARD tests. One should know that generating a random numbers is not an easy computational task, so looking for a better performance will inevitably result in poor quality. LCG is known to be simplest and worst PRNG ever designed and it clearly shows two-dimensional correlation as in your picture. The quality of Xorshift generators largely depend on bitness and parameters. They are definitely worse than Mersenne Twister, but some (xorshift128+) may work good enough to pass BigCrush battery of TestU01 tests.
In other words, if you are making an important physical modelling numerical experiment, you better continue to use Mersenne Twister as known to be a good trade-off between speed and quality and it comes in many standard libraries. On a less important case you may try to use xorshift128+ generator. For an ultimate results you need to use cryptographical-quality PRNG (none of mentioned here may be used for cryptographical purposes).

Binary to decimal (on huge numbers)

I am building a C library on big integer number. Basically, I'm seeking a fast algorythm to convert any integer in it binary representation to a decimal one
I saw JDK's Biginteger.toString() implementation, but it looks quite heavy to me, as it was made to convert the number to any radix (it uses a division for each digits, which should be pretty slow while dealing with thousands of digits).
So if you have any documentations / knowledge to share about it, I would be glad to read it.
EDIT: more precisions about my question:
Let P a memory address
Let N be the number of bytes allocated (and set) at P
How to convert the integer represented by the N bytes at address P (let's say in little endian to make things simpler), to a C string
N = 1
P = some random memory address storing '00101010'
out string = "42"
Thank for your answer still
The reason for the BigInteger.toString method looking heavy is doing the conversion in chunks.
A trivial algorithm would take the last digits and then divide the whole big integer by the radix until there is nothing left.
One problem with this is that a big integer division is quite expensive, so the number is subdivided into chunks that can be processed with regular integer division (opposed to BigInt division):
static String toDecimal(BigInteger bigInt) {
BigInteger chunker = new BigInteger(1000000000);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
do {
int current = bigInt.mod(chunker).getInt(0);
bigInt = bigInt.div(chunker);
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i ++) {
sb.append((char) ('0' + remainder % 10));
current /= 10;
if (currnet == 0 && bigInt.signum() == 0) {
} while (bigInt.signum() != 0);
return sb.reverse().toString();
That said, for a fixed radix, you are probably even better off with porting the "double dabble" algorithm to your needs, as suggested in the comments:
I recently got the challenge to print a big mersenne prime: 2**82589933-1. On my CPU that takes ~40 minutes with apcalc and ~120 minutes with python 2.7. It's a number with 24 million digits and a bit.
Here is my own little C code for the conversion:
// print 2**82589933-1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
const uint32_t exponent = 82589933;
//const uint32_t exponent = 100;
//outputs 1267650600228229401496703205375
const uint32_t blocks = (exponent + 31) / 32;
const uint32_t digits = (int)(exponent * log(2.0) / log(10.0)) + 10;
uint32_t num[2][blocks];
char out[digits + 1];
// blocks : number of uint32_t in num1 and num2
// num1 : number to convert
// num2 : free space
// out : end of output buffer
void conv(uint32_t blocks, uint32_t *num1, uint32_t *num2, char *out) {
if (blocks == 0) return;
const uint32_t div = 1000000000;
uint64_t t = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < blocks; ++i) {
t = (t << 32) + num1[i];
num2[i] = t / div;
t = t % div;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
*out-- = '0' + (t % 10);
t /= 10;
if (num2[0] == 0) {
conv(blocks, num2, num1, out);
int main() {
// prepare number
uint32_t t = exponent % 32;
num[0][0] = (1LLU << t) - 1;
memset(&num[0][1], 0xFF, (blocks - 1) * 4);
// prepare output
memset(out, '0', digits);
out[digits] = 0;
// convert to decimal
conv(blocks, num[0], num[1], &out[digits - 1]);
// output number
char *res = out;
while(*res == '0') ++res;
printf("%s\n", res);
return 0;
The conversion is destructive and tail recursive. In each step it divides num1 by 1_000_000_000 and stores the result in num2. The remainder is added to out. Then it calls itself with num1 and num2 switched and often shortened by one (blocks is decremented). out is filled from back to front. You have to allocate it large enough and then strip leading zeroes.
Python seems to be using a similar mechanism for converting big integers to decimal.
Want to do better?
For large number like in my case each division by 1_000_000_000 takes rather long. At a certain size a divide&conquer algorithm does better. In my case the first division would be by dividing by 10 ^ 16777216 to split the number into divident and remainder. Then convert each part separately. Now each part is still big so split again at 10 ^ 8388608. Recursively keep splitting till the numbers are small enough. Say maybe 1024 digits each. Those convert with the simple algorithm above. The right definition of "small enough" would have to be tested, 1024 is just a guess.
While the long division of two big integer numbers is expensive, much more so than a division by 1_000_000_000, the time spend there is then saved because each separate chunk requires far fewer divisions by 1_000_000_000 to convert to decimal.
And if you have split the problem into separate and independent chunks it's only a tiny step away from spreading the chunks out among multiple cores. That would really speed up the conversion another step. It looks like apcalc uses divide&conquer but not multi-threading.

Correct OpenMP pragmas for pi monte carlo in C with not thread-safe random number generator

I need some help to parallelize the pi calculation with the monte carlo method with openmp by a given random number generator, which is not thread safe.
First: This SO thread didn't help me.
My own try is the following #pragma omp statements. I thought the i, x and y vars should be init by each thread and should than be private. z ist the sum of all hits in the circle, so it should be summed after the implied barriere after the for loop.
Think the main problem ist the static state var of the random number generator. I made a critical section where the functions are called, so that only one thread per time could execute it. But the Pi solutions doesn't scale with more higher values.
Note: I should not use another RNG, but its okay to make little changes on it.
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i, z = 0, threads = 8, iters = 100000;
double x,y, pi;
#pragma omp parallel firstprivate(i,x,y) reduction(+:z) num_threads(threads)
for (i=0; i<iters; ++i) {
#pragma omp critical
x = rng_doub(1.0);
y = rng_doub(1.0);
if ((x*x+y*y) <= 1.0)
pi = ((double) z / (double) (iters*threads))*4.0;
printf("Pi: %lf\n", pi);;
return 0;
This RNG is actually an included file, but as I'm not sure if I create the header file correct, I integrated it in the other program file, so I have only one .c file.
#define RNG_MOD 741025
int rng_int(void) {
static int state = 0;
return (state = (1366 * state + 150889) % RNG_MOD);
double rng_doub(double range) {
return ((double) rng_int()) / (double) ((RNG_MOD - 1)/range);
I've also tried to make the static int state global, but it doesn't change my result, maybe I done it wrong. So please could you help me make the correct changes? Thank you very much!
Your original linear congruent PRNG has a cycle length of 49400, therefore you are only getting 29700 unique test points. This is a terrible generator to be used for any kind of Monte Carlo simulations. Even if you make 100000000 trials, you won't get any closer to the true value of Pi because you are simply repeating the same points over and over again and as a result both the final value of z and iters are simply multiplied by the same constant, which cancel in the end during the division.
The per-thread seed introduced by Z boson improves the situation a little bit with the number of unique points increasing with the total number of OpenMP threads. The increase is not linear since if the seed of one PRNG falls in the sequence of another PRNG, both PRNGs produce the same sequence shifted with no more than 49400 elements. Given the cycle length, each PRNG covers 49400/RNG_MOD = 6,7% of the total output range and that is the probability of two PRNGs being synchronised. There are a total of RNG_MOD/49400 = 15 unique sequences possible. It basically means that in the best seeding case scenario you won't be able to get past 30 threads as any other thread would simply repeat the result of some of the others. The multiplier 2 comes from the fact that each point uses two elements from the sequence and therefore it is possible to get a different set of points if you shift the sequence by one element.
The ultimate solution is to completely drop your PRNG and stick to something like Mersenne twister MT19937, which has a cycle length of 219937 − 1 and a very strong seeding algorithm. If you are not able to use another PRNG as you state in your question, at least modify the constants of the LCG to match those used in rand():
int rng_int(void) {
static int state = 1;
// & 0x7fffffff is equivalent to modulo with RNG_MOD = 2^31
return (state = (state * 1103515245 + 12345) & 0x7fffffff);
Note that rand() is not a good PRNG - it is still bad. It is just a little better than the one used in your code.
Try the code below. It makes a private state for each thread. I did something similar with the at rand_r function Why does calculation with OpenMP take 100x more time than with a single thread?
Edit: I updated my code using some of Hristo's suggestions. I used threadprivate (for the first time). I also used a better rand function which gives a better estimate of pi but it's still not good enough.
One strange things was I had to define the function rng_int after threadprivate otherwise I got an error "error: 'state' declared 'threadprivate' after first use". I should probably ask a question about this.
//gcc -O3 -Wall -pedantic -fopenmp main.c
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define RNG_MOD 0x80000000
int state;
int rng_int(void);
double rng_doub(double range);
int main() {
int i, numIn, n;
double x, y, pi;
n = 1<<30;
numIn = 0;
#pragma omp threadprivate(state)
#pragma omp parallel private(x, y) reduction(+:numIn)
state = 25234 + 17 * omp_get_thread_num();
#pragma omp for
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
x = (double)rng_doub(1.0);
y = (double)rng_doub(1.0);
if (x*x + y*y <= 1) numIn++;
pi = 4.*numIn / n;
printf("asdf pi %f\n", pi);
return 0;
int rng_int(void) {
// & 0x7fffffff is equivalent to modulo with RNG_MOD = 2^31
return (state = (state * 1103515245 + 12345) & 0x7fffffff);
double rng_doub(double range) {
return ((double)rng_int()) / (((double)RNG_MOD)/range);
You can see the results (and edit and run the code) at

How to absolute 2 double or 4 floats using SSE instruction set? (Up to SSE4)

Here's the sample C code that I am trying to accelerate using SSE, the two arrays are 3072 element long with doubles, may drop it down to float if i don't need the precision of doubles.
double sum = 0.0;
for(k = 0; k < 3072; k++) {
sum += fabs(sima[k] - simb[k]);
double fp = (1.0 - (sum / (255.0 * 1024.0 * 3.0)));
Anyway my current problem is how to do the fabs step in a SSE register for doubles or float so that I can keep the whole calculation in the SSE registers so that it remains fast and I can parallelize all of the steps by partly unrolling this loop.
Here's some resources I've found fabs() asm or possibly this flipping the sign - SO however the weakness of the second one would need a conditional check.
I suggest using bitwise and with a mask. Positive and negative values have the same representation, only the most significant bit differs, it is 0 for positive values and 1 for negative values, see double precision number format. You can use one of these:
inline __m128 abs_ps(__m128 x) {
static const __m128 sign_mask = _mm_set1_ps(-0.f); // -0.f = 1 << 31
return _mm_andnot_ps(sign_mask, x);
inline __m128d abs_pd(__m128d x) {
static const __m128d sign_mask = _mm_set1_pd(-0.); // -0. = 1 << 63
return _mm_andnot_pd(sign_mask, x); // !sign_mask & x
Also, it might be a good idea to unroll the loop to break the loop-carried dependency chain. Since this is a sum of nonnegative values, the order of summation is not important:
double norm(const double* sima, const double* simb) {
__m128d* sima_pd = (__m128d*) sima;
__m128d* simb_pd = (__m128d*) simb;
__m128d sum1 = _mm_setzero_pd();
__m128d sum2 = _mm_setzero_pd();
for(int k = 0; k < 3072/2; k+=2) {
sum1 += abs_pd(_mm_sub_pd(sima_pd[k], simb_pd[k]));
sum2 += abs_pd(_mm_sub_pd(sima_pd[k+1], simb_pd[k+1]));
__m128d sum = _mm_add_pd(sum1, sum2);
__m128d hsum = _mm_hadd_pd(sum, sum);
return *(double*)&hsum;
By unrolling and breaking the dependency (sum1 and sum2 are now independent), you let the processor execute the additions our of order. Since the instruction is pipelined on a modern CPU, the CPU can start working on a new addition before the previous one is finished. Also, bitwise operations are executed on a separate execution unit, the CPU can actually perform it in the same cycle as addition/subtraction. I suggest Agner Fog's optimization manuals.
Finally, I don't recommend using openMP. The loop is too small and the overhead of distribution the job among multiple threads might be bigger than any potential benefit.
The maximum of -x and x should be abs(x). Here it is in code:
x = _mm_max_ps(_mm_sub_ps(_mm_setzero_ps(), x), x)
Probably the easiest way is as follows:
__m128d vsum = _mm_set1_pd(0.0); // init partial sums
for (k = 0; k < 3072; k += 2)
__m128d va = _mm_load_pd(&sima[k]); // load 2 doubles from sima, simb
__m128d vb = _mm_load_pd(&simb[k]);
__m128d vdiff = _mm_sub_pd(va, vb); // calc diff = sima - simb
__m128d vnegdiff = mm_sub_pd(_mm_set1_pd(0.0), vdiff); // calc neg diff = 0.0 - diff
__m128d vabsdiff = _mm_max_pd(vdiff, vnegdiff); // calc abs diff = max(diff, - diff)
vsum = _mm_add_pd(vsum, vabsdiff); // accumulate two partial sums
Note that this may not be any faster than scalar code on modern x86 CPUs, which typically have two FPUs anyway. However if you can drop down to single precision then you may well get a 2x throughput improvement.
Note also that you will need to combine the two partial sums in vsum into a scalar value after the loop, but this is fairly trivial to do and is not performance-critical.
