finding the best/ scale/shift between two vectors - algorithm

I have two vectors that represents a function f(x), and another vector f(ax+b) i.e. a scaled and shifted version of f(x). I would like to find the best scale and shift factors.
*best - by means of least squares error , maximum likelihood, etc.
any ideas?
for example:
f1 = [0;0.450541598502498;0.0838213779969326;0.228976968716819;0.91333736150167;0.152378018969223;0.825816977489547;0.538342435260057;0.996134716626885;0.0781755287531837;0.442678269775446;0];
f2 = [-0.029171964726699;-0.0278570165494982;0.0331454732535324;0.187656956432487;0.358856370923984;0.449974662483267;0.391341738643094;0.244800719791534;0.111797007617227;0.0721767235173722;0.0854437239807415;0.143888234591602;0.251750993723227;0.478953530572365;0.748209818420035;0.908044924557262;0.811960826711455;0.512568916956487;0.22669198638799;0.168136111568694;0.365578085161896;0.644996661336714;0.823562159983554;0.792812945867018;0.656803251999341;0.545799498053254;0.587013303815021;0.777464637372241;0.962722388208354;0.980537136457874;0.734416947254272;0.375435649393553;0.106489547770962;0.0892376361668696;0.242467741982851;0.40610516900965;0.427497319032133;0.301874099075184;0.128396341665384;0.00246347624097456;-0.0322120242872125]
*note that f(x) may be irreversible...

For each f(x), take the absolute value of f(x) and normalize it such that it can be considered a probability mass function over its support. Calculate the expected value E[x] and variance of Var[x]. Then, we have that
E[a x + b] = a E[x] + b
Var[a x + b] = a^2 Var[x]
Use the above equations and the known values of E[x] and Var[x] to calculate a and b. Taking your values of f1 and f2 from your example, the following Octave script performs this procedure:
% Octave script
% f1, f2 are defined as given in your example
f1 = [zeros(length(f2) - length(f1), 1); f1];
save_f1 = f1; save_f2 = f2;
f1 = abs( f1 ); f2 = abs( f2 );
f1 = f1 ./ sum( f1 ); f2 = f2 ./ sum( f2 );
mean = #(x)sum(((1:length(x))' .* x));
var = #(x)sum((((1:length(x))'-mean(x)).^2) .* x);
m1 = mean(f1); m2 = mean(f2);
v1 = var(f1); v2 = var(f2)
a = sqrt( v2 / v1 ); b = m2 - a * m1;
plot( a .* (1:length( save_f1 )) + b, save_f1, ...
1:length( save_f2 ), save_f2 );
axis([0 length( save_f1 )];
And the output is

Here's a simple, effective, but perhaps somewhat naive approach.
First make sure you make a generic interpolator through both functions. That way you can evaluate both functions in between the given data points. I used a cubic-splines interpolator, since that seems general enough for the type of smooth functions you provided (and does not require additional toolboxes).
Then you evaluate the source function ("original") at a large number of points. Use this number also as a parameter in an inline function, that takes as input X, where
X = [a b]
(as in ax+b). For any input X, this inline function will compute
the function values of the target function at the same x-locations, but then scaled and offset by a and b, respectively.
The sum of the squared-differences between the resulting function values, and the ones of the source function you computed earlier.
Use this inline function in fminsearch with some initial estimate (one that you have obtained visually or by via automatic means). For the example you provided, I used a few random ones, which all converged to near-optimal fits.
All of the above in code:
function s = findScaleOffset
%% initialize
f2 = [0;0.450541598502498;0.0838213779969326;0.228976968716819;0.91333736150167;0.152378018969223;0.825816977489547;0.538342435260057;0.996134716626885;0.0781755287531837;0.442678269775446;0];
f1 = [-0.029171964726699;-0.0278570165494982;0.0331454732535324;0.187656956432487;0.358856370923984;0.449974662483267;0.391341738643094;0.244800719791534;0.111797007617227;0.0721767235173722;0.0854437239807415;0.143888234591602;0.251750993723227;0.478953530572365;0.748209818420035;0.908044924557262;0.811960826711455;0.512568916956487;0.22669198638799;0.168136111568694;0.365578085161896;0.644996661336714;0.823562159983554;0.792812945867018;0.656803251999341;0.545799498053254;0.587013303815021;0.777464637372241;0.962722388208354;0.980537136457874;0.734416947254272;0.375435649393553;0.106489547770962;0.0892376361668696;0.242467741982851;0.40610516900965;0.427497319032133;0.301874099075184;0.128396341665384;0.00246347624097456;-0.0322120242872125];
figure(1), clf, hold on
h(1) = subplot(2,1,1); hold on
h(2) = subplot(2,1,2); hold on
axis([0 max(length(f1),length(f2)), min(min(f1),min(f2)),max(max(f1),max(f2))])
%% make cubic interpolators and test points
pp1 = spline(1:numel(f1), f1);
pp2 = spline(1:numel(f2), f2);
maxX = max(numel(f1), numel(f2));
N = 100 * maxX;
x2 = linspace(1, maxX, N);
y1 = ppval(pp1, x2);
%% search for parameters
s = fminsearch(#(X) sum( (y1 - ppval(pp2,X(1)*x2+X(2))).^2 ), [0 0])
%% plot results
y2 = ppval( pp2, s(1)*x2+s(2));
figure(1), hold on
subplot(2,1,2), hold on
plot(x2,y2, 'r')
legend('before', 'after')
s =
2.886234493867320e-001 3.734482822175923e-001
Note that this computes the opposite transformation from the one you generated the data with. Reversing the numbers:
>> 1/s(1)
ans =
3.464721948700991e+000 % seems pretty decent
>> -s(2)
ans =
-3.734482822175923e-001 % hmmm...rather different from 7/11!
(I'm not sure about the 7/11 value you provided; using the exact values you gave to make a plot results in a less accurate approximation to the source function...Are you sure about the 7/11?)
Accuracy can be improved by either
using a different optimizer (fmincon, fminunc, etc.)
demanding a higher accuracy from fminsearch through optimset
having more sample points in both f1 and f2 to improve the quality of the interpolations
Using a better initial estimate
Anyway, this approach is pretty general and gives nice results. It also requires no toolboxes.
It has one major drawback though -- the solution found may not be the global optimizer, e.g., the quality of the outcomes of this method could be quite sensitive to the initial estimate you provide. So, always make a (difference) plot to make sure the final solution is accurate, or if you have a large number of such things to do, compute some sort of quality factor upon which you decide to re-start the optimization with a different initial estimate.
It is of course very possible to use the results of the Fourier+Mellin transforms (as suggested by chaohuang below) as an initial estimate to this method. That might be overkill for the simple example you provide, but I can easily imagine situations where this could indeed be very useful.

For the scale factor a, you can estimate it by computing the ratio of the amplitude spectra of the two signals since the Fourier transform is invariant to shift.
Similarly, you can estimate the shift factor b by using the Mellin transform, which is scale invariant.

Here's a super simple approach to estimate the scale a that works on your example data:
a = length(f2) / length(f1)
This gives 3.4167 which is close to your stated value of 3.4. If that estimate is good enough, you can use correlation to estimate the shift.
I realize that this is not exactly what you asked, but it may be an acceptable alternative depending on the data.

Both Rody Oldenhuis and jstarr's answers are correct. I'm adding my own answer just to sum things up, and connect between them.
I've messed up Rody's code a little bit and ended up with the following:
function findScaleShift
load f1f2
x0 = [length(f1)/length(f2) 0]; %initial guess, can do better
costFunc = #(z) sum((eval_f1(z,f2,n)-f1).^2);
opt.TolFun = eps;
title('squared error')
function y = eval_f1(x,f2,n)
t = maketform('affine',[x(1) 0 x(2); 0 1 0 ; 0 0 1]');
y=imtransform(f2',t,'cubic','xdata',[1 n ],'ydata',[1 1])';
This gives zero results:
This method is accurate but exhaustive and may take some time. Another disadvantage is that it finds only a local minima, and may give false results if initial guess (x0) is far.
On the other hand, jstarr method gave the following results:
xopt = [ 3.49655562549115 -0.676062367063033]
which is 10% deviation from the correct answer. Pretty fast solution, but not as accurate as I requested, but still should be noted.
I think in order to get the best results jstarr method should be used as an initial guess for the method purposed by Rody, giving an accurate solution.


How to speed up the solving of multiple optimization problems?

Currently, I'm writing a simulation that asses the performance of a positioning algorithm by measuring the mean error of the position estimator for different points around the room. Unfortunately the running times are pretty slow and so I am looking for ways to speed up my code.
The working principle of the position estimator is based on the MUSIC algorithm. The estimator gets an autocorrelation matrix (sized 12x12, with complex values in general) as an input and follows the next steps:
Find the 12 eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the autocorrelation matrix R.
Construct a new 12x11 matrix EN whose columns are the 11 eigenvectors corresponding to the 11 smallest eigenvalues.
Using the matrix EN, construct a function P = 1/(a' EN EN' a).
Where a is a 12x1 complex vector and a' is the Hermitian conjugate of a. The components of a are functions of 3 variables (named x,y and z) and so the scalar P is also a function P(x,y,z)
Finally, find the values (x0,y0,z0) which maximizes the value of P and return it as the position estimate.
In my code, I choose some constant z and create a grid on points in the plane (at heigh z, parallel to the xy plane). For each point I make n4Avg repetitions and calculate the error of the estimated point. At the end of the parfor loop (and some reshaping), I have a matrix of errors with dims (nx) x (ny) x (n4Avg) and the mean error is calculated by taking the mean of the error matrix (acting on the 3rd dimension).
nx=30 is the number of point along the x axis.
ny=15 is the number of points along the y axis.
n4Avg=100 is the number of repetitions used for calculating the mean error at each point.
nGen=100 is the number of generations in the GA algorithm (100 was tested to be good enough).
x = linspace(-20,20,nx);
y = linspace(0,20,ny);
z = 5;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
parfor ri = 1:nx*ny
rT = [X(ri);Y(ri);z];
[ENs] = getEnNs(rT,stdv,n4R,n4Avg); % create n4Avg EN matrices
for rep = 1:n4Avg
pos_est = estPos_helper(squeeze(ENs(:,:,rep)),nGen);
posEstErr(ri,rep) = vecnorm(pos_est(:)-rT(:));
The matrices EN are generated by the following code
function [ENs] = getEnNs(rT,stdv,n4R,nEN)
% generate nEN simulated EN matrices, each using n4R simulated phases
f_c = 2402e6; % center frequency [Hz]
c0 = 299702547; % speed of light [m/s]
load antennaeArr1.mat antennaeArr1;
% generate initial phases.
phi0 = 2*pi*rand(n4R*nEN,1);
k0 = 2*pi.*(f_c)./c0;
I = cos(-k0.*vecnorm(antennaeArr1 - rT(:),2,1)-phi0);
Q = -sin(-k0.*vecnorm(antennaeArr1 - rT(:),2,1)-phi0);
phases = I+1i*Q;
phases = phases + stdv/sqrt(2)*(randn(size(phases)) + 1i*randn(size(phases)));
phases = reshape(phases',[12,n4R,nEN]);
Rxx = pagemtimes(phases,pagectranspose(phases));
ENs = zeros(12,11,nEN);
for i=1:nEN
[ENs(:,:,i),~] = eigs(squeeze(Rxx(:,:,i)),11,'smallestabs');
The position estimator uses a solver utilizing a 'genetic algorithm' (chosen because it preformed the best of all the other solvers).
function pos_est = estPos_helper(EN,nGen)
load antennaeArr1.mat antennaeArr1; % 3x12 constant matrix
antennae_array = antennaeArr1;
x0 = [0;10;5];
lb = [-20;0;0];
ub = [20;20;10];
function y = myfun(x)
k0 = 2*pi*2.402e9/299702547;
a = exp( -1i*k0*sqrt( (x(1)-antennae_array(1,:)').^2 + (x(2) - antennae_array(2,:)').^2 + (x(3)-antennae_array(3,:)').^2 ) );
y = 1/real((a')*(EN)*(EN')*a);
% Create optimization variables
x3 = optimvar("x",3,1,"LowerBound",lb,"UpperBound",ub);
% Set initial starting point for the solver
initialPoint2.x = x0;
% Create problem
problem = optimproblem("ObjectiveSense","Maximize");
% Define problem objective
problem.Objective = fcn2optimexpr(#myfun,x3);
% Set nondefault solver options
options2 = optimoptions("ga","Display","off","HybridFcn","fmincon",...
% Solve problem
solution = solve(problem,initialPoint2,"Solver","ga","Options",options2);
% Clear variables
clearvars x3 initialPoint2 options2
pos_est = solution.x;
The current runtime of the code, when setting the parameters as shown above, is around 700-800 seconds. This is a problem as I would like to increase the number of points in the grid and the number of repetitions to get a more accurate result.
The main ways I've tried to tackle this is by using parallel computing (in the form of the parloop) and by reducing the nested loops I had (one for x and one for y) into a single vectorized loop going over all the points in the grid.
It indeed helped, but not quite enough.
I apologize for the messy code.

How to select a uniformly distributed subset of a partially dense dataset?

P is an n*d matrix, holding n d-dimensional samples. P in some areas is several times more dense than others. I want to select a subset of P in which distance between any pairs of samples be more than d0, and I need it to be spread all over the area. All samples have same priority and there's no need to optimize anything (e.g. covered area or sum of pairwise distances).
Here is a sample code that does so, but it's really slow. I need a more efficient code since I need to call it several times.
%% generating sample data
n_4 = 1000; n_2 = n_4*2;n = n_4*4;
x1=[ randn(n_4, 1)*10+30; randn(n_4, 1)*3 + 60];
y1=[ randn(n_4, 1)*5 + 35; randn(n_4, 1)*20 + 80 ];
x2 = rand(n_2, 1)*(max(x1)-min(x1)) + min(x1);
y2 = rand(n_2, 1)*(max(y1)-min(y1)) + min(y1);
P = [x1,y1;x2, y2];
%% eliminating close ones
d0 = 1.5;
D = pdist2(P, P);D(1:n+1:end) = inf;
E = zeros(n, 1); % eliminated ones
for i=1:n-1
if ~E(i)
CloseOnes = (D(i,:)<d0) & ((1:n)>i) & (~E');
E(CloseOnes) = 1;
P2 = P(~E, :);
%% plotting samples
subplot(121); scatter(P(:, 1), P(:, 2)); axis equal;
subplot(122); scatter(P2(:, 1), P2(:, 2)); axis equal;
Edit: How big the subset should be?
As j_random_hacker pointed out in comments, one can say that P(1, :) is the fastest answer if we don’t define a constraint on the number of selected samples. It delicately shows incoherence of the title! But I think the current title better describes the purpose. So let’s define a constraint: “Try to select m samples if it’s possible”. Now with the implicit assumption of m=n we can get the biggest possible subset. As I mentioned before a faster method excels the one that finds the optimum answer.
Finding closest points over and over suggests a different data structure that is optimized for spatial searches. I suggest a delaunay triangulation.
The below solution is "approximate" in the sense that it will likely remove more points than strictly necessary. I'm batching all the computations and removing all points in each iteration that contribute to distances that are too long, and in many cases removing one point may remove the edge that appears later in the same iteration. If this matters, the edge list can be further processed to avoid duplicates, or even to find points to remove that will impact the greatest number of distances.
This is fast.
dt = delaunayTriangulation(P(:,1), P(:,2));
d0 = 1.5;
while 1
edge = edges(dt); % vertex ids in pairs
% Lookup the actual locations of each point and reorganize
pwise = reshape(dt.Points(edge.', :), 2, size(edge,1), 2);
% Compute length of each edge
difference = pwise(1,:,:) - pwise(2,:,:);
edge_lengths = sqrt(difference(1,:,1).^2 + difference(1,:,2).^2);
% Find edges less than minimum length
idx = find(edge_lengths < d0);
% pick first vertex of each too-short edge for deletion
% This could be smarter to avoid overdeleting
points_to_delete = unique(edge(idx, 1));
% remove them. triangulation auto-updates
dt.Points(points_to_delete, :) = [];
% repeat until no edge is too short
P2 = dt.Points;
You don't specify how many points you want to select. This is crucial to the problem.
I don't readily see a way to optimise your method.
Assuming that Euclidean distance is acceptable as a distance measure, the following implementation is much faster when selecting only a small number of points, and faster even when trying to the subset with 'all' valid points (note that finding the maximum possible number of points is hard).
subplot(121); scatter(P(:, 1), P(:, 2)); axis equal;
d0 = 1.5;
m_range = linspace(1, 2000, 100);
m_time = NaN(size(m_range));
for m_i = 1:length(m_range);
m = m_range(m_i)
a = tic;
% Test points in random order.
r = randperm(n);
r_i = 1;
S = false(n, 1); % selected ones
for i=1:m
found = false;
while ~found
j = r(r_i);
r_i = r_i + 1;
if r_i > n
% We have tried all points. Nothing else can be valid.
if sum(S) == 0
% This is the first point.
found = true;
% Get the points already selected
P_selected = P(S, :);
% Exclude points >= d0 along either axis - they cannot have
% a Euclidean distance less than d0.
P_valid = (abs(P_selected(:, 1) - P(j, 1)) < d0) & (abs(P_selected(:, 2) - P(j, 2)) < d0);
if sum(P_valid) == 0
% There are no points that can be < d0.
found = true;
% Implement Euclidean distance explicitly rather than
% using pdist - this makes a large difference to
% timing.
found = min(sqrt(sum((P_selected(P_valid, :) - repmat(P(j, :), sum(P_valid), 1)) .^ 2, 2))) >= d0;
if found
% We found a valid point - select it.
S(j) = true;
% Nothing found, so we must have exhausted all points.
P2 = P(S, :);
m_time(m_i) = toc(a);
subplot(122); scatter(P2(:, 1), P2(:, 2)); axis equal;
plot(m_range, m_time);
hold on;
plot(m_range([1 end]), ones(2, 1) * original_time);
hold off;
where original_time is the time taken by your method. This gives the following timings, where the red line is your method, and the blue is mine, with the number of points selected along the x axis. Note that the line flattens when 'all' points meeting the criteria have been selected.
As you say in your comment, performance is highly dependent on the value of d0. In fact, as d0 is reduced, the method above appears to have even greater improvement in performance (this is for d0=0.1):
Note however that this is also dependent on other factors such as the distribution of your data. This method exploits specific properties of your data set, and reduces the number of expensive calculations by filtering out points where calculating the Euclidean distance is pointless. This works particularly well for selecting fewer points, and it is actually faster for smaller d0 because there are fewer points in the data set that match the criteria (so there are fewer computations of the Euclidean distance required). The optimal solution for a problem like this will usually be specific to the exact data set used.
Also note that in my code above, manually calculating the Euclidean distance is much faster then calling pdist. The flexibility and generality of the Matlab built-ins is often detrimental to performance in simple cases.

Optimize values in tree where tolerance is somewhere deep in

I am currently doing some calculations with trees. Each node has 5 values I am trying to calculate and a type deciding how these values are calculated. Some calculations can be pretty complicated algorithms. All calculations within a node depend solely on the values of its child nodes, so I am doing calculations from down to top. For each node type, a value depends on different values of the childnodes. I am interested mainly in the 5 values in the root node, which depend on all values in all other nodes ofc. All this is working just fine. A node can only have 1 or 2 childnodes, and the tree usually is no deeper than 5 levels.
For some node-types, there is a tolerance; meaning some values there would not matter, see this picture, I marked those with XX. Sometimes even, some values would be in relation, like C = XX * A. Currently, these values are just set to some default values. Sometimes there would be a complicated relationship even, like multiple possible solutions of an algorithm like Newton's Method, depending on starting values.
Now there is a rating I can apply on the values of the root node. What I would like is to optimize this rating by adjusting the XX-values deep within the tree. The calculations within each node can be a range of many possible formulas and the tolerance can be one of many possible patterns, so I cannot just figure out some formula but I would need some algorithm which is very flexible. I do not know of such an algorithm. Does anyone have an idea?
/Edit: To clarify, it is unclear how many values in the tree will be free. There is not just one XX, but there may be any number of them (I guess max. 10), so my first step would be identifying these values. Also, I will be doing this on many generated trees within a time window, so speed is not unimportant as well. Thanks:)
If you have 3 input values XX, YY, and ZZ, you are searching a 3 dimension space. What you are looking to do is to apply an optimisation algorithm, or Heuristic algorithm. Your choice of algorithm is key, a cost benefit between your time and the computer's time. I am guessing that you just want to do this once.
What ever method you use, you need to understand the problem, which means to understand how your algorithm changes with different input values. Some solutions have a very nice minimum that is easy to find (e.g. using Newton's Method), some don't.
I suggest starting simple. One of the most basic is just to do an iterative search. It's slow, but it works. You need to make sure that your iteration step is not too large, such that you don't miss some sweet spots.
For XX = XXmin to XXmax
For YY = YYmin to YYmax
For ZZ = ZZmin to ZZmax
result = GetRootNodeValue(XX, YY, ZZ)
If result < best_result then
print result, XX, YY, ZZ
best_result = result
End if
End For
End For
End For
Below is another method, it's a stochastic optimisation method (uses random points to converge on the best solution), it's results are reasonable for most conditions. I have used this successfully and it's good at converging to the minimum value. This is good to use if there is no clear global minimum. You will have to configure the parameters for your problem.
' How long to search for, a larger value will result in long search time
max_depth = 20000
' Initial values
x0 = initial XX value
y0 = initial YY value
z0 = initial ZZ value
' These are the delta values, how far should the default values range
dx = 5
dy = 5
dz = 5
' Set this at a large value (assuming the best result is a small number)
best_result = inf
' Loop for a long time
For i = 1 To max_depth
' New random values near the best result
xx = x0 + dx * (Rnd() - 0.5) * (Rnd() - 0.5)
yy = y0 + dy * (Rnd() - 0.5) * (Rnd() - 0.5)
zz = y0 + dy * (Rnd() - 0.5) * (Rnd() - 0.5)
' Do the test
result = GetRootNodeValue(xx, yy, zz)
' We have found the best solution so far
If result < best_result Then
x0 = xx
y0 = yy
z0 = zz
best_result = result
End If
Print progress
Next i
There are many optimisation algorithms to choose from. Above are some very simple ones, but they may not be the best for your problem.
As another answer has pointed out, this looks like a optimization problem. You may consider using a genetic algorithm. Basically, you try to mimic the evolution process by "mating" different individuals (in your case trees) with different traits (in your case the values on the leaves) and make them survive based on an objective function (in your case, what you obtain on the root node). The algorithm can be improved by adding mutations to your populations (as in nature's evolution).

John Carmack's Unusual Fast Inverse Square Root (Quake III)

John Carmack has a special function in the Quake III source code which calculates the inverse square root of a float, 4x faster than regular (float)(1.0/sqrt(x)), including a strange 0x5f3759df constant. See the code below. Can someone explain line by line what exactly is going on here and why this works so much faster than the regular implementation?
float Q_rsqrt( float number )
long i;
float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;
x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = * ( long * ) &y;
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 );
y = * ( float * ) &i;
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );
#ifndef Q3_VM
#ifdef __linux__
assert( !isnan(y) );
return y;
FYI. Carmack didn't write it. Terje Mathisen and Gary Tarolli both take partial (and very modest) credit for it, as well as crediting some other sources.
How the mythical constant was derived is something of a mystery.
To quote Gary Tarolli:
Which actually is doing a floating
point computation in integer - it took
a long time to figure out how and why
this works, and I can't remember the
details anymore.
A slightly better constant, developed by an expert mathematician (Chris Lomont) trying to work out how the original algorithm worked is:
float InvSqrt(float x)
float xhalf = 0.5f * x;
int i = *(int*)&x; // get bits for floating value
i = 0x5f375a86 - (i >> 1); // gives initial guess y0
x = *(float*)&i; // convert bits back to float
x = x * (1.5f - xhalf * x * x); // Newton step, repeating increases accuracy
return x;
In spite of this, his initial attempt a mathematically 'superior' version of id's sqrt (which came to almost the same constant) proved inferior to the one initially developed by Gary despite being mathematically much 'purer'. He couldn't explain why id's was so excellent iirc.
Of course these days, it turns out to be much slower than just using an FPU's sqrt (especially on 360/PS3), because swapping between float and int registers induces a load-hit-store, while the floating point unit can do reciprocal square root in hardware.
It just shows how optimizations have to evolve as the nature of underlying hardware changes.
Greg Hewgill and IllidanS4 gave a link with excellent mathematical explanation.
I'll try to sum it up here for ones who don't want to go too much into details.
Any mathematical function, with some exceptions, can be represented by a polynomial sum:
y = f(x)
can be exactly transformed into:
y = a0 + a1*x + a2*(x^2) + a3*(x^3) + a4*(x^4) + ...
Where a0, a1, a2,... are constants. The problem is that for many functions, like square root, for exact value this sum has infinite number of members, it does not end at some x^n. But, if we stop at some x^n we would still have a result up to some precision.
So, if we have:
y = 1/sqrt(x)
In this particular case they decided to discard all polynomial members above second, probably because of calculation speed:
y = a0 + a1*x + [...discarded...]
And the task has now came down to calculate a0 and a1 in order for y to have the least difference from the exact value. They have calculated that the most appropriate values are:
a0 = 0x5f375a86
a1 = -0.5
So when you put this into equation you get:
y = 0x5f375a86 - 0.5*x
Which is the same as the line you see in the code:
i = 0x5f375a86 - (i >> 1);
Edit: actually here y = 0x5f375a86 - 0.5*x is not the same as i = 0x5f375a86 - (i >> 1); since shifting float as integer not only divides by two but also divides exponent by two and causes some other artifacts, but it still comes down to calculating some coefficients a0, a1, a2... .
At this point they've found out that this result's precision is not enough for the purpose. So they additionally did only one step of Newton's iteration to improve the result accuracy:
x = x * (1.5f - xhalf * x * x)
They could have done some more iterations in a loop, each one improving result, until required accuracy is met. This is exactly how it works in CPU/FPU! But it seems that only one iteration was enough, which was also a blessing for the speed. CPU/FPU does as many iterations as needed to reach the accuracy for the floating point number in which the result is stored and it has more general algorithm which works for all cases.
So in short, what they did is:
Use (almost) the same algorithm as CPU/FPU, exploit the improvement of initial conditions for the special case of 1/sqrt(x) and don't calculate all the way to precision CPU/FPU will go to but stop earlier, thus gaining in calculation speed.
I was curious to see what the constant was as a float so I simply wrote this bit of code and googled the integer that popped out.
long i = 0x5F3759DF;
float* fp = (float*)&i;
printf("(2^127)^(1/2) = %f\n", *fp);
//(2^127)^(1/2) = 13211836172961054720.000000
It looks like the constant is "An integer approximation to the square root of 2^127 better known by the hexadecimal form of its floating-point representation, 0x5f3759df"
On the same site it explains the whole thing.
According to this nice article written a while back...
The magic of the code, even if you
can't follow it, stands out as the i =
0x5f3759df - (i>>1); line. Simplified,
Newton-Raphson is an approximation
that starts off with a guess and
refines it with iteration. Taking
advantage of the nature of 32-bit x86
processors, i, an integer, is
initially set to the value of the
floating point number you want to take
the inverse square of, using an
integer cast. i is then set to
0x5f3759df, minus itself shifted one
bit to the right. The right shift
drops the least significant bit of i,
essentially halving it.
It's a really good read. This is only a tiny piece of it.
The code consists of two major parts. Part one calculates an approximation for 1/sqrt(y), and part two takes that number and runs one iteration of Newton's method to get a better approximation.
Calculating an approximation for 1/sqrt(y)
i = * ( long * ) &y;
i = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 );
y = * ( float * ) &i;
Line 1 takes the floating point representation of y and treats it as an integer i. Line 2 shifts i over one bit and subtracts it from a mysterious constant. Line 3 takes the resulting number and converts it back to a standard float32. Now why does this work?
Let g be a function that maps a floating point number to its floating point representation, read as an integer. Line 1 above is setting i = g(y).
The following good approximation of g exists(*):
g(y) ≈ Clog_2 y + D for some constants C and D. An intuition for why such a good approximation exists is that the floating point representation of y is roughly linear in the exponent.
The purpose of line 2 is to map from g(y) to g(1/sqrt(y)), after which line 3 can use g^-1 to map that number to 1/sqrt(y). Using the approximation above, we have g(1/sqrt(y)) ≈ Clog_2 (1/sqrt(y)) + D = -C/2 log_2 y + D. We can use these formulas to calculate the map from g(y) to g(1/sqrt(y)), which is g(1/sqrt(y)) ≈ 3D/2 - 1/2 * g(y). In line 2, we have 0x5f3759df ≈ 3D/2, and i >> 1 ≈ 1/2*g(y).
The constant 0x5f3759df is slightly smaller than the constant that gives the best possible approximation for g(1/sqrt(y)). That is because this step is not done in isolation. Due to the direction that Newton's method tends to miss in, using a slightly smaller constant tends to yield better results. The exact optimal constant to use in this setting depends on your input distribution of y, but 0x5f3759df is one such constant that gives good results over a fairly broad range.
A more detailed description of this process can be found on Wikipedia:
(*) More explicitly, let y = 2^e*(1+f). Taking the log of both sides, we get log_2 y = e + log_2(1+f), which can be approximated as log_2 y ≈ e + f + σ for a small constant sigma. Separately, the float32 encoding of y expressed as an integer is g(y) ≈ 2^23 * (e+127) + f * 2^23. Combining the two equations, we get g(y) ≈ 2^23 * log_2 y + 2^23 * (127 - σ).
Using Newton's method
y = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );
Consider the function f(y) = 1/y^2 - num. The positive zero of f is y = 1/sqrt(num), which is what we are interested in calculating.
Newton's method is an iterative algorithm for taking an approximation y_n for the zero of a function f, and calculating a better approximation y_n+1, using the following equation: y_n+1 = y_n - f(y_n)/f'(y_n).
Calculating what that looks like for our function f gives the following equation: y_n+1 = y_n - (-y_n+y_n^3*num)/2 = y_n * (3/2 - num/2 * y_n * y_n). This is exactly what the line of code above is doing.
You can learn more about the details of Newton's method here:

Converting a Uniform Distribution to a Normal Distribution

How can I convert a uniform distribution (as most random number generators produce, e.g. between 0.0 and 1.0) into a normal distribution? What if I want a mean and standard deviation of my choosing?
There are plenty of methods:
Do not use Box Muller. Especially if you draw many gaussian numbers. Box Muller yields a result which is clamped between -6 and 6 (assuming double precision. Things worsen with floats.). And it is really less efficient than other available methods.
Ziggurat is fine, but needs a table lookup (and some platform-specific tweaking due to cache size issues)
Ratio-of-uniforms is my favorite, only a few addition/multiplications and a log 1/50th of the time (eg. look there).
Inverting the CDF is efficient (and overlooked, why ?), you have fast implementations of it available if you search google. It is mandatory for Quasi-Random numbers.
The Ziggurat algorithm is pretty efficient for this, although the Box-Muller transform is easier to implement from scratch (and not crazy slow).
Changing the distribution of any function to another involves using the inverse of the function you want.
In other words, if you aim for a specific probability function p(x) you get the distribution by integrating over it -> d(x) = integral(p(x)) and use its inverse: Inv(d(x)). Now use the random probability function (which have uniform distribution) and cast the result value through the function Inv(d(x)). You should get random values cast with distribution according to the function you chose.
This is the generic math approach - by using it you can now choose any probability or distribution function you have as long as it have inverse or good inverse approximation.
Hope this helped and thanks for the small remark about using the distribution and not the probability itself.
Here is a javascript implementation using the polar form of the Box-Muller transformation.
* Returns member of set with a given mean and standard deviation
* mean: mean
* standard deviation: std_dev
function createMemberInNormalDistribution(mean,std_dev){
return mean + (gaussRandom()*std_dev);
* Returns random number in normal distribution centering on 0.
* ~95% of numbers returned should fall between -2 and 2
* ie within two standard deviations
function gaussRandom() {
var u = 2*Math.random()-1;
var v = 2*Math.random()-1;
var r = u*u + v*v;
/*if outside interval [0,1] start over*/
if(r == 0 || r >= 1) return gaussRandom();
var c = Math.sqrt(-2*Math.log(r)/r);
return u*c;
/* todo: optimize this algorithm by caching (v*c)
* and returning next time gaussRandom() is called.
* left out for simplicity */
Where R1, R2 are random uniform numbers:
This is exact... no need to do all those slow loops!
Use the central limit theorem wikipedia entry mathworld entry to your advantage.
Generate n of the uniformly distributed numbers, sum them, subtract n*0.5 and you have the output of an approximately normal distribution with mean equal to 0 and variance equal to (1/12) * (1/sqrt(N)) (see wikipedia on uniform distributions for that last one)
n=10 gives you something half decent fast. If you want something more than half decent go for tylers solution (as noted in the wikipedia entry on normal distributions)
I would use Box-Muller. Two things about this:
You end up with two values per iteration
Typically, you cache one value and return the other. On the next call for a sample, you return the cached value.
Box-Muller gives a Z-score
You have to then scale the Z-score by the standard deviation and add the mean to get the full value in the normal distribution.
It seems incredible that I could add something to this after eight years, but for the case of Java I would like to point readers to the Random.nextGaussian() method, which generates a Gaussian distribution with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 for you.
A simple addition and/or multiplication will change the mean and standard deviation to your needs.
The standard Python library module random has what you want:
normalvariate(mu, sigma)
Normal distribution. mu is the mean, and sigma is the standard deviation.
For the algorithm itself, take a look at the function in in the Python library.
The manual entry is here
This is a Matlab implementation using the polar form of the Box-Muller transformation:
Function randn_box_muller.m:
function [values] = randn_box_muller(n, mean, std_dev)
if nargin == 1
mean = 0;
std_dev = 1;
r = gaussRandomN(n);
values = r.*std_dev - mean;
function [values] = gaussRandomN(n)
[u, v, r] = gaussRandomNValid(n);
c = sqrt(-2*log(r)./r);
values = u.*c;
function [u, v, r] = gaussRandomNValid(n)
r = zeros(n, 1);
u = zeros(n, 1);
v = zeros(n, 1);
filter = r==0 | r>=1;
% if outside interval [0,1] start over
while n ~= 0
u(filter) = 2*rand(n, 1)-1;
v(filter) = 2*rand(n, 1)-1;
r(filter) = u(filter).*u(filter) + v(filter).*v(filter);
filter = r==0 | r>=1;
n = size(r(filter),1);
And invoking histfit(randn_box_muller(10000000),100); this is the result:
Obviously it is really inefficient compared with the Matlab built-in randn.
This is my JavaScript implementation of Algorithm P (Polar method for normal deviates) from Section 3.4.1 of Donald Knuth's book The Art of Computer Programming:
function normal_random(mean,stddev)
var V1
var V2
var S
var U1 = Math.random() // return uniform distributed in [0,1[
var U2 = Math.random()
V1 = 2*U1-1
V2 = 2*U2-1
S = V1*V1+V2*V2
}while(S >= 1)
if(S===0) return 0
return mean+stddev*(V1*Math.sqrt(-2*Math.log(S)/S))
I thing you should try this in EXCEL: =norminv(rand();0;1). This will product the random numbers which should be normally distributed with the zero mean and unite variance. "0" can be supplied with any value, so that the numbers will be of desired mean, and by changing "1", you will get the variance equal to the square of your input.
For example: =norminv(rand();50;3) will yield to the normally distributed numbers with MEAN = 50 VARIANCE = 9.
Q How can I convert a uniform distribution (as most random number generators produce, e.g. between 0.0 and 1.0) into a normal distribution?
For software implementation I know couple random generator names which give you a pseudo uniform random sequence in [0,1] (Mersenne Twister, Linear Congruate Generator). Let's call it U(x)
It is exist mathematical area which called probibility theory.
First thing: If you want to model r.v. with integral distribution F then you can try just to evaluate F^-1(U(x)). In pr.theory it was proved that such r.v. will have integral distribution F.
Step 2 can be appliable to generate r.v.~F without usage of any counting methods when F^-1 can be derived analytically without problems. (e.g. exp.distribution)
To model normal distribution you can cacculate y1*cos(y2), where y1~is uniform in[0,2pi]. and y2 is the relei distribution.
Q: What if I want a mean and standard deviation of my choosing?
You can calculate sigma*N(0,1)+m.
It can be shown that such shifting and scaling lead to N(m,sigma)
I have the following code which maybe could help:
n <- 1000
u <- runif(n) #creates U
x <- -log(u)
y <- runif(n, max=u*sqrt((2*exp(1))/pi)) #create Y
z <- ifelse (y < dnorm(x)/2, -x, NA)
z <- ifelse ((y > dnorm(x)/2) & (y < dnorm(x)), x, z)
z <- z[!]
It is also easier to use the implemented function rnorm() since it is faster than writing a random number generator for the normal distribution. See the following code as prove
n <- length(z)
t0 <- Sys.time()
z <- rnorm(n)
t1 <- Sys.time()
function distRandom(){
return x;
