How to get a filter option like SSMS with Visual studio's Server explorer? - visual-studio-2010

I am using Linq to Sql, for which I am using Visual Studio's Server Explorer to drag and drop stored procedures.
Now the thing is my database has around 200-300 stored procedures, and searching for the stored procedure I want becomes a task in itself.
I was wondering if there is a way I could use filter like I remember using with Sql Server Management Studio.
Any Ideas ?

Yes, install the Productivity Power Tools extension. That will add a new "Solution Navigator" tabbed control, from which you can make a "global" text search in your solution.
It will show you everything that matches the partial entered text (xml files, cs files, classes, methods, etc).
That is very close to what you need.


Is there any way to open the regular editor for a code file from the diff view in Visual Studio?

If I double click a file in Pending Changes, I get the diff view, which is nice, but sometimes I want to edit the file instead. Is there any way to bring up the regular editor from the diff view or from Pending Changes? What I've been doing is searching for the file in Solution Explorer, but that's kind of slow and I was hoping there was a way to bring up the editor directly from the diff view or from Pending Changes.
The difference viewer built into Visual Studio provides a basic read only file view; so the answer is no ... not for out of the box Visual Studio tool. But not external applications.
I recommend that you use a purpose built diff viewer and specify it to be used by visual studio that will launch into the external program.
I personally have been using Araxis Merge which allows one to view/edit the local copy. It then allows you to save to the local file during a difference view.

Is there a way of extracting a selection into a partial or another view either in VS 2013 Editor or Resharper?

Is there a way of selecting HTML or razor code in the VS Editor and extract it into a separate view file?
Visual Studio 2013 already has a similar feature in WebForms where code selection can be extracted into a UserControl. Also, RubyMine, Resharper's sister product, has a "Extract Partial View" feature that extracts code into a separate view file.
I'd wager that such a feature exists in either product, but I haven't been able to find it. Does it exist?
Doesn't look like it will be possible any time soon unfortunately

Visual Studio Shortcut to Move from T-SQL Editor to Results Grid

I'm using the Transact-SQL editor in Visual Studio 2012 to run queries as well build my database objects.
When you run a query, the results appear in a grid. This grid does not seem to be considered an open file nor an active tool window; rather it appears as if it's an extension to the status bar. Does this container have a name?
I find it very annoying to get there by mouse. Is there a keyboard shortcut for moving to/from the query/results?
You can use Ctrl+Shift+F6 for jumping from the query to the result grid.

Getting Bookmarks Programmatically in Visual Studio

I am using VS 2010 and I want to do something quite simple. Write a Macro / Add-in which will
Save the bookmarks to a file (e.g. "myfile.bookmarks")
Load bookmarks from a file.
I just cannot find any API within DTE (when writing a macro) nor can I find anything within the Microsoft.VisualStudio namespace when creating an addin.
Can someone please help?
(The one thing I want to avoid is re-creating bookmarks functionality, although I can use code from Numbered Bookmarks extension).

Can you add documents and spreadsheets to a Visual Studio Project?

In Eclipse, I often include all project-related material (including documents in PDF, Microsoft, and OpenDocument formats) in the project. Is this possible with Visual Studio, especially to the point where if I attempt to open the file from inside Visual Studio, it will open in the external application?
Yes, just right-click your project in the solution explorer and goto Add > Existing Item...
Though -- I'd recommend making a new folder to keep this in.
Yes, you can make sure that when you open it it opens with the correct application. Just right-click the file once it's added into the solution explorer and select Open With... and make sure you set the default application that way from that point forward you can just double-click your files.
If you have access to use Sharepoint Services with your source control than that would also make life much easier, thanks for reminding me Chris!
I don't want to take away from Chad's answer. However, I will add that TFS has specific areas for project documentation to be stored in sharepoint.
