Visual Studio Shortcut to Move from T-SQL Editor to Results Grid - visual-studio

I'm using the Transact-SQL editor in Visual Studio 2012 to run queries as well build my database objects.
When you run a query, the results appear in a grid. This grid does not seem to be considered an open file nor an active tool window; rather it appears as if it's an extension to the status bar. Does this container have a name?
I find it very annoying to get there by mouse. Is there a keyboard shortcut for moving to/from the query/results?

You can use Ctrl+Shift+F6 for jumping from the query to the result grid.


How can I make Visual Studio XAML code editor not lose focus when switching among documents?

I'm editing in Visual Studio 2013 two XAML files.
I'm doing it using "Vertical Split" mode doing edits in one part - XAML code editor and tracking changes with my eyes in second part - visual designer.
When I switch between these documents using Ctrl+Tab keys, my cursor is gone from code editor so I must use mouse to bring it back. How can I enforce the IDE to not touch my cursor?
I think you can assign this by going to Tools -> Options -> Keyboard and searching for SplitPane. You should be able to assign shortcut keys for the following values:
NextSplitPane will cycle among the splits

How to get a filter option like SSMS with Visual studio's Server explorer?

I am using Linq to Sql, for which I am using Visual Studio's Server Explorer to drag and drop stored procedures.
Now the thing is my database has around 200-300 stored procedures, and searching for the stored procedure I want becomes a task in itself.
I was wondering if there is a way I could use filter like I remember using with Sql Server Management Studio.
Any Ideas ?
Yes, install the Productivity Power Tools extension. That will add a new "Solution Navigator" tabbed control, from which you can make a "global" text search in your solution.
It will show you everything that matches the partial entered text (xml files, cs files, classes, methods, etc).
That is very close to what you need.

Extension toolbar position not saved in Visual Studio 2010

I am using db4o in Visual Studio 2010 but the Object Manager Enterprise toolbar will not saved its position when I restart the IDE. It comes back each time below the standard toolbar while I would like both toolbars to be on the same row to not use vertical space.
Do you have the same issue with this extension or another extension? How can we force a toolbar to remain at the same position accross sessions?
As an alternative, I wanted to create my own toolbar with the same buttons (as a toolbar I create would not be affected by the issue), but I cannot find the buttons related to the extension in the long list of available commands.

Dock Code Windows in Visual Studio 2010

In Visual Studio, you are able to dock code windows in horizontal and vertical tab groups (something you can also do with tool windows).
However, when doing so you may end up with a lot of redundant screen space. What would be ideal would be if you could mix docking orientations for code windows. This is possible with tool windows in Visual Studio 2010. Here is an image showing the feature used for tool windows:
My question is: is it possible to get this same functionality with the code windows - i.e. being able to mix horizontal and vertical docking, like with the tool windows shown? I've heard rumours that its possible, but I've been unable to find any truth in that.
I too wish this was a naitive feature in visual studio, but there is one workaround by using the 'floating tab group' feature of visual studio
Move the visual studio main window out of the way (maybe to another monitor, or to smallest area of the monitor needed to see the tooling windows)
"Tear out" or Right Click > Float on the desired tab
Position the tab to your desire (I suggest using WinSplitRevolution, via codinghorror)
Repeat, note that you can move a tab to an existing 'floating' tab group
And voila!
There are some setbacks, some commands will pop up over the main tooling window instead of your current tab group etc. but its still pretty nice. I'm not sure if there's any changes coming in VS2012, but I haven't heard about anything related.

How to detach document windows from Visual Studio 2010?

I've got 2 displays with very different resolution (which makes just stretching a window over them not a good idea) and actively use both of them, usually looking at one when doing changes in another.
So I wonder if I could move a child window of Visual Studio 2010 from within the boundaries of it's main window an move it to another display. Nowadays I'd enjoy the way child windows behaved (each window, incl a toolbar and a properties pane worked as an independent window on a desktop) in Borland C++ Builder (while it was senseless the days when I actually was using it).
In Visual Studio 2010 Document Windows are (finally) detachable. For an how to, you can check this post:
Free your Document windows
Basically there are different ways you can achieve this:
Simply click and drag the tab for the Document window out of the IDE;
Go to Window -> Float on the Menu Bar.
