visual studio 2010 release can't find dll - debugging

I've build a project with opencv, when I share my .exe on other pc they can't find some dlls, this happens in release and debug mode, I searched on the web and I know I must configure the properties of the project, I tried configure MFC but with all the configuration the problem persist.
thank you!

Are they SystemFramework libraries? Or are they libraries that your app specifically uses, ones that you have imported into the project?
If they are your custom/imported libraries, make sure you copy them to output, and send them with the exe. The point of an installer is to bring the client your executable will of the the files it need to reference, compiled into a single file.

It seems the runtime librarie of opencv are missing. I'm not familiar with opencv, but VS provides a way to find all dependencies: You can build an installation package for your application.
Another way to find all dependencies is using depends.exe, details are in:


building with Visual Studio 2019 but getting depend on MFC140U.dll

I have moved from VS2015 to VS2019. I've created a deployment and all is good locally, here on three machines. But when I shipped a test MSI out to an old laptop we got an MFC140.dll not found. I found the dependency in one of my dlls, thought it had something to do with not moving it up to UNICODE. Did that and it still depends on MFC140U.dll
I do have
toolset (VS 2019)vs142
SDK Version 10.0(latest installed)
I've googled and pulled hair out. But the lights are not coming on. Checked, and this is also happening to a second dll I build.
So I check another app that goes into the deployment. It does not use any of my dlls. Yet it also depends on MFC140U.dll as well as MFC142U.dll. The only libs linked in this one are BOOST and SQLITE3. And those don't have any MFC dependencies. This just adds to my confusion.
The only thing that would make sense to me is that a vs142 build has some 140 dependency and the deployment system is not picking that up. Note that deployment is not done with install shield as was done with vs2015.
Yes, I could fix it by shipping the MFC140U.dll but that just does not seem right. Either I, or Microsoft, has something wrong is all I can figure.
I created a fresh MFC project with VS2019 and looked at the depends. Same thing, this is about Microsoft. And it looks like the deployment system includes MFC142x dlls but not the MFC140 that is required.
You don't mention what your "deployment system" is, so I'm not sure what installer technology you are using here.
But your application or one of your DLL's has a dependency on MFC. If MFC isn't needed, you'll want to check your build settings on the exe or dll in question. The other item to check is if you are errantly including the afx.h header in your project. The afx.h has #pragma comment(lib, xxx) entries that resolve to the proper mfc140xxx.lib depending on your build options.
If the MFC dependency is legitimate, you should be installing the VC runtime components using the vsredist packages designed for just that purpose. These should be installed to your hard drive under a path similar to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.21.27702
Alternatively, you can download the latest using the following link:
The latest supported Visual C++ downloads

Deploying a project using Visual C++ and the QT plugin for VS2010

I've created an application in C++ using Visual Studio 2010 as my IDE. I used the QT plugin for Visual Studio to create my GUI and also use the VTK and OpenCV libraries. What is the simplest way to deploy my application? I've already tried pasting the DLLs for QT, VTK, and OpenCV in my exe folder and, although this runs on other computers, the formatting and program speed are wildly different than what I get on my computer.
So, you have 2 possible ways:
Static deploy.
Shared deploy.
Description both of them you can find here
As i see the shared deploy is too difficult for you, because you're using heavy libraries.
So, my advice is that satic deploy will be better :)
Please, try to build Qt, libs, and your app static, and we'll see how it will works.

Visual Studio 2010 Runtime Libraries

I wrote a tool that many users would use on their computers. I noticed however, that users who do not have visual studio installed, cannot open my executable. The error says that msvcp100.dll is missing. I found in internet a redistributable package from microsoft, that should apparently provide these dlls. My question is: is there another way to bypass this problem? Something like an option in the project properties?
Yes, you can change a compiler setting to link the C++ standard library classes into your program instead of having a dependency on the DLL. Right-click your project in the Solution Explorer window, Properties. Switch to the Release configuration (upper left). C/C++, Code Generation, Runtime Library setting. Select /MT.
Only do this when you only have a single monolithic EXE. When you use your own DLLs then you really need msvcr100.dll and msvcp100.dll so that the runtime library gets shared between all modules.
It is part of C++ runtime and the target machine needs it. THere are couple of ways to address it.
Please check following link from Microsoft MCVCP100.DLL

opencv 2.4.2 Configuration with Visual Studio 2010 issue?

Recently I decided to make a switch from OpenCV 2.1 to Opencv 2.4. I am having problems in configuring it with opencv. The details are as follows:-
Installed and extracted opencv in folder( opencv2.4).
Created a new folder "BIN" inside (opencv2.4). Used CMAKE to extract all data in BIN.
While using CMAKE I did not select QT, TBB, IPP options.
I added path to System environment i.e. C:\opencv2.4\build\x64\vc10\bin;
I used the solution in "BIN" folder and compiled first with Debug and then with Release options.
Now I started a new VS2010 project.
In project properties; C++ -> General
In project properties;Linker-> General I did
In project properties;Linker-> Input I did
I finally copied all .dll files in my debug folder.
When I run program, I am getting following error.
I dont know what wrong I am doing. Somehow I think I am not linking the library properly. Plz guide me in this regard . . .
There are extensive tutorials coming with the official OpenCV installation. They explain in great detail, with a lot of screenshots, how you configure Visual Studio with OpenCV. You can read the documentation online. I'll link the two tutorials relevant to this question:
Installation in Windows
How to build applications with OpenCV inside the Microsoft Visual Studio
You miss the opencv_legacy242.. lib. Add it and try again. Some functionality has moved to legacy in latest release
You may also try follow videos on this subject. They help a lot. Those from a reliable source of course. I know there's one on website.

Adding libraries to Visual Studio problem

Can someone link me a good guide for using libraries in a c or c++ project?
Right now I'm trying to add OpenCV to a newly created project. I've added all the directories I can think of in "Project and Solutions -> VC++ Directories" and to make sure I've dragged and dropped all the .lib and .dll files into the project.
The project builds but when I run the simple "Hello, World program" it gives me this error message:
"cv.exe unable to locate component.
This application has failed to start because cv200.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
How can I really add this cv200.dll? I've dragged&dropped it into the project..
You need to make sure that cv200.dll is in the DLL search path at run time. The easiest way to do this is to put it in the same directory as the built executable. Dragging and dropping a DLL or LIB file into your project has no effect.
MSDN has a good description of the full DLL search order when loading libraries at runtime.
By default during installation OpenCV create env. variable path \bin.
All dll assumed to be in that dir. However you are using OpenCV 2.0, and OpenCV 2.0 installation doesn't include lib and dll files for Visual Studio. You seems already built all dll's and lib's. If you installed OpenCV correctly just move all dll's into \bin (for example C:\Program Files\OpenCV\bin)
If for some reason you are missing some dll or libs here is instruction how to build them
