Visual Studio 2010 Runtime Libraries - visual-studio-2010

I wrote a tool that many users would use on their computers. I noticed however, that users who do not have visual studio installed, cannot open my executable. The error says that msvcp100.dll is missing. I found in internet a redistributable package from microsoft, that should apparently provide these dlls. My question is: is there another way to bypass this problem? Something like an option in the project properties?

Yes, you can change a compiler setting to link the C++ standard library classes into your program instead of having a dependency on the DLL. Right-click your project in the Solution Explorer window, Properties. Switch to the Release configuration (upper left). C/C++, Code Generation, Runtime Library setting. Select /MT.
Only do this when you only have a single monolithic EXE. When you use your own DLLs then you really need msvcr100.dll and msvcp100.dll so that the runtime library gets shared between all modules.

It is part of C++ runtime and the target machine needs it. THere are couple of ways to address it.
Please check following link from Microsoft MCVCP100.DLL


Why does my application require Visual C++ Redistributable package

I'm writing a simple C++ application in Visual Studio. It also has a setup project.
It works well on my development machine, but when I'm installing this application on user's machine it requires Visual C++ Redistributable Package. I'm wondering why does my application require C++ Redistributable? Standard C++ runtime library is shipped with Windows, isn't it?
The only version of the C runtime library which is shipped by Microsoft with most of 32 bit Windows versions is msvcrt.dll. This library provides a typical set of library functions required by C and C++ programs. These include string manipulation, memory allocation, C-style input/output calls, etc.
Visual Studio 6.0's compiler links against this library, so if you are developing in VS 6.0 you shouldn't encounter any problems on most users' machines.
However, if you are developing in VS 2005, VS 2008, VS 2010, VS 2012, VS 2013 or VS 2015, you have to distribute additional C runtime libraries along with your application. This is because their compilers link against msvcrt80.dll, msvcrt90.dll, msvcrt100.dll, msvcrt110.dll, msvcrt120.dll and msvcrt140.dll respectively, which are not shipped with Windows.
Possible solution is to link statically with runtime library, but it may cause a lot of problems in case you have both .exe and .dll in your application. Don't do that.
To be more specific, I'll allow myself to quote a part of this answer:
Using /MT is risky if you create DLLs as well as an EXE. You'll end up
with multiple copies of the CRT in your program. This was especially a
problem with earlier versions of VS where each CRT would get its own
heap, not so much with VS2012. But you can still have ugly runtime
problems when you have more than one "errno" variable for example.
Using /MD is highly recommended to avoid such lossage.
Another possible solution is to require an appropriate Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package to be installed on the user's machine.
It may be done by specifying this requirement in prerequisites property in your setup project.
Also, you can distribute the runtime dll by including in your setup project the appropriate "merge module". In this case don't forget to add the appropriate "policy merge module" to avoid errors caused by incorrect runtime version.
Finally, you can just put required DLLs in the same folder in which your application is installed.
Further reading:
"Redistributing Visual C++ Files" - Official MSDN documentation
Even though some comments said that «link statically with runtime library, but it may cause a lot of problems when you have both .exe and .dll in your application.» this is NOT TRUE. First we DON'T statically link DLLs! We statically link OBJs and LIBs. LIBs are static libraries; DLLs are dynamic libraries, and you may choose to use LIBs (static) or DLLs (dynamic). It's entirely up to you to choose. The ONLY drawback (for the DLL fans) is that if you want to update one library, you need to compile and link again. I personally deploy ALL my software static linked and because of that I earn the bonus of don't even need installers. The software I develop is 100% portable (a feature that in the pre-installer era was general procedure), and the final user is free to simple COPY from one folder to another or even from the hard drive to flash drive (or vice-versa). The error message «DLL not found.» simply doesn't exist ... NEVER.
Some folks think of statically linking as toy software: WRONG! I can write a full featured application that connects to a DBMS (Oracle, SQL Server, ...) or any other kind of application.

Compiling C++/CLI .exe

I wrote a C++/CLR Windows Form program and it works fine on the compiler computer but not on any others. The target computers have .Net4 and the C++ redistribution pack. I really don't understand how the settings need to be set and the info on the web concerning this stuff is very confusing for a beginner. How do I need to have my compiler set so that I can get this program to run? If I need to link .dll's how do I go about doing that. Here are the key settings as I know:
The Runtime Library is set to /MDd; MFC:Standard Windows Libaries; ATL:Static Link to ATL; CLR:/clr:pure.
Edit: If I install VS on taget computers I can open the .exe without a problem, not even opening VS or loading any source files. It seems it's still dependent on VS somehow, any idea's on this and how to over come it?
/MDd specifies a dynamic debug CRT, this won't be installed by the standard CRT redistributable MSI
Try putting a release build on the target machine instead.

How to Package a VC++ Win32 Console App and DLL

I have developed a Win32 Console app DLL and a small tester application for it. As far as I know neither uses MFC, .COM, .NET or dot-anything else. Development platform is VS2009 on WinXP/SP3
When I give the DLL and EXE to someone else, they are unusable. Attempting to use them generates errors similar to "Application cannot be used, the application configuration is wrong." and "cannot find xxx.dll" (not exact wording on these error messages).
I have learned from reading that there are dependencies that must ship with the EXE and DLL. These dependencvies seem to be specific to VS 2009 abd should include the MSVCRT09, etc.
When I followed MS's instruction to make a setup.exe/MSI installer for a Setup and Deployment Project ( I add the dll to the project, move it to the "MyLibrary" folder and no dependencies are found or listed in the Solution Explorer. Yet, I know there are dependencies, DEPENDS.EXE says so.
Can anyone walk me through this or name a better site with instructions. Once again, MS's help isn't all that helpful.
Visual Studio 2008 is version 9.0. A program built with Visual C++ 2008 normally does have dependencies on the C run time library MSVCRT09, as you discovered. If the C run time library is not installed on the destination PC (either already installed or as part of your setup project) then your application fails, as you discovered. It is no surprise that DEPENDS.EXE displays the dependency. The only question seems to be why Visual Studio 2008 doesn't display the dependency in its Solution Explorer window.
Before building your Visual Studio setup project (MSI and setup file), Visual Studio might not have had any reason yet to search for dependencies. But after the setup project is built, in my experience the Solution Explorer does show the dependencies it found, next to other dependencies that you set explicitly. If those don't show up after building, something is weird.

Remote debugging an app with the DEBUG versions of the CRT when VS is not installed on the remote machine

First let me say that I can remote debug a release build on the remote computer. I set up my release build much like my debug build but I mostly had to make sure the Debug flag was not set. I've dealt with doing this for a while and finally decided to try and figure out why I had to go through this. I should also mention that my remote debugging experience is limited to this project and the C# program uses a C++/CLI (built with /clr) .DLL to mediate to some critical C++ libs. I don't need to debug the underlying C++ libs but I do need to debug the C++/CLI code. (One reason I mention this is I can't link libs in statically while using the /clr flag).
I recently discovered Dependency Walker so I used it to see what was going on. Turns out with the debug flag set, the linker links in MSVCR100D.DLL and MSVCP100D.DLL, when the flag isn't set it uses the files without the "D" suffix. Now normally I might just copy over my versions of those .DLLs to the remote machine but there's a problem. My dev laptop with VS2010 is a 64 bit machine and the target machine is 32 bit. That means the only versions of those DLLs I own are 64 bit. I have installed the remote debugging for VS2010 (I had this same problem under 2008) on the remote machine but it doesn't include the debug versions of these .DLLs either (I'm not sure why but I'm assuming this is by design). So my questions are:
As a registered owner of VS2010 is there a valid source for 32 bit versions of these .DLLs I can put on the remote machine?
Is there a simpler way for me to get Debug support? That is can I change some other setting that just tells VS to not use the debug version of those two DLLs? The advantage here is the DEBUG symbol would be set and any conditional code using it would work.
The debug versions of the CRT DLLs are all available with the standard Visual Studio installation, including the x86 versions even on 64-bit machines.
By default, they're located in the following path:
<Program Files folder>\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\redist\Debug_NonRedist
Under that folder, you'll find two additional folders (x64 and x86) that contain the debugging versions of these DLLs for the respective platforms.
But pay special attention to the name of the folder (Debug_NonRedist). That indicates that these debug DLLs are not redistributable. It's certainly OK for a developer who owns a license for VS to use them when testing his/her code on another machine, but they should not be distributed to client machines and used to run your application. (Sounds like from your question that you know this, but it's worth pointing out anyway for future Googlers.)
Alternatively, you can change which version of the CRT DLLs that a Visual Studio project links to for specific project configurations. That means that you can compile a "Debug" version of your application, but tell Visual Studio to link to the full redistributable versions of the CRT.
To do that:
Right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer and select "Properties".
Ensure that the "Debug" configuration is selected in the drop-down box at the top of the dialog.
Expand the "C/C++" item in the TreeView, and select "Code Generation".
Change the setting of the "Runtime Library" option to either "Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)" or "Multi-threaded (/MT)".
Notice here that you're just telling Visual Studio not to use the "Debug" variants of each of these options. They still mean the same thing. The first will dynamically link to a DLL, the second will statically link the CRT into your application. Pick the one most appropriate for your case. (I often find it convenient to configure my "Debug" builds to statically link exactly for instances like this.)
This question is for an older version of Visual Studio, but in case anyone comes here for a newer version (as I did), there is built-in support to deploy the debug DLLs that you need in VS 2013 (perhaps earlier). This is an obvious setting, but it can be easy to miss if one is rushing through things (as I was). So maybe this will help somebody.
In the property pages, under Debugging, when Debugger to launch is set to Remote Windows Debugger, in the property list, there is an option called Deploy Visual C++ Debug Runtime Libraries. Simply set that to Yes.
Update -- as requested, this is to clarify which property pages I'm referring to, by way of how to access them: In Solution Explorer, right click the startup project (the one in bold), and click Properties on the context menu. The Property Pages window appears. In the panel on the left side, expand Configuration Properties, and then select Debugging, the second item under Configuration Properties.
Edit to the Update: I got here via notification, and did not see that I could have just said, "See Cody Gray's answer for a picture of the window," to meet the request for clarification. But, there's the how-to anyway in case anyone needs it.

Which runtime libraries to ship?

I work on C/C++ using Visual Studio 2008. I believe that I am not concerned about which runtime libraries are being used by my code as I have the developer setup. But when the executable is shipped, the runtime libraries being used need to be shipped alongwith. Am I right?
If yes, how can I identify which shared libraries are actually getting used? Or are there any libraries that we can ship without having to know this?
You're correct, you need to ship a version of the C runtime libraries that matches the version you linked your application against. If you're compiling with Visual Studio 2008, then you want to use the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package. As other folks mentioned, you can inspect your application's manifest file to see exactly which version of the C runtime libraries it's linked against.
Before shipping, it's always best to install your product on a clean (i.e., non-developer) virtual machine and run Microsoft's Dependency Walker utility to verify that your application uses the correct C runtime libraries.
you need to ship dll files with you.
you can guess most of them and for the rest you can use a program "Dependency Walker" which shows you dependencies of the executable.
Look at the generated manifest file to see which version of the CRT you need to ship with. It's possible to change which version of the CRT you link to as seen here but it doesn't seem to be recommended.
