sitecore 6.6 MVC and MVCsitemap -

I have just setup a new Sitecore 6.6 MVC application and all is going well.
I need a breadcrumb trail and found this:
I have set it up and it renders the
#Html.MvcSiteMap().SiteMap() correctly
it doesn't render anything for bread crumb:
If I debug into the SiteMapPathHelperModel.cshtml I can see that there are no nodes in my Model.
First question is, can and should I use:
in MVC with Sitecore.
Second question is:
If you think it is ok to use this, do you have any idea why it doesnt render my bread crumb but it renders the menu?

I have never used SiteCore, so I don't know how it is set up exactly. However, MvcSiteMapProvider is flexible and can accommodate many scenarios.
The SiteMapPath() will render if you navigate to one of the URLs that are registered in the Mvc.sitemap XML file. Note that in most cases you need to register them with a controller and action attribute set. The whole principle is based on matching a unique node within the sitemap to a route, so you need to ensure that both the node and the route of the request have matching RouteValues dictionaries.
See the MvcMusicStore demo in the source code download if you need to see a working implementation to get started, or have a look at this tutorial:


Laravel 5.5 and VueJS, use both together correctly in a tags app

I guess this question has already been posted in different forms over time, but I still didn't find the answer I'm looking for:
I'm having trouble implementing vueJS in my Laravel app, I want to keep server and front-end very much separated but in this case it doesn't seem so easy. I have the classic blog project, where every article has some tags associated with it, so there's a classic many-to-many relationship and everything is set.
When I edit an article, I wanna have a section where all the tags are displayed and also you can add a new tag (very stackoverflow-like), what I wanna achieve is that my Javascript (and so my vue) only manages the rendering of those tags on the page, so that when I enter in the edit page I can see all associated tags, BUT, i only want to edit the input tag inside my form, I don't want to do a POST request in Vue, I want to keep it PHP, I want laravel validation, I don't want to write another one for the javascript.
I want javascript to only edit the DOM when I want to add a tag, so that I insert a new one and it immediately gets pushed inside the already existing array of tags, so in real-time the tags are updated, but when I submit the form it is my PHP that handles the server request, not vue, and this for now seems impossible because in order to update the tags correctly when adding one (or removing one), the data inside vue needs to have a list of tags, otherwise it won't work.
This means I have to create a new route (for example /tags/{article_id}) and a new controller function in order to return tags associated with that article, so this also means that I can't give to PHP the tags that I rendered (cause for example they're in a list, not an input select (due to the appearence I want to give)) isn't there a cleaner way to do this?
I'm trying to wrap my head around vuejs but sometimes it feels like stuff would be easier in jQuery (?), I don't know... I hope I explained myself correctly.

LocomotiveCMS, ajax and pagination

I'm using LocomotiveCMS on a project and I have some doubts on what's the best approach when dealing with ajax requests to the same site.
I have a Content Type for a model called reviews. There can be plenty of review entries, so I'd like to show 20 per time, then allow fetching other 20s by hitting a button (like a 'load more' button).
What is the best approach for this? I was thinking on making a custom API controller in order to do that. It would have to find the right type of content entries based on the content type for reviews. Then add some regular javascript that hits that controller and add the new set of reviews based on a mustache template. Does it make sense or is there something that LocomotiveCMS has in order to accomplish such type of tasks?
I got an answer from the LocomotiveCMS google group. Basically somebody suggested to create a liquid template that looks like a json. For the full answer go to!msg/locomotivecms/vJKDtl81v7E/IEwOR9hhLjMJ

Differences between MVC and View First approach in web development

Today when I searched on the internet I saw the View first approach in web development of Lift framework. Can somebody tell me the differences between view first and MVC approach ?
Thank you very much
View first is based not on a model and a controller, but mostly interested in the view. Many problem domains do not neatly compose in controllers and models. Think about a ecommerce site, the shopping cart exists on all pages, but should every controller control it? Personally in MVC too much of my time is spent thinking about how to logically make the problem fit into MVC than just coding. View first takes away this controller / view / model and instead just has a view which in Lift can call "snippets". It is almost a superset of MVC since if you wanted you could only have a single snippet per page, but Lift allows you to do much more. Snippets can be cross cutting concerns or very page specfic logic.
From the lift website..
Lift is different [from MVC]. For HTML requests, Lift loads the view first and builds your page from the view. Lift also supports REST style requests for non-HTML data. (See 11 on page 1↑) “Why?” Because complex HTML pages rarely contain a dominant piece of logic... a single controller... but contain many different components. Some of those components interact and some do not. In Lift, you define the collection of components to be rendered in the resulting HTML page in the view.
When your using lift, you basically have a view(page) and from this you could incorporate any snippet(app) that you have without much of the antics you'd normally have to do in an MVC framework/environment.
Basically you don't have to choose what the most important thing on the page is just what you want to add to a page and then add it.

Spring Views - Combining elements into views

Currently, in our deployment we have a abstract type Component which represents a part of our Page, basically an element such as a Question, which can have multiple choice, a text box or any other form of answering it, or a Video that users can play, basically a shard of a page that is interchangeable, basically, our design was to have a specific area in our website which would be rendered through a list of Components, we tried at first to have each "Page" object have a List of Components, and each Component would have a method render that would return a Spring View, we thought we could iterate over the list and somehow mash the views together.
We also tried using XSTLViews with no more success, it seems to be more of a design problem and our abuse of the way Spring MVC should be used.
We will really be glad to receive any advice/tips/corrections about how to do it right and maybe some corrections about misconceptions we might have.
It sounds like you're more than half way to a design that uses AJAX to build your page. You're trying to mash up a bunch of Components into one request. What if you returned a container page which then requested/inserted a block of html for each URL it was given a render time. Each of these URLs would refer to a single component. It might be a performance hit if you are including a lot of these Components, but it seems to fit the design.

BEA Publisher Woes

I'm using BEA's Publisher product with ALUI. I want to have a simple portlet that just displays Content Items that I've published, but after playing with it for a couple of hours, I find myself stuck.
I have a Data Entry template that just takes a name and a file, and a presentation template associated with that. But I can't figure out how to make the presentation template display a list of published content items associated with the Data Entry template.
I tried using the Tag Helper and I saw that the file properties were available, e.g. name, location, length, however I can't get the template to actually display the information.
Also, since I can't publish said presentation template (you aren't allowed to publish a presentation template associated with a data entry template), I have to make ANOTHER presentation template, and include the first one, and then make a new portlet that displays that second template. Is this how it's supposed to work? It seems awfully complicated for such a simple task.
I would greatly appreciate any input anyone can give. Thanks!
In case anyone else runs into this:
